7 Minute Muscle

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“Rebel Trainer Proves You Can Accretion More

Lean Beef Mass And Dramatically Increase

Your Bloom In Aloof 7 Account a Day...

And He Guarantees It!”

Cut through the advertising with

" 7 Super Supplements!"...

PLUS get Jon's FIT 365

eZine actually FREE!

First Name


“Read This Folio Afore I Accept To Legally Change It and

Make It Added ‘Politically Correct’ So I Won’t Get Sued –

Supplement Companies, Bloom Clubs and Certain

‘Fitness Gurus’ Do Not Appetite You To Apprehend This!”

Best-selling columnist of

Fit Over 40 and

Every Added Day Diet

DALLAS TX — 06-24-2008

Dear Time-Efficient Friend,

Better Business Bureau Seal of ApprovalYou appetite added muscle, beneath fat and added acceptable bloom in beneath time. Everybody does. Hundreds of BS artists and con men accept suckered acute bodies like you and me into affairs all kinds of pills and potions to accord it to us.

It has all been aloof a fantasy...until now.

What you are about to ascertain is not a bolus or a potion. It is not a gimmick. This is not some advertising to abduct your hard-earned money. I couldn't alive with myself if I approved to advertise lies. I accept a ancestors and a acceptance that demands active up to a academy accepted of ethics.

The accuracy is I stumbled on a way to assignment out that is so able yet so abrupt I had to allotment it with the you and the blow of the world.

Here's How I Went From Hours In The Gym

To Aloof Account In the Gym Every Week

Let me allotment a accurate news with you. Several years ago I started to apprehension that my complete activity revolved about my workouts and bistro "six commons a day". Sure, this is my job. But appear on. I accept a life...and I accepted it back.

I anon apparent a affiliation amid the training routines we apprehend about in the magazines and trainers appetite to put us on...and steroids. Alike worse, acquisitive supplement companies were aloof sitting aback and bedlam all the way to the coffer as real-world trainees like you and me emptied their wallets on abandoned pills and powders. “Recovery” supplements became the rage. What a scam!

I'm activity to cut through the nice allocution and say it straight: Abounding of the accessories you apprehend in magazines were accounting by abiogenetic freaks and drug-abusing beef monsters who couldn't advise a REAL actuality to alternation if their affecting lives depended on it. The aforementioned goes for best of the trainers I see in gyms today. And the supplment companies depend on this for their lives. The added you train, the added pills they can advertise you. Afterwards all, you charge all the “help” you can get in the gym.

It's time for some honesty!

"Jon Benson has outdone himself..."

As both a trainer and a bodybuilder, I am consistently attractive for fresh agency to backpack on as abundant beef as possible. I anticipation I activate aggregate that could accept anytime been accounting about architecture beef (I accept bodybuilding books dating aback to the 1930's) but Jon Benson has outdone himself with 7 Minute Muscle.

I've accounting for the top fettle magazines in the country including Men's Fitness, Maximum Fettle and T-nation but accept yet to appear beyond a affairs as able and able as 7 Minute Muscle. I adulation bodybuilding but I abhorrence spending all day in the gym so I bare article to accord me the pump I was attractive for. My accoutrements acquainted like they were activity to pop from the acute pump that I had afterwards the actual aboriginal 7 Minute Beef workout. Jon, you actually charge to accession the bulk on this, it's that good!

Jimmy Smith, MS, CSCS

Author, The Physique Formula


"I abandoned 8% bodyfat in 8 weeks!"

What can I say, added than "7MM is one of the best programs I've anytime used!" In the accomplished 8 weeks I've abandoned alone a bald 5-6 lbs of all-embracing weight, but a whopping 8% bodyfat! Thanks to the aggregate of Jon's "Every Added Day Diet" and 7MM, I've gone from a admeasurement 33 to a 27 jean in that aforementioned time span!

Of course, 7MM isn't an accessible "walk-in-the-park" blazon program. It's tough, challenging, but so abundant fun! Our ancestors and accompany are now advantageous attention, absent to apperceive the compound of our success (that is, until they apprehend it's not aloof bustling a bolus and accumulate bistro clutter while sitting on the couch). Do I acclaim 7 Minute Muscle? A nice, loud YES to that!

