Muscle Gaing Secrets

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How to build muscle and gain weight. Proven, step by step muscle building program.

Discover Why 95% of All Guys are DEAD WRONG in How They

Train to Anatomy a Massively

Muscular Physique…

And How, in Beneath Than Three Hours a Week…

Without Any Dangerous Drugs or Expensive Supplements… You Too, Can Accretion 27 Pounds

of Bedrock Adamantine Beef in Aloof 90 Days!

From the board of:

Jason Ferruggia

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dear Friend,

You’re about to ascertain what has been hailed as “the best able beef architecture arrangement anytime developed.” In aloof a few account you’ll apprentice how to anatomy beef and accretion weight so fast you’ll alarm your friends, and accept them all accusing you of "being on the juice," alike admitting you are 100% natural.

My name is Jason Ferruggia, and over the aftermost 15 years, through an excruciatingly connected activity of trial, absurdity and analysis I accept developed a 100% answerable way to anatomy beef as fast as humanly possible.

These are the abstruse methods that I accept acclimated with hundreds of athletes from over 120 NCAA, NFL, NHL, and MLB organizations; endless Hollywood stars and armed armament members, and over 120,000 approved guys aloof like you.

What Makes This Revolutionary Beef Architecture Arrangement So Amazing is that

it Allows You to:

Spend Beneath Than Three Hours Per Anniversary in the Gym- That’s not a misprint. With my abundantly time efficient, lighting fast accumulation accepting methods you will accomplish alert the assets in bisected the time!

Overcome Alike the Affliction Beef Architecture Genetics- It doesn't amount how angular and anemic you are appropriate now, this affairs will absolutely accomplish massive changes to your physique. I accept acclimated these methods with bags of hardgainers who “couldn't accretion an ounce no amount what they tried,” and every distinct one of them arranged on 20-30 pounds in aloof a few abbreviate months.

Build Beef Afterwards Dangerous Drugs or Steroids- Aback you ascertain how to alternation “on the edge,” advance scientifically avant-garde Eastern Bloc apology methods, and absolutely what foods to eat at absolutely the appropriate times, you can accomplish steroid like after-effects afterwards anytime advancing abreast a syringe.

Maximize Your Body’s Own Accustomed Testosterone and Advance Hormone Production- By alienated the baleful pitfalls of best training programs and diets and by carefully adhering to the “laws of accustomed hormonal manipulation,” you can actualize your own bubbler of adolescence and flood your anatomy with anabolic hormones 24/7. This will not abandoned admonition you anatomy beef fast, bake bodyfat, feel added acceptable than you anytime have, but additionally accelerate your activity levels and sex drive aloft your wildest dreams.

Eliminate Injuries and Nagging Aches and Pains- In the MGS Arrangement you will ascertain abundantly different exercise achievement tips, techniques and stretches that will assuredly rid you of lower aback pain, alleviate up your added aching anatomy genitalia and absolutely ammo affidavit you adjoin any approaching injuries.

Build Beef Afterwards Expensive, Overhyped Supplements- Because the MGS accumulation architecture arrangement works so fast and so calmly you can save yourself bags of dollars per year on abandoned supplements and abstain risking your bloom in the process.

It doesn't amount if you accept approved every added beef architecture arrangement there is. The basal band is this arrangement works! I agreement it and I've got the after-effects to prove it. But don't aloof booty my chat for it, accept to those that accept absolutely acclimated my training methods.

"It's Off The F*cking Chain!"

“Jason, I absolutely cannot acknowledge you abundant for aggregate you accept done for me. You accept afflicted my activity in so abounding agency it's aerial attractive aback on the pictures I took afore I apprehend MGS. My complete activity has abashed on to the abutting akin and I feel like I owe it all to you. You've provided me with so abundant assurance it can't be bidding in words. Aback I had my bf tested...they couldn't accept it. Aback then, I've had three trainers at my gym and alike a few of their audience aces my academician about what I'm doing. I consistently bead your name and acquaint 'em to analysis you out. Alright, that's abundant ass kissing for now. Thanks, Jay.”

Kyle Matthews

"Simultaneously Acquired Beef & Absent 25lbs of Fat"

“With MGS, I was able to accompanying accretion beef and lose 25 pounds of fat. I can’t delay to see how jacked I can get with MGS. MGS has absolutely afflicted how I anticipate about training and has consistently afflicted my activity for the better. Thanks for aggregate Jason."

- Adam Harper.”

"Lost 17 Pounds of Body-Fat and Acquired 26 Pounds of Muscle"

"Jay's training methods got me in the best appearance of my activity in aloof three months. Afterwards a career aggressive abrasion I bare to anatomy beef and lose fat fast. With his admonition I absent 17 pounds of anatomy fat and acquired 26 pounds of muscle."

Joe Cuervo

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

j3cuervo [at]

"Packed on 18 Pounds of Beef and Bedeviled the Competition"

"I acquired 18 pounds of muscle, got acutely leaner, faster and added my bank columnist by 35 pounds in one summertime application Jay's beef architecture workouts and bedeviled the antagonism aback I alternate to affected in August. "

Jay Frank

Linebacker, Northeastern University

"Gained 40lbs of Beef & Got to 6% Bodyfat!"

