
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday October 21, 2024
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--- Log opened Mon Aug 13 00:00:06 2012
00:00 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:03 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:06 -!- NTox [~NTox@wikipedia/NTox] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:09 -!- WilliamH_UK [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:11 -!- koishi_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:12 -!- WilliamH_UK [] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:13 < OlEnglish> aaand how!
00:14 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:14 -!- WilliamH_UK [~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:15 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*]
00:18 -!- aezop [~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
00:27 < The_Thing> Is it just me, or are yellowjacket wasps becoming immune to wasp/hornet spray?
00:29 < The_Thing> The little shits are literally not dying after the stuff being sprayed directly onto them
00:30 < Riley> Children, children. Watch the profanity please
00:30 < delirious> should the thing that should not be be questioning the resiliance of anything?
00:30 < Riley> We don't want to cause a war with the wasps
00:34 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:35 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
00:36 < Pine> Pines don't like wasps either. Wasps build nests in pines.
00:38 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has quit [Excess Flood]
00:40 < Apheori> Do the nests actually harm the trees?
00:43 < OlEnglish> [[Dick-a-Dick]], now there's a cool name
00:44 < OlEnglish> i can just picture how his parents named him that... "look hun! dick! a dick!!!, it's a boy!!"
00:44 < OlEnglish> ;P
00:45 -!- Sp33dyphil [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:46 < The_Thing> We've even sealed up the area where the nest is (a crack in our foundation) with concrete...
00:46 < The_Thing> The bastards are still flying around the area after a week, trying to figure out how to get in
00:47 < The_Thing> Persistent, resilient little shits that I wish were wiped off the face of the Earth.
00:47 < The_Thing> Along with Mosquitos
00:47 < Apheori> Next time you could try burning them.
00:48 < Apheori> May not be any more effective, but it is satisfying.
00:48 < The_Thing> And burn our house down? No thanks
00:48 < The_Thing> Though I did burn a colony of ants once :p
00:48 < Apheori> Concretr basement, right? Just contain it.
00:48 < The_Thing> Yep. The ones that were outside at the time are still trying to find a way back in
00:49 < The_Thing> And we're praying that where the nest is isn't in some deeper area of hour house, which consists of pretty much all wood and plasterboard
00:50 < Apheori> >.<
00:50 < The_Thing> Though I'd be surprised if they weren't dead by now
00:50 < The_Thing> The ones that are sealed in, that is
00:50 < The_Thing> Our whole town is having wasp problems
00:51 < The_Thing> 3 seperate stores are out of stock of wasp spray
00:51 < Pine> Apheori: I don't think the nests harm the trees but trees don't like insects in general.
00:51 < The_Thing> 2 of them being Walmarts, no less
00:51 < Apheori> They like useful insects.
00:51 < Pine> Unless they're pollinating insects and the trees are flowering trees
00:51 < Apheori> Or ones that eat pests or remove decaying stuff or such.
00:52 < Pine> The "decaying stuff" is what I call my bark, and I like it left alone, thank you.
00:52 < Apheori> There are probably weirder symbiotic relationships, but I can't think of any.
00:52 < Pine> Those little fish that clean shark teeth.
00:52 < Apheori> The bark shouldn't decay, but repairs go better without dead matter in the way.
00:53 < Apheori> That kind of thing, yes, but I was thinking more specifically.
00:53 < The_Thing> I mean, around here, the town sprays for mosquitoes, so those are never seen... WHY DA FUQ CAN'T THEY SPRAY FOR WASPS!?
00:53 < Apheori> Mosquitos carry diseases.
00:53 < Apheori> Wasps are just annoying.
00:53 < The_Thing> And wasps carry venom which can kill people who are allergic
00:54 < The_Thing> My best childhood friend being among one of those people
00:54 < Apheori> I never said it made sense. It's just the logic that's used.
00:54 < Apheori> People need to panic and fight back against something, and they chose mosquitos.
00:55 < The_Thing> They must be afraid they'll kill bees and shit
00:55 -!- dan64 [dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:55 < The_Thing> Bees I don't mind... if you don't bother them, they don't bother you... but a wasp will come after you if you so much as look at one wrong... >.>
00:56 < Apheori> Tried punching them?
00:56 < Apheori> I finf the usually leave after doing that.
00:57 < The_Thing> And I find that they usually swarm after me after doing that
00:57 < Apheori> Hmm...
00:57 -!- AndrewN[AFK] [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
00:58 < Apheori> Perhaps it helps if you're pretty. I'm pretty and they never react that way for me.
01:00 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
01:01 < The_Thing> lol
01:02 -!- AndrewN[AFK] [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:02 -!- AntiSpamMeta [~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.] has quit [Quit: be right back, switching to running inside of a screen session >_<]
01:02 -!- AntiSpamMeta [~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:03 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:03 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:06 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:22 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
01:27 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:27 -!- IShadowed_ [] has quit [Changing host]
01:27 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:27 < Pine> Apheori: {{cn}}
01:28 -!- Riley [acdac013@wikimedia/Riley-Huntley] has quit []
01:28 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:30 < Pine> Hi Ironolds
01:31 < Ironholds> hey, Pine :)
01:31 < Ironholds> how goes it?
01:31 < Sp33dyphil> Ironholds, Pine: hi
01:31 < Pine> Hi Sp33dyphil. Guess what I'm reading?
01:31 < Sp33dyphil> hmm
01:32 < Sp33dyphil> a book?
01:32 < Ironholds> hey Sp33dyphil :)
01:32 < Pine> "Quieter, Cheaper, Greener: Airliners in 2030"
01:32 < Sp33dyphil> ohh, is it a book?
01:33 -!- DanielB [~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:33 -!- Seddon [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:33 < Pine> It's an article in Aviation Weekly
01:33 < Sp33dyphil> Ironholds: how are you?
01:33 < Pine> er, Aviation Week
01:34 < Sp33dyphil> URL?
01:34 < Ironholds> Sp33dyphil: goes well! Just spent a long day on the American River tubing
01:34 < Ironholds> I am very sore and lost two shirts after swimming through the rapids
01:34 < Ironholds> but I KEPT MY HAT, DAMMIT.
01:35 < Sp33dyphil> sounds fun :)
01:35 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:35 < Ironholds> it was! :D
01:35 < Ironholds> although I appear to have cut a circle the size of a cigarette end out of my foot
01:35 < Pine> Sp33dyphil: I only have the physical copy but it looks like there's a similar article at
01:35 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:36 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:36 < Pine> ironholds: where is this American River?
01:36 < Ironholds> starts off just above Sacramento at Lake Natoma, continues down until it empties into the bay
01:36 < Sp33dyphil> Pine: I hope the Chinese won't dominate the aircraft market with their cheap planes.
01:37 < Ironholds> although you don't start at Lake Natoma unless you really, really want to fall over a dam. twice.
01:37 < Pine> Sp33dyphil: would you get on an aircraft with Chinese engineering and manufacturing? I don't know about you, but I don't trust the safety of anything complex that's made in China. I've had too many bad experiences with things falling apart.
01:37 < mareklug> Sp33dyphil:  from the preorders looks like the Canadians might, with their expensive ones
01:38 < Sp33dyphil> Pine: the Chinese can't make stuff that are sophisticated
01:38 < Sp33dyphil> bbl
01:39 < Ironholds> they can
01:39 < Ironholds> the new bay bridge was built in china
01:39 < Ironholds> slave labour GETS SHIT DONE
01:40 < Apheori> Pine: Huh?
01:41 < Apheori> Also, I love wikipedians.
01:41 < Apheori> Respond to potential conflict so amazingly, some of them...
01:41 < nprice> shut up @ all i am trying to sleep
01:41 < nprice> every time you chat my terminal beeps
01:41 < nprice> seriously adopt some normal hours
01:41 < Ironholds> nprice: then turn off your goddamn computer and accept that NOT EVERYONE LIVES IN THE SAME TIMEZONE AS YOU
01:42  * Apheori pats nprice on the head/
01:42 < Apheori> .
01:42 < nprice> rrrr
01:42 < Ironholds> which is good, because based on the above comment you're an asshat, and one I'd hate to be in close proximity to.
01:42 < nprice> 55
01:42 < nprice> away yi go
01:42 < Apheori> And then there's Ironholds...
01:43 < nprice> and throw pish at yersel
01:43 < nprice> ya fucken rocket
01:43 < Ironholds> nprice: are you scottish?
01:43 < nprice> what's it to ya
01:43 < nprice> i will tell you this i am good n proper loaded
01:43 < Ironholds> if you are scottish, it's currently 10am on a monday and you shouldn't complain "holy heck people are awake"
01:43 < nprice> rrrr
01:43 < Ironholds> if you are merely trying to mock me, I am English you silly bugger.
01:43 < Ironholds> Apheori: I respond well to some potential conflicts. and hey, you know I am less awful at it than
01:43 -!- IShadowed__ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:43 < Ironholds> *I used to be
01:44 -!- IShadowed__ [] has quit [Changing host]
01:44 -!- IShadowed__ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:44 < nprice> don't be a wido
01:44 < Ironholds> a wido? wido is not a *word*. and it is most definitely not scottish slang
01:44 < Ironholds> proper scottish slang would be if I told you to haud yer wheesht, ya fucken jakey cunt.
01:44 < Apheori> Hey, you're lovely. You're just not at all the sort of wikipedian I was thinking of.
01:44 < nprice> some of us are awake at thsi out and tuning to nog have a hangofer
01:44 < Ironholds> why thank you, m'dear. you're not so bad yerself :)
01:44 < nprice> so shut it
01:44 < Ironholds> nprice: then turn your computer off; see point 1.
01:44 < Apheori> I'm learning from wikipedians.
01:44 < Apheori> They're awesome.
01:45 -!- sDrewth is now known as sDrewthedoff
01:45 < nprice> turn yer fkn chathole off
01:45 < Apheori> nprice: If you're serious. turn the thing off.
01:45 < Apheori> If you're not, please shut up.
01:45 < nprice> rrrrr
01:45 < Ironholds> Apheori: this is one of the reasons why you're not so bad yourself
01:45 < nprice> gotta go to yoker in a few
01:45 < nprice> fkn knock it off
01:45 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
01:46 < Ironholds> nprice, either turn your computer off or stop talking
01:46 < nprice> u
01:46 < nprice> that's what i'm asking of you
01:46 < Ironholds> if you simply persist in doing neither, I will call one of the lovely ops who will proceed to quiet you, solving our problem but not yours.
01:46 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
01:46 < nprice> like i said
01:46 < nprice> rocket
01:46 < Apheori> Uh-huh.
01:46 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:46 < Ironholds> do you know what a rocket is, nprice? a rocket is a real rum one. A rocket is a proper. fucking. bampot.
01:47 < Ironholds> if I were a rocket, pissing me off would be so goddamn stupid that when they found your corpse they'd mark it as a suicide.
01:47 < Ironholds> anyway. Quiet down and turn your computer off. Or hey, just turn your sound off.
01:47 < Apheori> Do you suppose the local healthy weirdos grocer is open at two in the morning?
01:47 < Ironholds> Apheori: probably not, they're healthy. consult the google?
01:48 < nprice> kd;;;l
01:48 < Apheori> I don't remember what the place is called.
01:48 < Apheori> I just know it took up residence where an Albertsons used to be.
01:48 < Apheori> And it has an insane assortment of nuts.
01:48 < nprice> albertson sounds like a punk
01:49 < Apheori> Nuts make good meal substitutes, right?
01:49 < nprice> i may be good and proper pished this early
01:49 < nprice> but
01:49 < nprice> shut it
01:49 < norbit> Apheori: :O you lied.
01:49 < Ironholds> Apheori: indeed
01:49 < Apheori> Can we call the ops yet?
01:49 < Apheori> norbit: I'm in bed.
01:49 < Ironholds> we most definitely can, dear heart
01:49 < Ironholds> will you do the honours?
01:49 < nprice> what are you gonna do
01:49 < norbit> hm, you did say you were going to bed
01:49 < Ironholds> !ops
01:50 < Apheori> !ops please quiet a really annoying nprice cake
01:50 < nprice> [✔] rude [ ] same [ ] true
01:50 < norbit> Apheori: you are a troll.
01:50 < Ironholds> a cake made of nprice? that sounds unpleasant on multiple levels.
01:50 < Ironholds> norbit: be nice.
01:50 < Apheori> norbit: Har.
01:50 < Ironholds> (it's funny because it is a tiered cake, you see)
01:50 < Pine> Sadly, I am not an op in this channel or I would take care of it.
01:50 < nprice> you find yourself eating me you're gonna find yourself someplace else i reckon
01:50 < Apheori> My head hurts.
01:50 < Ironholds> probably the toilet
01:50 < nprice> ↑
01:50 < Ironholds> Apheori: have you drunk water recently?
01:50 < norbit> sleep fixes that.
01:50 < Ironholds> if not, I would advise it.
01:51 < Apheori> Yes.
01:51 < Apheori> I'm trying to sleep.
01:51 < nprice> Ironholds: shouldn't you be giving em the same words ah wisdon
01:51 < Apheori> Sort of
01:51 < Apheori> .
01:51 < Apheori> I can totally type.
01:51 < Ironholds> nprice: sorry?
01:51 < norbit> Apheori: If you're trying to sleep, push the shutdown button :O
01:51 < nprice> i have consumed two bottles of lagavulin
01:52 < nprice> does that compute
01:52 < nprice> ya fucken rocket
01:52 -!- rejuvyesh [~rejuvyesh@] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:52 < Apheori> I don't need to press a button. Don't even need to move the computer usually.
01:52 < Apheori> Hells, I've fallen asleep with it on my face before. >.>
01:52 < norbit> (the virtual button)
01:52 < nprice> go awaya im goin to yoker with l=limmy
01:53 < norbit> maybe that's the source of your headache?
01:53 < Ironholds> nprice: yes, it computes that you are not awful an atrociously unpleasant drunk but that you have an equally atrocious taste in alcohol
01:53 < norbit> face-keyboarding?
01:53 < nprice> goan fk yersel
01:53 < Apheori> No, it's probably my pillow. I'm using the lint-filled one for some reason.
01:53 < Apheori> nprice: Seriously, please leave.
01:53 -!- IShadowed__ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
01:53 < Ironholds> so get the other one?
01:53 < nprice> lagavulin is the best whisky
01:53 < Apheori> Which other one? It's on top of three others.
01:53 < nprice> isalyyyyyy
01:53 < Ironholds> it's really not.
01:54 < nprice> what pish do you drink then
01:54 < Ironholds> arbeg is good. caol ila is good. Talisker is good. Bowmore is acceptable. Laphroaig is good.
01:54 < Ironholds> Lavaulin tastes like jet fuel that has been passed by a cat.
01:54 < nprice> you've listed my other favourites from islay
01:54 < nprice> were you dropped on yer head
01:54 < Ironholds> talisker isn't an islay.
01:54 < Ironholds> talisker is from the Isle of skye.
01:54 < WilliamH_UK> nprice...tone it down please
01:54 < nprice> duh
01:55 < Ironholds> indeed, the only single malt from the Isle of Skye.
01:55 < nprice> but laphroaig
01:55 < nprice> n ardbeg
01:55 < nprice> both islay
01:56 < Ironholds> indeed. now, are you going to act like an adult, or continue telling us to shut up?
01:56 < nprice> laphroaig is a fuckin rench
01:56 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:56 < Shirik> nprice
01:56 < Shirik> this is the english wikipedia channel
01:56 < Shirik> please use english
01:56 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:56 -!- IShadowed_ [] has quit [Changing host]
01:56 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:56 < Ironholds> Shirik: he is populating it with Scots slang, but otherwise speaking English
01:57 < nprice> you get yer tegs cleaned
01:57 < nprice> laphroaig tatsed worse
01:57 < Shirik> there is only one english; american english
01:57 < IShadowed> you are such a republican
01:57 < Ironholds> IShadowed: who is? Shirik?
01:57 < nprice> UNIFY IRELAND
01:57 < nprice> shut up
01:58 < Ironholds> he is indeed the *coach* of team white bread.
01:58 < Shirik> hey IShadowed
01:58 < IShadowed> MVP of Team White Bread
01:58 < Shirik> hot asian dude told me he isn't coming :(
01:58 < IShadowed> WHAT
01:58 < IShadowed> no!
01:58 < nprice> ok fk off im runnin huglge
01:58 < IShadowed> This means no photos of hot asian dude for months
01:58 < IShadowed> Not fair.
01:58 < nprice> ya
01:58 < Apheori> Guys, I, like, reverted something. Should I panic?
01:58 < Ironholds> you're editing while drunk, nprice?
01:58 < WilliamH_UK> nprice there won't be another warning
01:58 < Ironholds> Apheori: what did you revert?
01:58 < WilliamH_UK> consider this yer last
01:58 < Apheori> I don't remember.
01:59 < nprice> Ironholds: i edit good and proper and all that pish
01:59 < Shirik> I reverted something too
01:59 < IShadowed> For some reason, I am considering it a compliment that Ironholds confirms my paleness
01:59 < Ironholds> nprice: as User:NPrice?
01:59 < Apheori> Oh no!
01:59 < Ironholds> Apheori: you're probably safe
01:59 < IShadowed> Seeing as he too is white as fuck
01:59 < nprice> Ironholds: that's the one
01:59 < Ironholds> IShadowed: it is intended as a compliment
01:59 < Ironholds> pale is good
01:59 < IShadowed> \o/
01:59 < IShadowed> agree
01:59 < Ironholds> nprice: you haven't edited since saturday.
02:00 < nprice> not yet
02:00 < Apheori> You two have at least that redeeming quality.
02:00 < IShadowed> what is this 'skin cancer' of which you speak
02:00 < Ironholds> you're going to?
02:00 < IShadowed> what is 'the sun'?
02:00 < Apheori> It's something that burns.
02:00 < Ironholds> Apheori: we have many redeeming qualities. We are peppy, dammit.
02:00 < nprice> yeh
02:00 < Ironholds> and I spent six hours in direct sunlight today
02:00 < Apheori> ...peppy?
02:00 < Ironholds> Apheori: we have vim and vigour.
02:00 < Ironholds> nprice: okie-dokes; pre-emptive block.
02:00 < Apheori> You survived that?
02:00 < nprice> Ironholds: knock it off i'm fine to edit
02:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:01 < nprice> i might be confrontational
02:01 < Apheori> nprice: Please just go to sleep.
02:01 < nprice> but this is irc
02:01 < Apheori> For all our sakes.
02:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit]
02:01 < Ironholds> nprice, you're really, quite clearly not
02:01 < nprice> i can spot vandalism a mile away
02:03 < Ironholds> Apheori: I did! And I enjoyed it! And didn't melt
02:03 < Ironholds> because I was on a river, and it was all cool and fun and had good people
02:03 < Apheori> Damn, and no sunburn?
02:03 < Apheori> You are so lucky.
02:03 < Ironholds> indeed! factor 85 sunblock
02:03 < nprice> - Warning: igloo could not connect to the remote server. Loading stopped.
02:03 < nprice> wat
02:03 < Apheori> Ah.
02:03 -!- dfeuer [~dfeuer@wikimedia/Dfeuer] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
02:03 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
02:03 < Apheori> I should get that.
02:04 < nprice> didja actually block me
02:04  * Apheori gets sunburned from standing too close to windows.
02:04 < nprice> i don't have parallels set up so i can't run huggle right now
02:04 -!- Sp33dyphil [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
02:04 < Ironholds> Apheori: yeah, I know the feeling
02:04 < Ironholds> we actually got a bit sunburnt WHEN THE SUN WENT DOWN
02:05 < Ironholds> because it was directly behind us reflecting off the river into our backs
02:05 < nprice>
02:05 < Ironholds> as opposed to on top, where it runs into my hat.
02:05 < Apheori> >.<
02:05 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:05 < Ironholds> having said that, it is very tiring if you fall in. or swim rapids and lose half your clothes.
02:05 < Ironholds> I ended up wandering around with jeans, a belt and a hat.
02:05 < Apheori> What were you doing? O_o
02:06 < Ironholds> well, I was trying to cross the rapids in my tube
02:06 < Ironholds> then I fell out of the tube while crossing the rapids and ended up hitting the bottom at high speed before having to swim through them
02:06 < Apheori> I see.
02:06 < Ironholds> along the way my clothes got soaked, and so I took my shirts off and hung them on the tube
02:06 < Ironholds> which would have been great if we had then not run into a tree.
02:07 < Apheori> You ran into a tree?
02:07 < Ironholds> indeed. there was a submerged tree and we hit it
02:07 < Apheori> Of course.
02:08 < Ironholds> but it was an excellent day! there was wet, in california! bliss.
02:09 < Apheori> Was today really hot?
02:09 < Apheori> Or was that a different day?
02:09 < Apheori> In oregon, though, not california... outside dallas.
02:09 < Apheori> Really hot.
02:10 < Apheori> Because it's august...
02:10 < Apheori> Good gods. it's august...
02:11 -!- u99of9 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:11 < norbit> Ironholds: you're back in cali?
02:14 < Ironholds> norbit: indeedy-doody
02:14 < Ironholds> Apheori: today was hot indeed :)
02:15 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
02:15 < Ironholds> 109
02:15  * Apheori hits Ironholds with a frying pan.
02:15 < Apheori> Curse you.
02:15  * Ironholds glomps Apheori
02:15 < norbit> go scuba diving!
02:15 < Ironholds> 109! And I survived!
02:15 < Ironholds> norbit: not really my scene, to be honest
02:15 < Apheori> Curse you to the musty hell of rotted oversized zucchinies and horrible mouldy blackberries.