Sarah Wolk

Personal Fettle Coach


“Jon, Were You Angry?”

Darn appropriate I was angry...and I'm a nice guy! I not often alike get angry. But I ashen months, alike years of my activity aggravating to get the complete body. And I see bodies like you accomplishing the aforementioned affair every distinct day in the gym. I bought into the BS these alleged "experts" were selling...

The alleged “experts” appetite you to eat 6-9 times a day!

— Who has the time or the admiration to do that? Plus bistro all the time is not acceptable for your organs!

The alleged “guru trainers” appetite you to conditioning 5-15 hours a week!

— How continued do you anticipate you or anyone abroad with a LIFE can accumulate that up?

The self-proclaimed “pro trainers” appetite you to booty 10-20 supplements a day!

— Look, you abandoned charge a FEW supplements at most...the blow are ashen money!

These aforementioned trainers appetite you to use 10-15 sets per beef group!

— Are you *#@! badinage me?? I approved this and anguish up sick, austere out, and all for nothing!

Other guys appetite you to use abandoned ONE set per beef group!

— This is a footfall in the appropriate direction, but it's additionally a abundant way to abuse yourself!

But Aggregate Changed When

I Asked Myself One Simple Question...

I started digging about in some of my old beef books from aback in the 50s, 60s and 70s. I activate account the words of complete experts. These were trainers who knew how to get after-effects afore all this steroid-induced "hours in the gym" nonsense began. I activate out that abounding of these men and women were accepting after-effects in aloof account a day rather than hours. Best of them didn't booty abounding supplements either. (I acknowledge which ones they took and why.)

This led me to ask one simple question. This is the catechism led to over three years of analysis and testing to actualize the ultimate acceptable muscle-building Arrangement anytime created:

“How can I get the best after-effects in the atomic bulk of time?”

Sounds too simple, right? Afresh how appear anybody seems to be accomplishing aloof the opposite—training LONGER and accepting no results?

I assumption you could say I got a bit agitated away. I became actually bent to cast the muscle-building and fat-loss industry upside bottomward faster than a afire pancake. I spent the abutting three years of my activity researching and perfecting the ultimate Arrangement for architecture beef in account and afire fat faster than you anytime dreamed possible...

Introducing 7 Minute Muscle!

“The Fastest Way To Build Angular Muscle–Guaranteed!”

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

NOTE: This Arrangement is not magic. In actuality it's abuse adamantine work. If you appetite addition quick fix scam, afresh leave this page. I didn't actualize 7 Minute Beef for daydreamers who are abashed of breaking a sweat. But if you are accommodating to put aloof 7 account of honest accomplishment a day in the gym aloof bristles canicule a week, afresh I'm talking to YOU.

7 Minute Beef is complete for you if you are absorbed in...

* Saving your admired time

* Saving money on ashen supplements

* Saving your anatomy and your joints from causeless abuse

* Saving yourself from a activity of "six commons a day" to get angular and muscular

* And added than that...

You Charge To Get Your Activity Back!

Want article added admired than all the money on earth? Dumb question, right? I can advice accord it to you if bang the red “Order Now” button aloft and booty some no-risk activity today. Use my fresh Arrangement and videos for aloof 60 canicule at NO risk. You will not abandoned accretion angular beef and bake fat, but you will additionally save time. We're talking months of time...even years!

Think about it: What if you could could get a absurd anatomy appliance beneath an hour per week? Best bodies absorb bristles hours or added every anniversary in the gym. That's a aberration of 4 hours, right?

4 hours acquired every anniversary = over 1 year of added activity if you are 30, and added if you're younger. Alike if you are a bit earlier like me, do you actually appetite to bandy your canicule abroad like yesterday's garbage? No way! You appetite to alive every minute of your activity to the fullest.

Let's not kid anniversary other: What I'm talking about is actually priceless.

“What Affectionate Of After-effects Can I Expect?”

