Sit and Go Poker System

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Killer Sit and Go Poker Strategy that will help you Dominate Online Sit and Go Poker Tournaments! Sit and Go Pro Poker System!

Throw That Useless 300+ Folio Poker Book Abroad and Delete That Dummy-Poker Software Immediately…

“Discover the Exact Breakthrough Strategies an Underground Poker Pro Uses to Acquire Over $1200.00 Per Night Calmly at Online Poker Sit and Go (SNG) Tournaments…

...Finally, A Fool-Proof SNG Poker Arrangement That Will Actually Annihilate Your Online Opponents And Advice You Banknote You Into the Money Every Distinct Time!”

Tested & True: Yes, Hundreds of Poker Students accept activated my No Limit Texas Holdem Sit and Go strategies and approach with amazing results...Don't lose your money and become a victim! Apprentice how to win added and alpha authoritative some absolute austere banknote at SNG Tournaments! Here's what some of our barter are saying...

"...your arrangement is awesome! I fabricated $650 afterwards arena aloof 6 SNG amateur in one night..."

Michael Brunson

San Francisco, California

"...I will never anytime shop for accession poker ebook or advisory adviser anytime again..."

Adam Scott

Vancouver, Canada

"...this is such activated advice, a goldmine of poker SNG comedy by comedy activity info..."

Nicole Carpenter

Melbourne, Australia

"...this is a no-brainer, the best poker advice I've laid my calmly on..."

Joseph Pham

Chicago, USA

From the Desk of: Johnny 'JR' Rothman

Tuesday, 9:54 AM

Memo: The SNG Poker Specialist

Flash Audio

Press Comedy To Hear A Personal Message From Johnny Rothman Afore You Apprehend Further

Dear Poker Player,

Are you ailing and annoyed of accident your adamantine becoming money at your online poker game? Wouldn’t you like to comedy poker with complete aplomb and apperceive the exact cardinal arrangement to banknote in at every Poker Sit and Go Clash you play, every distinct time?

Is it aloof me? Or do you accept every...

* 200+ folio poker activity book

* Sophisticated poker software

* Poker secrets apparent eBook


* Advisory poker audio CD

Do you anticipate these able poker players are activity to acquaint you annihilation new? You're activity to get the aforementioned advice you apparently already know. You already apperceive you got to be aggressive; you already apperceive it's added acceptable to bet rather than call; you already apperceive your table position is important…You don't allegation accession five-pound book to acquaint you that.

But aback it comes to sit and go tourneys, not one of these poker professionals altercate SNG tactics, mainly because best of these poker activity books are OUT-DATED!

SNG's are the new-breed of online tournaments. Small, ready-to-go poker tourney's that are quick and acceptable for any poker player. You’ll anon apprentice the exact arrangement added sit and go pro’s DON’T appetite you to apperceive about!

You May Be Scratching Your Head…

“Will the SIT-N-GO PRO Arrangement Assignment for You?”

So, you appetite to apperceive the absolute aberration amid authoritative money with my SNG Arrangement adjoin approved poker strategies?

Sit and go’s accept a alpha to finish: an early, middle, and backward date of bold play. Acceptable at a sit and go requires a altered activity – This arrangement is actually altered from the archetypal poker strategies acclimated to acceptable a banknote or a big clash game. And the best allotment of the SNG system, you’ll anon learn, you can echo your success over and over afresh with the aforementioned arrangement to get into the money every distinct time!

Sit and Go Activity For Party Poker

That’s breadth I appear in!

“How an Boilerplate Joe, Angry Poker Pro, Makes $15,000 a Month Arena SNG Tournaments…

…and Quit His Job for Good!”

Yes, it’s true! My name is Jonathan Rothman, abounding alarm me Johnny, my accompany alarm me 'JR', and I've been arena online poker at assorted poker sites that affection aerial stakes sit and go tournaments. Such acclaimed poker sites such as Titan Poker, Pokerstars, Partypoker, Pokerroom, Bodog, Abounding Tilt, and a few others.

Sit and Go Activity For Poker StarsI've been acceptable banknote amateur and tournaments consistently, but my absolute alcove are Sit and Go tournaments. In 2005, I've cashed over $110,000 arena multi-table SNG's and this year is alone accepting better. Aback Febuary 2006, I've been averaging $1,200 a day arena $100 buy-in distinct table Sit and Go's. You do the math!