02:15  * norbit removes all frying pans from Apheori's house.
02:15 < Ironholds> she'll just hit me with a bucket instead
02:16 < norbit> Ironholds: but fishies are cool :-) and you can do underwater backflips!
02:17 < Ironholds> they are and I could, but I'm here for 5 more days and they're all workdays :)
02:17 < norbit> but you have to be the swimmer type, in the course you have to carry 30-50 pounds extra and tread water with it... whilst manually inflating your BCD
02:17 < Ironholds> which reminds me, I need to schedule my tattooing appointment.
02:19 < Apheori> Sorry, Ironholds. You just made me really sad there for a bit.
02:21 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:21 < Ironholds> Apheori: how? :(
02:21  * norbit makes Apheori a frying pan-shaped cookie.
02:21 < Apheori> You reminded me of something I'd forgotten.
02:21 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit]
02:21 < norbit> I know I made some kind of grammatical flaw there, but I'm too tired to care.
02:22 < Ironholds> Reedy, you awake?
02:22 < Ironholds> Apheori: oregon?
02:23 < Apheori> Yes.
02:24 < Ironholds> aw :(
02:24  * Ironholds cuddles Apheori
02:25  * Apheori drags Ironholds and Andeye into a swamp.
02:25 < Ironholds> kinky. I'm game.
02:26 < Apheori> I meant to drag Andorin.
02:27 < Apheori> Tab hates me.
02:27  * Andorin only half-heartedly kicks and screams.
02:30 -!- agkwiki [~AGK@wikipedia/AGK] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:31 < Ironholds> Reedy: well, when you do wake up, ping me :)
02:36 < Ironholds> urgh. lucid dreams earlier.
02:36 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
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03:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:02 < Ironholds> hey, Steven_Zhang
03:02 < Steven_Zhang> hello
03:02  * Steven_Zhang is wondering whether he will be sneaky :P
03:03 < Ironholds> oh?
03:03 < Steven_Zhang> The op ed slot is now technically free
03:03 < Steven_Zhang> as MzMcBride pushed his back a week
03:03 < Steven_Zhang> and the DR wikiproject report is out this edition
03:03 < Steven_Zhang> So I was gonna write an opinion piece on DR
03:04 < Ironholds> ahh
03:04 < Steven_Zhang> it'd mean I'd need to put something together in ~10 hours
03:04 < Steven_Zhang> but I've done more in less before :P
03:04 < Steven_Zhang> That said, I am a shitty writer. As you know.
03:05 < Ironholds> indeed, although you are improving at a fairly impressive pace.
03:06 < Steven_Zhang> I think tonight may be a working night.
03:06 < Steven_Zhang> I also fail at surprises.
03:06 < Pine> Enjoy billing the overtime!
03:06 < Steven_Zhang> Pine: lol.
03:06 < Steven_Zhang> I don't bill overtime :P
03:06 -!- Anna_F_afk [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:07 < TeeTylerToe> wmf has a 'zine?
03:07 < Steven_Zhang> (Suprises: booked a suprise weekend holiday to QLD for wife's birthday - took my wife only days to find out >_>)
03:07 < Steven_Zhang> a what?
03:07 < Ironholds> TeeTylerToe: no?
03:07 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ
03:07 < Ironholds> the signpost is the community newsletter :)
03:07 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!* eir] by eir
03:07 < Pine> TeeTylerToe:
03:08 < Steven_Zhang> yer
03:08 < Steven_Zhang> we have the blog tho
03:08 < Steven_Zhang> Oh yay
03:08 < Steven_Zhang> Ed says I can do it
03:08  * Ironholds cackles
03:08 < Ironholds> I am SCHEMING
03:09 < norbit> Steven_Zhang: :O
03:09 < norbit> you won't blarg for me
03:10 -!- DanielB [~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
03:19 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:25 < Apheori> Yay crazy people so many crazy people all over I love you.
03:27 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:27 < Ironholds> Apheori: you need sleep :)
03:27 < Apheori> Always.
03:29 < Ironholds> okay, rephrase. go to sleep :)
03:29 < Ironholds> get a different pillow!
03:30 < Apheori> I did an hour ago.
03:31 < Andorin> Apheori is notoriously bad at this.
03:31 < Apheori> And neither of you help the situation by being interesting company with even odder hours.
03:32 < Ironholds> why thank you
03:33 < Ironholds> and technically my hours are precisely as odd as you because we're in the same timezone
03:33 < Ironholds> I actually got some sleep earlier. spent most of it lucid dreaming. ugh.
03:33 < Steven_Zhang> Wonder what time it is there.
03:33 < Ironholds> Steven_Zhang: 3:33am PDT
03:33 < Steven_Zhang> ah
03:33 < Apheori> Mon, you're up now. That is very odd.
03:33 < Steven_Zhang> 8:33pm here
03:33 < Apheori> Normally I wouldn't be.
03:34 < Apheori> Andorin, on the other hand...
03:34 < Apheori> I think he always does this.
03:34 < Andorin> I'm a vile temptress.
03:34 < Ironholds> Apheori: I'm working on an evil plan :)
03:34 < Ironholds> it has a diagram of a volcano!
03:34 < Ironholds> I am presenting it to my boss when he gets in
03:35 < Apheori> Er...
03:35 < Apheori> Weird/
03:35 < Apheori> .
03:35 < Ironholds> it totally makes sense in context
03:35 < Ironholds> I use the line "KILL IT WITH FIRE"
03:35 < Ironholds> and then a diagram of the offending thing being killed with fire.
03:36 < Apheori> Y'all are bonkers.
03:36 < Ironholds> I am, but wonderfully so :)
03:37 < Andorin> Apheori, calling someone bonkers?
03:37 < Apheori> Andorin: You never met these people! They're crazy, I tell you!
03:38 < Andorin> Oh, I'm sure they are. But I met you, and I have seen the extent of your crazy.
03:38 < Apheori> CRAZY!
03:38 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:40  * Apheori pours sauce on the channel for emphasis.
03:40 < Ironholds> Andorin: I have also met her and can verify that.
03:40 < Andorin> Good.
03:40 -!- Jarry1250 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:42 -!- norbit [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
03:42  * Apheori pours sauce on Andorin and Ironholds.
03:42  * Andorin rolls around in it.
03:43 < Ironholds> Apheori: kinky.
03:43 < Apheori> >.<
03:43 < Ironholds> wait. what sort of sauce?
03:44 < Apheori> Chili sauce.
03:44 < Ironholds> ew
03:44 -!- Andorin [~anon@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: Subject has jacked out]
03:44 < Ironholds> not like, ketchup or something tasty?
03:44 < Apheori> This is much better than ketchup.
03:45 < Apheori> I mean, really, ketchup? Ew.
03:45 < Ironholds> okay, can we agree on peanut sauce or something?
03:45 < Apheori> That doesn't sound very good either.
03:46 -!- mabdul [~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:47 < Ironholds> hmn. okay, your submissions?
03:47  * IShadowed_ cannot sleep
03:47 < IShadowed_> Fuck.
03:47 < TBloemink> Welcome to #wikipedia-en people
03:47  * Ironholds glomps IShadowed
03:47 < Ironholds> welcome to the midnight express
03:48 < IShadowed_> ohi
03:49 < Andeye> Apheori: yeah, a bit of a surprise there to suddenly be dragged into a swamp! :D
03:49 < Apheori> Do you like swamps?
03:49 < Apheori> For some reason a lot of people don't seem to.
03:49 < Jarry1250> Dcoetzee: ping
03:51 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
03:51 < Andeye> kinda cool, but maybe not in the context of being dragged into one
03:51 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:52 < Andorin> "You have a face like a dropped pie." The insult of the day.
03:52 < Apheori> Well, there are different forms of dragging.
03:53  * wctaiwan hits Apheori with a frying pan full of sedatives
03:53 < Apheori> wctaiwan, my darling beloved, so good to see you here!
03:53 < wctaiwan> Wrong time of the day.
03:53  * Apheori swoops down and carries wctaiwan away.
03:54 -!- Anna_F_afk is now known as Anna_Frodesiak
03:54  * wctaiwan feebly protests
03:54 -!- kiewii|sleep [kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
03:54 < Andorin> That's what I did. It didn't help.
03:54 < wctaiwan> no, no, it usually doesn't work...
03:55 < Apheori> Sorry. I was just so happy to see you, and I didn't even have five bananas in my pocket.
03:55 < Andorin> Five?
03:55 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
03:55 < Apheori> There are a lot of monkeys in the way.
03:55 < Ironholds> well, four bananas would be silly
03:55 < Ironholds> and six would be too many
03:56 < Apheori> You need to get your paddles back, see, so you need the bananas.
03:56 < Ironholds> I lost a paddle :(
03:56 < wctaiwan> hey Ironholds.
03:56 < Apheori> Do you have any cannonballs with which to make up for it?
03:56 < Andorin> There's a spider on the ceiling. Do I open negotiations, or simply unleash the cat?
03:56 < Ironholds> hey wctaiwan :)
03:56 < Ironholds> Apheori: I have..a knife?
03:56 < wctaiwan> Ironholds, using ':)', on IRC. How times have changed...
03:56 < Ironholds> Andorin: open negotiations with a hardback book
03:57 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: I consider you a compadre!
03:57 < Apheori> Of course you do. You're a wikipedian. What sort of wikipedian doesn't carry a knife?
03:57 < Andorin> I don't have a pair of stilts high enough.
03:57 < Andorin> Or even a garbage can.
03:57 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: likewise. And I had to look that up.
03:57 < Ironholds> heh
03:57 < Ironholds> Apheori: one not equipped for the zombie apocalypse
03:57 < Apheori> At least you weren't the one who used the word initially. Doing that and then having to look it up is embarassing.
03:58 < Ironholds> I've had to do that on occasion :(
03:58 < Ironholds> my problem is I read more than I speak. I get pronounciation all wrong
03:58 < Ironholds> until I was 17 I thought one of Harry Potter's henchpeople was called her-mee-own
03:58 < Andorin> Humans can survive underwater, but not for very long.
03:58 < Apheori> I thought that too.
03:59 < Apheori> I'm mostly better now because I quit reading, though.
03:59 < Andorin> Herm-own-ninny!
03:59 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:59 < Ironholds> Apheori: seriously? *hugs*
03:59 < Ironholds> also, why quit reading? reading is fun
03:59 < Apheori> Because too many timesinks!
04:00 < TBloemink> LOL My brother is buying one of them things so you can walk your cat outside xD
04:00 < Apheori> Reading was a really bad one for me. I'd start and then I'd not be able to stop.
04:00 < Apheori> Ever.
04:00 < Apheori> I couldn't even eat meals with other people.
04:01 < Ironholds> oh, I know that feeling
04:01 < wctaiwan> I'm sort of like that, but not as bad.
04:01 < Anna_Frodesiak> wctaiwain!
04:01 < wctaiwan> hey Anna.
04:01 < Anna_Frodesiak> more typhoonery is coming
04:01 < Andorin> ..I don't see the spider anymore.
04:01 < Andorin> Is this a bad sign?
04:01 < Ironholds> when I was at primary school I used to drop a pen under the table at the start of every lesson
04:01 < wctaiwan> yeah I saw :(
04:01 < Ironholds> and then go under to "find it"
04:01 < wctaiwan> Andorin: you swallowed it. It's all cool.
04:01 < Ironholds> and then sit there crosslegged and just read.
04:01 < Ironholds> by the time I was 7 I'd read every book in the school
04:02 < Steven_Zhang> Ironholds: are we having a hagger discussion here
04:02 < Ironholds> no
04:02 < Andorin> Ironholds: I was accused of dropping pencils deliberately, as an excuse to ignore class. But I was just clumsy.
04:02 < Steven_Zhang> also, ugh, i hate vector
04:02 < Apheori> When I was in the fifth grade I realised my elementary school library contained books.
04:02 < Apheori> So I looked at them and realised they didn't have any I actually wanted to read.
04:02 < wctaiwan> my mom would tell me not to read while I'm eating, and then I'd proceed to drag the cereal box next to me and read the ingredients list.
04:02 < Ironholds> Andorin: heh
04:02 < Apheori> Because they were all little kid books.
04:02 < wctaiwan> /humblebrag
04:02 < Ironholds> Apheori: hahah
04:03 < Apheori> And I was in the middle of the wheel of time at that point, I think.
04:03 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:03 < Andorin> I tended to ignore the little kid books as well.
04:03 < Ironholds> Apheori: how old is fifth grade?
04:03 -!- basile is now known as guillom
04:03 < Apheori> 10ish I think.
04:03 < wctaiwan> I enjoy children's books.
04:03 < Ironholds> are a scary and wonderful woman.
04:04 < Apheori> I tended to pick up my brother's books. And he's five years older than me. >.<
04:04 < wctaiwan> not a bad thing really...
04:04 < Andorin> I remember Charlotte's Web in first grade (about 6 or 7), a particular Star Wars novel trilogy not long after, and Harry Potter in 4th/5th grade.
04:04 < Apheori> I found the lord of the rings to be dreadfully boring until I decided to just read one plotline and ignore all the others.
04:05 < Apheori> It was too much at once for my brain to handle. >.<
04:05 < Ironholds> Apheori: amen.
04:05 < Ironholds> SO...MANY...POINTLESS...CHARACTERS!
04:05 < wctaiwan> LotR was.. meh.
04:05 < Ironholds> it actually led to me coining something called Tolkein Syndrome
04:05 < Apheori> It was pretty good in individual plotlines, though.
04:05 < Ironholds> the introduction of 500 new characters to each chapter. 499 will never reappear, but you MUST MEMORISE ALL OF THEM
04:06 < Andorin> I didn't end up reading Lord of the Rings for years, sadly.
04:06 < Apheori> Just too many, especially for a brain that hadn't developed enough for anything like that.
04:06 < wctaiwan> though I read the translation, and even though I think the translator did a fair job, …much gets lost in English-to-Chinese translation.
04:06 < Andorin> Not until high school.
04:06 < Ironholds> because *one of them will*, and if you haven't remembered who the fuck he or she is you will spend 20 minutes leafing back to find out and cursing
04:06 < Andorin> I have been dreadfully behind on my reading in the past several years, though.
04:06 < Ironholds> mind you, I was 11
04:06 < Andorin> Books need Ctrl+F.
04:06 < Ironholds> I should probably be fair and try it again
04:06 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: that's why you read the wikipedia article first. :p
04:06 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en ["Flee, here comes the ..."]
04:06 < wctaiwan> tells you who the important guys are.
04:06 < Ironholds> ...wikipedia did not exist when I was 11.
04:06 < Ironholds> wait, did it? *calculates*
04:07 < wctaiwan> cliff's notes?
04:07 < Apheori> No.
04:07 < Apheori> Wait, how old are you?
04:07 < Ironholds> okay, it existed when I was 11
04:07 < Apheori> Oh.
04:07 < Ironholds> I am 22 now. My birthday was on wednesday.
04:07 < Ironholds> and none of you got me ANYTHING.
04:07 < Apheori> Oh, happy birthday.
04:07 < wctaiwan> we're sorry.
04:07 < Andorin> Wikipedia existed 11 years ago?
04:07 < Apheori> Sorry I forgot.
04:07 < Apheori> It turned 11 this january or something!
04:07 < Andorin> Nifty.
04:07 < Ironholds> founded January 2001
04:08 < Andorin> And yet I'd never heard of it until... several years ago.
04:08 < Apheori> I know this because it turned 10 the previous january, which was notable to me on account of the fact that I NOTICED.
04:08 < Ironholds> I encountered it in 04, I think, and started editing in 05
04:08 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: I hate you. 22 and already a useful person supporting himself.
04:08 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: I work for the internet, dude
04:08 < Andorin> xD
04:08 < Ironholds> here's my job, okay?
04:08 < Andorin> Wikipedia is too big for me to edit.
04:09 < Ironholds> there are lots of people who transmit electricity
04:09 < Ironholds> some of them transmit electricity down pipes my organisation owns
04:09 < Jarry1250> Andorin: Everyone kinda picks a niche. Almost everyone, anyway.
04:09 < Ironholds> my job is to make sure we build better electricity processors so that some of those people don't send us electricity that is ANGRY
04:09 < Apheori> Andorin: Why let a thing like that stand in your way?
04:09 < Ironholds> Apheori: you don't notice birthdays?
04:09 < wctaiwan> I'm pretty sure I'd still be living in my parents' house and without a job by the time I'm 22… ><
04:09 < Apheori> It's not an issue, but a boon!
04:09 < Apheori> Ironholds: I don't notice days.
04:09 < Ironholds> Apheori: ahh.
04:09 < Andorin> Isn't she wonderful?
04:10 < Ironholds> indeed
04:10 < mabdul> Ironholds: delete [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Dr. Sabir Afaqi]] as copyvio of
04:10 < Apheori> Andorin: Seriously, bacause it's big you can get away with a lot more than you could smaller places.
04:10 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: by that definition you have failed at your mission already :P
04:10 < Andorin> Nifty.
04:10 < wctaiwan> lots of angry electricity.
04:10 < Apheori> Like being a long-term unmitigated arse.
04:10 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: no, less people are sending angry electricity
04:10 < wctaiwan> oh.
04:10 < Ironholds> Apheori: and you would know this how? ;p
04:10 < Ironholds> fewer people, rather
04:10  * Apheori starts coughing.
04:10 < Andorin> Like being a long-term useless unmitigated arse?
04:10 < Ironholds> anyway, wctaiwan. what are you studying at university?
04:10 < wctaiwan> CS.
04:10 < Ironholds> Apheori: ....don't be mean to me.
04:10 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: and you think we won't have a need for CS monkeys?
04:10 < Apheori> Ironholds: Eh?
04:11 < Apheori> I'm referring to myself, here, not you.
04:11 < Ironholds> oh, I thought you meant me
04:11 < Apheori> Yeah, just realised that.
04:11 < Ironholds> you are only two of those things: long term and unmitigated.
04:11 < Andorin> Don't forget "eggplant".
04:11 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: I realised today that I'm probably not among the elite in my group. O
04:11 < wctaiwan> -O
04:11 < Apheori> What elite?
04:12 < Apheori> Ironholds: I show up on people's talkpages whingeing about their signatures. That's kind of arsey.
04:12 < wctaiwan> I'm not particularly depressed about it, but it's a pretty hard fact. I noticed today that another piece of software I've heard about was developed by an alumnus. He's now at one of the labs at MIT doing some crazy thing that has to do with HCI.
04:12 < Ironholds> Apheori: yes, but you're *right*
04:13 < Apheori> And that makes it all better?
04:13 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: dude. I went to a shitty university and got a degree completely unrelated to my job
04:13 < wctaiwan> such people were generally far more accomplished at this point in their academic life than I am now. (and they also work far harder, but yeah)
04:13 < Ironholds> who has two thumbs and a job at 22 that rocks harder than those occupied by a lot of 30 year olds?
04:13 < Ironholds> THIS GUY.
04:13 < Ironholds> *points to self*
04:13 < Apheori> wctaiwan: You know what you're doing, though.
04:13 < Ironholds> you'll be fine
04:13 < Apheori> That's something.
04:13 < wctaiwan> (heheh) I'll be fine, but I'm not going to be brilliant or anything.
04:14  * Apheori doesn't want Ironholds' job.
04:14 < wctaiwan> you know, everyone thinks they're special, and then that erodes as life goes on.
04:14 < Ironholds> Apheori: I might give it to you just for that
04:14 < wctaiwan> It's just that my notion of that eroded a bit further today, after that realisation.
04:14 < Apheori> I know I'm special.
04:14 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: everyone IS special. there are things you know nobody else does.
04:14 < Apheori> I'd have to be special to be this incompetent.
04:14 < Ironholds> Apheori is special and has a note from her doctor saying so
04:14  * Ironholds runs
04:14 < Apheori> EXACTLY!
04:15 < Ironholds> also, ow, my foot
04:15  * Ironholds actually does have such a note.
04:15 < wctaiwan> I don't mean special as in unique. I mean special as in.. y'know, like, the feeling that one is among the people who will make it, who know what they're doing, who are somehow different from all the mundane folks around them.
04:16 < wctaiwan> surely I'm not the only one to be so egoistic? >_>
04:16 < wctaiwan> s/to be/to have been/
04:16 < Apheori> A lot of people think that, but even the ones who pull it off usually just get lucky.
04:17 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: can I tell you the best thing about working for the foundation?
04:17 < Ironholds> it is always being the stupidest person in the room.
04:18 < wctaiwan> I'm sure that's a wonderful feeling :P but yeah, I sort of get what you're saying.
04:18 < wctaiwan> It feels good to be around people who are smart and have similar values as you do.
04:18 < Ironholds> that too
04:18 < Ironholds> but more...I am the stupidest staffer. the office administrator is more knowledgeable and brilliant than me.
04:18 < Apheori> Not being the stupidest person in the room is fine when the stupider people realise they are in the field and don't try to add their suppsed wisdom to discussions and whatnot.
04:18 < Ironholds> and I am surrounded by people who I consider FUCKING GENIUSES, because they are.
04:19 < Apheori> are stupidder inn the field*
04:19 < Ironholds> ...and they see fit to include me in their discussions. because to these geniuses, my knowhow and knowledge is valued.
04:19 < Ironholds> because I can do stuff they can't.
04:19  * Andorin is currently too stupid to add to this discussion.
04:19 < Apheori> Being able to do stuff others can't sucks.
04:19 < Apheori> Then they expect you to do it.