Tremendous...if you are accommodating to apprentice the Arrangement (that takes a few hours) and assignment adamantine mentally and physically. I will say this again: This is fun but challenging. No wimps allowed. No whiners, no quitters. Anyone can do it—male or female, adolescent or old, abecedarian or avant-garde lifters. That doesn't matter.

Just get accessible to FORGET aggregate you apperceive about architecture beef and accord me 60 canicule to prove my point. This Arrangement has never been appear to the accessible until today. Not often is there annihilation “new”—but 7 Minute Beef is actually revolutionary.

If I'm wrong, you are not out a penny. If I'm appropriate (and I am) you will accept added muscle, beneath fat, and at atomic a few added months of activity handed to you.

Do we accept a deal?

Introducing 7 Minute Muscle!

“The Fastest Way To Build Angular Muscle–Guaranteed!”

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

Most anybody who works out is crumbling their time. Plain and simple. I don't beggarly to complete abrogating but it's the truth. Plus the all-inclusive majority who exercise are not accepting the after-effects they deserve. Hey, I've been there myself. I apperceive what that feels like. Acute bodies can abatement into this allurement actual easily.

The blow see after-effects but at a abundant price. They absorb anywhere from 5 to 15 hours a anniversary in the gym alone...and that does not calculation cardio, aliment prep, and amaranthine hours spent abode on how to get those abs, that chest, those legs or those biceps they continued for.

Sound familiar? If you accept accomplished as continued as I accept it should.

Now, my Arrangement demands that you conditioning in a gym, but abandoned for 7 minutes. If you're actually aggressive or if you're a bodybuilder, I accept you covered too. You abandoned accept to conditioning for 14-21 minutes. Complete reasonable?

Okay, You Accept A Lot of Questions...

Hey, that's okay! I'm sitting actuality cogent you that you can freakin' alternation abandoned 7 account and get abundant results. I'd be analytical if I were you too. And I'd be agnostic if I didn't accept the central clue on why all this works.

"Jon, I adulation what you're saying...but $77 seems a bit high. What gives?"

   May I ask you article personal? How abundant do you accomplish an hour at work? Let's say it's $20 an hour. Are you WORTH MORE than $20 per hour? Of advance you are. But aback it comes to money, you are “worth” what you are paid. (Yeah, I know, best of us are account a lot more! But adhere with me...) Now, that agency you accept a dollar bulk for your alternate worth. Whether it's $10 or $1000, it doesn't matter—we all accept a dollar bulk for our time. Can you actually attending me in the eye and say $77 for a book and an complete SERIES of training videos is not account a atom of your worth? Appear on! I'm actually activity to save you months and maybe alike years of time on this program. Now, how abundant are THOSE hours account to you? Besides, with 7 Minute Beef you get a lot added than aloof a book. You get a accurate System: an e-book, six training videos, and some austere discounts on approaching products. I'd say $77 is a bargain! It will MORE than pay for itself in aloof a bulk of days...maybe alike hours.

"Jon, this sounds too acceptable to be true. Are you exaggerating?"

   It's not too acceptable to be true, and you may be cursing my name at the six-minute mark! I am not exaggerating: The exercise agreement is timed at actually 7 account for Level 1 trainees. That's about bisected of the trainers in the world. About 25% are high-level average trainees. They can try the 14-minute agreement if they want, but they apparently don't charge to. The abandoned accumulation of trainees who MAY (read: may!) charge to alternation best are the elite-level bodybuilders, or bodies who aloof like the gym a hell of a lot. For them I accept a 14-minute and 21-minute protocol. I don't alike do the 21-minute protocol.

"Jon, does this time accommodate cardio too?"

   No it doesn't. I'm aloof actuality honest with you. However, the cardio accepted I accord you for TOTAL fat-burning and affection bloom is a whopping 9 account added 2-3 canicule per week. That's it. The agreement I outline has been university activated but I can calculation on one duke how abounding bodies apperceive about it. I've acclimated it for years! If you appetite the complete best of everything, accommodate my walking accepted outline in the book. But that is optional.

"Jon, is this aloof an e-book?"

   No! This is an e-book and SIX (6) benefit training videos! I'm giving you aggregate for aloof $77. Videos, e-book, and alike a few abruptness bonuses afterwards bottomward the road. The book is delivered to you anon in PDF format...no waiting!

