Directory:Retarded Animal Babies

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Retarded Animal Babies or RAB (short refered) is a Flash cartoon series by Newgrounds, created, directed and writed by David C. Lovelace.

The show is not recommended for small children. This online flash series is about five animal babies who get into many violent and sexual misadventures. Almost every episode features a sexual scene by one of his characters, Puppy, and another killed, Bunny. The show always refered itself to the series show Happy Tree Friends, RAB is immature but hilarious.

The caracters have a strong dialogy wih a vulgar language or an "internet language".

According to an interview to the creater David C. Lovelace fetaured on the website Newgrounds, quoting to the artile the idea for RAB was:

"Too much alcohol on too late a night. It was 2AM, and RAB1 got written in about 45 seconds amidst the first scrawlings of character sketches. All I knew was that they had to have big noses"

Show characteristics

The tag-line of the show is "It's everyone's favorite, foul mouthed, perverted cartoon animals!" The characters (far from perfected, mind you) are all different parts of the creater own personality. The show was originally made for not made for the creator, he never think on distribued the show. The series has managed to obtain so much fan base for the very own section at Newgrounds under Genres and Series. The names of the characters are Hamster, Puppy, Cat, Donkey, and Bunny. Without much imagination, but also this helps serve up the characters as "any-characters," which allows people to identify themselves in the characters better: anyone's ticket to popularity. The donkey character in Shrek is also named "Donkey", so, if anything happens to RAB the names will probably change with give 'em all names.

At the beginning of each episode, the characters are typically found like soft and cute animals just playig around. The situation change when some sexua or violent moment happens.

Each episode starts with introduction credits to the creator and after some episodes, the introductions changeand ammount his patrocinators or credits, which portrays the show's logo with a little interactive lgo different in every episode and then the episode's name. The show ends with the "tag line" The End on big letters ad the Hamster`s voice.

Almost every episode has a typical duration of 3 to 10, that changes dependig an episode. All the characters are used in each episode, in some episodes with some guest apperaence by the Devil`s character, like a nice demon with the animls. Also it made an apperaence the Cat's Cousin.

Worldwide broadcast

Encouraged by the show's success, its creator has released one DVD that you can buy only in the wbsite.

Main Characters

The characters each have their own distinct personality, sizes and vocabulary.

Adult Hamster

Animal: Hamster
Gender: Male
Voice: Ryan Brechlin

Adult Bunny

Animal: Bunny
Gender: Male
Voice: Michael Picozzi

The voice of the bunny is also the narrator voice.

Adult Puppy

Animal: Puppy
Gender: Male
Voice: Peter Bradley

Also voice of David Hasselhoff, a Guard in one episode and a Donkey Grandchild in other.

Adult Cat

Animal: Cat
Gender: Male
Voice: David C. Lovelace

Also voice of Animal Babies, Pico, Satan, Matt Groening, Cat's Stepfather, Sean Connery, Böoze Böozeborne, Karen Böozeborne, Bartender, Aliens, Bruce Willis, a Guard, a Adult Cat and 2 Donkey Grandchildren.

Other Characters

Cat's Cousin

It`s a girl, voice by Rebecca Lovelace.

Oscars Announcer

Voice by Holden Johnson.

Rigellian Sternoid Mistress

Voice by Laurie Sprague.

Episode list (in chronological order)

  • Retarded Animal Babies.
    • Our fuzzy friends teach us the alphabet!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 2.
    • The animals perform mind-blowing magic tricks!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 3.
    • It is show and tell day, and boy do they have some things to show!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 4.
    • Fucking masterpiece! This is like an entire universe packed into one file!!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 5.
    • The gang decides to dig around in the basement to look for something to do!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 6.
    • It's the Fucky Fucksgiving episode! Yaaaay!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 7 starring Nutty.
    • Probably the most sick and disgusting Christmas movie you will EVER see!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 8'.
    • The animal babies go clubbing to pick up some babes!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 10.
    • The animal babies surf the web, and fuck each other!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 11.
    • It's the Battle for Boozefest! Rock on!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 12.
    • A fine, red-headed Irish adventure for you today, lads and lasses.
  • Retarded Animal Babies 13.
    • Join the Animal Babies to the Retarded Side. The power of the Shit compels you!
  • Retarded Animal Babies 14.
    • A warped, transdimensional fiasco. Wince in horror at the future of the animal babies.
  • Retarded Animal Babies 15.
    • Celebrate the third birthday of the RABs as they look back over their lives.
  • Retarded Animal Babies 17.
    • RAB returns with a romp through the pumpkin patch and a haunted house!'

Irregular Episodes

Retarded Animal Babies 9 and 16 are only available on the DVD.

External links