04:19 < wctaiwan> XD
04:19 < Apheori> And there's a lot of it.
04:19  * wctaiwan pats Apheori 
04:19 < Apheori> And it's like, what the hell.
04:19 < wctaiwan> I think I know what you're talking about.
04:19 < Apheori> Why did I ever tell you I could do this?
04:19 < Apheori> Screw you.
04:20 < Apheori> >.>
04:21 < Ironholds> Apheori: sekret project?
04:21 < Apheori> No, in that I'm moron leading imbeciles.
04:21 < Ironholds> you're 50 percent correct
04:21 < Apheori> Er, wait, that's not how the expression goes.
04:22 < Apheori> But you get the idea.
04:22 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has left #wikipedia-en []
04:22 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
04:22 < Apheori> Basically I have no idea what I'm doing and so I keep wandering off and editing wikipedia instead, because there, at least, that manuals make at least some sense.
04:23 < Apheori> Which is horrifying because wikipedians write horrible manuals.
04:23 < Apheori> And yet somehow the mediawikiwiki stuff is even worse.
04:23 < wctaiwan> off to dinner.
04:23 < Apheori> Eat well.
04:23  * wctaiwan stuns Apheori into induced sleep with a taser
04:24 < wctaiwan> taser? tazer?
04:24  * Apheori bleeds.
04:25 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:25  * Ironholds sedates Apheori
04:26 < Apheori> NOOO!
04:26 < Apheori> MUST...
04:26 < Apheori> EDIT...
04:26 < Apheori> WIKI...
04:26 < Andorin> I like the frying pan full of sedatives idea.
04:26  * Apheori edits Andorin.
04:26  * Andorin picks up Apheori and deposits her in bed.
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04:27  * Apheori bleeds on Andorin.
04:27  * Andorin gains some of Apheori's power to be bonkers.
04:28 < Ironholds> that's impossible, she needs all of them
04:28 < Ironholds> why am I wearing my hat? I don't remember putting it on
04:28 < Apheori>  Must...
04:28 < Apheori> Edit...
04:28 < Apheori> ANI...
04:28 < Andorin> I'm sure she can get more.
04:30 -!- u99of9 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
04:34 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
04:35  * Ironholds tackles Apheori to bed
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04:43 < Ironholds> yo, Seddon :)
04:43 < Steven_Zhang> yo seddon
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04:50 < Steven_Zhang> TheCavalry: yo
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05:24 < mareklug> Valerie Adams retains the gold in shot put after all, after the Belorussian Nadia Ostapchuk is stripped of it for doping
05:25 < Steven_Zhang> lol
05:25 < closedmouth> i already knew that because of
05:25 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:26 < Steven_Zhang> cheater
05:27 < wctaiwan> harsh.
05:27 < mareklug> Wonder if the Belorussians will jail her for disgracing the fatherland
05:27 < wctaiwan> I hope they don't.
05:28 < wctaiwan> cheating at sports shouldn't be a criminal offence...
05:28 < mareklug> Belorus is lead by a sports-crazed dictator though
05:29 < mareklug> he is also the head of their olympic committee
05:29 < wctaiwan> ><
05:31 < wctaiwan> that's the one that got assaulted by teddy bears and fired two ministers over the incident, right?
05:31 < TeeTylerToe> A swedish PR firm hired a pilot to drop 500 teddy bears with parachutes and pro liberty messages over belerus, the pilot did it by flying too low for radar.  The dictator fired the head of the border patrol and air defence minister
05:31 < wctaiwan> yeah XD
05:31 < mareklug> and kicked out the Swedish ambassador
05:31 < wctaiwan> that was quite funny.
05:32 < Steven_Zhang> You notice how you only see the Chinese gold medallists at more than one olympics?
05:32 < Steven_Zhang> the rest get jailed
05:32 < Steven_Zhang> for 50 years
05:32 < TeeTylerToe> That doesn't sound likely
05:32 < wctaiwan> …no they don't.
05:32 < Steven_Zhang> its china
05:32 < wctaiwan> you're misinformed.
05:32 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang:  a cursory examination of Chinese medalists disproves your thesis
05:32 < Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: they step on the legs of little kids
05:32 < wctaiwan> on the other hand the north korean football team :P
05:33 < wctaiwan> Steven_Zhang: I don't know what they do. I'm sure it's very harsh. And I'm sure you're in for a lot of trouble if you piss off the wrong people, but they don't jail people who don't win gold.
05:33 < TeeTylerToe> the north korean weight lifter didn't seem to know that kim jung il has been replaced
05:33 < Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: {{cn}}
05:33 < wctaiwan> WP:BURDEN is on you man.
05:33 < Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: remember the mcchicken with onions? :P
05:34 < Steven_Zhang> pfft, I am the DR guy
05:34 < Steven_Zhang> don't try and start a dispute with me :P
05:34 < wctaiwan> yes, well, if you give me a reliable source (and not VICE guide) I'll believe you.
05:35 < Steven_Zhang> meh
05:35 < TeeTylerToe> there was a story about north korean medal winners getting refrigerators, while those that didn't medal didn't do very well, but that's not china, and that's not jail for 50 years
05:35 < Steven_Zhang> too busy writing an op ed
05:35 < Steven_Zhang> :P
05:35 < wctaiwan> lol excuses :P
05:35 < Steven_Zhang> a fridge
05:35 < Steven_Zhang> ooh nice
05:35 < TeeTylerToe> Did you know that 95% of people on welfare have refrigeration technology?!?!  Next they'll be developing nuclear weapons!
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05:41 < mareklug>  TeeTylerToe  you mean microwave radiation weapons?
05:42 < TeeTylerToe> I was thinking more fresh bananas
05:42 < wctaiwan> hahaha.
05:42 < mareklug> 41 cent per pound at Aldis right now
05:43 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:06 < mareklug> wctaiwan:  you better stock up on a usb superdrive…
06:12 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
06:13 < Seddon> do dvds, cd's and bluray not exist in the world of apple?
06:13 < Seddon> or do they just refuse to pay the royalties to sony
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06:14 < mareklug> blue ray doesn't.  the others seem on the way out in favor of usb flash drive if needed
06:14 -!- localhost [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
06:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug new apple products will forgo hard drive, keyboard, mouse and screen
06:16 < mareklug> instead u'll talk to Siri
06:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we are in the era of 3d movies dammit
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06:22 < wctaiwan> mareklug: I'm unlikely to get an iMac again, and my laptop already doesn't have an optical drive.
06:22 < mareklug> wctaiwan:  you're giving up on macs, or just on desktops?
06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont like apple products for two reasons
06:23 < wctaiwan> Depends on how things pan out. Right now, with the nearest computer purchase *at least* 2 years away, I think a self-built desktop and an Apple portable is a pretty good combination.
06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 1) Insitutionalised incomatibilites and interoperability issues
06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2) Their abuse of patents
06:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I despise samsung as a brand too but what apple is doing is attempt to create a monopoly
06:24 < wctaiwan> I'm of the "use the best tools for the job" school. I can hate the company and still buy their products.
06:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> best tools for me is ones that work with other tools
06:24 < Ironholds> Reedy, still not around? :)
06:24 < wctaiwan> yeah, well, I am not exactly a free software person :p
06:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I need to be able to convert a colsole application to a database based webapplication without additional hardware
06:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I cannot do that with apple
06:26 < mareklug> i've been using Apples since Apple II  and owned one since Mac IIcx so there is a bit of sentiment there...
06:26  * ToAruShiroiNeko nominates article on Apple for deletion. {{db-Apple}}
06:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh!
06:26 < wctaiwan> the apple of today is not the apple of old, mareklug...
06:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> did you read the comics of apple?
06:26 < mareklug> no
06:28 < wctaiwan> I'm a much more recent convert. The time I miss is the period around when I started using Macs. Tiger was leagues better than Windows XP; Apple still cared about power users; Apple was heading straight up, carried by the domination of iPod nano and rising Mac sales.
06:28  * wctaiwan sniff sniff
06:29 < wctaiwan> now it's all a different world...
06:30 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit []
06:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh
06:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it had superman teaming up with two kids to deal with diabolical plans using the power of science!
06:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you know, getting everything wrong about computers while trying to promote them
06:34 < mareklug>  "Syrian rebels call for no-fly zone"     <-- looks like someone's losing and wants to put the US in the soup
06:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
06:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US is alredy in the soup
06:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US already wishes to provide "operational aid"
06:40 -!- mh0 [mh0@unaffiliated/mh0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
06:40 < mareklug> if Obama is perceived domestically as putting US combat troops in action, it will make the election iffier
06:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I want the syrian conflict to end so that I can get some new conflict to read about
06:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug sure
06:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think we will see USAF on top of Syrian airspace a day after the eleciton though
06:41 < mareklug> we might see an Iran mission
06:41 -!- PakistaniLover [b6b23b73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
06:42 < PakistaniLover> why you block
06:42 < PakistaniLover> why you this
06:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Iran is hardly a threat
06:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Iran is all talk and no walk
06:42 < PakistaniLover> i talk you block
06:43 < PakistaniLover> closedmouth i wait on skype you no come
06:43 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
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06:44 < PakistaniLover> PakistaniLover15 10inch penis skype
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06:46 < PakistaniLover> ToAruShiroiNeko you come skype
06:47 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
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06:47 < wctaiwan> !ops
06:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o jeremyb] by ChanServ
06:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Steven_Zhang] by ChanServ
06:48 < PakistaniLover> wctaiwan come skype i wait for you
06:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!b6b23b73@*] by jeremyb
06:48 -!- PakistaniLover was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Steven_Zhang [PakistaniLover]
06:48 <@Steven_Zhang> bleh
06:48 < wctaiwan> I could just see you two staring at one another :p
06:48 <@Steven_Zhang> oh there we go
06:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Steven_Zhang] by Steven_Zhang
06:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm?
06:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o jeremyb] by jeremyb
06:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> team work
06:49 < wctaiwan> It's like the phone rings and no one picks it up and two people stand up at the same time.
06:49 < TeeTylerToe> wikipedia seems to be running an ad claiming it will never run ads
06:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe hmm
06:49  * wctaiwan doesn't see it ^^
06:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Wikipedia already has ads
06:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> at
06:55 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:13 < Jarry1250> No, ads are when you advertise *something else*. Advertising yourself doesn't count.
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07:35 < ChrisGualtieri> >.>
07:35 < ChrisGualtieri> CSD material?
07:37 < Jarry1250> Chris: Worse than that, I think :
07:37 < Jarry1250> Looks like there might bee some truth
07:38 < Jarry1250> Quite a few ghits
07:38 -!- Mdann52 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:39 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: eir, Krenair, sporous, jappe, BlastHardcheese, eeekster, SudoKing, Fae, nemilar, graham1,  (+1 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
07:39 < Jarry1250> ChrisGualtieri:
07:39 -!- Netsplit over, joins: sporous
07:40 < ChrisGualtieri> But the actual article already exists is the point
07:41 -!- ChrisGualtieri [47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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07:42 < Jarry1250> Oh, right.
07:42 < Jarry1250> Under what title?
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07:59 < mysterytrey> Hmm.  No staff are in.  Cool netsplit.
08:00 < mysterytrey> Oh.  Nevermind.  They're just not voiced.
08:00 < mysterytrey> Oh nevermind.
08:00 < mysterytrey> I'm crazy.
08:00 < mysterytrey> Disregard /all/ of that.
08:01 < Mdann52> Yep, you are extremely crazy
08:02 < wctaiwan> damn someone stole my pills.
08:02 < wctaiwan> (joke)
08:02  * mysterytrey refuses to give wctaiwan his pills.
08:03 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:03 < Anna_Frodesiak> when i click somebody's contribs, i want to see the past 300 not 50
08:04 < Anna_Frodesiak> can i set that somehow?
08:04 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:05 < Mdann52> There's a setting in preferences somewhere
08:05 < Anna_Frodesiak> cant find er
08:06 < wctaiwan> It's under recent changes.
08:06 < wctaiwan> "Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default:"
08:06 < Anna_Frodesiak> got it
08:06 < Anna_Frodesiak> thanks all
08:06 < wctaiwan> np
08:07 < Anna_Frodesiak> specially my dear wct
08:07 < wctaiwan> should I be creeped out? :P
08:07 < Anna_Frodesiak> oh yes
08:07 < Anna_Frodesiak> look behind you!!!!
08:07  * wctaiwan is duly creeped out
08:07 < Anna_Frodesiak> im at your window
08:07 < Anna_Frodesiak> i hereby bestow a typhoon on you
08:08 < Anna_Frodesiak> it should arrive in exactly 22 hrs
08:08 < wctaiwan> :(
08:08 < Anna_Frodesiak>
08:08 < Anna_Frodesiak> for some reason two are shown
08:08 < Anna_Frodesiak> maybe they are back to back
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> but as we know, my dear friend, the turn right at HK
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> this time of yar
08:09 < wctaiwan> They're estimating a sea warning on Thursday or something.
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> year
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> hahahahaha
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> baton down the hatches
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> you will get the last laugh
08:09 < wctaiwan> well, I think I'll be fine, but other people on Taiwan...
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> as we get our is oct
08:09 < wctaiwan> Not everyone lives in a high rise in central Taipei where infrastructure is fairly decent...
08:09 < Anna_Frodesiak> i hope nobody loses a nail or a dime
08:09 < wctaiwan> yeah ><
08:10 < Anna_Frodesiak> the poor get it worst here
08:10 < Anna_Frodesiak> village folk
08:10 < wctaiwan> the poor get it worst everywhere.
08:10 < Anna_Frodesiak> and hainan people are very sweet
08:10 < Anna_Frodesiak> lovely people
08:10 < wctaiwan> I'm sure they are
08:10 < Anna_Frodesiak> although i want to strange them sometimes
08:11 < Anna_Frodesiak> but just playfully
08:11 < wctaiwan> heh.
08:11 < Anna_Frodesiak> sort of
08:11 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:11 < wctaiwan> they really need to be careful
08:11 < Anna_Frodesiak> especially by the coast
08:12 < wctaiwan> murderous foreign ladies with bits of javelins in their heads :) (JOKE, censors)
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> are you making fun of the javelin segment in my head????
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> so calous
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> callous
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> ?
08:12 < wctaiwan> I'm sorry.
08:12 < wctaiwan> callous is right.
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> it's okay
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> someday surgey will advance
08:12 < Anna_Frodesiak> until then
08:13 < Anna_Frodesiak> it's oneway down corridors
08:13 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:13 < wctaiwan> good morning, Fluffernutter
08:13 < Anna_Frodesiak> old blackadder joke:
08:13  * Mdann52 waves at fluffernutter
08:13 < Anna_Frodesiak> he touched me in the corridor
08:13 < Fluffernutter> yes hello
08:13 < Anna_Frodesiak> i've never heard it called that
08:13 < Anna_Frodesiak> hi sandwich
08:14 < Anna_Frodesiak> you're much better than marmite
08:14 < wctaiwan> XD
08:14 < Anna_Frodesiak> which is a toxin
08:14 < Fluffernutter> heh
08:14 < Fluffernutter> "better than a toxin" is perhaps the nicest recommendation I've gotten from a wikipedian in ages!
08:14 < Anna_Frodesiak> :)
08:14 < Anna_Frodesiak> you're aces in my book
08:14 < wctaiwan> brb game.
08:15 < Anna_Frodesiak> i'm off. try the veal
08:15 < Anna_Frodesiak> hey thats a good exit line for when i log off
08:15 < Anna_Frodesiak> can i program that?
08:15 < Anna_Frodesiak> You've been great. Try the veal.
08:16 < wctaiwan> probably in the settings somewhere.
08:16 < wctaiwan> and sleep well, fair lady.
08:16 < Anna_Frodesiak> ok will try
08:16 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has quit [Quit: You've been great. Try the veal.]
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08:17 < Anna_F_afk> did it work?
08:17 < mysterytrey> Yep.
08:17 < Anna_F_afk> dandy
08:17 < mysterytrey> 11:16 <-- Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has quit (Quit: You've been great. Try the veal.)
08:17 < Anna_F_afk> ok now im gone
08:17 -!- Anna_F_afk [Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has quit [Client Quit]
08:17 < Mdann52> Your supposed to say no btw!
08:18 < mysterytrey> :(
08:18 < wctaiwan> dayem, dead already :(
08:19 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: Reality intrudes]
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08:33 < mysterytrey> Wow.  Reddit has more people in their channel than we do ours.
08:34 < mareklug> but they don't have 58 language versions
08:35 < Jonny2898> What is the appropriate course of action to take when someone has added a global tag to the article and someone thinks that it should be removed?
08:35 < wctaiwan> mareklug: most of which...
08:35 < wctaiwan> Jonny2898: discuss it on the talk page
08:36 < Jonny2898> and what if no one has yet responded yet?
08:36 < wctaiwan> wait for a while; if in a few days (say a week or two) no one seems to have objected, you can probably remove it
08:36 < wctaiwan> be sure to explain your reasoning and all.
08:37 -!- dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
08:37 < Jonny2898> ok, thanks for your advice.
08:37 < wctaiwan> no problem.
08:38 -!- Jonny2898 [457889b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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09:03 < LikeLakers2> mysterytrey, having internet problems?
09:03 < LikeLakers2> again, mysterytrey, having internet problems?
09:03 -!- mysterytrey [~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey] has quit [Client Quit]
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09:05 < mysterytrey> Quassel keeps crashing.
09:05 < LikeLakers2> ok
09:05 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:05 < LikeLakers2> try using mibbit for the time being then
09:06 < mysterytrey> I just rebooted.  I should be good now.
09:06 < LikeLakers2> ok
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09:23 < Isarra> I need a replacement for wctaiwan.
09:24 < Isarra> How does one go about replacing a friend?
09:24 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
09:24 < Mdann52> Find another one :)
09:24 < Isarra> How do you do that?
09:24 -!- Seddon [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
09:24 < Mdann52> You talk to people
09:24 < Isarra> Past the usual absorbency, conductivity, and other general tests, I tend to get lost.
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09:26 < Pharos> try wchainan
09:27 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:27 < Isarra> But mainland china just ain't the same.
09:28 < Pharos> hainan is lan island ilike taiwan, without the burden of a mulitparty democracy
09:28 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:29 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:31 < Isarra> Oh, I thought you were just making a play on the name.
09:31 < Isarra> Well, a different play.
09:31 < Isarra> Unless you still are...
09:31 < Isarra> I'm confused.
09:31 -!- TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
09:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra, let me guess... Someone stole your sweetroll
09:33  * Isarra wonders if ToAruShiroiNeko and Pharos are secretly the same person.
09:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> secretly? no
09:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> publically? still no
09:35 -!- IShadowed__ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:35 < mysterytrey> What about privately?
09:35 < Isarra> That's private.
09:35 < Isarra> It's rude to pry.
09:36 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
09:36 -!- maid is now known as ty
09:36 < Pharos> whenever there is injustice that needs correcting, men of good conscience don the mask of Pharos
09:37 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm]
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09:38 -!- dendodge is now known as DerpyHooves
09:38 < Pharos> also, hainian is an island about the same size of taiwan, but it's part of the PRC
09:38 -!- Guerillero [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:39 < Demiurge1000> Captured by amphibious assault!
09:39 < Isarra> Oh.
09:39 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:41 < mysterytrey> wb IShadowed.
09:42 < Pharos> men of good conscience failed that sad day
09:43 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:43 < Pharos> but brooklyn still stands as their island bastion of freedom
09:44 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
09:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think Brooklyn needs to be added rockets so it can travel
09:45 < Pharos> brooklyn is safe today from all grog and newt attacks whatsoever
09:45 < Pharos> *frog
09:45 < Pharos> also, grog and other strong liquors
09:45 < Demiurge1000> And there are no snakes in Ireland, another large island!
09:45 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Demiurge1000 but ireland has clovers
09:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ie cloverleaf monster is probably hiding there
09:46 < Pharos> this was also the work of the Pharos League
09:46 < Demiurge1000> Stop fooling around with the flora and fauna, get back to building lighthouses!
09:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why light houses?
09:47 < Pharos> lighthouses guide the stranger to safe harbor
09:47 < Demiurge1000> And harbors generate one extra food for each sea square controlled by the city
09:47 < Pharos> they are part of the moral code of our oirder
09:48 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
09:48 < jubo2> Lighthouses are a pure public good ( cannot exclude people from using them )
09:49 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
09:49 < Pharos> just as the Pharos League represents the last best hope of humannity in a corrupt and dying world
09:50 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|afk
09:53 < Pharos> lighthouses are a pure public good if you don't mind light pollution!
09:55 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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10:02 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:03 < jubo2> Pharos: Having sailed a bit I have to say that lighthouses are an excellent idea especially if you don't know where you are they can be a real life-saver
10:04 < Pharos> Socialist!
10:05 < Pharos> people should save their own lives
10:05 < jubo2> just look for the lighthouse signature in the map and once you've established that beacon X is a certain lighthouse you're much better off as you have some clue as to where is what and where the hell are you
10:05 < mysterytrey> In soviet russia, lives save you.
10:06 < Pharos> not really!
10:06 < Peter-C> Facebook is down
10:06 < Peter-C> Nothing to live for
10:07 < jubo2> Sugarmountainlandia down!
10:07 < Mdann52> What a disaster
10:07  * Peter-C jumps from the 1st story window
10:07 < Pharos> lighthouses are the shining monuments of the nautical-welfare state
10:07 < mysterytrey> Facebook is up.
10:07 < Pharos> Nothing to live for!
10:07 < jubo2> idling restored.
10:07 < Pharos> just when i had hope...