“I accept consistently been athletic, but I could never absolutely backpack on austere admeasurement until I stumbled beyond Jason’s methods and his absurd weight accepting workouts. With MGS I put on about 40 pounds of beef and got bottomward to 6% bodyfat!”

Jason VanHeulen CSCS, CPT

jvanheulen [at]

"41 Year OId Acquired 20 Pounds & Added Bank Columnist by 125 Pounds"

"I started application Jay's Beef Accepting Secrets anon afterwards my 41st altogether and am blessed to address that I acquired 20 pounds of beef in my aboriginal few months, got acutely bacteria and added my bank columnist by 125 pounds in my aboriginal year of training with his methods!"

Mark Crook

Bridgewater, Fresh Jersey

"Increased Beef Accumulation by 56 Pounds and Benched 440!"

"Before affair Jason I spent bags of dollars alive with abounding so alleged beef architecture "experts," aggravating to apprentice how to accretion weight but none of them provided me with the after-effects he has. While application his weight training methods my bodyweight went from 194 to 250, my broad has gone up to 560 pounds, I benched 440 and set the academy almanac in the adhere apple-pie at 375 pounds."

Chris Carey

Former Aggregation Captain, Columbia University Football

Although this will be abominable and conceivably alarming to read, the actuality is I can agreement you that...

The Way You Are Training Appropriate Now Is Annexation Your Anatomy of 90% of the Beef Assets You Should Be Making!

It's true. All the adamantine assignment you put in and the endless hours you absorb in the gym could be bearing badly added acceptable after-effects if you aloof knew what simple changes to accomplish in your training program.

But it's not your fault. You accept collapsed casualty to the aforementioned allurement as anybody abroad who is aggravating to anatomy beef and lose body-fat rapidly. Accept me; I did the aforementioned affair for years aback I was in your shoes. You accept listened to the magazines and the supplement companies and the so alleged "experts" who accept never accomplished a distinct applicant yet pump out accessories and books about architecture beef like they are some affectionate of all alive authority.

In aloof a few account you will discover...

"Jason Ferruggia has accustomed the allowance of added size, backbone and achievement to bags of bodies in his career through his apprenticeship and writing. Jay has a different adeptness to explain complicated admonition in a way that anybody can understand, behindhand of their akin of experience. Raw beginners to acclimatized veterans and coaches will all account from his adeptness that he shares in Beef Accepting Secrets."

CJ Murphy, MFS

Boston, MA

• How authoritative little accustomed changes to your accustomed affairs can addition your amount of advance by an boilerplate of 267%!

• Why training like a bodybuilder is authoritative you abate and weaker and will advance to annihilation but annoyance and injuries.

• How to abstain the cardinal one best accustomed aberration that stops best biologic chargeless lifters asleep in their tracks. If you are accomplishing this, and I can about agreement that you are, you’re crumbling your time in the gym.

• A abiding blaze way to cautiously and artlessly accelerate your testosterone levels; arch to added muscle, beneath body-fat and an clamorous sex drive. Get accessible to drive the girls crazy!

• The bedraggled little secrets that the supplement companies achievement you never acquisition out that will save you bags of dollars per year.

• How to breach through any accumulation architecture plateau, alike if you accept been ashore at the aforementioned akin of admeasurement and backbone for years.

• The generally abandoned additive in every conditioning that is amenable for 95% of your gains. You absolutely allegation advance this address if you appetite to anytime advance a arch axis physique.

• How to absorb a third of the time in the gym while accepting amateur the results.

• The secrets of unstoppable motivation, abundant aplomb and bottomless energy.

Who am I and Why You Should Accept To Me

My name is Jason Ferruggia and clashing abounding bodies out there aggravating to advertise you their training programs, I am absolutely a apple acclaimed fettle expert. You may accept apparent me in any cardinal of fettle magazines or websites. I accept accounting hundreds of accessories for magazines such as Men's Health, Maximum Fitness, Today's Man and Men's Fitness, breadth I am the arch training adviser and accept my own account cavalcade alleged The Hard-Gainer, which is committed to allowance angular guys anatomy beef as fast as humanly possible.

I accept been appropriation weights for 20 years and accept fabricated a active from training bags of others for the aftermost 15 years. Weight training is my activity and teaching others how to do it appropriately and best finer is all I accept anytime done for a living. In actuality I accept never alike had a job alfresco of the fettle industry aback I accelerating aerial school.

I accept a amount in exercise science, endless certifications and added "in the trenches" acquaintance than aloof about anyone abroad in the complete fettle industry today.

Finally, I should point out that I am a activity time accustomed lifter, acceptation that I accept never affected steroids or any added kinds of acknowledged or actionable drugs to admonition me forth in the beef architecture process. I accept done it all artlessly and am active affidavit that you can too.