People generally ask me how I got started...Well, here's my story.

I accelerating from academy with a bulk in computer science and got a job as a system's analyst. I had an boilerplate job, advantageous an boilerplate salary. At the aforementioned time I was arena Texas Holdem poker on the side. Naturally, I became acceptable abundant at poker to achieve constant accomplishment from arena approved banknote games. To achieve this bendability I accomplished constantly, about every distinct night. I apprehend and reread every poker book out there, allegory poker calmly to clarify my strategy.

After some time and a lot of practice, I was a acclimatized grinder and won about 4 out of 5 poker sessions. Afresh all of a sudden...


In 2003, poker exploded all over...Online poker was everywhere on the internet and I saw that as an befalling to booty advantage.

It wasn’t until I begin Online No Limit Texas Holdem Sit and Go’s, things started to change, drastically!

Why SNG’s? Let me put it in Laman’s terms: Arena an SNG is like watching the aforementioned cine over and over again…The beginning, boilerplate and catastrophe will consistently be the aforementioned result. And that’s the abstruse to SNG’s…If you apperceive the exact acceptable poker SNG system, you’ll consistently end up a winner!

* Our Full-Proof Poker SNG arrangement is altered and the advice aural cannot be begin elsewhere…This is the alone SNG arrangement offered to the accessible that guarantees you cashing in bags of dollars!

* Afterwards acquirements the Sit and Go Pro System, you’ll instantly and calmly alpha earning hundreds, if not bags of dollars every night…And you’ll alike your success over and over again!

* Acquirements our arrangement will change the way you attending at online or alive poker forever…And will acutely change your activity and the appearance you comedy to become a analgesic SNG shark!

Ever aback I've started arena online SNG’s, I haven’t looked backed. I accumulation an boilerplate of $1200.00 per day…Quit my job and now alive from the abundance of my own home.

“Don't Booty My Word For It...Here's Absolute PROOF!”

Sit and Go Activity for Party Poker

Sit and Go Activity for Poker Stars

Sit and Go Activity for Titan Poker

It’s now time to let you apperceive how the “Sit and Go Pro” arrangement works…


Imagine alive the exact poker arrangement you can use over and over afresh to accept that analgesic advantage over your online opponents and achieve bags of dollars every night!


Imagine starting with a $20 backing and doubling, tripling and quadrupling it into bags of dollars.


     Imagine authoritative a ancillary assets or alike a full-time assets with poker SNG’s!  Alike if you comedy measley little $5.00 SNG’s and cash-in $20.00 an SNG, doesn’t that pay off one bill? I mean, if you win bristles $5.00-SNG’s a day and profiting $20 from anniversary one, that’s $100 a DAY.  It could pay off your buzz bills, electric bills, or alike the gas for your CAR!  The point is, you’re acceptable – aren’t I right?

Now Ask Yourself a Question...

"What's Holding You Aback From Authoritative a Killing Off Poker SNGs?"

After amaranthine hours of arena Texas Holdem SNG's successfully, my fool affidavit sit n' go poker arrangement will change the way you comedy poker forever!

Listen, don't anguish about anybody else. Best bodies account this letter are NOT like you. If you're like the majority of added poker players, you're apparently breaking alike or accident your cash...After you apprentice our SNG acceptable system, there will be no alibi to lose!

Sit and Go Poker Video Strategy

Watch me put my own Sit-N-Go Pro arrangement to work. I’ve recorded my success on Video and now you can booty blink of every abridged duke I comedy and how I comedy them...

Full-Featured Videos of the Sit-N-Go Pro Arrangement in Action! Get abounding annotation of me in activity at the SNG poker tables.

How to booty abounding ascendancy of your online SNG table and ambush your online opponents to anticipate you’re a complete fish…then calmly annoyance in HUGE pots to booty the lead!

Make $100, $500, $1200 calmly and calmly with the SIT AND GO PRO…And rake in the banknote every distinct night.

How to alpha arena poker for fun and still achieve huge earnings. Comedy whenever you appetite and comedy with as abundant money as you want, and never anguish about activity abrogating with your earnings!

Learn the step-by-step fool-proof SIT AND GO PRO arrangement to advice you accomplishment into the money about every time you play!

How to accretion direct advantage over online opponents and apprentice the one abstruse agency that works in your favor. Your opponents will be apprehensive how their chips concluded up in your dent stack!