10:08 < Peter-C> Whoo, FB came back up <3
10:08  * Pharos gets back in tractor to cut more FB cables
10:09  * Pharos jumps from basement window
10:09 < Mdann52> Basements don't have windows though...
10:10  * Mdann52 decides to disappear
10:10 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke]
10:10  * mysterytrey impersonates Mdann52.
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10:11  * Mdann52 continues being impersonated by Mysterytrey
10:11 -!- Pharos is now known as Mdann53
10:11  * Mdann53 is doing a better job of it
10:12 -!- Willdude123 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:12 < Mdann52> Wait...?
10:12 < Mdann53> you are noe obsolete!
10:12 < Mdann53> *now
10:12 < Mdann52> Sure.
10:12 < Mdann53> please recycle yourself
10:12 < Mdann52> Sure, bro.
10:12 < jubo2> report to the soylent green plant
10:12 < Mdann52> Cool. Story.
10:13  * Mdann52 assualts Mdann53
10:13  * Mdann53 clashes with inferior version
10:13 < Willdude123> Anyone seen this :
10:13  * Mdann52 wonders why ChanServ hasn't killed me yet.
10:13 < Willdude123> ?
10:13 < Mdann53> yes, many people
10:14  * Peter-C flips over a table
10:14 -!- Mdann53 is now known as Pharos_Rises
10:14 < Peter-C> Where is my schedule for school
10:14 < Mdann52> ChanServ must reallyy love me.
10:15 < Pharos_Rises> there was a whole thread about the "redesign" on the lists
10:15  * Willdude123 Wonders why they redesigned wikipedia even though they knew there actions would not affect wikipedia.
10:15 < Pharos_Rises> general reaction was negative
10:15 < Pharos_Rises> well, somewhat negative
10:15  * Mdann52 gets bored.
10:15 -!- Mdann52 is now known as mysterytrey
10:16  * mysterytrey gets even more bored.
10:16 -!- mysterytrey is now known as nitely03
10:16 < Pharos_Rises> it's a common practice in branding to do a theoretical redesign
10:16 -!- nitely03 is now known as mysterytrey|away
10:16 < Pharos_Rises> it's a way of showing off your skillz
10:16 < Pharos_Rises> u haz skillz?
10:17 < Willdude123> I agree. People who are smart enough to edit for good or doing any thing productive, can probably just about handle the structure.
10:24 -!- Kiewii [~iKiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii] has quit [Quit: It will rain.]
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10:35 < BarkingFish> any admins on the floor, please get this and salt it please :)  User keeps removing speedy tags, G3 -
10:36 < BarkingFish> contested deletion twice, but keeps taking the CSD tags off.  Needs a good kick in the pants
10:38 -!- Trenton [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en
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10:38 < BarkingFish> anyone alive? :)
10:39 < Trenton>
10:39 < Trenton> Why Wikipedia Needs a "Kick In the Head"
10:40 < Demiurge1000> "we find ourselves rapidly moving towards 2013"  ... actually time is moving forward at the same speed now as it always has been, so the word "rapidly" is not needed
10:40 < BlastHardcheese> [citation needed]
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10:53 < AndrewN[AFK]> Active Shooter, Mass-Casualty Incident at Texas A&M.  Multiple officers and civilians down.
10:53 < AndrewN[AFK]> (College Station, TX)
10:57 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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11:05 < Isarra> Why does the test edits user warning say the editing tests were successful? They're often not successful and that's precisely the problem.
11:05 < AndrewN[AFK]> lol
11:06 < Isarra> If they were successful, there'd be no reason to revert them.
11:06 < Fluffernutter> they're successful in the sense of "your edit went through". They're not successful, in the sense of "your 'poop!' edit went through, you asshole"
11:06 < AndrewN[AFK]> Probably should be re-worded to say they were saved successfully. :P
11:06 -!- AndrewN[AFK] is now known as AndrewN
11:06 < Isarra> I'm thinking more about the ones where they were trying to do something in particular and failed - like adding an image, but they forgot to actually add the image.
11:07 < Isarra> So there's just a random image description in the article.
11:07 < Isarra> Or they tried to change a template or table and killed it; I've seen a lot of that.
11:07 -!- lukas|absens is now known as lukas23
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11:12 < kat> TIL
11:13 -!- Willdude123 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:14 < Pharos> Breaking News: Wikipedia is running out of vandals and trolls
11:14 < Fluffernutter> "In October 2005, Wikimedia elected 67 administrators" <---this just boggles my mind. I mean I knew the number used to be way higher, but THAT high? How did RFA even function?
11:14 < Pharos> it was a good month
11:14 < Isarra> Magic.
11:15 < Isarra> But these numbers always just seem to go down...
11:16 < Pharos> I suggest we institute admin press-gangs
11:16 < Pharos> we drag people from the docks and force them into adminhood
11:16 < Fluffernutter> you'd have to have the press-gangs fight off the face-eaters at RFA though
11:16 < BarkingFish> I suggest we let admins get on with their fucking jobs, instead of taking them to task and trying to get them in trouble for every slight tiny fucking thing they do.
11:17 < Pharos> I could do that
11:17  * Fluffernutter hugs BarkingFish
11:17 < BarkingFish> maybe we'd still have admins if people weren't trying to constantly harrass them into getting fired or leaving
11:17 < Pharos> i just need two people to join my press-gang\
11:17 < kat> "Elitist community"
11:17 < kat> pfffttt
11:17 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:17 < Pharos> it's amazing
11:17 < Isarra> Admins do need to be held accountable for their actions, though. Not that enwp doesn't do it kind of horribly, but there does need to be something.
11:18 < Pharos> yes, we should putr the admins in front of kangaroo courts
11:18 < Isarra> We don't od that?
11:18 -!- AndrewN is now known as AndrewN[AFK]
11:18 < Pharos> canm be run by the same mobs as the press-gangs, really
11:18 < Steven_Zhang> bleh
11:18 < Fluffernutter> well, Isarra, that's the debate. Some would say that ANI, nasty people, and Arbcom *do* hold admins accountable for their actions. others would say that unless they, personally, are allowed to wield the axe that beheads admins, it doesn't count
11:18 < Steven_Zhang> its too early
11:18 < Steven_Zhang> i feel like vomiting >_<
11:18 < Pharos> they should be in person kangarro courts
11:18 < Pharos> that's what we're lacking currently
11:19 < Isarra> Well, there is accountability, it's just not very good and kind of massively overdone here.
11:19 < Steven_Zhang> wikipedia needs moar cowbell.
11:19 < Pharos> that too
11:19 < Isarra> Having seen what happens when there is no accountability, however, I'd say this is still an improvement over that. >.<
11:19  * Steven_Zhang stares blankly at his op ed page
11:19 < Isarra> Someone does something minor and it just gets ignored, but does it a lot and then they get lynched...
11:19 < Pharos> wikipedia is as elitist as dumspter-diving
11:20 < Pharos> *dumpster
11:20 < Pharos> *dumpster(tm)
11:20 < Isarra> As a member of the dumpster diving elite, I could take offense at that.
11:21 < Pharos> it could be meant as a compliment!
11:21 < Fluffernutter> Isarra: more accurately, "someone does something minor and someone snarks at them. then six months later they do it again and the entire universe collapses on their head." Or, from the other perspective, "someone does something minor and their friends protect them so we can't stop it. then nothing ever happens. also, conspiracy."
11:21 < Isarra> Or that.
11:21 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
11:21 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:21 -!- James_F|Busy [~Jdforrest@] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:21  * Isarra collapses wikipedia (ie the universe) on Pharos' head.
11:21 -!- James_F|Busy [~Jdforrest@] has quit [Changing host]
11:21 -!- James_F|Busy [~Jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:22 < Pharos> feels like a hat
11:22 < Pharos> one of those russian furry hats
11:23 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:23 < Pharos> i think we should post galleries of wikipedians dumpster-diving to illustrate our elitist status
11:23 -!- James_F|Busy [~Jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF] has quit [Client Quit]
11:23 < Pharos> it could be a calendar!
11:25 < Pharos> hey, it would be more tasteful than the Signpost Swimsuit Issue
11:25 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
11:26 < Pharos> eat your hearts out:
11:27 -!- Monchoman45 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:27 -!- Monchoman45 [] has quit [Changing host]
11:27 -!- Monchoman45 [~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:27 < jubo2> Pharos: I started an article on that in 2003 -
11:27 -!- localhost [~chris@2002:4cbc:a1de::1] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:27 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:27 -!- delirious is now known as Ri1ey
11:28  * Willdude123 Hides.
11:28  * Willdude123 Walks into a bush.
11:28  * Willdude123 Dies
11:29  * Willdude123 /me
11:29  * Willdude123 Doesn't like the /me command
11:29  * Willdude123 Thinks it is ok.
11:29 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:29  * Willdude123 Doesn't know.
11:29 -!- Matthew_ is now known as MRB[away]
11:30 < Steven_Zhang> Wow I feel like I've been hit by a bus.
11:30 < norbit> Steven_Zhang: but were you?
11:30  * Willdude123 Wonders what kind of bus.
11:30 < Steven_Zhang> That said, I dunno what being hit by a bus feels like.
11:30 < Steven_Zhang> a magic school bus
11:30  * Willdude123 Wonders if it was an amtrak bus.
11:31 < Pharos> that would not be unpleasant
11:31 < Ironholds> Steven_Zhang, want me to speak to siko in ~10 minutes?
11:31 < Willdude123> Oh yeah, amtrak buses only exist hypothetically.
11:31 < Steven_Zhang> sure
11:31 -!- MRB[away] is now known as Matthew_
11:31 < Pharos> if it was a magic school bus, it would be fun and educational too
11:31 -!- maid [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:31  * Willdude123 Is doing a section on his physics course that involves buses.
11:32  * Willdude123 Should really stop using the /me command.
11:32 -!- Trenton [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
11:32  * Willdude123 Will keep using it anywat.
11:32  * Willdude123 Facepalms. He made a typo.
11:33  * Willdude123 Shoots.
11:33 -!- Jarry1250_ [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:33  * Willdude123 Misses.
11:33  * Willdude123 Wonders how the travel guide RFC is going.
11:33 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:34  * Willdude123 Thinks they should have more ops than ChanServ in here.
11:34  * Willdude123 Is the only person talking.
11:34  * Willdude123 Doesn't care.
11:34 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:34 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:34  * Willdude123 Willdude123s
11:35 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:35  * Willdude123 Is using the /me command too much.
11:35 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: I'm still alive.]
11:35  * Willdude123 Likes trains.
11:35 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:35 -!- Jarry1250_ is now known as Jarry1250
11:35  * Willdude123 Gets hit by one.
11:36  * Willdude123 Survives.
11:36  * Willdude123 Goes to hospital.
11:36 < russavia>   could someone please add {{commonscat|Machynlleth Loop}} to this
11:36  * Willdude123 Has an x-ray.
11:37 < Fluffernutter> wtf
11:37 < The_Thing> Willdude123, please... shut up :)
11:37 < Fluffernutter> ^
11:37  * Willdude123 Says "OK". 
11:37 < norbit> The_Thing: congrats, it's usually the other way around.
11:38 < The_Thing> Would you like it to be the other way around? :p
11:38  * Willdude123 Reveals that was all part of scientific experiment.
11:38  * Willdude123 Wonders why it took 9 minutes for someone to say shut up.
11:39 < The_Thing> It's super powerful. It works for 24 hours. It's... a quiet set by an OP.
11:39 < Fluffernutter> because we're a tolerant folk who like to hope that someone will realize that they're annoyingly monopolizing the chat, without us having to hit them over the head with it
11:39 -!- Ri1ey is now known as delirious
11:39 < Pharos> go tolerance!
11:39 -!- maid is now known as ty
11:39 < Willdude123> Yay. Tolerance.
11:40 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
11:40 < Pharos> without it, i would be in a very nasty place
11:40 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:40 < Willdude123> Maybe some Wm related discussion needs to be started.
11:40 < Willdude123> What do you think of the proposed WM travel guide?
11:40 < norbit> foks: You remind me of Liam Gallagher :-)
11:41 < thatworksdotjpg> Call me stupidi
11:41 < thatworksdotjpg> but
11:41 < Pharos> i am for it!
11:41 < thatworksdotjpg> is EDT the same as EST?
11:41  * foks pulls the knife out and hands it back to norbit.
11:41 < thatworksdotjpg> is confusing
11:41 < Pharos> apparently they are not the same
11:41 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:41 < Pharos> but i ichoose to gnore this!
11:41 < foks> Eastern Daylight time is one hour ahead of EST
11:41 < Pharos> and so should you
11:42 < Pharos> I always just say 'Eastern'
11:42 < norbit> foks: that was a compliment!
11:42 < Pharos> this is my compromise with pedantry
11:43 < Pharos> there is a limit for everyone
11:43 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke]
11:45 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
11:45 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:48 -!- mh0 [mh0@unaffiliated/mh0] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:49 -!- HarryS [H@unaffiliated/harrys] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:56 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:56 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:58 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
12:02 < Steven_Zhang> zzzz
12:02 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: zzz]
12:07 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:09 -!- rschen7754 [~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:25 < russavia>  can someone please create redirect to [[Mach Loop]]
12:28 -!- unfo [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:31 < unfo> hi all.  I'm [[User:Unforgettableid]].  Recently, I created the stub <>, which is about the Samsung Gravity T (Samsung Gravity Touch).
12:31 < unfo> I'm not an admin.  How can I see the contents of the deleted pages <> and <>?
12:32 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:32 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:32 < Jeske_Merensky> You can ask an admin to email them to you.
12:34 < unfo> dear all:  any admins not busy and could please pastebin them for me?  Or could email them to ?
12:34 < Bsadowski1>
12:35 < Bsadowski1> Another school shooting.
12:35 < Bsadowski1>
12:35 < Bsadowski1>,0,2957180.story
12:36 < unfo> Bsadowski1:  _The Gift of Fear_, by Gavin de Becker, is one of my two favorite books about personal safety from violence.  In it, IIRC the author writes that newspapers shouldn't cover big violent acts:  it inspires copycat acts.
12:37 -!- DerpyHooves is now known as Tobor
12:38 < Bsadowski1> oh
12:38 < Bsadowski1> "Update at 2:35 p.m. ET: The shooting incident occurred a few blocks off campus, Texas A & M University spokeswoman Sherylon Carroll tells USA TODAY's Donna Leinwand Leger."
12:38 < Bsadowski1> :o
12:39 < Shirik> guns are cool, kids
12:39 < unfo> Jeske_Merensky:  no response yet, but thanks for the tip anyway.  If waiting here doesn't work, I may try
12:40 < unfo> Shirik:  I live in Canada.  God bless gun control.
12:40 < Jeske_Merensky> unfo) Question: Are the pages copyright violations or extrapolation?
12:41 -!- mysterytrey|away is now known as mysterytrey
12:41 -!- rr0 [kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
12:43 < unfo> Jeske_Merensky:  dunno.  I'm not an admin so I can't see them.  :)
12:43 < unfo> Dear all:  Why can't autoconfirmed editors see deleted pages?
12:43 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:44 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:44 < foks> unfo, because a lot of pages are deleted as e.g. attack pages
12:44 -!- Jarry1250 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:44 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:44 < foks> and it's not a good idea to let "normal" users see those
12:44 -!- Kiewii_ is now known as Bruv
12:45 -!- Bruv [] has left #wikipedia-en []
12:45 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:45 < foks> unfo, also, working
12:47 < foks> unfo, emailed
12:48  * mysterytrey agrees with foks that autoconfirmed users should not be able to see deleted pages.
12:48 < unfo> foks:  thank you very much!  <3
12:48  * foks sagely nods.
12:48 < foks> np.
12:48 < foks> :3
12:49 -mysterytrey:#wikipedia-en- Interesting: Carly- (~Wikipedia@unaffiliated/carliitaeliza) has joined #freenode
12:49 < TBloemink> Pff
12:49 < Fluffernutter> don't do that, mysterytrey
12:49 < TBloemink> Please don't do that
12:49 < jeremyb> no please. just don't do it
12:49 < Earwig> can someone remind me why notices are bad?
12:50 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:50 < DeltaQuad> Earwig: some clients ping on that and are considered "official"
12:50 < PeterSymonds> They just seem largely unnecessary, especially in these channels.
12:50 < mysterytrey> Oh.
12:50 < mysterytrey> Ok.  No notices.
12:50 < Shirik> Notices should be used for announcements really, and I doubt any such announcement will ever be needed in a channel like this
12:50 < Shirik> on that note, why is this channel not +N?
12:51 < DeltaQuad> +N? does that exist?
12:51 < PeterSymonds> I've never heard of +N.
12:51 < Shirik> exists in my world :/
12:51 < Earwig> that seems counter to the RFC
12:51 < Earwig> um
12:51 < Earwig> the auto-ping thing
12:51 < DeltaQuad> Shirik: not according to
12:51 -!- Monchoman45 [~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:51 < Shirik> apparently freenode does not implement it
12:52 < Shirik> Earwig: The RFC doesn't say how clients behave to the user
12:52 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
12:52 < Earwig> uh
12:52 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Shirik] by Shirik
12:52 < Earwig> counter to its... spriit?
12:52 < Earwig> *spirit
12:53 < Shirik> I am of the opinion that any such client should be able to turn that feature off
12:53 < Earwig> it basically describes it as a privmsg that you're not allowed to respond automatically to, nothing else
12:53 < Shirik> yeah, that's amusing btw
12:53  * Fluffernutter accuses Shirik of abuse
12:53  * Shirik accuses Fluffernutter
12:54 < Shirik> anyway, I don't see anything wrong with notifying a user about a notice
12:54 < Fluffernutter> j'accuse
12:55 < mysterytrey> Anyway
12:55 < foks> Notices just come up green for me, nothing else
12:55 < foks> No pings, no nothin;.
12:55 < Shirik> also, I dare say that anyone that uses a notice will also immediately get a response "Don't do that"
12:55 < Shirik> does that count as an automatic response?
12:55 < foks> /notice Orly?
12:56 < mysterytrey> Anyway: Interesting: Carly- (~Wikipedia@unaffiliated/carliitaeliza) has joined #freenode
12:56 < Fluffernutter> it took me like a year to figure out how to make notices not ping me
12:57 -!- Theopolisme [~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:57 -!- Pharos is now known as Zola
12:57 < Zola> J'accuse!!!
12:58 < TBloemink> They don't ping me Fluffernutter
12:58 < Fluffernutter> well-recognized, Zola. French cookies for you
12:58 < TBloemink> By default
12:58  * Fluffernutter ping TBloemink
12:58 < TBloemink> That does
12:59  * Shirik ping Fluffernutter
13:00  * Fluffernutter huggles Shirik
13:00 -!- Zola is now known as Pharos
13:00 < norbit> ping Shirik
13:00 < Shirik> I have an AI module that only pings me when it determines the ping is necessary
13:01 < norbit> :O
13:01 < norbit> I'm filtered out of that?
13:01  * norbit feels...
13:01 < norbit> sad
13:01  * IShadowed pings Shirik 
13:01  * Fluffernutter ping IShadowed
13:01 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:01 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:02 < Shirik> it does not filter on people, it filters on need
13:02  * IShadowed AI modules all over Flueeh's face
13:02 < Shirik> and there is no current need
13:02 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:02 < IShadowed> omg help Shirik, flood
13:02 < IShadowed> pingeth?!
13:02  * Pharos pings Bobama
13:02 < unfo> foks:  Could you please undelete those two bad-quality articles -- <> and <>?  This is so that I can redirect them to my article <>.
13:02  * Shirik bans all the IShadoweds
13:02 < IShadowed> Pingeth?!?!
13:02 < norbit> IShadowed: what
13:03 < Shirik>
13:04 < IShadowed> 9_9
13:04 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:05 < Jarry1250> Does anyone know the (Toolserver?) tool that allows you to "colour in" a balnk SVG map real easy?
13:05 < Jarry1250> *blank
13:05 < Fluffernutter> haters gonna hate, yo
13:05 -!- Kiewii is now known as BTO|away
13:05 < foks> unfo, you can just create the redirects
13:05 < foks> :)
13:05 -!- IShadowed__ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
13:06 -!- unfo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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13:08 < IShadowed> ishy gtfo
13:08 -!- IShadowed__ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Disconnected by services]
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13:08 < mysterytrey> o_O
13:10 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
13:11 < BarkingFish> Sorry about buggering off so fast before. AndrewN[AFK] - i've added that story on the A + M shooting to reddit, as I understand it the person identified is in custody
13:12 < mysterytrey> Redditor!  Traitor!  LOL jk
13:12 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:12 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:13 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:14 < BarkingFish> mysterytrey, been on reddit for a while now :)  i hang in /r/ems and /r/protectandserve
13:14 < BarkingFish> what's so wrong with reddit anyway? :D
13:15 < norbit> BarkingFish: How do you get rid of spicyness
13:15  * foks dislikes reddit
13:15 < norbit> foks: pm?
13:15 < Fluffernutter> well, some subreddits ought to be burned to the ground. and then the survivors shot. and then their remains shot into space, beyond the oort cloud, to keep them away from the rest of humanity
13:15 < BarkingFish> norbit, spicyness in what?  Curry? Chili?
13:15 < Fluffernutter> but hey, some subreddits are ok, too
13:15 < norbit> BarkingFish: hot sauce
13:15 < foks> norbit, no thanks
13:16 -!- IShadowed__ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
13:16 < foks> And you PM anyway
13:16 < BarkingFish> norbit, usually milk is pretty good for that.