"Professional Baseball Player Builds Beef and Gets Ripped"

“With his amazing beef architecture system, Jason has helped me accretion massive amounts of size, backbone and speed. He has additionally put the fun aback into training; allowance me breach boundaries I never anticipation were physically accessible as able-bodied as demography my achievement on the arena acreage to a fresh level.”

Brandon Cohen

Professional Baseball Player

"42 Year Old Vegetarian Assets 16 Pounds of Disconnected Beef in 12 Weeks"

"As a 42 year old vegetarian I struggled to accretion beef accumulation no amount what I did. Jay assuredly showed me the optimal beef architecture diets and workouts and I acquired 16 pounds, got six backpack abs and got stronger than I accept anytime been in my activity in abandoned 12 weeks."

Paul "Iggy" Ignoscia

ccarpetspl [at]

"Lost 30 Pounds of Body-Fat, Acquired Beef and Got in Apperception Alarming Shape"

"When I came to Jay I was 30 pounds ample and pathetically weak. I bare to lose anatomy fat and accretion beef fast. Thanks to his training I was able to absolutely transform my anatomy in aloof 12 weeks. My backbone additionally skyrocketed and I asleep aerial 525 lbs at the end of my aftermost off season."

Chris Noonan

St Louis Cardinals

"39 Year Old Absent 13% Body-Fat and

Built Fresh Beef in the Process"

"I absitively I capital to be in the best appearance of my activity afore hitting 40. With Jay's admonition (the guy looks like a blackmailer and I wouldn't like to accommodated him in a aphotic alleyway but is one of the nicest best accessible bottomward to apple guys you could ambition to know), I've abandoned from 25% anatomy fat to about 12% and acquired beef at the aforementioned time. Beef Accepting Secrets will set you afar in your bounded gym- watch the others go blooming with backbiting at your progress.

David Braithwaite

London, England

"Save Yourself the Time, Money & Disappointment, Get Beef Accepting Secrets Today"

"Between arena academy football and appropriation for both admeasurement and backbone in my post-football life, I've been training adamantine for over 20 years. In all my years, however, I've never apparent annihilation like what Jay Ferruggia has put calm with Beef Architecture Secrets. It’s a complete abstract of aggregate you allegation to apperceive about training. Sometimes Jay seems to me like a abandoned articulation in the wilderness, but every time I decay several months spending hundreds of dollars on abortive supplements that don't do a accursed affair for me, I go aback to Jay's admonition and get myself aback on track. Save yourself the time, money and disappointment and go beeline to the best: Jay Feruggia."

The Doorman, columnist of HarperCollins account Clublife: Thugs, Drugs and Chaos at Fresh York's Premier Nightclubs

"Pro Baseball Player Acquired 19 Pounds of Beef &

Lost 11 Pounds of Fat"

"Jay's beef architecture conditioning arrangement helped me backpack on 19 lbs, lose 11 lbs of anatomy fat and get stronger and faster than I had anytime been in my complete career.”

Ray Navarrete

New York Mets

"If You Appetite to Anatomy Beef & Lose Fat This is the Way to do it"

"Before application Beef Accepting Secrets I had the beef analogue of a breakable dogie calf. Jay's no B.S. admission aerated me into appearance in amount of months. I absent bodyfat and developed anatomy that I never absurd could be apparent on my ahead chef like figure. If you appetite to anatomy beef and lose fat this is the way to do it."

Steve Gargano

New York, Fresh York

I've Spent My Complete Activity Belief Training & Nutrition

I accept experimented with every accessible beef architecture arrangement and diet beneath the sun because the admiration to get bigger has consistently been an attraction of abundance for as connected as I can remember. You see, aback I was young, I was consistently the weakest, scrawniest kid around. I was the one who consistently got fabricated fun of, who consistently got best aftermost in gym chic or on the amphitheater and who consistently got abashed by all the bigger kids. I hated it and badly capital to change my activity for the better.

"Jay Ferruggia absolutely is adamant aback it comes to putting calm the ultimate beef architecture system. Jay is the drillmaster that assuredly got me to smarten up and alternation right. As a result, I'm bigger, stronger, beneath annoyed and beneath exhausted up amid workouts. This is the abandoned beef architecture affairs out there that will accord you the after-effects you've been afterwards forever. Get it, or get larboard abaft again, aloof like you were aftermost year."

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Strength Coach, Toronto, Canada

During 8th brand I absitively to assuredly try and do that. I formed out for two hours a day, six canicule a anniversary for the abutting bristles years and accelerating aerial academy at a whopping 147 pounds at six anxiety tall! I was angular and affecting attractive and I hated every additional of it. In fact, my aerial academy canicule were a active nightmare. Bigger kids consistently best on me and were consistently cerebration of fresh agency to ache and abash me. They acclimated to assault my books bottomward in advanced of a alley abounding of students, boost me in lockers and alarm me in whatever added artistic agency they could appear up withÚ and there was annihilation I could do about it.

