Module:Navseasoncats with year navigation
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday February 03, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis is a backend module for building navigation boxes in by-year chronology templates. It uses the {{Navseasoncats}}, and adds second row below of links to decades or centuries.
Typical usage
- An unnamed parameter may be used to test behavior as if placed on that category:
- Template:Mlx placed on Category:1973 in Japan will produce:
Lua error: expandTemplate: template "Navseasoncats" does not exist.
- Template:Mlx placed on [[:Category:Fiction set in the Template:NEXTDECADEs]] will produce:
Wrapper templates
This module should be used by its templates {{Navseasoncats with decades below year}} and {{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}}.
See also
- {{Navseasoncats}}
local p = {} local nsc = require('Module:Navseasoncats') local errorList = { ["FIND_VAR"] = "Function find_var can't recognize the decade for category %s.", ["NO_YEAR"] = "{{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}} can't recognize the year for category %s.", ["NO_DECADE"] = "{{Navseasoncats with centuries below decade}} can't recognize the decade for category %s." } local function create_category(firstPart, lastPart, dateValue, dateWord) local category = mw.text.trim(firstPart .. ' ' .. nsc.addord(dateValue) .. dateWord .. lastPart) if (, 'Category').exists) then return category else return nil end end local function getCentury(decade) decade = tonumber(decade) local century = math.floor(((decade - 1) / 100) + 1) --from {{CENTURY}} if (string.match(decade, '00$')) then century = century + 1 end --'2000' is technically in the 20th, but the rest of the 2000s is in the 21st return century end local function getDecade(year) year = tonumber(year) local decade = year / 10 decade = math.floor(decade) return decade .. "0s" end local function getNestTierDateCategory(dateArgs, dateValue, firstPart, lastPart, decade) local nextTierDateCategory = "" if (dateArgs.dateType == "year") then local decade = getDecade(dateValue) nextTierDateCategory = create_category(firstPart, lastPart, decade, " ") if (not nextTierDateCategory) then --check for "the YYYY" nextTierDateCategory = create_category(firstPart, lastPart, "the " .. decade, " ") end elseif (dateArgs.dateType == "decade") then local century = getCentury(dateValue) nextTierDateCategory = create_category(firstPart, lastPart, century, " century ") if (not nextTierDateCategory) then --check for hyphenated century nextTierDateCategory = create_category(firstPart, lastPart, century, "-century ") end end return nextTierDateCategory end local function isCategoryValid(dateValue, dateType, dateArgs) if ((dateValue) and (dateType == dateArgs.dateType)) then return true else return false end end local function getError(pageName, avoidSelf, testcases, errorMessage) local errorOut = '' if (avoidSelf) then local errors = nsc.errorclass(string.format(errorMessage, pageName)) errorOut = nsc.failedcat(errors, 'P') if (testcases) then string.gsub(errorOut, '(%[%[)(Category)', '%1:%2') end end return errorOut end local function getAvoidSelf(currentTitle, testcases) local avoidSelf = (currentTitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats with year navigation' and currentTitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats with year navigation/doc' and currentTitle.text ~= 'Navseasoncats with year navigation/sandbox' and (currentTitle.nsText ~= 'Template' or testcases)) --avoid nested transclusion errors return avoidSelf end local function main(frame, dateArgs) local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local testcases = (currentTitle.subpageText == 'testcases') local avoidSelf = getAvoidSelf(currentTitle, testcases) local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local args = getArgs(frame) local testcase = args[1] if ((testcase == nil) and (avoidself == false)) then return '' end local pageName = testcase or currentTitle.baseText local findVar = nsc.find_var(pageName) --picks up decades/seasons/etc. if (findVar[1] == 'error') then return getError(pageName, avoidSelf, testcases, errorList["FIND_VAR"]) end local dateValue = tonumber(string.match(findVar[2], dateArgs.pattern)) if (not isCategoryValid(dateValue, findVar[1], dateArgs)) then return getError(pageName, avoidSelf, testcases, dateArgs.errorMessage) end local nav1 = '' if (testcase) then nav1 = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Navseasoncats', args = {testcase = testcase}} --not sure how else to pass frame & args together else nav1 = nsc.navseasoncats(frame) end local firstPart, lastPart = string.match(pageName, '^(.*)' .. findVar[2] .. '(.*)$') firstPart = mw.text.trim(firstPart or '') lastPart = mw.text.trim(lastPart or '') local nextTierDateCategory = getNestTierDateCategory(dateArgs, dateValue, firstPart, lastPart, decade) if (nextTierDateCategory) then local nav2 = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Navseasoncats', args = {[dateArgs.argName] = nextTierDateCategory}} --not sure how else to pass frame & args together return '<div style="display:block !important; max-width: calc(100% - 25em);">' .."\n" .. nav1 .. nav2 .."\n" .. '</div>' else return nav1 end end function p.centuriesBelowDecade(frame) local dateArgs = {dateType = "decade", pattern = '^(%d+)s', argName = "century-below-decade", errorMessage = errorList["NO_DECADE"]} return main(frame, dateArgs) end function p.decadesBelowYear(frame) local dateArgs = {dateType = "year", pattern = '^(%d+)', argName = "decade-below-year", errorMessage = errorList["NO_YEAR"]} return main(frame, dateArgs) end return p