13:16 < foks> big surprise
13:16 < norbit> BarkingFish: I'm out of milk :(
13:16 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:16 < mysterytrey> BarkingFish: Why aren't you in #Reddit ?
13:17 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:17 < BarkingFish> then you're stuck, norbit - best way is anything with a high dairy content, so either fresh milk, cream, butter or cheese
13:17 < norbit> I only have whatsitcalled
13:17 < norbit> jalapeno cheese
13:17 < norbit> LOL
13:18 < BarkingFish> oops
13:18 < BarkingFish> that ain't gonna do it
13:18 < Earwig> hmm
13:18 < BarkingFish> mysterytrey, i didn't know there was a #Reddit. Thanks for that :)
13:18 < Earwig> so then, like, pepper jack is a contradiction?
13:19 < norbit> WHAT THE FUCK
13:19 < BarkingFish> Earwig, the idea with spicy food is you want something with free fat globules in it, they stick to the spicy shit and encase it - that's why dairy is so good at knocking down heat
13:19 -!- u99of9 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:19 < Earwig> mm, interesting
13:19 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:21 < mysterytrey> 16:18 --> BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #Reddit
13:21 -!- Spacewalker [~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker] has quit [Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*]
13:23 -!- Dainomite [~Dainomite@] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:24 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
13:24 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Quit: Catch y'all later!]
13:29 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
13:31 -!- Andorin [~anon@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:32 -!- BTO|away is now known as Kiewii
13:33 -!- Froodaway is now known as Frood
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13:35 -!- Theopolisme is now known as Theo|homework
13:36 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:36 -!- Pharos_ is now known as Pharos
13:39 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has quit [Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)]
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13:41 < Purplewowies> hello
13:41 < mysterytrey> Hello Purplewowies.
13:42 < Purplewowies> mysterytrey :)
13:42 < mysterytrey> What's up, Purplewowies?
13:44 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:45 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer]
13:46 -!- foks [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:46 -!- foks [] has quit [Changing host]
13:46 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:47 < Purplewowies> Nothing mysterytrey
13:47 < mysterytrey> Alright then.
13:47 < Purplewowies> Goodbye
13:47 -!- chicocvenancio2 [~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:47 < mysterytrey> Bye.
13:48 -!- Purplewowies [be4f6f94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en []
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13:49 < Frood> jorm is mentioned in Gizmodo!
13:49 < Andorin> >Gizmodo
13:49 < BarkingFish> welcome to 3 horus ago :)
13:49 -!- localhost [~chris@2002:4cbc:a1de::1] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:50 < BarkingFish> Trenton posted that earlier :)
13:50 -!- Trenton [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:50 -!- liberaldudette [~mark@] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:50 < Trenton> jorm: a to-do list for this particular mock-up for Athena ( )
13:51 < Trenton> "Updated [...] ago" isn't helpful. "17 Conservations" doesn't necessarily indicate the number of "conversations". The "contents" shouldn't be indicated my images. And "Search more than 4 million articles" is spam-ish-sounding.
13:52 < Trenton> Flow is awesome.
13:52 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:52 < foks> Spam-ish-sounding?
13:52 < eptalon> heyas
13:52 < foks> In what sense?
13:52 < Trenton> Pleaseeee make "local time" optional for GlobalProfile
13:52 < foks> Hi eptalon
13:52 < foks> Trenton, everything will be optional
13:53 < eptalon> hello foks
13:53 < foks> that's the thing
13:53 < Trenton> yay
13:53 < Trenton> "Search" is much simpler
13:53 < foks> We do still want to sell ourselves
13:53 < foks> I'll agree that "17 conversations" is a bit silly since they could have hundreds
13:54 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:55 -!- Trenton is now known as mrow
13:55 < foks> Frankly I don't like the way citations are rendered in that screenshot, but
13:55 < foks> other than that it looks okay. (except the "conversations" thing.)
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14:01 < jorm> actually, the "Updated [...] ago" turns out to be super helpful (there was an experiment on it - the data is still being ground out but it looks like it makes more sense to non power users than not)
14:02 -!- mrow is now known as Brooklyn
14:02 < MartijnH> will the updated x ago work this time?
14:02 < MartijnH> (opposed to how it's used in csd templates, where it's served from cache and always reads 0 minutes ago unless purged)
14:03 < Fluffernutter> hey jorm, do you have any idea when the "rollback X edits" doohickey turned on? I just noticed it, it's rather clever!
14:03 < geniice> its annoying
14:04 < jorm> i don't know.  i think that was just a volunteer fix to mediawiki.
14:04 < geniice> Why provide me with info I have no possible interest in?
14:04 < Ironholds> Fluffernutter: hangon
14:04 < Ironholds> I've got the bugzilla thread around here
14:04 < Fluffernutter> geniice, presumably because the fact that someone has made ten edits in a row will induce you to check their content before you hare off rollbacking the whole thing?
14:04 < geniice> it will?
14:05 < Fluffernutter> yes, well, about that
14:05 < Fluffernutter> perhaps it should?
14:05 < Ironholds>
14:05 < eptalon> If the last one is spam, the others will likely be too
14:05 < Ironholds> so, lemme get this straight
14:05 -!- Guerillero [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:05 < Ironholds> two non-wikipedians debated a bug in 2009 and Sumana had it thrown into core and deployed to movement sites.
14:05 < Frood> also \o/ band got the entire first movement done!
14:05 < Ironholds> without telling anyone
14:05  * Ironholds headdesks over and over.
14:06 < Frood> (~3 minutes)
14:06 < Fluffernutter> could be worse, Ironholds. Could've been a change to the skin. Then they'd be baying for blood.
14:06 < geniice> Ironholds eh the alturnative is no better
14:07 -!- LikeLakers2 [~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
14:07 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
14:07 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
14:07 < geniice> Ironholds let the devs experiment on the live site. Its the only way we will get any real inovation
14:07 < jorm> roan reviewed it.
14:07 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has left #wikipedia-en []
14:07 < MartijnH> geniice, +1
14:08 < geniice> no if one of them can come up with a way to include music notation it might be nice
14:08 < jorm> and yeah, i agree with geniice.
14:08 < MartijnH> better yet, let them experiment on en. preferably in parallel. (like newpagefeed which can't possibly get enough praise)
14:08  * jorm blushes.
14:09 < foks> heh
14:09 < MartijnH> geniice, I think there is a 2007/2008 or so bug on bugzilla for music notiation. There were some issues. Aparently it's complicated.
14:09 -!- Brooklyn [~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]]
14:09 < jorm> it's mostly about performance and security.
14:10 < jorm> lilipond requires shelling out to root-run processes, iirc.
14:10 < MartijnH> ick
14:10 < geniice> so abandon that approach and come up with an alturnative
14:10 < jorm> tim starling pointed out what was wrong with it and the developers haven't done anything with it since (volunteer devs, not foundation devs)
14:11 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
14:11 < geniice> 5 years. People complete PHds in less time
14:11 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:11 < MartijnH> I'd think that a simple module that does have a partial implementation translating some syntax to svg would not be too hard, but that is just guessing on my part. I also believe that an incomplete implementation is preferable over no implementation, but opinions may vary
14:12 < jorm> i have no opinion about it other than i have a vague understanding as to why it was never deployed.
14:13 < geniice> the first attempt allowed you to carry out effective DOS attacks on wikipedia
14:13 < MartijnH> could the lua template system in theory provide on-the-fly svg's, or is that out of its scope?
14:13 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
14:13 < jorm> right.
14:13 -!- Tasmania [Elite1926@unaffiliated/tasmania] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:14 < jorm> wow.  linkinus is taking up a gigabyte of ram.
14:14 < jorm> i'm gonna restart this thing.
14:14 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm]
14:15 < geniice> MartijnH wrong question
14:15 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:17 < geniice> "getting an insight into all the exciting projects that are happening and assisting the team with all manner of things, and I look forward to meeting as many volunteers as possible while I'm here. As a newcomer to the Wikimedia movement I feel I've got a lot to learn as well as to contribute, but surrounded by such knowledgeable people I'm sure it's going to be a very fun process, and one...
14:17 < geniice> ...that will speed by... So I'd better get to work! "
14:17 < geniice> Are all graduates this enthusiastic?
14:17 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.]
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14:26 < jorm> where are you seeing htat?
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14:28 < geniice> wikimedia-uk mailing list
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14:29 < geniice> damit there is a human being in my photo
14:29 < foks> nooooooo
14:30 < Fluffernutter> burn it!
14:30 < SigmaWP> geniice: If you have photoshop you can turn him into the background
14:30 < geniice> her and in this case it would be tricky
14:31 < russavia>  anyone want to go thru these when i'm done and find suitable enwp articles to put them on?
14:31 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: zzz]
14:31 < russavia> obviously this is more directed to the pommy editors
14:32 < geniice> I doubt it. en.wikipedia already has an extensive set of plane photos
14:32 < russavia> not of these it doesn't
14:34 -!- AndrewN[AFK] [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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14:36 < geniice> various RAF planes? I suspect it does
14:36 < russavia> take'_School for example
14:37 < russavia>
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14:40 < unfo> hi all.  [[User:Unforgettableid]] here.  Could someone here please rename <> over top of <>?  Nobody I know calls the phone the "Samsung Gravity (original)".  :)
14:41 < MartijnH> and you do know people who call it the "SGH-T459"
14:43 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:43 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
14:44 < unfo> MartijnH:  I think the series overview article should be called [[Samsung Gravity series]] (I've moved it there already).
14:44 < unfo> I think the first in the series ideally should be called "Samsung Gravity" but one other user decided differently a couple of years ago.  "SGH-T459" is the best compromise I can think of.
14:44 < unfo> What are your thoughts?
14:45 < MartijnH> well, I can't imagine anyone calling it the SGH-T459. I could imagine someone calling it 'the original Samsung Gravity'
14:45 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:45 < Qcoder02> Hmm
14:45 < Qcoder02> I seem to be busy again
14:45 < Qcoder02> :)
14:45 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:46 < unfo> MartijnH:  But nobody will look for it by typing into their address bar.
14:46 -!- AndrewN[AFK] [~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:46 < MartijnH> I would guess (it's guesswork for me) is that with "a samsung gravity" it is more likely that they mean 'a phone in the gravity series' than 'the original Samsung Gravity'
14:46 < unfo> MartijnH:  hmm, I didn't think of that.  Let me look in my diary and see what I call it.
14:46 < MartijnH> well, search isn't a problem, the series is hatnoted, and the serial number is redirected
14:47 < unfo> MartijnH:  I call my [[Samsung Gravity Touch]] (a successor) "the Gravity", but that's in my private notes.
14:47 < unfo> MartijnH:  to others, I might call it "my phone" or "the Samsung Gravity Touch".
14:48 < MartijnH> probably best to go through requested moves
14:48 -!- Elduen [~elduen@] has quit [Changing host]
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14:48 < unfo> MartijnH:  what do you think I should best request the new page to be named?
14:48 < unfo> MartijnH:  *the page's new name to be?
14:49 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: Subject has jacked out]
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14:50 < Elduen> There we go. Sorry for the j/q spam.
14:50 -!- Andorin [~anon@unaffiliated/andorin] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"]
14:50 < mysterytrey> Hello Elduen.
14:50 < MartijnH> unfo, I don't know really. People will have ideas. I could see "Samsung Gravity" be the title of the T459, Samsung Gravity series be the series article
14:50 < Elduen> Now I'm set up to idle here with my WP userna,e
14:50 < Elduen> username*
14:51 < MartijnH> maybe a disambig somewher
14:51 < MartijnH> e
14:52 -!- dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
14:52 < Elduen> Of course, it remains to be seen whether I'll be useful in any way.
14:52 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:52 < mysterytrey> Is andorin your wp username?  I can't find elduen.
14:53 < Qcoder02> Evening Barkingfish
14:53 < Elduen> Elduen is my WP username... I just registered.
14:53 < BarkingFish> hi Qcoder02
14:53 -!- DeltaQuad [~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:53 < mysterytrey> Elduen: Oh.  Sorry.  Gotcha now.
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14:56 < geniice> hmm I spend a fortune on new lenses and the first pic I upload was taken using my kit lens
14:57 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
15:01 < unfo> MartijnH:  Thank you.
15:01 < MartijnH> no problem
15:01 -!- unfo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:02 < mysterytrey> What did you do?
15:08 -!- Kraps [] has quit [Quit: Here's a thing:]
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15:11 < geniice> jorm you still there?
15:12 < jorm> yes.
15:12 < jorm> what's up?
15:13 < geniice> jorm two questions. 1) who do I contact about getting reditects to work in the image namespace again and 2) is there any visual design work going on on ideas like this
15:14 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
15:14 < geniice> aparently people really hate this image:
15:14 < jorm> I would suggest you contact Sumana about the redirects thing.  That's a "core" function, and she'd be the one to point you in the right direction.
15:15 < jorm> and we haven't thought much about image placeholders at the foundation since that's the type of thing that is community-driven.
15:16 < BlastHardcheese> maybe they should...replace it
15:17 -!- Wehwalt [4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:18 < geniice> jorm in 2007 maybe. These days I doubt I could pull off that kind of stunt (and in any case I got de-admined very shortly after it went live)
15:18 -!- mh0 is now known as \h
15:19 -!- \h is now known as mh0
15:19 < jorm> i mean.  we could mke suggestions, even come up with a couple images.  but we can't really force them.
15:21 < geniice> Oh well. Its in the past anyway
15:23 -!- DoRD is now known as DoRD|away
15:23 < Qcoder02> Any image processing experts in?
15:24 < Qcoder02> I read something in an article and wanted someone to provied a rather technical image to demonstrate something
15:24 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:25 < mysterytrey> What irc network has idleRPG?
15:26 < SigmaWP> #idle-rpg
15:26 < SigmaWP> #idlerpg
15:26 < BlastHardcheese> pretty much all of them
15:26 < mysterytrey> Oh.  Cool.
15:27 < Qcoder02> Good Evening
15:27 < Qcoder02> BarkingFish: Do you have access to Gimp or photoshop?
15:28 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
15:28  * Elduen plays idlerpg on freenode
15:28 < geniice> Qcoder02	I suspect you actualy want inkscape. Just leave a note on the talk page
15:28 < Qcoder02> I don't
15:29 < Qcoder02> I was needing someone to do  color shifts on photographic items
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15:29 < Qcoder02> To give visual examples of how different species vision see's things
15:29 < BarkingFish> Qcoder02, I have gimp
15:29 < Qcoder02> OK
15:30 < BarkingFish> If you link me to the images you want changed, or you mail them to me, I can take a look in a bit
15:30 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime]
15:30 < Qcoder02> Moment
15:31 < geniice> Qcoder02 won't work
15:32 < Qcoder02> What's the problem?
15:32 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
15:32 < geniice> rather a lot of species can see things outside JPG colour range
15:32 < Qcoder02> Ah :(
15:32 < Qcoder02> Well the particualr example was a domestic cat -
15:32 < Qcoder02> was the image I was wanting someone to color shift
15:33 -!- [ceradon] [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:34 < geniice> Last I checked the limits of canine vision were still being investigated
15:36 < Brooke> DON'T PANIC.
15:36 < Brooke> I'm here.
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15:37 < Qcoder02> Hmm
15:37 < Qcoder02> OK
15:38 < Qcoder02>  for more on cat vision
15:39 -!- quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
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15:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke but you are all bone
15:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I panic more in the sight of that
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15:42 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
15:42 < Dainomite> anyone on by chance that's good at htmrl rows/tables? i'm frustrated trying to setup my userpage >:|
15:42 < Dainomite> html*
15:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> btw I am ammused that people still try to defend free access to guns this day and age
15:43 -!- Tony_Sidaway_ [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a wild Tony_Sidaway appears
15:44 < Tony_Sidaway_> Not that wild. It's rather late here.
15:44 < Brooke> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm quite skinny, yes.
15:44 < Brooke> And tan at the moment.
15:44 < Brooke> Very tan.
15:47 < Tony_Sidaway_> Anybody in USA? If so I'd be interested in whether you followed the Olympic games, and if so, how you did it.
15:48 -!- quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
15:48 < Tony_Sidaway_> I'm seeing rumblings of discontent about NBC coverage of the ceremonial events.
15:48  * Dainomite raises his hand
15:48  * Dainomite didnt follow the olympics
15:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke err
15:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a one peice reference
15:49 < Brooke> I usually wear one piece.
15:50 < Brooke> It's adorable.
15:50 < Brooke> I have a photo somewhere.
15:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
15:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try that google search
15:50 < Brooke> Oh my.
15:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yup
15:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its one of the most creative character in the series
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15:55 < Brooke> The character is named Brook?
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15:57  * Isarra emits an aura of pain.
15:57 < Dainomite> SUCCESS!
15:57  * Dainomite wins
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16:01 < mysterytrey> :(
16:01 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:01 < mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey, the user, has attained level 1! Next level in 0 days, 00:11:36.
16:01 < mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey [0/1] has challenged DeLorean [74/589] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:00:55 is added to mysterytrey's clock.
16:01 < mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey reaches next level in 0 days, 00:12:31.
16:01 < mysterytrey> 18:53 <mysterytrey> Woohoo!
16:01 < mysterytrey> 18:53 [IdleBot] Penalty of 0 days, 00:01:18 added to your timer for privmsg.
16:02 < BarkingFish> that'll teach you :)  The object is to sit there like a spare sandwich at a wedding buffet, and idle... you know, not do anything? :)
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16:05 -!- mysterytrey is now known as mysterytrey|away
16:07 < russavia> ToAruShiroiNeko you about?
16:08 -!- [ceradon] is now known as UnknownPpl
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16:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
16:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke yes it is
16:11 < sleax> hi to all! i've founded (i think) an error on this page  , in the example where it says "For k > 2, it is "(k − 1)th order" knowledge"
16:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
16:12 < russavia> question....
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke, like you he is an in universe super star
16:12 < russavia> i've got a flickr stream which is (C)
16:12 < russavia> not under free licenc e
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> bot will ignore them
16:12 < russavia> but i will have an OTRS for GFDL for them
16:12 < russavia> you can still upload these or not?
16:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I can try
16:12 < Brooke> sleax: You can edit the page. Just click [edit]. :-)
16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why cant the uploader convert the uploaded files to cc-by license though?
16:13 < russavia> because i have suggested GFDL
16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I get that
16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not cc-by
16:13 < russavia> i do not want to confuse these photographer....keep it simple
16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
16:13 < russavia> because GFDL is more restrictive
16:13 -!- Nix-7c0 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I have never done this but I can try
16:14 < russavia> ok here's one you can try with --
16:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when you get the OTRS info ready do let me know via pm so I can prepare a template for it
16:14 < russavia> try and upload a few from their flickr stream
16:14 < sleax> if k=3, for example, every person think that there're only other two person with blue eyes, then the first day noone go out. The second day everyone of the three see that"the others"  didn't go out and think that there's another person with blue eyes. Considered that everyone see only two persons , every of the three persons assume that the other person is itself. It's right or it's wrong?
16:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> PAOC?
16:15 < sleax> Brooke: excuse-me i want first consult the chat
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16:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
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16:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I see
16:16 < russavia> perhaps try this set --
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16:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Another loony with a gun in America. Third in two months?
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16:40 < Tony_Sidaway> Texas A&M
16:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway yup
16:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I am told the solution is arming bears and letting them guard universities
16:43 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: damn right! It would keep that Colbert guy away too!
16:43 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
16:43 -!- Annabelle is now known as closedmouth
16:43 < Tony_Sidaway> The solution to loonies with guns is *obviously* more guns.
16:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Colbert is a bear
16:44 < Tony_Sidaway> Then he's in denial. If we changed our name to Bearpedia we wouldn't be an easy target for him. They freak him out.
16:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> We could just redirect vandals to colbert-pedia
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16:50 < tyw7> I noticed there is a part 2 to read all about it (  Should it be mentioned since there is a part 3 in the article (
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16:52 < Tony_Sidaway> Oh major headline: USA Today says Gallup finds Ryan "worst Republican VP pick since Palin." Ouch!
16:53 -!- Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
16:53 < Tony_Sidaway> (Think sbout it)
16:53 < tyw7> anyone?
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17:01 < ChrisGualtieri> Hi
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17:03 < Tony_Sidaway> My daughter wants a birthday cake in the shape of a certain species of parrot: a caique cake, she calls it.
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17:05 < ChrisGualtieri> That's cute
17:05 < ChrisGualtieri> Why not a macaw?
17:06 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
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17:07 < Tony_Sidaway> macaws are actually quite difficult to keep properly. Very big, very noisy.
17:08 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah but its a cake, caiques are similiar.... sorta
17:08 < ChrisGualtieri> Least they are easy to point out
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17:08 < ChrisGualtieri> I need more work to do with AWB
17:09 -!- Kiewii is now known as BTO|sleep
17:10 < ChrisGualtieri> CHECKWIKI is done for now
17:11 -!- tyw7 [b019734d@wikipedia/tyw7] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:11 < ChrisGualtieri> For some reason I can only get 500 articles at a time with it, and it won't load new pages
17:11 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: are you using the Mediawiki API?
17:12 < ChrisGualtieri> AWB's function
17:12 < tyw7> Is Part 2 of "Read all about it" worthy of being mentioned?
17:14 < ChrisGualtieri> Tony_Sidaway: Is that correct or can I grab the pages to fix in another way?
17:14 < Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: you should discuss that on the talk page of the article. Open a topic RFC if you need more input.
17:14 < tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: youtube is banned on Youtube :?