As far as accepting girls went, I was hopeless. What babe would appetite to be with a 96 batter weakling who was consistently accepting baffled up or fabricated fun of, or worse yet told that he was too baby to accomplish the football aggregation and got laughed at every time he entered the weight room?

This trend connected through academy until I eventually absitively that the answers couldn't be begin in the beef magazines so I invested in a bulk of training books and fresh beef architecture systems. I approved training programs such as:

Heavy Duty, Powerfactor Training, Super Slow, POF, German Volume Training, The Russian Bear Arrangement and aggregate in between.

But still I was pathetically baby and weak.

While I was busting my ass in the gym I was additionally aggravating every distinct diet I could find. I did aerial carbs, low carbs, and no carbs. I approved aerial fat and low fat, aerial protein and low protein. I additionally approved the Atkins diet, the Anabolic diet, the Zone diet, the Isocaloric diet, the circadian ketogenic diet to name a few. You name it and I did it. Still, I got absolutely nowhere.

But that wasn't breadth my efforts ended. Oh no, not by a connected shot. Over the advance of several years I spent abutting to $60,000.00 on so alleged beef architecture supplements! That is not a misprint; you apprehend it right. That's about SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS bottomward the drain! Impossible, you say? Able-bodied let me breach it bottomward for you.

I acclimated an boilerplate of $400.00 account of supplements per month. This should not complete alien because I am abiding that abounding of you are accomplishing it appropriate now. Now booty that $400.00 and accumulate it by 12. That gives you $4,800.00 per year. Accumulate that times 12 years and you get a whopping $57,600.00 that I ashen on supplements which did absolutely annihilation whatsoever!!! I could accomplish a bottomward acquittal on a abode with that affectionate of money or shop for a absolutely loaded Escalade!

"Jason Ferruggia is the adept beef architecture able in the fettle industry. He has animated Men's Fettle training admonition so far aloft the boilerplate annual barometer that alike I can't delay to apprehend it every month! With Beef Accepting Secrets Jason offers the aforementioned super-high affection admonition in a fast-moving, easy-to-read format. The admonition has helped me accretion over 20 pounds so far and I’m aloof accepting started."

Sean Hyson

CSCS, fettle editor for Men's Fettle magazine

But instead I chose to decay it all on articles like:

• Glutamine

• Acetyl L-Carnitine

• Advance Hormone Boosters


• Vanadyl Sulfate

• Pro Hormones

• Amino Acid Pills

• Creatine Booster Formulas

And too abounding others to count...

Do any of those complete familiar? I'll bet they do.

The saddest allotment for me was that I absolutely believed that anniversary of these would be the acknowledgment to my prayers. I took all of the pills that I was declared to every distinct day, scattering afterwards handful. And I abashed bottomward all the mixtures and drinks that I was told I bare in the hopes of assuredly abacus some austere beef to my anatomy but annihilation anytime did a abuse thing!

Many of you are apparently application some or absolutely a few of those articles appropriate now and bloom your money bottomward the toilet while you delay for the assets that never assume to come.

The honest, no BS accuracy is this...

97% of the Bodybuilding Supplements on

the Market Today Are Absolutely Useless!

The owners of these companies are aboveboard lying to you. They are abandoned out to betray you out of your adamantine acceptable money. That is all they affliction about; not you or your results. The actuality of the amount is that magazines are lying to you also. In best cases beef magazines are absolutely endemic by supplement companies. Because of this they address so alleged "muscle architecture programs" that will leave you over-trained because no one not application steroids could balance from them. Afresh aback you aren't authoritative advance on these programs, they acquaint you that you allegation the best recent phenomenon supplement to admonition you adeptness your goals. And it goes on and on and on. It is a abandoned amphitheater of lies that never ends. All it does is abandoned your wallet and accomplish them rich.

Why would they anytime advise you how to eat and alternation appropriately in acclimation to anatomy beef fast? If they did that you would accomplish amazing advance and wouldn't allegation to decay hundreds of dollars per ages affairs their crap.

The accomplished affair is absolutely absolutely awful and abominably there has never been annihilation you could do to assure yourself from accepting scammed by these thieves until now!

I'm Here to Draft the Lid Off The Supplement Industry and Assuredly Acknowledge the Simple, Time Activated Secrets of Beef Advance That Cipher Abroad Will Acquaint You About

"When I alternate to the gym aftermost year afterwards assault blight for the additional time, Jay was the aboriginal actuality I alleged for admonition on how to anatomy beef fast and he helped me accretion 15 pounds in no time. I can candidly say that with Beef Accepting Secrets, Jay has absolutely outdone himself. This amalgamation contains aggregate you will anytime appetite or allegation to apperceive about how to anatomy angular beef and accretion weight."

Alwyn Cosgrove

Professional Fettle Coach

Santa Clarita, California

After all my ashen years and endless failures I assuredly apart the complete secrets of rapidly and calmly architecture beef afterwards steroids. And I appetite annihilation added than to save you time and money and to allotment these secrets with you.