Learn the exact calmly you should comedy – how to comedy your poker calmly and aback you should comedy them.

How to banknote in at every sit n’ go and achieve a 100% affirmed accumulation at the end of the night. The simple address we’ve baffled over the years to agreement a atom into cash!

Sit and go Activity handbook

Discover the altered arena styles and which poker appearance will alarm your opponents…Warning: Your opponents will actually abhorrence accepting complex in pots with you afterwards you administer this style.

Testimonials From Bodies Aloof Like YOU!

"Listen to What Some of My Members Are Saying..."

       "...Gave Me Admission into $100,000 Affirmed Tournament"

       "Hey Johnny!

       Afore purchasing your arrangement I was arena multi-table tournaments and banknote amateur and usually absent my money at the end of the night.  As anon as I started to administer your SNG system, all I accept to say is WOW.  This accomplished July, I acclimated your strategies to win myself a alive Sit and Go which gave me admission into a $100,000 Affirmed Tournament.  I couldn’t accept my success.  You actually out did yourself on this one.  Acknowledgment again!"


Portland, Oregon

       "Just Won Accession Aboriginal Abode S&G..."

       "Johnny, I've aloof won ANOTHER FIRST PLACE S&G TOURNAMENT THANKS TO YOU!!! I didn't alike accede arena online S&G's afore I saw your website.

       I've played for aloof beneath a anniversary now and aloof accomplished that I accept won added money in poker with your arrangement than I anytime had in my life!!!  And I could not be happier with my results.  Application your exact methods you showed me on your video, I accept accomplished that point breadth I actually feel that I can be a constant winner.....and what a abundant activity that is!  I over and over abide to watch the video of you playing. Your annotation was able  Acknowledgment again!!!"

Girvan S.

Fresh York

"Entered 75 Sit n' Go Tourneys...

Cashed in 70 of Them!"

       "Johnny, I accustomed Sit-N-Go Pro on Nov. 20. I accept aback entered 75 sit n go tourneys. I accept cashed in 70 of them. I accept won 42 came in 2nd 26 times and third twice! I am a 78 yr old retired admirer and a allotment time player. I annoy easily, so can alone comedy 3 to 5 Tourneys per day. You accept brought Joy to an old mans life, and it abiding helps supplement the Social Security.

Darol M.


       I accept been arena alone at Pokerstars. Primarily in the $10.00 9 amateur games. Now that the backing is growing I am activity to move up to college stakes.

       Thank You. Your ability and your artefact are great."

       "Played 5 Amateur Aback Downloading  Your System...Placed in 3!"

       "Hey Johnny,

       Aboriginal of all... I am actual admiring with your system. I accept played 5 amateur aback I downloaded your system, and accept placed in 3. I apperceive I will get better, the added I convenance and accomplish your arrangement to memory. It was such a abatement aback I accomplished the arrangement was actually legit. I accept purchased a few added betray systems, and some systems that alone tought you how to accomplish collusion."

Acknowledgment a ton!

Matt Herring

       "Changed the Way I Play, The Way I Attending at the Accomplished Game..."

       "Johnny, my name is Rick Eshbaugh and I accept afresh bought your Sit-n-go Pro system. Now I accept never replied to article I accept purchased before, but I accept to acquaint you that your arrangement has showed me [mistakes] in my game. I had no abstraction that accomplishment had added to do with this bold afresh luck.

       Your Sit-N-Go Pro arrangement has afflicted the way I play, the way I attending at the accomplished game, and I now can abstain bad beats. Every bold I apprentice article fresh about me and added players. I will acquaint you this...everyone talks about bubbles out. I got anesthetized this atom and I angry into the table MONSTER>>>>instead of the table blame me around, I've abstruse to advance back. I still accept a lot to learn, but acknowledgment to you, I accept become a abundant added acceptable player."


Ricky E.

       "Won a Alive Clash Aftermost Night..."

       "I bought your arrangement yesterday, played in two sit-n-go's, won one and accomplished additional in the other. I additionally won a alive clash aftermost night [$500] application your methods."

Acknowledgment so much!

Mickey Cullen

       "Produced Actual Results...I Accept Not Accomplished Out of the Money Since!"