17:15 < tyw7> * Wikipedia
17:15 < ChrisGualtieri> No, but its not a valid source and its usually improper to use
17:15 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: I'm not familiar with your software or with AWB.
17:15 < ChrisGualtieri> Links to a Youtube Channel for a subject who only operates on Youtube is one thing. Like EpicMealTime
17:16 < Tony_Sidaway> Do you  have a public description?
17:16 < Tony_Sidaway> Of the software, that is.
17:16 < tyw7> I need help.. I forgot my password and the email address used for "Tyw7" :/
17:16 < tyw7> any admins here?
17:16 < ChrisGualtieri> All I get is the first 500 pages of a 90,000 strong backlog... so I am confused
17:17 < Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: if you've lost that an admin cannot help. You should probably start a new account/
17:17 < tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: can't an admin check which email is being used
17:17 -!- UnknownPpl is now known as [ceradon]
17:17 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: the API would return all the pages, usually.
17:17 < tyw7> I forgot the email address I used for that account
17:17 < ChrisGualtieri> Its capped at 500 per AWB
17:18 < Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: admins have no special powers to access such information, which is confidential.
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17:18 < tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: email "tyw7"
17:18 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: depends how this runs. Is it in-browser? Bots usually have higher quotas.
17:19 < ChrisGualtieri> Its a separate program you download see WP:AWB
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17:19 < BarkingFish> tyw7, ah.  I've just done exactly that :)  How many email accounts do you have, that you can forget which one you used?
17:19 < tyw7> oh wait nevermind
17:19 < BarkingFish> :)
17:20 < tyw7> I thought it said type in the email address when it actually said type in username... stupid me
17:20 -!- _Tony_Sidaway [~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
17:20 < BarkingFish> yeah, well hopefully that will help you find the right email account too :)
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17:21 < tyw7> BarkingFish: got your email
17:21 < tyw7> but I was trying to type in the email address in the field that says type in your username
17:21 < BarkingFish> cool :)  Glad you found the right account.
17:21  * tyw7 [facepalms]
17:21 < tyw7> BarkingFish: It was the email address I thought
17:22 < BarkingFish> "I don't fink you wanted to do that :)"
17:22 < BarkingFish> ;^)
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17:25 < ChrisGualtieri> I just realized AWB has a pre-parser... EFFICIENCY BOOST. Cue special effects! Dramatic opening.
17:25 < ChrisGualtieri> Seriously... the tedious tasks just got a little bit better
17:25 < ChrisGualtieri> Just let it check this 20,000 page nightmare for me
17:26 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: what function are you trying to perform? What does your checkwiki software do?
17:27 < ChrisGualtieri> See WP:CHECKWIKI
17:27 < ChrisGualtieri> It checks the syntax of Wikipedia to make sure it is clean, proper and not all messed up
17:27 < tyw7> RFC requested
17:28 < ChrisGualtieri> I don't mess with the template ones, but a lot of these title linked in wiki text are annoying
17:28 < ChrisGualtieri> You click the link to redirect to the same article.
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17:35 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: which AWB function or functions does checkwiki rely on? Sorry if this is repetition, I'm still not clear.
17:36 < ChrisGualtieri> AWB can pull from the CHECKWIKI project on the toolserver
17:36 < ChrisGualtieri> CHECKWIKI runs each database dump to find areas of improvement and catagorizes the errors in to groups
17:36 -!- [ceradon] is now known as incomputable
17:36 < ChrisGualtieri> AWB then obtains the list to work on from CHECKWIKI
17:37 < ChrisGualtieri> When the articles are corrected they will eventually be updated by CHECKWIKI's next dump
17:37 < ChrisGualtieri> Some 300,000 errors exist, a majority MUST be done by hand but AWB can still get a list and a bunch that it can fix
17:39 < Krenair> What do you do when someone has the username the same as a biography?
17:39 < Tony_Sidaway> So, AWB is the front-end to checkwiki, which is a toolserver project that analyzes wikisource in database dumps? Is that it?
17:39 < Sven_Manguard> Krenair: do you have TW?
17:39 < Krenair> uw-coi on their talk page?
17:39 < Krenair> yes
17:40 < Sven_Manguard> If so, there's a TW message for COI
17:40 < Sven_Manguard> use that
17:40 < Tony_Sidaway> What is TW? Twinkle?
17:40 < Sven_Manguard> mhmm
17:40 < Sven_Manguard> then observe the situatuion
17:40 < ChrisGualtieri> Tony_Sidaway:  AWB is the 'AutoWikiBrowser' its a high level, semi-bot-like, tool that allows for mass browsing and editing in the same windows
17:40 < Krenair> It's thie bio:
17:41 < Krenair> There are copyright signs on one of the images but the page says PD
17:41 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: yes I know what AWB is. I just want to know if I've got it right.
17:41 < Krenair> file page says PD*
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17:41 < ChrisGualtieri> Yep yep
17:41 < Tony_Sidaway> Thanks.
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17:47 < BarkingFish> ok guys, I'm gonna get out early tonight, got a long day tomorrow, building someone a new PC :)
17:47 < BarkingFish> see ya
17:47 < Peter-C> BYE
17:47 < Peter-C> caps
17:48 < BarkingFish> bbfn
17:48 -!- BarkingFish [~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish] has quit [Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)]
17:48 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone know how many references are needed for AWB not to tag with REFimprove?
17:49 < Guerillero> no idea
17:50 < Tony_Sidaway> I would hope that is configurable.
17:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Reliable sources are more qualitative than quantitative.
17:51 < Sven_Manguard> ChrisGualtieri: If I had to guess: 3 or 4?
17:52 < ChrisGualtieri> Probably 2 = tag, 3 = no tag
17:52 < ChrisGualtieri> All I can figure
17:53 < norbit> Sven_Manguard:
17:54 < Sven_Manguard> I'll pass.
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17:58 < Qcoder02> - mothra?
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18:01 -!- Jeske_Merensky [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*]
18:02 < Isarra> There is no dreaming without waking. The Nightmares aren't real until you make them up.
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18:02 < Elduen> I saw a deer today.
18:04 < incomputable> "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."
18:04 < Shirik> Elduen: Is that like... unusual?
18:04 < Elduen> You know, if you mentally equate Isarra with GlaDOS, and imagine anything she says in the latter's voice...
18:04 < Elduen> ...well, it doesn't really make any more sense.
18:05 < Qcoder02> Hello peopl
18:05 < Shirik> e
18:05 < Qcoder02> Anyone here want to particiapte in an experiment?
18:05 < Isarra> Just one?
18:06 < Shirik> If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate
18:06 < Isarra> By being here we're already involved in several.
18:06 < Isarra> My mouldy palm tree is dying.
18:06 < Qcoder02> I need as many people as possible to record 'distance' pairs between major cities :)
18:06 < Elduen> Tell me about it in details, Isarra.
18:06 < Elduen> detail*
18:06  * Isarra drops it on Elduen's head.
18:07 < Elduen> Seems just fine to me.
18:07 < Qcoder02> And if have to log off
18:07 < Qcoder02> *I
18:07 -!- Qcoder02 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
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18:29 < Isarra> Who's a good mentor person for nooblings?
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18:29  * Demiurge1000 points at SigmaWP
18:29 < TeeTylerToe> someone that practices what they preach
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18:30 < Isarra> Cute.
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18:31 < Frood> Isarra: mentor, or adopter?
18:31 < Isarra> I never was entirely clear on the distinction.
18:31 < Isarra> I guess I mean adopter.
18:31 < Frood> Mentors are generally people who volunteer to "rehabilitate" blocked users
18:32 < Frood> they're usually restricted to some things, and before doing others they have to askthe mentor
18:32 < TeeTylerToe> and basically all they need to know is that nothing makes much sense, and that some projects are more fanatical about references and OR, except when you're in the project, and you'll have a lot of arguments about completely subjective things
18:32 < Frood> it's kind of an editing restriction
18:32 < Isarra> Odd.
18:33 < Isarra> When a guy adopted me, he was referred to as my mentor, and I never considered myself a problem user.
18:33 < TeeTylerToe> also, don't try to quote rules or policy
18:33 < Demiurge1000> Sometimes I mentor people before they have got blocked yet
18:34 < TeeTylerToe>
18:34 < Elduen> So there's no "Adopt a Noob" system on WP?
18:34 < Isarra> Well, anyway, who's a good adopter?
18:34 < Isarra> It's Adopt a User here.
18:34 < Isarra> But far as I'm concerned you're a cute little noobling.
18:35 < Demiurge1000> Worm is a good adopter, but he's asleep
18:35  * Isarra huggles Elduen.
18:35  * Elduen nibbles on Isarra.
18:35 < TeeTylerToe> the room could adopt them, but then we'd have to help people edit rather than chat about what is normallychat about
18:35 < Demiurge1000> I'm an intermediate adopter
18:35 < kat> adopting p:
18:35 < Frood> I'm an awful adopter.
18:35 < kat> o: *
18:35 < Demiurge1000> Adam mugliston is a high-volume adopter
18:35 < Elduen> Wikipedia makes me nervous.
18:35 < Isarra> Frood: I'd be worse.
18:35 < Frood> Isarra: screw the boobs
18:35 < Frood> and noobs
18:36 < TeeTylerToe> what makes you nervous about wikipedia other than tha admins?
18:36 < Elduen> It's big.
18:36 < SigmaWP> Is Elduen a noob?
18:37 < SigmaWP> Elduen: Check my contributions before May 2011, and do the opposite of what you see
18:37 < Elduen> I have about... six? Years of experience on wikis, off-and-on editing. But those were relatively small Wikia wikis. Wikipedia is big.
18:37 < SigmaWP> You'll do everything right that way
18:37 < SigmaWP> Oh
18:37 < Elduen> SigmaWP: I am Andorin.
18:37 < SigmaWP> Oh
18:37 < Elduen> This is my WP user.
18:37 < Elduen>
18:37 < TeeTylerToe> it's not about the size of the wiki, it's the motion in the ocean
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18:38 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
18:38 < morgankevinj> needs a block
18:39 < Tony_Sidaway> I've never found Wikipedia's size intimidating (though when I started it had only about 1/2 million articles). The size is a help, really. You're never alone, there's always somebody to ask for help.
18:39 < TeeTylerToe> what are admins like on small wikis?
18:39 < Elduen> Terrible.
18:39 < TeeTylerToe> oh?
18:39 < Isarra> Some are terrible and some aren't.
18:39 < Isarra> For instance I'm terrible and Elduen isn't.
18:39 < Elduen> Isarra is terrible.
18:39 < OlEnglish> how are they terible?
18:39 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
18:39 < Isarra> Apparently I'm a bully.
18:39 < Elduen> I am at least half as terrible as you are.
18:40 < Isarra> And I like to make up rules and dictate things.
18:40 < OlEnglish> terrible in that they're incompetent?
18:40 < OlEnglish> or terrible as in they're bullies?
18:40 < TeeTylerToe> do you think that consensus is determined by a show of hands?
18:40 < OlEnglish> or both
18:40 < Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: no, it's by most convincing arguement
18:40 < Elduen> On the wiki I administrate, no.
18:40 < Isarra> OlEnglish: Generally speaking, it can go either way.
18:40 < Isarra> Or both.
18:40 < OlEnglish> yeah
18:41 < OlEnglish> i'm a terribly competent bully
18:41 < TeeTylerToe> it's any convincing argument.  Many issues have more than one convincing argument
18:41 < Isarra> OlEnglish: So am I!
18:41 < Isarra> Usually.
18:41 < OlEnglish> hehe
18:41 < Isarra> Sometimes I make things die horribly, but nothing irreversible yet.
18:41 < Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: the most convincing arguement is the one that the closing admin wants it to be
18:41 < Isarra> I mean, 90000 edits isn't aaaall that many to undelete...
18:42 < Elduen> Consensus is hard.
18:42 < Elduen> Unless you're the closing admin, yeah.
18:42 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:42 < OlEnglish> sometimes you need a supervote
18:42 < OlEnglish> just to get anywhere
18:42 < Elduen> Why does Ham Sandvich require a block?
18:42 < TeeTylerToe> people throw the "truth" around a lot as it's decided by the "consensus" which is voted on
18:43 < Elduen> Does he have a deleted user contribution?
18:43 -!- Monchoman45 [~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:43 < Sven_Manguard> OlEnglish: Bad boy. Go to your room and write "I will diligently uphold the will of the community" 1000 times
18:43 < Elduen> TeeTylerToe: That's nothing. Try administrating a wiki that has an official policy called "Use common sense" instead of "Ignore all rules".
18:43 < OlEnglish> hehe
18:43 < Sven_Manguard> Elduen: which one is that?
18:43 < Sven_Manguard> Uncyclopedia?
18:43 < Elduen> That'd be the RuneScape wiki, one of Wikia's.
18:43 < TeeTylerToe> neither sound like very good policies
18:44 < Elduen> Wikipedia has IAR, doesn't it?
18:44 < Gfoley4> I never quite got RuneScape
18:44 < Gfoley4> yes
18:44 < Sven_Manguard> Elduen: Runescape is an MMO. HATRED
18:44 < Elduen> I like the game. Mostly.
18:44 < Elduen> And the wiki is one of the best fansites, especially when I edit it.
18:44 < TeeTylerToe> and do people actually argue about real rules on wikipedia?  You quote a rule and they ignore you, they misquote a rule and you can't argue against it because that would be like a legal proceeding
18:44 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
18:44 < Isarra> I yelled at the admins of the Guild Wars Wiki (it's another MMO) for writing bad abuse filters once...
18:45 < Isarra> I seem to yell at people a lot.
18:45 < Gfoley4> MMO = ?
18:45 < Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: People don't just endlessly argue about rules, the also endlessly argue about the manual of style...
18:45 < Isarra> Online game thing.
18:45 < TeeTylerToe> massively multiplayer online game
18:45 < Isarra> I dunno what it actually... oh.
18:45 < Elduen> Anyway. I may only have experience with Uncyclopedia and the RSW, but I do have some decent wikicode knowledge.
18:45 < Sven_Manguard> What TeeTylerToe said
18:45 < Gfoley4> is Minecraft considered one?
18:45 < Sven_Manguard> It's like an RPG, but shittier
18:45 < Elduen> I am competent enough to write an article.
18:45 < Isarra> I'm not.
18:45 < Elduen> But a Wikipedia article? Boy, I dunno.
18:45 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
18:46 < TeeTylerToe> minecraft isn't quite a MMO because it has too many different servers
18:46 < OlEnglish> wikipedia is like an mmorpg
18:46 < Isarra> It's not like one.
18:46 < Isarra> It is one.
18:46 < OlEnglish> i like that page
18:46 < OlEnglish> that's a great page
18:46 < OlEnglish> oh ya, it is on
18:46 < OlEnglish> e
18:46 < Elduen> Makes me think of Uncyclopedia's Game: space.
18:46 < Isarra>
18:47 < Elduen> Isarra: <3
18:47 < Gfoley4> I think I'm going to play some minecraft then
18:47 < TeeTylerToe> I never had success arguing rules because the admins I've come into contact don't care about the text of the rule, they just interpret it however they want to and they refuse to argue
18:47 < Elduen> On WP?
18:47 < TeeTylerToe> yea
18:47 < Elduen> Now that I think about it, what's the highest authority on Wikipedia, aside from community consensus?
18:47 < Elduen> What/who
18:48 < Tony_Sidaway> Ignore all Rules is the saving grace of Wikipedia. Even if you're "right" on written policy, often you just have to admit (as I do daily) that this isn't the way Wikipedia actually works.
18:48 < TeeTylerToe> for instance, consensus isn't determined by a show of hands, and that if there are two opposing viewpoints that both have reliable references that the article should be expanded to include both, instead of taking a vote
18:48 < TeeTylerToe> arbitration committee which takes a month per issue
18:48 < TeeTylerToe> afaik
18:48 < Isarra> Wait, wikipedia works?
18:48 < Isarra> HERESY!
18:49 < Tony_Sidaway> It's still here and it changes over time. In that sense it works.
18:49 < Elduen> I use it as a reference all the time.
18:49 < TeeTylerToe> how does that help anything Tony?
18:49 < Elduen> I've just never delved into its community, or the act of editing it.
18:49 < OlEnglish> i use it to pass the time
18:49 < Tony_Sidaway> All investigations I'm aware of (and my own experience) also suggest that quality is improving.
18:49 < Elduen> Or its rules, or policies, or essays..
18:49  * Elduen 's head spins.
18:49 < Isarra> I use wikipedia to... uh...
18:49 < Elduen> Timesink.
18:50 < Isarra> Sure.
18:50 < ChrisGualtieri> Is there a way to find unsourced english articles?
18:50 < Tony_Sidaway> Just about any article I've ever looked at, the quality has improved, often by an order of magnitude over spaces of 5 years or more.
18:50 < OlEnglish> english? articles?
18:50 < TeeTylerToe> a lot of articles are pretty bad
18:51 < OlEnglish> as in.. written in english?
18:51 < Elduen> If you feel the game has treated you particularly unfairly, you can create free amusement for other players by asking the Dark Lord for assistance.
18:51 < OlEnglish> good luck there bud
18:51 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:51 < TeeTylerToe> ?
18:51 < Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: you can get articles in a given category and then look for those without links. Doesn't mean unsourced but it's a good rule of thumb.
18:51 < Elduen> No, I'm sure the goal of creating free amusement for other players can be met quite easily.
18:51 < TeeTylerToe> isn't there a way to find articles that are tagged with one of the unreferenced or needs more reference tags?
18:52 < Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: yes
18:52 < Elduen> I would think so.
18:52 < TeeTylerToe> maybe google?
18:52 < Elduen> Special:Whatlinkshere?
18:52 < OlEnglish> uhh ya.. there's tons of maintenance categories
18:52 < Sven_Manguard> go to WP:GBD and look for the category with 300,000 entries
18:52 < Sven_Manguard> that's the unsourced
18:52 < Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: basically take pywikipediabot and hack around with it.
18:52 < Frood> fuck yeah, my failover worked.
18:52 < OlEnglish> try Category:Wikipedia unreferenced articles
18:52 < TeeTylerToe> google might work
18:52 < OlEnglish> or something similar
18:52 < Sven_Manguard>
18:52 < TeeTylerToe> do a google search for the domain for the text of the unreferenced tag
18:52 < OlEnglish> ya
18:53 < Sven_Manguard> 233,000 "articles" have no source
18:53 -!- tonynoname2 [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:53 < TeeTylerToe> also just looking for stubs
18:53 < OlEnglish> and growing
18:53 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:53 < TeeTylerToe> why not improve stubs rather than add references
18:53 -!- Frood_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:53 < Frood_> I stand corrected.
18:53 < ChrisGualtieri> I'm fixing those Sven, but categorizing them are annoying
18:53 -!- Frood [~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p] has quit [Killed ( (Nickname regained by services))]
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18:53 < ChrisGualtieri> Half of them I can't find sources for
18:53 < TeeTylerToe> or maybe add information about paul ryan's social security privitization plan to his article
18:54 -!- tonynoname2 [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:54 < OlEnglish> what are we going to do with all the permastubs?
18:54 -!- la_pianista [~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:54 < OlEnglish> they'll be forever stubbed
18:54 < Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: you can do whatlinkshere on a template such as "unreferenced".
18:55 < Frood> omg la_pianista
18:55 < Tony_Sidaway> Stubs are fine.
18:55 < la_pianista> hi ^.^
18:55 < TeeTylerToe> hi
18:55  * Isarra gives la_pianista a fish.
18:55 < Tony_Sidaway> We should probably stop futile attempts to delete stuff that is perfectly okay as a small stub and can be redirected by anybody in a few seconds.
18:55  * la_pianista plays it a ditty
18:56 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:56 < la_pianista> isn't there some catchy song about a singing fish?
18:56 < la_pianista> can't remember it now
18:56 < la_pianista> anyways
18:56  * la_pianista bows lowly
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18:56 < OlEnglish> roly poly fishheads?
18:57 < la_pianista> if that isn't a real title, I'd be sorely disappointed
18:57 < Tony_Sidaway> About six or seven years ago I ran an assay on article deletions and compared those to the raw article creation rate. It was so unbalanced it was quite surprising.
18:57 -!- incomputable [~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon] has quit [Quit: *poof*]
18:58 < Tony_Sidaway> I predicted then that deletion except in the case of very severe problems (obvious hoax or BLP) was soon going to be a waste of energy.
18:58 < Tony_Sidaway> I wonder whether my prediction held up.
18:58 < OlEnglish> la_pianista: just created the redirect :)
18:58 < la_pianista> haha
18:58 < Sven_Manguard> la_pianista: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:58 < la_pianista> Sven_Manguard !!!!!!!!!!
18:58 < la_pianista> was wondering when I'd run into you
18:58 < norbit> la_pianista! :O
18:58 < la_pianista> yeesh everyone changing screen names every few months
18:59  * la_pianista whoises
18:59 < norbit> lol
18:59 -!- tonynoname2 [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:59 < la_pianista> colloquy sucks, can't tell who you are
18:59  * la_pianista waves anyway
18:59 -!- Anurag2k12 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:59 < Sven_Manguard> It's addihockey
18:59 < norbit> :-DD
18:59 < Isarra> He likes changing his nick.
19:00 < Elduen> I'm going to stick with this.
19:00 < OlEnglish> i sometimes play with my nick
19:00 < Elduen> To minimize confusing poor Isarra.
19:00 < OlEnglish> yes, my nick
19:00 < Isarra> I like this one.