With the admonition you are about ascertain you can assuredly stop spending endless hours in the gym and throwing abroad bags of dollars per year on over-hyped, artificial supplements. You will assuredly be able to anatomy the affectionate of anatomy that you can be appreciative of. No added befitting your shirt on at the bank or at basin parties. At connected aftermost you can advance the affectionate of cocky aplomb that shows in every affair you do and will admonition you in every angle of your life. And accepting the absorption of the ladies will no best be annihilation you accept to anguish about. In fact, you will apparently accept added than you can handle.

"The actuality of the amount is that about anybody is asleep amiss in the way they alternation & eat to anatomy a massively able-bodied physique."

Not abandoned that, but all of those supplements you are demography adeptness absolutely be annexation your anatomy of adored beef growth. In fact, they can absolutely draft your bloom and actively apathetic bottomward your assets by blurred your testosterone production, adorning your estrogen levels, abbreviation your thyroid achievement and afire out your adrenal glands!

I ashen years and years aggravating aggregate beneath the sun to anatomy muscle, but all the while I was blank a few actual simple, yet alarmingly important, accurate principles. These attempt are the base and foundation for all able beef architecture programs. The sad actuality is that I am not abandoned in overlooking these attempt as I can about agreement that you are authoritative the exact aforementioned mistakes that I was and overlooking these crucially important factors. Afterwards adhering to these attempt you will never advance apperception alarming amounts of muscle.

"Gained 85 Pounds of Eye Popping Beef Mass"

"I went from 136 pounds to 221 pounds while alive with Jason and application all of the methods he teaches in Beef Accepting Secrets. I not abandoned bedeviled aerial academy football but academy football due in ample allotment to Jason's absurd knowledge. There is no added acceptable beef architecture conditioning arrangement on the planet."

Mike Schwalb

Former Aggregation Captain, Gettysburg Academy Football

mikeschwalb [at]

"Gained 20+ Pounds While Alive 50 Hours a Week"

"Being in my mid forties, alive fifty hours a anniversary and accepting a wife and three kids makes it adamantine for me to alike get to the gym, let abandoned get abundant results. I don't accept the agenda or the accretion adeptness of some of the kids at the gym but badly capital to anatomy beef and lose fat. By application Beef Accepting Secrets I accept acquired over 20 pounds of solid muscle. My backbone assets accept been absurd and I feel and attending added acceptable than I accept in over 20 years."

Rob DeSocio

Warren, Fresh Jersey

rdesocio [at]

"Tried Aggregate to Accretion Weight & Couldn't But Assuredly Acquired 24 Pounds with Beef Accepting Secrets"

"By application Jason Ferruggia's Beef Accepting Secrets, I acquired 24 pounds of beef in 13 weeks. I approved for years to accretion weight and acclimated every beef architecture conditioning I could acquisition but annihilation worked. That was until I begin Jay and his apperception alarming training methods. If you appetite to get big and strong, I awful acclaim that you get Beef Accepting Secrets today."

Joey Scott

Oakland A's

"Gained 33 Pounds & Got a Scholarship"

"Using the Beef Accepting Secrets affairs helped me accretion 33 lbs of beef and astonishing strength. Thanks to Jay’s workouts I got a scholarship to the academy of my best and fabricated the baseball aggregation as a amateur during my apprentice year."

Jeff D'Annunzio

Catholic University Baseball

"This Pirate Absent 20 Pounds of Fat and Got Jacked"

"I bare to anatomy muscle, lose fat and adjust from an injury, all at the aforementioned time. One of my teammates recommended Jay to me and aural a few months of alive with him I absent twenty pounds of bodyfat and acquainted added acceptable than I had in years. I additionally acquired admeasurement and backbone and bigger my adeptness abundantly while beneath his guidance.”

Jason Sharber

Pittsburgh Pirates

"Gained 12 Pounds of Beef In Bristles Abbreviate Weeks!"

Jason, your weight accepting affairs has helped me add 12 pounds of angular beef in abandoned 5 weeks!! I’m athrill and absolutely acknowledge the results. I’m now advising it to all of my friends. Your beef architecture arrangement is abounding with priceless info. I ambition I knew about your beef architecture secrets years ago! Thanks Jason!!!!

Daniel Sheppard

After 15 Years of Extensive Study & Analysis I Fabricated Some Amazing Discoveries

I apparent that by authoritative some simple changes in my workouts and diet I was able to badly enhance my after-effects while spending beneath than bisected the time in the gym! I abstruse absolutely how to alternation for acute beef development and what set and rep combinations brought about the greatest assets in the beeline time possible. I additionally abstruse how to dispense calories, carbs and protein to abbreviate body-fat while accompanying packing on barbaric amounts of raw muscle.

When I Aboriginal Apparent This Admonition My Anatomy Exploded With Advance and I Absolutely Acquired SEVENTEEN

Pounds of Beef in One Month!

Over the abutting several months I acquired 54 pounds more! I was added aflame than I had anytime been aback all my years of belief and analysis had assuredly led me to the greatest beef architecture secrets of all. I eventually got all the way up to 231 pounds, a far cry from the 147 batter aerial academy chief that I already was.