       "Hi Johnny,

       You are my hero! I've been arena for 18 months and accept apprehend my allotment of poker books and alike taken a brace on-line courses. Those things accept boring bigger my bold for abiding but NOTHING has anytime produced actual after-effects for me like your program! I apprehend the e-book, listened to the audio, watched the videos, and sat bottomward to the SNG's at Abounding Tilt with your chart. I accept not accomplished out of the money since! 6 times in a row! I am aloof AMAZED at how accessible your arrangement was to learn. The adjustments I bare to achieve in my bold were not difficult, but the after-effects were awesome!"

You are the absolute deal! Acknowledgment for everything,

Doug M.

Port Washington, WI

       "Won $875 My Aboriginal Night of Playing"

       "Hi JR,

       I apprehend your ebook and was afraid to see how accessible it is to win online sit and go's. Afterwards watching your videos, I affected and activated the methods myself and won $875 my aboriginal night of playing.  Aural the aboriginal week, I added my comedy from $10+1 buy-in SNG's to $50+10 buy-in SNG's.  Afterwards 2 weeks I began arena 4 screens.  Your arrangement is friggin' amazing man. Kudos!"

Boris D.

Sacramento, California

       "...Turned 20 Bucks Into Over $300"

       "I candidly don't alike apperceive how to accurate my acknowledgment for you. I cashed in 9 of 10 sit n' gos I played and I've angry 20 bucks into over 300 through 5 and 10 dollar sit n gos in the aftermost 2 days. My aplomb has skyrocketed for sit n gos and I feel like I can exhausted anyone in them. Candidly the alone time i don't banknote in the sit n gos isn't because your arrangement failed, but artlessly because of me actuality unlucky."

Acknowledgment afresh for your abundant product!

Niko Kontos

       "...The Day Job is Gone"

       "Dear Johnny,

       You are the greatest. I bought your affairs four canicule ago, cerebration actuality goes $97 bottomward the toilet. I took one day to abstraction the affairs (doing this allotment time), I do accept a day job. The additional day I aloof played about with it, not actually austere (lost a little money). Then, the third day I activated your approach to the tee, actually putting my apperception to it. I fabricated the money in seven $20 Sit N Goes. Not aloof in one day but, seven tourneys in a ROW (in one day). I fabricated $334 accumulation in one day arena $20 games. I accomplished 2nd four times and 3rd three times. I got so excited, I would draft it arena active up. That's why I never accomplishment in aboriginal place. With a little added practice, that will change. Was this aloof dark luck, I apperceive it wasn't. Afore I was cashing out 10% of the time. Now it's 90%. Will I apart a game, abiding I will. But the allowance are now in my favor. As anon as I body up a ample coffer cycle arena allotment time ($20 Sit N Go), the day job is gone."

Acknowledgment a Million,

Ron Maglothin

       "I Fabricated $XXXX in Aloof a Few Days!"

       "Hi Johnny,

       I appetite to be one of the abutting bodies you begin out that fabricated $1200 per day or banknote into the money about every distinct time! I appetite to add my name here! I appetite to be your abutting success story. Reserve This Atom For Me!"

>>Your Name Here<<

Future Success Story

Okay, Abundant of the Chit Chat...

"So, How Abundant is This Activity to Bulk Me?"

Frankly, I anticipation continued and adamantine about carrying this absolute advice alone as allotment of a cher academy breadth I allegation at atomic $299.99 per person. But instead of activity to all the agitation of alignment for a allowance and demography time out of my agenda - I've created downloadable high-quality videos and an eBook as a absolute and acceptable way to bear this advice (for you and me).

sit and go Activity package

SIT-N-GO PRO - Advisory Video ($149.99 Value)

SIT-N-GO PRO - Handbook ($59.99 Value)

That's why the absolute "SIT-N-GO PRO" amalgamation anterior bulk is $199.97 $147.00 ONLY $97.00

(Don't anguish downloading aggregate is a breeze and it works for both PC and MAC users). You can download the absolute amalgamation instantly!

And to achieve this action actually a no-brainer...

You Can Grab These Limited Time Special Bonuses!

Special Benefit #1

SIT-N-GO PRO - Online E-zine

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   sit and go Activity EzineThis unique, one of a affectionate Ezine is not offered anywhere else.  Get added updates, added strategies, added poker SNG advice you can bore teeth into!

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And abundant more!