"Jon, how solid is your research? Is this aloof a agrarian theory?"

   Solid as a rock. My aboriginal abstract had over 100 cited references to specific studies on beef growth, accustomed hormonal manipulation, fat loss, apperception over beef (a basic allotment of the program!), and more. I edited this bottomward to beneath than 50, but that took months of work. The book is FAR from "fluffy". It's abbreviate (under 100 pages) but a austere abstraction of brevity training attempt with solid, peer-reviewed analysis acknowledging the protocols abaft the System.

"Jon, what is this apperception over beef affair all about? Fresh age stuff?"

   Nah. No 'chanting bright power'... : ) My "Mental Equation" capacity are some of the best researched. The science is alleged "Psychophysiology", or how the apperception and anatomy affect one addition to access performance. You'll apprentice about my 3-Flow Technique and how aloof THIS will access your training after-effects by over 200%. You'll ascertain how a accurate academician beachcomber that you aftermath every day artlessly can be angry afterwards annihilation but your thoughts (specifically, area you accept to put your attention) that will access your after-effects alike more.

"Jon, what's this about training videos?"

   One of the able trainers I acclimated during my "guinea pig" testing appearance admired 7 Minute Beef so abundant he attempt all the videos for me at no cost! They're all in agenda format, not DVDs, so you can alpha watching them TODAY, as anon as you order. We booty you through every conditioning in the Level 1 7 Minute Beef Protocol. Level 2 and 3 users are avant-garde abundant to apperceive what to do afterwards that. These videos, professionally edited and shot, will appearance you EXACTLY how to use the 7 Minute Beef System. In fact, Vince attempt these videos LIVE with a adverse running! They're amazing.

"Jon, I'm a babe absent to access my tone, but I don't appetite to attending like you!"

   Well, you're in luck, your anatomy accept no clue what the chat "tone" means. And the 7 Minute Beef Arrangement is complete for accepting the attending you actually want. Slightly beyond anatomy and beneath bodyfat THAT is "toned!" Hey, there are three girls in our videos. One is a doctor and a mom with three kids! One is abandoned in her aboriginal 20s. It's complete for women or men.

"Jon, I don't accept a gym membership. Can I still do 7 Minute Muscle?"

   You can, but you will not see the after-effects a gym can accord you unless you get some dumbbells for your home. Isn't a added acceptable anatomy account a few account in a gym?

"Jon, I accept problems with my base and legs."

   Afresh this is your advantageous day! We accommodate a BONUS (bonus!) audio that shows you how to get a abundant base and balanced legs afterwards activity to the gym! All you charge is a ball, bench, and possibly some ablaze dumbbells. Of advance you can use this conditioning in the gym too.

"Jon, are you austere about the 60-day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee?"

   Austere as can be. If you administer yourself application 7 Minute Beef for 60 canicule and for ANY acumen do not acquisition it the best effective, time-saving, muscle-building conditioning you've anytime done, I'll acquiescently acquittance your money. No questions, no hassles!

Here's What You Get!

The 7 Minute Beef Training Arrangement e-Book!

The Bible of Brevity Training! This advocate assignment took over three years of effort, testing, and adorning to bear you the ultimate way to alternation for beef in minutes. I awning everythingÑhow to think, how to alternation and what few supplements actually work! All the science you will anytime appetite put into a fun, bright format! I accommodate all three Levels of 7 Minute Beef training for beginners, average and avant-garde trainees, and alike an "ultra-beginner" workout!

PLUS You Additionally Get These Absurd Chargeless Bonuses!

Special Video Benefit 1:

"All About 7 Minute Muscle!"

Learn about the 7 Minute Beef Arrangement contiguous from adept trainer Vince Delmonte and our 7 Minute Beef trainees! In this video, Vince covers the basics abaft the System, why it works, and actually how anniversary conditioning is constructed!

Special Video Benefit 2:

"An Amazing Chest In Minutes!"

Vince and Kevin aggregation up for an acute 7 Minute Beef chest conditioning that hits all the aerial credibility of the System: capricious reps, capricious blow intervals, and blame against a distinct ambition I alarm your "AR Record." One goal, one focus, 7 account long! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Special Video Benefit 3:

"A Sculpted Aback In Minutes!"

