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- There is only limited research specifically using elder to treat sinusitis in humans.<a href="#hdng1">(More...)</a>
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There is only limited research specifically using elder to treat sinusitis in humans. Combination products containing elder and other herbs (such as Sinupret®) have been reported to have beneficial effects when used with antibiotics to treat sinus infections, although the majority of this evidence is not high quality and requires confirmation with better research. <a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder may increase the effects and possible adverse effects of some cancer chemotherapies. Based on preliminary research, increased benefits may be seen when elder is used in combination with antibiotics and decongestants, such as oxymetazoline (Afrin®).<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Early study reports that elderberry juice may decrease serum cholesterol concentrations and increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) stability. Additional research is needed in this area before a firm conclusion can be reached. Elder should not be used in the place of other more proven therapies, and patients are advised to discuss with their primary healthcare provider before using elderberry for treatment of high cholesterol.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> The flavonoid quercetin, which is found in elder, has been reported to inhibit xanthine oxidase, and may affect caffeine and theophylline levels. Patients using theophylline should speak with their healthcare provider before using elder.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder may lower blood sugar levels. Caution is advised when using herbs or supplements that may also lower blood sugar such as aloe, burdock, fenugreek, maitake mushroom, or milk thistle.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Blood glucose levels may require monitoring, and doses may need adjustment. Increased effects may be seen when elder is used in combination with other antioxidants, such as vitamin C or flavonoids like quercetin.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> There are no standard or well-studied doses of elder, and many different doses are used traditionally.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elderberry products should be used under the direction of a qualified healthcare provider because of the possible risk of cyanide toxicity, especially from elder bark, root, or leaves.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> People taking diuretics or drugs that interact with diuretics should use caution when taking products containing elder.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder may possess diuretic (urine producing) effects and should be used cautiously with drugs that increase urination.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder flowers may possess anti-inflammatory properties and may add to the effects of some drugs that also decrease inflammation. Elder may possess diuretic (urine producing) effects and should be used cautiously with herbs that may increase urination, such as artichoke, dandelion, or horsetail. Elder may possess laxative effects and should be used cautiously with herbs that may also have laxative effects, such as alder buckthorn, Dong quai, or psyllium.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
In theory, high doses or long-term use of elder flowers may have diuretic (urine-producing) effects.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> A dose of 3-5 grams of dried elder flowers steeped in one cup of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes and three times daily has been taken by mouth.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
There is a small amount of research on the combination herbal product Sinupret® in patients with bronchitis. This formula contains elder flowers ( Sambucus nigra ) as well as gentian root, verbena, cowslip flower, and sorrel. Although benefits have been suggested, due to design problems with this research, no clear conclusion can be drawn either for Sinupret® or elder in the management of bronchitis.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Gray AM, Abdel-Wahab YH, Flatt PR. The traditional plant treatment, Sambucus nigra (elder), exhibits insulin-like and insulin-releasing actions in vitro.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Reliable human evidence is currently unavailable evaluating elder alone as a treatment for high cholesterol.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Although hypothesized to be beneficial, there is no definitive evidence from well-conducted human clinical trials currently available regarding the use of elder.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> There is not enough scientific information available to recommend the safe use of elder in children.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
Taking sucrose (a type of sugar) and elder together may decrease elimination of the anthocyanin component of elder.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder may also interact with herbs and supplements with anticancer, antibacterial, decongestant, and anti-inflammatory activities.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Elder has been observed to reduce excessive sinus mucus secretion in laboratory studies.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Avoid elder in patients with known allergy to plants in the Caprifoliaceae family (honeysuckle family).<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[1]</a> Allergies are possible from fresh elder stems and may include rash, skin irritation, or difficulty breathing.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
Cream has been prepared by taking several handfuls of fresh elder flowers, mixing in liquefied petroleum jelly, simmering for 40 minutes, heating, filtering, and allowing the formula to solidify. This has been applied to the hands at bedtime.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
Because of elder flower's possible diuretic effects, use caution if taking it with drugs that increase urination.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[2]</a> Parts of the elder tree--such as the berries and flowers--have long been used for pain, swelling, infections, coughs, and skin conditions.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[2]</a> Today, elderberry and elder flower are used for flu, colds, fevers, constipation, and sinus infections.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
[2]</a> A few studies have suggested that a product containing elder flower and other herbs can help treat sinus infections when used with antibiotics, but further research is needed to confirm any benefit.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
No reliable information is available on the effectiveness of elderberry and elder flower for other uses.<a href="" TARGET="_blank"
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