19:00 -!- tonynoname2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:00 -!- Isarra is now known as VanishedUser2138
19:00 < Tony_Sidaway> Okay, in the past 12 hours English Wikipedia has grown by 500 pages in article space.
19:00 < norbit> OlEnglish: o_O
19:00 < Elduen> Wow.
19:00 < la_pianista> ohh addy
19:00  * diegogrez lurks, waves
19:00  * la_pianista huggles
19:00  * la_pianista waves to diegogrez as well
19:00  * norbit glomps la_pianista
19:01 < norbit> diegogrez: hello
19:01 < diegogrez> hola
19:01 < diegogrez> wassup?
19:01 < norbit> nm
19:01 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !]
19:01 < VanishedUser2138> But we all know RTV is reversible...
19:01 -!- VanishedUser2138 is now known as Isarra
19:02 < norbit> Isarra: You, are a troll.
19:02 < norbit> :-DD
19:02 < Isarra> norbit: U have my own bridge and everything.
19:02 < Isarra> I
19:02  * Isarra thumps it for emphasis.
19:02 < Elduen> And under it? A moldy palm tree.
19:02 -!- matt_buck [~mattbuck@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:03 < Tony_Sidaway> Now looking at deletions, in the past 12 hours some 1,000 pages altogether have been deleted. This is across all namespaces.
19:03 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
19:03  * diegogrez wonders whether someone in this room could review one of his DYK noms :)
19:03 < diegogrez> *wonders if, or whatever it is, you should get it
19:03 -!- tonynoname [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
19:03 < Tony_Sidaway> So quite quickly we see that it's unlikely that any serious, effective control is being exercised over article creation.
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19:05 < Tony_Sidaway> I would like to quantify the number of CSDs, PRODS and AfDs, and that would give us a much firmer figure for raw article creation versus article deletion rate.
19:05 < OlEnglish> what do you make of the new new page triage thingy?
19:06 < OlEnglish>
19:06 < Isarra> norbit: And you don't know how to use commas properly.
19:06 < Isarra> I forgot to mention that.
19:06 < Tony_Sidaway> But that would take a bit of effort. Just a glance at the deletion log shows that article deletions are not that common:
19:07 < TeeTylerToe> I made an article about the russian watched used for their space program that was discontinued in 1970.  It was speedily deleted because it wasn't notable and it was an advertisement
19:07 < Guerillero> I delete a good amount of stuff
19:08 < Tony_Sidaway> OlEnglish: interesting to see the Foundation finally getting involved in curation. I don't think the "problem" is tractable, though. In fact I don't think it's a problem except for people who adhere to fantasies such as "notability".
19:08 < OlEnglish> oh i think we'd be a lot worse of without the notability guideline
19:08 < OlEnglish> worse off
19:08 < norbit> Isarra: how so?
19:08 < Tony_Sidaway> OlEnglish: statistically it cannot ever be effective.
19:08 < TeeTylerToe> the notability guideline that can't even define notability?
19:09 < Tony_Sidaway> Notability is a chimera. It plays no part in fundamental policy.
19:09 < OlEnglish> so it should just be a common sense thing then
19:09 < Guerillero> notability is a cornerstone of the pedia
19:10 < TeeTylerToe> but you can't trust people to have common sense
19:10 < OlEnglish> whatever you write about in an encyclopedia, common sense is it should be notable
19:10 < OlEnglish> right, you can't trust people
19:10 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:10 < TeeTylerToe> someone that's for instance a railroad fan would find a certain locomotive very notable, but wouldn't find a russian space watch notable, a watch fan would find a russian space watch notable but wouldn't care about a locomotive if it created the universe and man
19:10 < Tony_Sidaway> Anyway pointless arguing over it. It doesn't work not because it's wrong, but because we have no way of implementing it in a manner that has a hope of competing with the rate of article creation.
19:11 -!- kim__ [~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:11 -!- kim__ is now known as kim_bruning
19:11 < OlEnglish> well lets hope wmf's new page curation tool will have an effect
19:11 < Tony_Sidaway> The obsession with deletion has occupied a lot of energy over the years. I don't think that will change.
19:12 < kim_bruning> shoot, I always get msged by steven zhang, except when I need him ^^;;
19:12 < Tony_Sidaway> I outlined methods of automatic curation some years ago. They would scale but they probably would not be popular.
19:12 < TeeTylerToe> tell him no means no
19:13 < TeeTylerToe> I don't see why people think that there isn't space in wikipedia for an interesting article
19:13 -!- ty is now known as tyime
19:13 < Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: there used to be a way of expressing this: "we're not running out of paper."
19:14 < OlEnglish> whaat? there's tons of interesting articles
19:14 < OlEnglish> i love WP:UNUSUAL
19:14 < OlEnglish> soo many interesting articles there
19:16 < norbit> OlEnglish: Stop having a boring knife, stop having a boring life.
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19:16 < OlEnglish> yeah i've seen that:)
19:17 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
19:17 < Tony_Sidaway>
19:17 -!- Freudian|Sleep is now known as Bendersgame
19:17 < Tony_Sidaway>
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:17 < Tony_Sidaway>
19:18 < Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: yeah I _know_. Interesting stuff, eh?
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
19:18 < TeeTylerToe> to commemorate the US Military's intervention against saddam in kuwait, the vostok watch company of the union of soviet socialist republics made a commemorative watch
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> based on what I know about it... it is the earliest recorded case of trolling or perhaps more
19:19 < norbit> Peter-C: don't let this happen to you :O
19:19 -!- andrewcrawford [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
19:19 < kim_bruning> norbit,  "that's not a knife... _That's_ a knife" .    Just kids having fun ;-)
19:19 -!- NyanChat [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:19 < Tony_Sidaway> I like the name. FOr me Vostok is one of those names, like Sputnik and Gemini and Telstar, that filled my childhood.
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19:20 < Soapy> i think im going to put all my passwords online on a publically accessible webpage and see how long it takes people to find it
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19:21 < TeeTylerToe>
19:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway your childhood?
19:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I thought you were cloned :/
19:22 -!- Bendersgame [~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
19:22 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, clones have a childhood
19:22 -!- Freudian|Sleep is now known as Bendersgame
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19:22 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, now, duplicates, maybe
19:23 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, (proper twins are always clones of each other, to begin with. They tend to have childhoods ;-)
19:23 < Tony_Sidaway> Clive James' lyrics: "the Omega Incabloc Oyster Acutron '72, the only wristwatch for a drummer."
19:23 < norbit> kim_bruning: lol
19:23 < TeeTylerToe> bet that was the last time they let the drummer write lyrics
19:23 < kim_bruning> norbit, hey, I'm a wikipedian. If I don't get to be pedantic on #wikipedia, where DO I get to be pedantic?
19:23 < Tony_Sidaway> He used to write lyrics for the singer Pete Atkin.
19:24 -!- DoRD is now known as DoRD|away
19:24 -!- Sk8rbluscat [~Skater_20@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
19:24 < Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: it's a wrily comic song. Clive James is an essayist and occasional poet.
19:24 < Soapy> im going to put my passwords online on my homepage but it'll be in the Voynich Manuscript font
19:24 < kim_bruning> Now if you meet a girl with 2 moms, (and she looks suspiciously like kid pictures of mom&aunts)   you may want to consider you have just met an IRL clone.
19:24 < kim_bruning> ;-)
19:24 -!- Skate is now known as sk8rbluscat
19:24 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:25 < kim_bruning> Soapy, that's decipherable
19:25 -!- diegogrez [diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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19:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning sure... next thing you will tell me clones are actually born
19:26 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, how else would you make a human being?
19:26 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:26 < OlEnglish> ya
19:27 < OlEnglish> it's still gotta be born
19:27 < Tony_Sidaway>
19:27 < kim_bruning> I don't know that actual clones are born today. I know of one way in which one could make clones today (not very useful, but theoretically attainable)
19:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning with a blender?
19:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> put lots and lots of cabbages
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19:27 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, that would be de novo synthesis
19:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> with cabages?
19:28 < Tony_Sidaway> Great rhyming of "from it", "comet" and "vomit". Dammit, Janet!
19:28 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, well, I wouldn't know what else you could do with cabbages
19:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> salad.
19:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
19:29 < Soapy> you could make a clone with a time machine
19:29 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, to be frank, I don't know whether de novo synthesis of humans starting from cabbages is entirely practicable
19:29  * ToAruShiroiNeko is amazed how much BS holywood can produce
19:29 < Tony_Sidaway> Clones? "Bye baby Banting, soon you'll be decanting!"
19:29 < kim_bruning> Soapy, now that would be a duplicate
19:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning anything is possible with effort
19:29 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, IRL clones are/would be nothing like hollywood ;-)
19:29 < Tony_Sidaway> So in Huxley's novel, they're created in a test tube and nurtered in a jar.
19:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can breakdown the cabages into more basic elements
19:29 < kim_bruning> Tony_Sidaway, which is stupid
19:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and then make them complex again
19:30 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, that's what I was thinking ;-)
19:30 < Tony_Sidaway> kim_bruning: well he was writing this in 1930!
19:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ideally through a matter -> energy -> matter conversion
19:30 < kim_bruning> while on the other hand, I'm not entirely unconvinced cloning could be done in your kitchen, provided:
19:30 < Soapy> well I guess if you bring the parents back together they could have more kids
19:30 < kim_bruning> you possess some form of carrying the child (you'll need a womb)
19:31 < Soapy> then youd just keep killing the babies until you get one that's a clone
19:31 < kim_bruning> you clean up very well after yourself (some chemicals used in genetics are Not Very Healthy (tm))
19:31 < Tony_Sidaway> In fact, the children in Brave New World are mass produced but probably not necessarily cloned.
19:31 < kim_bruning> But I don't know that anyone has a successful protocol yet
19:31 -!- Earwig [~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:31 < kim_bruning> but eventually it shouldn't cost more than $10K or so.
19:31 < Soapy> to have a baby
19:32 < Soapy> so someone with $10 million could have 1,000 children
19:32 < kim_bruning> I figure you'd have to be female and single (and/or non-athrophilic)
19:32 < kim_bruning> Soapy, no ;-)
19:33 < kim_bruning> Soapy, you need 10K worth of gear and chemicals, a kitchen, and a womb
19:33 -!- LL2|Android [~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:33 < Soapy> well I was picturing incubators in an underground lab somewhere, not normal human women with normal everyday wombs
19:33 < kim_bruning> 50% of the world population has the latter built in
19:33 < OlEnglish> human-alien hybrids
19:33 < kim_bruning> so you can see why I think the odds of any clones being female are pretty strong
19:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning it would cost more than 10k to keep it a secret
19:33 < OlEnglish> in dulce base
19:33 < kim_bruning> Soapy, why the heck would you use an external incubator, when you have a highly advanced incubator built in?
19:33 < OlEnglish> look it up
19:33 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, no, why?
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is illegal practically everywhere
19:34 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, once the egg cell is implanted , who's to know?
19:34 < Pharos> keepingf a secret is cheap
19:34 < Pharos> it's publicity that costs
19:34 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, what part is illegal?
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning to be honest the odds of it being healthy is slim
19:34 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why?
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cloning tends to fail
19:34 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, provided the mom is healthy, why wouldn't the kid?
19:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because techniques used are far from prefected
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19:35 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, right. And experimenting on humans would be BAD (tm)
19:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even first clones didnt live long and had various problems including on aging
19:35 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, but once techniques are perfected in mammals (which you know they will be)
19:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
19:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in the not too distant future
19:35 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, a female who really really really wants a kid, will be able to make one themselves without assistence
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> perhaps US politics would stop caring about the vagina and worry about more important issues
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning I can see such a kit sold in walmark
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iKid.
19:36 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you realize that if women don't need men to procreate, there might be a problem ;-)
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> actually...
19:36 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I don't know about that, but it seems it'd be the ultimate Maker project ;-)
19:36 < Tony_Sidaway> I read Huxley a long time ago now--a lifetime ago. The wordplay is still sparkling. Must read it again.
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> genetically women never needed men
19:36 < Soapy> id be happy with being there being less men in teh world
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> xx is a valid gene
19:36 < Tony_Sidaway>
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19:37 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you mean a valid chromosome pair? There's a whole bunch of genes on there :-P
19:37 < OlEnglish> everyone is born a female
19:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the one for gender specifically
19:37 < OlEnglish> well not born
19:37 < kim_bruning> OlEnglish, last I checked, not really :-P
19:37 < Tony_Sidaway> His later, darker, work, such as Ape and Essence. Well worth a look.
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19:37 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, there's an entire chromosome for that ;-)
19:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> on the other hand men do not have that possibility since yy is kaput
19:37 < OlEnglish> as a fetus we're all female aren't we?
19:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> OlEnglish nope
19:37 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, also, no womb
19:38 < OlEnglish> well where does that come in
19:38 < OlEnglish> i know i read it somewhere
19:38 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, but you can still clone a male. You just need to find a surrogate mother.
19:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning dont forget arnold
19:38 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, at which point it's probably much easier to just use the traditional method
19:38 < Tony_Sidaway> Fetuses have distinct sex during later development. We're not born female.
19:38 < Soapy> the very early stages of fetushood are unisex
19:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the get laid method
19:38 < kim_bruning> also because a person is much more likely to carry a child who actually has 50% of her genes ;-)
19:38 < Soapy> but saying we "start out female" has some merit
19:38 < OlEnglish> yes ok "the very early stages" there you go
19:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am told it is more entertaining too
19:39 < kim_bruning> so I predict clones will be mostly female, especially at first .
19:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> OlEnglish your gender is determined the second the egg is fertilised
19:39 < Soapy> because someone who's missing a Y chromosome and has only one X is still female
19:39 < Soapy> but someone who has a Y and no X wont even develop long enough to be born
19:39 < kim_bruning> Once you start cloning, it's actually biologically the optimal strategy to keep cloning the original mother's genes
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19:40 < kim_bruning> so you end up with families of 2 moms working together to raise a female kid. :-)
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the problem is you want biological diversity
19:40 < kim_bruning> you wouldn't even immediately be able to tell they're all clones, due to
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cloning brings legal aspects
19:40 < kim_bruning> A: People look different at different ages. (you'd have to compare photos at the same age)
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as biometrics will be identical
19:40 < Soapy> some woman in England patented herself so that she could claim legal ownership of all clones of her
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19:41 < OlEnglish> wow
19:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy that sounds stupid
19:41 < kim_bruning> B: twins (natural clones) who live together tend to differentiate from each other:wear different clothes, different haircuts, etc.
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19:41 < Soapy> i think it was more a publicity stunt than a serious attempt to get legal right to own people
19:41 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
19:41 < OlEnglish> how can you patent yourself
19:41 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, biometrics will not be identical
19:41 < OlEnglish> wait, you can patent genes can't you
19:41 < kim_bruning> OlEnglish, your parents can claim prior art ;-)
19:41 < Soapy> you can patent genes for crops
19:41 < kim_bruning> OlEnglish, You can patent the use of genes for certain applications. It's a loophole
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19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you cannot pattent your own genes
19:42 < OlEnglish> huh
19:42 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why not? ;-)
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> gene pattents are intended for bio-engineering
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning because it isnt intellectual property
19:42 < kim_bruning>
19:42 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why?
19:42 < Soapy> hm
19:42 < Soapy> the contribs page changed again
19:43 < Soapy> now it says [rollback 1 edit] instead of just [rollback]
19:43 < kim_bruning> Soapy, useful! Now I know how much damage I can do :-P
19:43 < Soapy> my sandbox history page says [rollback more than 10 edits]
19:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning because for IP you need to have intellectual input
19:44 < Soapy> so it wont show more than 10
19:44 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, well, you tell that to the lawyers. :-)
19:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ramming your loaf is not intellectual input
19:44 < Soapy> speaking of which I really should get back to work on my sandbox article
19:44 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I dunno, that involves a very large data transfer
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19:46 < kim_bruning> ok, human genome is 32GBasePairs:    1 BP has 4 states , 1 bit has 2 states, so 64GBits, divide by 8 is 8 gigabytes?
19:46 < kim_bruning> oh, that's actually accurate for haploid
19:46 < kim_bruning> (eg, in gametes)
19:47 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:47 < Soapy> so i could fit on an 8 GB SD card
19:47 < Soapy> but just barely
19:47 < kim_bruning> so yeah, the simplest way to put it is that you do an 8 Gbyte transfer. (though that's not entirely accurate)
19:47 < kim_bruning> Soapy, well, you'd need a 16 GB SD Card for your full genome :-)
19:47 < kim_bruning> normally you're diploid
19:47 < kim_bruning> haploid is used for data transfer
19:48 < Soapy> that means human genes are more space-efficient than SD cards
19:48 < kim_bruning> 50% from your mom, 50% from your dad
19:48 < Soapy> maybe in the future we'll use DNA to store computer files
19:48 < kim_bruning> Soapy, no kidding. It's molecular encoding ;-)
19:48 < kim_bruning> Soapy, You're not the first person to think that! :-)
19:49 < kim_bruning> wasn't there someone working on actually copying your DNA onto SD cards (by manner of speaking?)
19:49 < kim_bruning>
19:50 < kim_bruning> possibly this bunch
19:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning thats lame
19:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can zip it
19:50 < kim_bruning> George M. Church, PhD
19:50 < OlEnglish> i'd rar mine
19:50 < kim_bruning> hmm, there's a bunch of redundancy in encoding
19:50 < kim_bruning> so you might be able to pull that off
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19:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> problem with molecular storage is that it is difficult to modify it
19:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> access time is slow too
19:51 < kim_bruning> though, frankly, I'd leave it unzipped if I wanted to transcribe it back to DNA
19:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine your dna getting corrupted >:D
19:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you'd start to fade
19:51 < kim_bruning> the redundancies are 'designed' to take into account flaws in DNA data storage ;-)
19:51 -!- sk8rbluscat [~Skater_20@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647] has quit []
19:51 < OlEnglish> or encrypted
19:51 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, no you wouldn't start to fade
19:51 < OlEnglish> and you dont' have the key!!
19:51 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you'd just get sick ;-)
19:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning you are telling me holywood is stirring me wrong?
19:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BS!
19:52 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, an easy way to corrupt DNA is to expose a person to radiation
19:52 < OlEnglish> yup
19:52 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, ionizing radiation, specifically
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19:52 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, on a small scale, repair can keep up. Too much radiation-> Damage
19:52 < kim_bruning> Ohai Ironholds
19:53 < Ironholds> hey kim_bruning :)
19:53 < Soapy> yeah
19:53 < Soapy> the sun is constantly corurpting our genomes
19:53 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, of course, sometimes you're just unlucky, and a repair fails, and the cell does not self destruct, and  <add up perfect storm here> -> and you get cancer
19:53 < kim_bruning> Soapy, also, oxygen ;-)
19:53 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, how's life treating you?
19:54 < kim_bruning> Soapy, that stuff is radical man!
19:54 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
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19:54 < Fluffernutter> oh no, it's Ironholds and kim_bruning in the same place. Everybody run!
19:54 < kim_bruning>
19:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning or super powers
19:54 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, hey, everyone survived at wikimania
19:55 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you wish
19:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to mutate into spiderman
19:55 < kim_bruning> listen bud, ToAruShiroiNeko has radioactive blood
19:55 < kim_bruning> doesn't scan
19:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so if a radioactive skeever bites the dragonborn, does that make him or her skeeverman/woman?
19:56 < kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I suggest you do the experiment to find out
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19:57 < Ironholds> kim_bruning: it's going well!
19:57 < Ironholds> in SF and marginally drunk; Sarah, Katie, Kaldari and I were enjoying wine we poached from the legal department
19:57 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, I recall you said something about "being nice to volunteers" at some point ;-)
19:57 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
19:57 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, I would tell you to Never Mess With The Land Sharks
19:57 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, but then I recall they have to extend you professional courtesy ;-)
19:57 < Ironholds> hey, I'm a land-minnow
19:57 < Ironholds> exactly!
19:58 < Ironholds> and am I being mean to volunteers?
19:58 < Ironholds> Fluffernutter: you're just jealous of our combined knowledge
19:58 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, I dunno. I'm wondering if you're being nice to them now
19:58 < Ironholds> it's okay. you'll always know more about linguistics and awful, awful erotica
19:58 -!- aezop_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:58 < Fluffernutter> or your combined hairstyle. One of those.
19:58 < Ironholds> kim_bruning: somewhat!
19:58 < Ironholds> Fluffernutter: my hair is fine, as is Kim's.
19:58 < kim_bruning> "By your powers combined... I am captain <errrr>"
19:58 < kim_bruning> Not planet in this case
19:59 < kim_bruning> I'm pretty sure that Ironholds has no heart (having had it removed for professional resons)
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19:59 < kim_bruning> and I'd have some trouble getting a fire going with the constant rain around here :-P
19:59 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, Fluffernutter knows about aweful erotica? ;-)
19:59 < kim_bruning> This I did not know
20:00 < Fluffernutter> ...whut
20:00 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, anyway, are you actually being nice to volunteers, and not swearing at them (except privately)? (yes I know that ruins all the fun, but c'est la vie)
20:00 < kim_bruning> if so I shan't ask again, and just trust that you will achieve world dominion :-)
20:01 < Ironholds> mostly! It depends on the volunteer and the contxt
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20:01 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, Don't ask me. Ironholds mentioned it
20:01 < Ironholds> *e
20:01 < kim_bruning> ohai SteveMobile , top 'o the mornin' to ya
20:01 < Fluffernutter> Ironholds swears at people much more rarely these days!