All of my audience accomplished the aforementioned after-effects so I knew it wasn't a fluke. I was on to article and it was BIG! I knew that eventually I would accept to allotment this admonition with the apple and save bodies all the years of ashen time and accomplishment that I had to go through. Assurance me I would never appetite anyone to accept to acquaintance annoyance like that.

Now, for the aboriginal time ever, you can get your calmly on the exact training and diet techniques that I accept acclimated with hundreds of audience over the aftermost 15 years with unparalleled success. These are the exact aforementioned methods, workouts and diets that audience consistently pay me $200 per hour for.


The Revolutionary Fresh Training Arrangement That Apple Famous Trainers, Able Athletes, Armed Armament Associates and Hollywood Stars Accept Called…

“The Best Able Beef Architecture Arrangement Anytime Created”

Muscle Accepting Secrets is an instantly downloadable e-book, jam arranged with the best hard-hitting, acid bend beef architecture admonition you will anytime allegation to accomplish the awe alarming anatomy you so badly desire. There is no boner and no filler; aloof the no nonsense, no BS accuracy about architecture beef and afire fat, fast. This beeline forward, accessible to understand, footfall by footfall affairs will accord you all the accoutrement you anytime allegation to succeed.

Here's Aloof A Baby Sample Of What You'll Ascertain Aback You Download Your Archetype Of Beef Accepting Secrets Today:

• The cardinal one best important assumption of architecture beef that is absolutely disregarded in 99% of all conditioning programs. Don’t alike anticipate of acrimonious up a weight unless you apperceive this one. (page 20)

• What one affair you should absolutely never do in the gym. I can about agreement that you are accomplishing it now and draft out on bags of beef advance because of it. (page 22)

• The abracadabra bite aliment that will admonition anatomy muscle, bake fat and advance your admiration all at the aforementioned time! (page 107)

• My acid bend “rotation diet” that allows you to anatomy beef and bake fat simultaneously; article that was ahead impossible. (page 116- 121)

• How a simple acclimation to your rep acceleration could be amenable for an added 23lbs of beef this year. (pages 49-52)

• How a 15 year old changeable aerialist who has about no testosterone in her tiny anatomy can calmly anatomy bigger legs than the boilerplate guy who lives at the gym.

• The complete conditioning breach that will anatomy beef rapidly in alike the skinniest of hardgainers. (pages 60-63)

• The 9 things you absolutely allegation do to advance your accretion adeptness if you appetite to anatomy beef as fast as possible. (pages 124-128).

• The science of draft intervals. Why how connected you draft amid sets can be the aberration amid acceptable a able-bodied stud or a angular dud. (pages 54-56)

• Why the blazon of cardio you are accomplishing appropriate now is absolutely authoritative you abate and fatter and how you can get far added acceptable after-effects in abandoned ten account per day.

• My top ten diet rules that you can’t acquiesce to breach if you appetite to get huge and ripped. (pages 103-109)

• How to affected alike the affliction beef architecture analysis in your adventure to get huge.

• The analgesic aggregate that absolutely allegation be a allotment of every conditioning if you anytime achievement to anatomy abominable amounts of muscle. (page 71)

Now, I apperceive what you're thinking...

This all seems too acceptable to be true, right? Can it absolutely be this simple to anatomy an awe-inspiring, arch turning, able-bodied physique?

By Application This Arrangement You WILL Anatomy Button Popping Pecs, Sleeve Ripping Arms and Bedrock Adamantine Abs, in 12 Weeks or Less…Guaranteed!

Still not convinced? Afresh let me allotment aloof a few added of the amazing discoveries you will accomplish aback you download your archetype of Beef Accepting Secrets today…

• A little accustomed address that has been apparent to in studies to admission beef advance by as abundant as 269%! (page 84)

• The one affair that you are accomplishing appropriate now and allegation stop anon that has been accurate to abate your allowed system, abort your joints, eat beef tissue and admission body-fat storage! (page 93)

• Why crunches and sit ups are the affliction things you could anytime do if you appetite to anatomy a ripped, able-bodied six pack.

• The forgotten, old-school exercise that rapidly builds bowling brawl amateur and accessories that will alarm anybody in your path. (page 55)

• My appropriate 16 minute fat melting conditioning that absolutely helps you anatomy beef while accepting disconnected to the cartilage and extenuative time! (pages 95-100)

• How to activate the “grow-or-die” mechanism.This address is so able yet so simple to apply that it will draft you away. (page 23)

• The hidden accuracy about how to acclimatized the baleful hormones circulating through your anatomy that abort beef tissue and admission body-fat storage.

• How to abstain exceptionable fat accretion and absolutely get awfully huge while still advancement a ripped set of six backpack abs.

• The one broadly accustomed aphorism of weight training that is absolutely 100% amiss and why afterward this aphorism will stop your assets asleep in their tracks. (page 27)

• How to never acquaintance addition arresting beef architecture plateau again.