Special Benefit #2

SIT-N-GO PRO - "One-on-One with Johnny"

($57.00 Value)

   sit and go poker audio strategy

One-on-One with Expert SIT-N-GO Specialist

Advantages of arena a SNG

In-Depth Analyses on Duke Selection

How to Annihilate the Antagonism and Banknote in Constantly!

Why Johnny says, "NEVER, Slowplay that monster hand!"

And More!

Special Benefit #3

Special Freeroll for SIT-N-GO PRO Members

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       This is a Free Admission to my Absolute Weekly $250 Affirmed Freeroll!

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       Yes, you'll accept  arch admission to the Sit-N-Go Pro download/membership breadth area you can accept added videos, benefit offers, poker strategies and abundant abundant more!

These bonuses additional the Sit-N-Go Pro amalgamation accept a absolute bulk of way over $400.00. And that's a fair appraisal of what it would bulk you to apprentice my fool-proof SNG system. But don't worry, I'm not activity to allegation you over $400 for this amazing befalling to alpha profiting crazily from SNG tournaments.

You get aggregate you see listed above, additional bonuses for alone $97!

100% Risk-Free Guarantee:

GUARANTEE: Get the Sit-N-Go Pro Arrangement appropriate now and apprehend it over. Try the advice out. If you are for any acumen at all not 100% annoyed with the Sit-N-Go System, aural 60 canicule afterwards purchasing, and we will acquittance every penny of your money, no questions asked. It's as simple as that.

That agency you can try out all the strategies at my risk, while you see if they assignment for you or not. We accommodate you with abounding featured videos, additional the advisory handbook, in accession to abounding bonuses and we appetite you to allotment the success that I abide to have.

"Are You Accessible to Banknote Into the Money!"

It doesn't bulk whether it's 3:00 in the morning or 3:00 in the afternoon! You can download the Sit-N-Go Pro Arrangement appropriate NOW! For $199.97 Alone $97.00. Remember that the aboriginal retail bulk of this amalgamation may anon be afflicted aback to $197.00.

Download the Amalgamation Now!

The abutting move is up to you. If you're accessible to win added money...If you appetite to apprentice the fool affidavit arrangement to ascendancy your online SNG poker table and actually boss the antagonism to banknote in about every distinct time, you owe it to yourself to booty advantage of this offer! So why don't you accord the Sit-N-Go Pro arrangement a try now?

Good Luck,

...But You Won't Allegation It!

P.S. - If you came beyond this website attractive for a fool affidavit arrangement to cash-in at the bold of Texas Holdem, this poker arrangement is for you! No added poker-related artefact offers such valuable, in-depth, altered and actually NO BS acumen into killing Sit and Go Tournaments.

P.P.S. - I've burst bottomward my absolute SNG arrangement on a downloadable ebook and advisory video. You'll anon apprentice how to cash-in at online SNG's and acquire $100, $500 or $1200 a night! Alpha authoritative a affirmed assets off poker and never anguish about bank a distinct dollar abroad - Try my analgesic SNG arrangement today!

P.P.P.S. - Remember that the aboriginal retail bulk of this amalgamation may anon be afflicted aback to $197.00.

       "...can't delay to comedy the abutting sit and go tournament!"

       "Johnny......How should I alpha this?

       I'm actually absolute abroad with the SIT-N-GO PRO system!  I never absurd how accessible it was to archetype your strategies and cruise into the money effortlessly...I wasn't accessible for what you did this time!

       At aboriginal I was afflicted with the bulk of accoutrement you appear to me.  Afresh I started to apprehend the ebook and watch the video tutorials you fabricated for me, and I anon acquainted action architecture up inside.

       I've already acclimated your arrangement and placed in the money four times in a row and can't delay to comedy the abutting sit and go tournament!

       I'm attractive advanced to authoritative a lot of money with your system!"

Andre P.

London, UK

       "Please don't absolution this publicly!"

       "Hey John,

       All I can say is this is agitative being and this absolutely rocks man!  I've been cat-and-mouse for article like this to appear forth and you absolutely delivered.  Let's PLEASE accumulate this SIT-N-GO PRO arrangement amid us.  Please don't absolution this publicly! Article this acceptable should be bound abroad in a clandestine vault, Preferably abundance =P"

Acknowledgment again,

Dave Hudgson

Austin, Texas

   Download the Amalgamation Now!

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