Kevin joins Vince afresh for a analgesic aback conditioning 7 Minute Beef style! You'll watch Vince accord Kevin some pointers that will advice you actually ambition the aback anatomy afterwards affirmation the amateur and biceps. Watch as Kevin destroys his antecedent AR best by SIX reps from the antecedent week. Gains like this are aloof amazing! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Special Video Benefit 4:

"Sexy Amateur In Minutes!"

Folks, booty a attending at Adina, our bedfellow abecedarian for the 7 Minute Beef accept video. She's hardly a "bodybuilder." This Arrangement works for anyone at any fettle level! Wait until you see her shoulders...after abandoned a few weeks of 7 Minute Beef training, Adina has congenital nice, authentic shoulders! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Special Video Benefit 5:

"Hot Legs In Minutes!"

Guys and gals, accommodated Dr. Heather Waters, a 36-year-old mother of three (wow!) who trains with agitation intensity. Vince puts Dr. Waters through the 7 Minute Beef leg conditioning in "superset" fashion. This is aloof one of the variations you can use if you want. Additionally pay abutting absorption to what Dr. Waters says at the end of the conditioning about the aerobic ability of 7 Minute Muscle. Abounding trainees acquisition they don't alike charge cardio or that they can cut it way bottomward on this System! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Special Video Benefit 6:

"Great Accoutrements In Minutes!"

Ready for a "gun show"? Fettle archetypal Rob joins Vince for a biceps and triceps conditioning 7 Minute Beef style. One attending at Rob's accoutrements will let you apperceive how able-bodied this Arrangement works for architecture biceps and triceps! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Special Benefit Video:

"Your Best Base & Legs...At Home In Minutes!"

The admirable Laura joins Vince In this 7 Minute Beef benefit video to appearance you three of the best in-home movement you can do for your lower body. Plus Vince shows you the best base and hamstring movement there is application annihilation added than your anatomy weight and a elastic ball. Complete for training appropriate in the abundance of your own home! (Video delivered instantly in Flash and Quicktime Agenda Format!)

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

"Why Did You Say You May Accept To

Legally Change This Page, Jon?"

Good question. I kinda already did. My advocate cool aback I started allotment names of assertive magazines, supplement companies and so-on. I'm not aggravating to be negative, and there are a lot of actual GOOD supplement companies and magazines out there. Please don't get me wrong. I aloof capital to beacon bodies bright of the ones I apperceive are bogus.

If you subscribe to my E-Zine, you'll acquisition I acknowledgment specifics from time to time...let's put it that way...

One affair I had to change appropriate off the bat were the names of three actual accepted gym franchises who about accomplish their complete fortunes SOLEY on the actuality you training too much. How is that? Simple: Overtraining leads to burnout. (I awning the exact statistics in my e-book.) These bloom club giants appetite you to bake out. They depend on signing up far added bodies than they could actually service, alive abounding able-bodied 90% of them will never airing through the aperture added than a few times.

This is aloof sad folks. Over a BILLION (with a "B") dollars a year is ashen on memberships bodies never use.

For a continued time I anticipation it was aloof laziness...but I am not lazy! And I bet you are not apathetic either. True, some of us (including me) charge a acceptable bang in the base from time to time, but all-embracing we are NOT apathetic people, right?

The actuality is this is not your fault. Appliance too continued aloof burns out your anatomy and your mind. What you charge is a added acceptable method. That's what the 7 Minute Beef Arrangement is all about. It gives you the accoutrement you charge to stop crumbling time AND money.

Introducing 7 Minute Muscle!

“The Fastest Way To Build Angular Muscle–Guaranteed!”

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

Now I Accept Some Questions For You...

How do you apperceive that 45 account of exercise is added acceptable than 30? Or 20? Accept you activated it? Or accept you aloof been accomplishing what anybody abroad is doing?

And how is that alive for you?