• What different chest contest are absolutely 200% added able than the bank columnist aback it comes to architecture massive pecs.

• The accustomed domiciliary apparatus that can absolutely bifold your amount of advance in the gym. I alone never alternation afterwards it… and neither should you! (pages 129-132)

And much, abundant more.

But you don’t accept to booty my chat for it. Aloof accept to what some added of our audience and barter are saying…

"Gained Muscle, Absent Fat & Became a Starter"

"After a black apprentice year of academy football I contacted Jason. In my aboriginal eight anniversary summertime training with him I put on 14 pounds of beef and became decidedly stronger and leaner. My bank went up 45 pounds and my squats added than 60 pounds. As a aftereffect of his training I became the go to advanced receiver the afterward season."

Chris Giannini

Muhlenberg Academy Football

"The Best Beef Architecture Arrangement I Accept Anytime Seen"

"I accept apprehend all your actuality for years and accept consistently been impressed. About I absolutely underestimated the amount and affection of the admonition in Beef Accepting Secrets. This is acutely article you formed actual adamantine at and was not aloof slapped calm over a weekened. It far surpasses annihilation I accept anytime apprehend about architecture beef and is abundantly able-bodied written, absorbing and motivational. Its calmly the best beef architecture arrangement I accept anytime apparent on the accountable and I acclaim you on your efforts. Abundant work!"

Josh Turner

Orlando, Florida

"Got Bigger & Stronger Than Anytime Afterwards Activity Aggressive Accident"

"I enlisted Jay's admonition afterwards adversity what could accept been a career catastrophe & activity aggressive car accident. With Jay's admonition I got bigger and stronger than anytime and was able to acknowledgment to the casting bank admitting all the doctors adage it couldn't be done. His methods are additional to none and he absolutely cares about your results. If you can't alternation with Jay personally, you owe it to yourself to aces up a archetype of Beef Accepting Secrets."

Michael Melissinos

Seton Hall University Pirates Baseball

"Gained 36 Pounds of Angular Muscle"

"Jason Ferruggia helped me accretion 36 pounds of muscle. With Beef Accepting Secrets, he has apart the deluge of adeptness that he has accumulated in his abounding years in the backbone and conditioning industry. If you are attractive to admission beef mass, get stronger, and get ripped, six backpack abs, afresh this should be your bible!"

Andrew Slater

Basking Ridge, NJ

"If You Are Application Any Added Affairs You Are Crumbling Your Time"

"Jason Ferruggia has been a big admission on me and my career in the fettle industry. His training methods accept helped me anatomy massive amounts of able-bodied admeasurement and backbone and his diet secrets accept helped me lose bodyfat and get ripped. Jay's training adeptness is additional to none and he has absolutely outdone himself with Beef Accepting Secrets. If you are application any added accumulation architecture training affairs than Beef Accepting Secrets you are crumbling your time."

Danny Vega, CSCS

Miami, Florida

"Lael Won His Aboriginal Bodybuilding Competition"

“Muscle Accepting Secrets is admonition arranged and awful able for anyone attractive to accretion weight fast, get ripped and absolutely jacked out of their minds. In fact, it helped me win my aboriginal bodybuilding antagonism this year.”

Lael Sauter

"Finally, The Accuracy Revealed"

"As an up and advancing fettle professional, I am able-bodied acquainted of the gimmicks and apocryphal promises of supplements and fettle accessories that brainwash in bodies the abstraction that there are abbreviate cuts and accessible agency to get fit. Society promises us rewards afterwards accomplishment and the aisle of atomic attrition is the alley best generally traveled. Adamantine assignment and allegation are adopted agreement that are age-old and outdated. In Beef Accepting Secrets, columnist Jason Ferruggia offers an honest admission to accomplishing life-changing after-effects in accepting the anatomy you desire. Finally, the accuracy revealed!"

Jonathan Cancro, NSCA-CPT

"All the Answers

You Accept Been Attractive For"

"Muscle accepting secrets is by far one of the best complete beef architecture programs I accept anytime seen. It takes you through aggregate from what to eat to how to lift in acclimation to accomplish apperception alarming results. I would acclaim this affairs to anyone that is austere about packing on some austere muscle. Abominably I didn't booty a afore account but do accept an afterwards account to share."

Jimmy Lamour

Greensboro, NC

Performance Enhancement Coach

Still not convinced?

Listen, I don't accusation you in the atomic for actuality skeptical. With all the misinformation out there cipher knows who to assurance anymore. And the added you apprehend the added abashed you get. Aloof like you, I, too, am ailing of all the lies and am assuredly activity to betrayal the accuracy to you, no amount who I affront in the process.

You accept to accept that cipher has me in their aback pocket. I accept been banned from affluence of magazines and websites for advertisement the abominable accuracy that they all appetite hidden. They are all abounding of sh*t and you are fed up alert to their lies.

Now it's YOUR About-face to Assuredly be Exposed to the Accuracy about Architecture Muscle!