20:01 < kim_bruning> SteveMobile, I knew you'd show up ;-)
20:01 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, look, I don't care who you swear at, just not at volunteers ;-)
20:02 < kim_bruning> SteveMobile, is there a way to easily reopen a DRN case? :-P
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20:02  * la_pianista does a drive by snuggle of ironholds
20:02 < kim_bruning> ohai la_pianista
20:03 < la_pianista> ohai kim_bruning
20:03 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, awesome! :-)
20:03 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, maybe 'cause he's just happier in life? :-)
20:04 < kim_bruning> um, ping?
20:04 < kim_bruning> :-)
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20:04 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, So what are you up to these days?
20:04  * Fluffernutter is pung
20:05 < kim_bruning> hmm, not too bad
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20:07 < kim_bruning> dang, my grammar vocabulary is bad in english
20:07 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, "pung" is inflected in way X,  "pinged" is inflected in way Y
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20:07 < Fluffernutter> ping, pang, pung
20:07 < Ironholds> kim_bruning: sat in SF :)
20:07 < Ironholds> nothing much
20:08 < Ironholds> la_pianista!
20:08 < Ironholds> holy shit, dude
20:08  * Ironholds glomps la_pianista
20:08 < kim_bruning> what are X and Y here? (no idea) in dutch X is strong, and Y  is weak
20:08  * la_pianista is glommed, being sure that none of the holy shit gets on her
20:08 < Ironholds> indeed, holiness is fatal to you people
20:08 < la_pianista> though I wonder if that's called being blessed
20:08 < Ironholds> by which I mean pianists
20:08 < kim_bruning> la_pianista, but but, it's HOLY.
20:08 < la_pianista> there's a deep adage somewhere in there
20:08 < Ironholds> REAL theists play the violin
20:08 -!- la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb
20:08 < kim_bruning> Ironholds, you discriminate?
20:08 < Fluffernutter> kim_bruning,, ping = present, pang = past, pung = past participle
20:08 < Ironholds> kim_bruning: only on musical instrument and hairstyle
20:09 -!- pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista
20:09 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, right, but you can also do it ping, pinged, pinged
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20:09 < kim_bruning> iirc
20:09 < Fluffernutter> kim_bruning: that would be heretical
20:09 < The_Thing>
20:09 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, also, there's a name for that other than heretical ;-)
20:09 < Fluffernutter> "non-native"?
20:10 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, no. :-P
20:10 < Guerillero> have you wrote a blog lately ironholds
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20:12  * kim_bruning scratches head
20:12 < Ironholds> Guerillero: I've got like, five half-written
20:12 < kim_bruning> some verbs follow a regular pattern
20:12 < kim_bruning> some verbs don't
20:12 < kim_bruning> OH!
20:12 < kim_bruning> duh, they're called regular and irregular in english
20:12 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, thanks! :-)
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20:12 < Frood> anyone have suggestions for printers that aren't sent from hell?
20:12  * kim_bruning figures I possibly need more sleep
20:12 < Ironholds> one on surveys, one on music, one on remote working, so on
20:12 < Ironholds> alright. I shall go to bed :)
20:12 < Ironholds> night all!
20:13 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit []
20:13 < Frood> or, i'd put up with one that's maybe sent from hell if its ink doesn't cost more than gold
20:13 < kim_bruning> Frood, are you also looking for an honest lawyer, and a flying pig?
20:13 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:13 < kim_bruning> Frood, printer ink is the 2nd most expensive substance on earth. (the most expensive being antimatter)
20:14 < Fluffernutter> Guerillero good lord go to bed!
20:14 < Frood> kim_bruning: it's more expensive than oil, human blood...
20:14 < kim_bruning> Frood, did you know laser printers have come down in price considerably?
20:14 < Guerillero> why fluff
20:14 < kim_bruning> Frood, toner is also expensive, but lots cheaper than ink
20:14 < norbit> kim_bruning: everyone knows that :O
20:14 < Frood> well, they're a bit big for my footprint
20:14 < kim_bruning> Frood, and it lasts a good sight longer too
20:14 < kim_bruning> Frood, you'd be surprised
20:14 < Frood> i need a fairly small printer
20:14 < norbit> Fluffernutter: Behave, please.
20:14 < kim_bruning> else make the footprint bigger, it's still cheaper
20:14 < Fluffernutter> Guerillero: because if you're still up it means you;re up late. Or I am. Or something.
20:14 < norbit> You are not Guerillero's mother :O
20:14 < Frood> like, only slightly bigger than a normal sheet of paper
20:15 < Fluffernutter> ah, but what if I am, norbit?
20:15 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter reminds me of my mother :-P
20:15 < norbit> Well, that would be awkward.
20:15 < Guerillero> hehe
20:15 < Frood> I don't really have a choice
20:15 < Fluffernutter> kim_bruning, dare I ask why?
20:15 < Guerillero> buttttt its only 11 PM
20:15 < Frood> my room is small, I need one for school and such.
20:15 < Brooke> Hi kim_bruning. :-)
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20:15 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, many different ways, actually ^^;;
20:15 < Guerillero> I do have a meeting at 10
20:15 < norbit> Guerillero: go out drinking with your friends, I'm the cool dad.
20:15  * Fluffernutter eyes kim_bruning
20:15 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, I told you this before once :-P
20:16 < kim_bruning> more than once
20:16 < norbit> kim_bruning: is your mother forgetful? :-D
20:16 < Brooke> kim_bruning is Freud.
20:16 < kim_bruning> norbit, I wish, she's gone now.
20:16 < norbit> oh :(
20:16  * Fluffernutter forgets everything, most of the time
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20:16 < kim_bruning> but she was awesome. Also, not forgetful :-)
20:16 < kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, that's because you're actually your own person, and not actually my mother :-P
20:17 < Fluffernutter> yay
20:17  * kim_bruning suggests Fluffernutter invest in more exomemory
20:17 < kim_bruning> (also, read accelerando)
20:17  * Fluffernutter is old like that
20:17 < kim_bruning> Ha :-P
20:18 -!- la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb
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20:22 -!- pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista
20:23 < Frood> How much does a normal ink cartridge cost?
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20:23 < Frood> I guess I could look myself
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20:23 < Gfoley4> 20 or so I think
20:24 < Gfoley4> which I thought was a little steep
20:24 -!- Tony_Sidaway [~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway] has quit [Quit: leaving]
20:27 < norbit> Gfoley4: depends on the printer, really.
20:28 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
20:28 < norbit> Logan: Could you close two deletion discussions, please?
20:29 < Gfoley4> it was an EPSON
20:29 < Logan_> I'm busy
20:29 < Gfoley4> and not an admin
20:29 < norbit> Logan: they're easy closes :/
20:29 < norbit> Gfoley4: commons
20:29 < Logan_> for the common folk
20:29 -!- viscount is now known as thomas
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20:32 < norbit> Sven_Manguard: PM?
20:32 < Sven_Manguard> any time
20:32 < Sven_Manguard> no need to ask
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20:37 < kim_bruning> ohai IShadowed
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20:38 < kim_bruning> re
20:38 -!- VerticalFarmer is now known as Nyanchat
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20:47 < Isarra> Wikipedians should have a ferret legging contest.
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20:48 < Isarra> And we should take pictures.
20:48 < Isarra> And add them to [[Ferret legging]].
20:49 < kylu> Wot if'n we've got no ferret! Wot then, ay?
20:50 -!- GabrielF [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:50 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:50 < Isarra> I'm sure some bright lads like y'all would have no trouble procuring the buggers.
20:50 -!- morgankevinj [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Morgankevinj] has quit [Quit: laptop battery about to die]
20:51 < GabrielF> Sven_Manguard: hi
20:51 < Sven_Manguard> hi
20:51 < GabrielF> wanted to chat with you about your email to our WALRUS chapter list
20:52 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:52 < norbit> GabrielF: I am the eggman
20:52 < GabrielF> ?
20:52 < norbit> we are the eggmen
20:52 < norbit> and I AM THE WALRUS
20:53 < norbit> COO-COO-KA-CHOO
20:54 -!- SteveMobile [~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
20:54 < diegogrez> mister city policeman city
20:55 < Bsadowski1> Hey diegogrez.
20:55 < diegogrez> hey Mr. Sadowski! long time no see
20:55 < norbit> Bsadowski1! :-)
20:56 < norbit> diegogrez: I'd say the rest.. but I can't understand Liam Gallagher's version.
20:58 < diegogrez> lol
20:58 < diegogrez> his performance was bizarre, just like himself
20:59 < diegogrez> but still, it was a good tribute to the Beatles
20:59 -!- yuvipanda [~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
21:00 < diegogrez> I was excited about the so-called hologram of Freddie Mercury which never appeared, I only saw four big screens displaying his performance in Wembley 1986, and not the Live Aid performance which was unoficially promoted :P
21:00 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:00 -!- Keegan__ is now known as Keegan
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21:15 < Pharos> hi folks
21:16 -!- chicocvenancio [~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio] has joined #wikipedia-en
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21:22  * Isarra hugs Pharos and runs away.
21:23 < Pharos> i believe that is a crime in some states
21:24 < Isarra> Probably.
21:27 -!- angstygangsta [~Joe@unaffiliated/thirteenth] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:28 < Pharos> GabrielF, sven, let me know if there is WA
21:28 < Pharos> WALRUS business
21:28 < Sven_Manguard> Wait what?
21:28 < angstygangsta> Does anyone here get involed with any Apple articles?
21:28 < Sven_Manguard> I keep getting poked about WALRUS business, I've got no idea what anyone's talking about
21:28 < norbit> Sven_Manguard: :O
21:28 < angstygangsta> i.e. Macs
21:29 < Pharos> i just saw from gabriel before
21:31 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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22:05 < Apheori> I want [citation needed] stickers.
22:05 < Apheori> To put on signs and things.
22:05 < Apheori> Like those Actual Size! stickers.
22:08 -!- Od1n [] has quit [Quit: politically correct quit message]
22:09  * bharris actual size.
22:09 -!- bharris is now known as jorm
22:09 -!- jorm [] has quit [Changing host]
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22:10 < Apheori> jorm: [citation needed]
22:11 < jorm> you've met me.
22:11 < Apheori> WP:NOR
22:11 < Apheori> NEED A CITATION.
22:12  * Elduen drags Apheori to her bed and leaves her there.
22:12  * Apheori hits Elduen with a cardboard cutout of a guild wars character.
22:12  * Elduen blocks with a cookie.
22:13 < Apheori> So jorm, darling, I understand you made the wikimedia labs logo?
22:15 < NyanChat> Hey, does this route look familiar to anybody?
22:15 -!- angstygangsta [~Joe@unaffiliated/thirteenth] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"]
22:16 < Apheori> Crap, my hair is bleeding.
22:16 -!- Keegan [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
22:16 < NyanChat> Apheori, I wish I could give you med. advice right now, but alas, IANAD.
22:17 < NyanChat> We know Jordanhill Railway Station is article #1,000,000. What was Article #1?
22:19 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: MC8, Versageek
22:21 < NyanChat> ping me when you know
22:21 < NyanChat> or are awake
22:21 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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22:28 -!- Frostee [] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:30 < jorm> what about it?
22:33 < kim_bruning> wow, wikitravel is slow
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22:42 < kim_bruning> jebus, REALLY slow
22:42 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !]
22:44 -!- tyime [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
22:45 < Apheori> jorm: MzMcBride and I vectorised it and we need someone to decide which one is better.
22:45 < jorm> yours.
22:45 < Apheori> Did you look, or are you just saying that so I don't bite you?
22:46 < jorm> i did not look, but i'm not giving shit to mz.
22:46 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@wikimedia/Logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
22:46 < Apheori> Oh, okay.
22:46 < Apheori> That works.
22:46 < kim_bruning> ZOMG, I have patroller on WT
22:46 < Apheori> His is lumpier.
22:47 < kim_bruning> jorm, what's wrong with mr mcbride? ;-)
22:47 < jorm> my original was vector, but somehow i lost it, which pisses me off to no end.
22:47 < jorm> 'twas actually a rebuild of a thing i did for my wife.
22:47 < jorm> the best i have is a 300 dpi version.
22:47 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
22:47 < jorm> i could rebuild a vector pretty quickly but haven't really needed to.
22:48 < Apheori> >.<
22:48 < kim_bruning> I am actually one of WT's oldest users. ....
22:48  * kim_bruning :-O 's 
22:48 < Apheori> Perhaps you ought to; it might help settle our dispute.
22:48 < jorm> s/what
22:49 < jorm> s/what\'s wrong/what\'s right/
22:49  * Apheori starts giggling and steals Brooke's hair.
22:50 < Elduen> Tsk.
22:50 < Elduen> You are terrible at this, you know.
22:50  * jorm terrible.
22:50 < Elduen> @Apheori.
22:51 < kim_bruning> tewwible
22:51 < Apheori> Elduen: And you're going to be a lovely wikipedian. I just know it.
22:52 < Elduen> I still have nothing to contribute.
22:52 < Apheori> We can fix that.
22:52 < jorm> there are no lovely wikipedians except risker and whatamidoing.
22:52 < Elduen> Apheori is lovely.
22:52 < Apheori> Risker is amazing.
22:52 < jorm> concur.
22:53 < Apheori> How do I fix the fact that all my clothes are covered in peat?
22:53 < Elduen> Change.
22:53 < Pharos> accept the peat
22:53 < Apheori> *All* my clothes.
22:54 < Apheori> It itches.
22:54 < Pharos> my solution is better
22:54 -!- Fae [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:54 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:54 < norbit> This is so painful to watch
22:54 < Elduen> Go without clothing.
22:55  * Apheori coveres norbit in peat.
22:55 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
22:55 < norbit> Apheori: it's the jersey shore guy doing the roast of donald trump
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22:56 < Apheori> I have no idea what that means.
22:57  * Frostee likes roasts
22:59 < jorm> alright.  show me your vector version.
22:59 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.]
23:00 < Apheori>
23:00 < Frostee> I like the Unicorn
23:01 < Apheori> Do you like this one?
23:01 -!- NyanChat [] has quit [K-Lined]
23:01 < Frostee> your's is bigger
23:01 < Pharos> one day we will need a wikimedia logo with a narwhal
23:01 < kim_bruning> you mean we're actually going to gt a unicorn?
23:01 < kim_bruning> Holy Moly!
23:02 < Apheori> They're svgs. Size is meaningless.
23:02  * kim_bruning has high expectations
23:02 < Frostee> But
23:02 < Frostee> BIGGER
23:02 < Apheori>
23:02 < kim_bruning> what's the difference really?
23:02  * kim_bruning scratches head
23:02 < Frostee> the difference is the size
23:02 < kim_bruning> I'm looking at colors, shapes,...
23:03 < Apheori> One is lumpier.
23:03 < Frostee> oh yes that too
23:03 < kim_bruning> oh yeah, now I see
23:03 < kim_bruning> more detail
23:03 < kim_bruning> I like the smoother one, for some reason
23:04 < kim_bruning> I guess it looks more elegant
23:04 < Apheori> Lumps are unseemly.
23:04 < kim_bruning> Frostee, view full image, and use your scrollwheel already :-P
23:04 < Apheori> Like tumours.
23:05 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
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23:05 < Frostee> indeed
23:06 -!- tonynoname2 [] has quit [Quit: tonynoname2]
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23:07 < jorm> tbh i prefer  File:Wikimedia labs logo.svg
23:07 < jorm> because it will handle compression better.
23:07 -!- gadfium_ is now known as gadfium
23:07 < Apheori> Because it's less lumpy?
23:08 < Elduen> You're less lumpy.
23:08 < jorm> sure, if that's how you want to describe it.
23:08 < Elduen> Wait, what are we talking about?
23:08 < Apheori> Thank you.
23:08 < jorm> why is this a contest?
23:08 < Apheori> I have no idea.
23:09 < Apheori> I doubt either of us spent more than five minutes on these.
23:10 < jorm> chad suggested a unicorn.  i found some drawing i did for my wife (who loves unicorns).  i zapped it, imported it, and rescaled it in photoshop.  and then i lost the vector art because i'm a retard and did "save" as opposed to "save as" when i exported a rasterized version of the work for output on t-shirts.
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23:10 < Apheori> >.<
23:11 < Elduen> People suck.
23:11  * Elduen pouts.
23:11 -!- Luvbutrfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:11 < Elduen> And now my wrist aches.
23:11 < jorm> do you want the 300 dpi version?  because that's what i've got.
23:11 < norbit> jorm: I don't understand why they call it "Larry King Live"
23:12 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Quit: GabrielF]
23:12 < Apheori> I never understood what dpi has to do with anything when viewing things digitally.
23:12 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:12 < Apheori> But it'd probably help here, aye, if it's a bigger one.
23:13 < Apheori> Also also also I was in a market today and I saw some sunflowers and now I know how to do the mediawiki logo.
23:13 < jorm> it's biger.
23:13 < Apheori> IT WILL BE AWESOME.
23:13 < jorm> bigger.
23:13 < jorm> dots per inch.
23:13  * Elduen wanders off to do something unpleasant.
23:14 < jorm> print quality is 300dpi.  computer quality is 72dpi.
23:14 < Apheori> Screens only have so many, and most printers only have one or two possible settings.
23:14 -!- Keegan_ [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:14 < jorm> so viewing a 300dpi image on a computer is about 3.5 times as large.
23:15 < Apheori> Weird.
23:15 < Apheori> I guess I'm just a bit of a hick in that I always just take the Fit the damn thing on the page! approach when printing things.
23:15 -!- LL2|Android [~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
23:16 -!- Luvbutrfly [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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23:16 < Apheori> But yeah, that size would be lovely for helping better fill the completely pointless page on meta.
23:17 < jorm> there's a pointless page on meta?
23:17 < jorm> are you serious?
23:17 -!- Keegan_ is now known as Keegan
23:17 < Apheori> No, I'm joking.
23:17 < Apheori> It's quite a useful page.
23:18 < jorm> url?
23:18 < Apheori>,_green,_and_blue
23:19 < Keegan> I <3 that page
23:20 < Apheori> I have found it invaluable.
23:20 < jorm> wow.
23:20 < jorm> WOW>
23:20 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
23:20 < jorm> those are . . . awesome.
23:20 < jorm> okay.
23:20 < Apheori> XD
23:20 < jorm> gimme a bit.
23:20 < jorm> i'll find you all the artworks.
23:21 < jorm> except the vector version, which is dizzead.
23:22 -!- GuitarTour [b5b6cf3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:23 < Keegan>
23:23 < Keegan> Freud would have field day with that one
23:23 < jorm> not really.
23:23 < jorm> it's a pretty obvious goatse thinger.
23:23 < Keegan> Wikimedia goat.ce!
23:24 < jorm> except also fucking with mickey mouse.
23:24 < Keegan> I GOT JOKES
23:24 < Elduen> You know what's more fun than making your bed?
23:24 < Elduen> Making your bed with cats present to "help".
23:24 < jorm> having sex with a clown?
23:25 < jorm> oh.  yeah. sure. that.
23:25 < Apheori> Just don't try having sex with a clown with cats present to help.
23:26 < Elduen> Understood.
23:26 < Keegan> ...weird
23:26 -!- IDoH [~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:26 < IDoH> hey
23:26 < Apheori> Wheeee, horses.
23:27 < IDoH> LOL
23:27 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
23:29 < kim_bruning> You guys have to show IDoH the logo
23:29 < IDoH> What logo?
23:29 < kim_bruning> IDoH: they're dreaming of you ;-)
23:29 < IDoH> Oh dear.
23:30 < kim_bruning> You guys want to show?
23:30 < kim_bruning> If they don't in five, I'll still be here ;)
23:31 < Apheori>
23:31 < IDoH> All right. It's a unicorn.
23:31 < kim_bruning> close enough :-P
23:31 < kim_bruning> they could knock off the horn, and then they're dreaming of logos for people who are dreaming of ... stuff
23:32 < kim_bruning> maybe I could use a short nap. :-P
23:32 < kim_bruning> night!
23:32 < Apheori> Dream well.
23:32 < IDoH> What WAS the inspiration?
23:33 -!- Versageek [~Versageek@] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:33 -!- MC8 [~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:33 < IDoH> Hey Versageek and MC8
23:33 < Apheori> Someone said unicorns and jorm had one on hand or something.
23:34 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
23:34 < IDoH> lol
23:34 < jorm> stacey (my wife) has a thing for unicorns.  seriously.  i've probably drawn 400 unicorns for her.
23:34 < jorm> i draw them on her bathroom mirror in sharpie a lot.
23:35 < jorm> i have MANY unicorns on hand.
23:35 < Apheori> Eep.
23:35 -!- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:35 < IDoH> Hmm. I have a "thing" for all animals, Tbh
23:35 < IDoH> hey tanvir
23:36 < norbit> jorm: O_O
23:36 < kim_bruning> Yay, unicorns!
23:38 -!- Versageek is now known as Guest11982
23:39 -!- kim_bruning [~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:41 < jorm> i love the disney logo.
23:41 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:42 < Apheori> disnip?
23:42 < GuitarTour> Hola
23:42 -!- GuitarTour is now known as Bradford
23:43 < jorm> this one:
23:43 < jorm> it's based on the disney logo.
23:44 < jorm> consider:
23:44 < Apheori> Why would they do that?
23:45 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: Subject has jacked out]
23:46 < jorm> i don't know.
23:46 < jorm> but you see what i'm seeing, right?
23:47 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
23:47 < Apheori> Aye.
23:48 < Apheori> And I need sleep.
23:48 < Apheori> Toodles.
23:48 -!- Apheori [~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Quit: It's ubiquitous.]
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