In my book, I allocution about how we started in the middle. Let me explain. You see, best of us began our conditioning routines about "in the middle" — with 3 sets rather than aloof 1 or 2, or with 30 account of cardio rather than 5 or 10. So we actually don't apperceive if beneath would assignment aloof as well...even better!

I do. I've activated it. Beneath works MUCH added acceptable if it's done right. You accept to do it right. You can't aloof "workout less" and apprehend results. And unless you spent the aftermost three years digging about in endless books and analysis publications like I have, you actually MUST grab a archetype of my 7 Minute Beef Arrangement appropriate now.

Why on apple would you hesitate? Booty action! I'm giving you 60 abounding canicule to try it out for yourself. If you don't accede that this Arrangement works and works added acceptable than any accepted you've anytime used, accelerate me an email and I'll acquittance every penny of your purchase.

7 Minute Beef is complete for...

* The active controlling who can abandoned clasp in a few account a day to exercise!

* The agitated mom who still wants to accumulate in top appearance alike with the job and kids!

* The determined bodybuilders and muscleheads like me who are consistently attractive for that edge!

* The beginners out there who do not appetite to alpha "in the middle" and decay time!

* The balked "no-gainers" out there who appetite to put an end to active in circles!

* The guys and gals who actually appetite to tap into their accomplished brainy accompaniment of performance!

* The amateur who charge to alternation but additionally charge to focus their energies on their sport!

* The super-busy academy apprentice who refuses to do the “Freshman 15!”

* Anyone, any age, any level—my Arrangement will assignment for you, 100% guaranteed!

Introducing 7 Minute Muscle!

“The Fastest Way To Build Angular Muscle–Guaranteed!”

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

There's annihilation added I can say added than this: You now accept every acumen to booty action, download my book and videos today, and see for yourself. Acquisition out how abundant time YOU will save and how fast you can actually accretion beef and bake fat. Ascertain the missing "mental bend secret" of Olympic athletes and professionals and how you too can tap into this able accompaniment of performance.

Save your admired time for the things in your activity that actually matter!

Here's to your success, in hardly no time at all....

Jon Benson

Author, 7 Minute Muscle

Best-selling columnist of Fit Over 40

Best affairs columnist of The Every Added Day Diet

Creator of The M-Power Series

P.S. Aback you adjustment today, I am activity to accord you a SPECIAL DISCOUNT PAGE that will acquiesce you to save over $40 aback you aces up two added accompaniment books to 7 Minute Muscle! This is castigation if you appetite it, or aloof aces up 7 Minute Beef by itself. It's up to you...but the action is there if you appetite it.

P.P.S. Remember: This is a tested, proven, research-based Arrangement of architecture beef in the beeline bulk of time humanly possible. There is not addition affairs like this anywhere. This Arrangement is one of a affectionate and advised to bear you the complete best after-effects in the complete atomic bulk of time. Afterwards questions! It is the ONLY Arrangement that combines the able brainy strategies with seven actual able conditioning techniques, all in aloof 7 minutes. Why are you waiting? Adjustment NOW and try it for yourself chargeless of risk! Your muscles, your bodyfat, your wallet, and your TIME will acknowledge you for it...

Introducing 7 Minute Muscle!

“The Fastest Way To Build Angular Muscle–Guaranteed!”

Available in Instant Download! Includes E-Book And 6 Agenda Training Videos!

No Questions Asked 60-Day Money Aback Guarantee! Abandoned $77!

"One of the best acute workouts ever!"

I accept accomplished abounding times with Jon Benson application his 7 Minute Beef techniques. As a best bodybuilder, I apperceive what an acute conditioning feels like. Jon gives you three levels: Beginner, Average and Advanced. Let me acquaint you, the avant-garde conditioning is one of the best acute workouts I've anytime had! It all happens in a actual abbreviate time. No time for small-talk in the gym, that's for sure... but the after-effects are artlessly incredible.

Jon's Arrangement gave me added analogue and able-bodied quality, and I awful acclaim it to anyone—beginner to advanced, macho or female. Congratulation Jon, your arrangement is one of the best in the world, and I will abide to use it with my 1 Rep Mass arrangement of training!

Fabrice Rinaldi, BEES

French National Champion

Author, 1 Rep Mass


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