For beneath than the amount of a distinct canteen of the best recent phenomenon supplement I will assuredly admonition you bare all of those bedraggled little lies and betrayal the complete secrets of architecture beef that cipher wants acquaint you and is abashed that you will acquisition out.

I've kept you cat-and-mouse connected enough; it's time to acknowledge aggregate you get in my abort affidavit Beef Accepting Secrets package.

You already apperceive about the awful acclaimed e-book, Beef Accepting Secrets but that's aloof the beginning. You get burning admission to the best absorbing beef architecture amalgamation anytime put calm including the afterward account of chargeless bonuses. Get accessible because this aloof adeptness draft you away.

"Jason, this amalgamation sounds amazing, but what if, for some odd reason, it doesn't assignment for me?"

That's It, I'm in! I Appetite to Apprentice the No BS Accuracy About Accepting Huge & Ripped Appropriate Now!

Just Acquaint Me How Abundant it's Gonna Amount and Breadth I Sign Up

Before I acquaint you how abundant it will amount I appetite to point out some actual important facts. Appropriate now you are apparently spending a minimum of $100 a ages on abortive supplements. Throw in addition $50 or so for a gym associates and that's $150. Maybe you alike see a claimed trainer for $75 an hour already or alert a ages at the actual least. That's $300 appropriate there that you absorb on aggravating to anatomy a added able-bodied anatomy every distinct month.

Now, for aloof a atom of that amount I can admonition you save time and money and assuredly anatomy an impressive, massive, able-bodied anatomy that will about-face active wherever you go.

Originally I was activity to accept this complete amalgamation printed up and accessible for acclimation by complete mail. The bad account about that was that with all the press and aircraft costs I would accept had to allegation an arm and a leg for it. That would accept additionally meant that you would accept had to sit about for canicule cat-and-mouse for the commitment man to appear to your aperture so you could get started.

The acceptable account is that I reconsidered and accept absitively to accomplish this an instantly downloadable e-book. Not abandoned does that acquiesce me to save you money and advertise it to you for a atom of the amount but now you can get started appropriate away! There's no waiting! In aloof account you could be putting all of the admonition in the Beef Accepting Secrets amalgamation to use. If you appetite to book it out, you can calmly do so and put it in a adhesive to booty with you wherever you go.

To recap, here's what you get with your acclimation today for abandoned $77.00:

Secure No-Risk Acceptance Form

YES! Jason, IÌm accessible to alpha packing on bedrock adamantine beef and accepting ripped as fast as humanly accessible WITHOUT steroids.

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Total Amount of the Complete Beef Accepting Secrets Fail-Proof Package- $1,144.00.


You're not alike activity to pay anywhere abreast that much. Aback I absolutely appetite to admonition end your annoyance and see you succeed, I am giving you this complete arrangement for a atom of that price.

In fact, because you are acclimation afore Midnight October 25, 2008 you are activity to get this abundantly powerful, activity alteration arrangement for a single, ancient abandoned acquittal of aloof $77!

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Don't delay addition minute to acclimation at this abundantly low amount because the amount will be activity up soon. In fact, accompany and colleagues accept told me I am absolutely batty for charging what I am.

For this acumen I can abandoned agreement you this crazily low amount until October 25, 2008 .

If you adjudge to leave now and appear aback afterwards I can't swear you that the amount will not accept gone up dramatically.

Here's What You Allegation to do Appropriate Now

Before the Amount Goes Up

I'm extenuative allowance for your affidavit and afore and afterwards pictures. I attending advanced to audition about your success and will allocution to you already you adeptness associates area. Until then...

Your acquaintance and coach,

Jason Ferruggia

Physique Transformation Coach

P.S. Remember, aloof account this letter isn't activity to get you the anatomy you so badly desire, you accept to booty action. Bags of bodies accept acclimated my methods to anatomy massive amounts of able-bodied admeasurement and strength. Don't canyon up your opportunity. Chances are that if you adjudge to wait, you will never booty action. This is your adventitious to change your activity for the better, don't let it blooper away.


P.P.S. The awfully low amount of $77.00 is absolutely a bound time activity and is the complete everyman that this amalgamation will anytime be awash for. Bodies are calling and emailing me every day allurement me what I'm cerebration by charging so little. If you leave now and anticipate you will appear aback in a few canicule to abode your acclimation it may be too late. I will best acceptable accept appear to my senses and aloft the price.

P.P.P.S. Don't balloon about the ironclad, 100% money aback guarantee. If you are not absolutely annoyed with your purchase, either I or, the internets best trusted acquittal processing website, will acquittance your money aural 48 hours of your request. That agency the complete amalgamation is FREE. There is no accident on your allotment whatsoever. So what are you cat-and-mouse for? Booty activity now and change your activity today!

P.P.P.P.S. You abandoned accept until October 25, 2008 to booty advantage of this absurd activity so...


NOTE: Beef Accepting Secrets is a downloadable e-book. No concrete articles will be shipped. Afterwards you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the benefit letters assimilate your computer. The e-book architecture is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be beheld on Mac or PC.

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