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The SEO Report

This special report is a collection of unique articles written on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing. It comes with FREE Master Resale Rights. The ebook is not for sale. You can give it away for free or bundle it into any package or membership site. You may not change any of the content or links.

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The SEO Report

by F. Terrence Markle

Presented to you by: Terry Markle

FREE Master Resale Rights

You own 100% master resale rights to this report. You can give it away for free or bundle it into any package or membership site. You may not change any of the content or links in this report. The SEO Report

by Terry Markle

This special report is a collection of unique articles written on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) marketing. It comes with FREE Master Resale Rights. The ebook is not for sale. You can give it away for free or bundle it into any package or membership site. You may not change any of the content or links. Click the following link if you would like a copy of the report rebranded with your name, URL and affiliate links:

The rebranded report will become your own viral PDF reports to distribute and collect 100% of the affiliate revenue. Do not SPAM or distribute to FFA or purchased lists.

Presented to you by: Terry Markle

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

The AdSense Report

by Terry Markle

This special report is a collection of unique articles written on Google AdSense marketing. It comes with FREE Master Resale Rights. The ebook is not for sale. You can give it away for free or bundle it into any package or membership site. You may not change any of the content or links. Click the following link if you would like a copy of the report rebranded with your name, URL and affiliate links:

The rebranded report will become your own viral PDF reports to distribute and collect 100% of the affiliate revenue. Do not SPAM or distribute to FFA or purchased lists.

The Niche Report

by Terry Markle

This special report is a collection of unique articles written on niche marketing. It comes with FREE Master Resale Rights. The ebook is not for sale. You can give it away for free or bundle it into any package or membership site. You may not change any of the content or links. Click the following link if you would like a copy of the report rebranded with your name, URL and affiliate links:

The rebranded report will become your own viral PDF reports to distribute and collect 100% of the affiliate revenue. Do not SPAM or distribute to FFA or purchased lists.

Table of Contents

Introduction Terry Markle 6

How To Get Web Site Traffic Terry Markle 7

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Terry Markle 9

Link Popularity Terry Markle 11

Pay-Per-Click Terry Markle 14

The Absolute Basics Of SEO Matt Canham 16

Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Biana Babinsky 18

Overview Of SEO Bobbie Grennier 21

SEO Mary Ann Wells 24

SEO – Does It Work? Mark Nenadic 26

Does SEO Marketing Really Work? Glenn Ford 28

5 Methods For Self SEO – If You Have The Conrad Sear 29 Time

What You Need To Know About SEO Web Glenn Ford 31 Design

SEO To Become A Dinner Party Topic Glenn Murray 32

The SEO Benefits Of Link Building Peter Belikanov 34

SEO Tips: Link Building Will Spencer 36

Inbound Links To Your Website For SEO Deepak Dutta 40

SEO Outbound Link Relevance Jowl Walsh 42

How To Know Which SEO Software Tool Andy Jones 44 Suits Your SEO Needs

SEO Tips: On-Page Optimization Will Spencer 47

Table of Contents - Continued

What is SEO Off-Page Optimization? Terry Markle 49

Article Marketing: The Better Offpage Dina Giolitto 51 SEO Solution

Just What Is An SEO Article? Mark Nenadic 53

Using Articles Instead Of SEO Tactics To John Martin 54 Get Traffic

Article Writing – The New SEO Master Tool Alan Chestnutt 56 - Part 1

Article Writing – The New SEO Master Tool Alan Chestnutt 58 - Part 2

The Heavily-Optimized SEO Article As Bill Kruse 59 Legimitate Search Engine Doorway Page

Contracting Out SEO Article Writing Brian Stocker 61

SEO – Where To Successfully Submit Your Decebal Scraba 63 Articles For High Rankings

Search Engine Optimization: Black Hat Or David Touri 65 White Hat SEO?

What is Black Hat SEO? Dana Goldberg 67

Black Hat SEO – What You Should Know Cari Haus 69

SEO – Web Directories in Black And White Decebal Scraba 71

Google Sitemaps’ Hidden Secrets - Powerful Rob Sullivan 73 SEO Tools Revealed

The Adsense Factor Terry Markle 75

The Niche Factor Terry Markle 80


Dear Valued Subscriber,

Thank you for downloading this report on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The articles in this report cover many of the significant areas of SEO. I believe you will find the information in this report packed with valuable insights. Hopefully you can use this information to build and maintain your website using applicable SEO techniques in an effort to help you make money with your site.

Search engines are considered the number one method of generating traffic (visitors) to the vast majority of websites. The top search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc) help people like you and me to find relevant and useful information on the Internet. These search engines are constantly crawling the web with their automatic robots looking for new and updated information. This information is stored in the gigantic search engine databases and presented to their users as the result of a specific keyword or keyword search request.

Although everyone has their own definition, SEO is usually described as the process of studying the various search engines in an attempt to:

  • Estimate the search engine algorithm’s procedure to display the most relevant websites in a user search on a keyword or keyword phrase.
  • Implement a method to rank a website high on the search engine’s result pages for a specific keyword or keyword phrase.

The objective of this report is to help you understand that process. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. What worked yesterday in the area of SEO may not work today. There is a constant learning and updating requirement by the website owner if they desire to keep their website high on the search engine result pages.

This report only covers the tip of the iceberg in the SEO arena. You are well advised to keep on top of the SEO methods if you want to get targeted traffic to your website.

Enjoy the articles!

Terry Markle

See the required Legal declaration at: How To Get Web Site Traffic

by F. Terrence Markle

Web site traffic is essential to having a thriving online business. You cannot have enough web site traffic (visitors) unless it is the wrong traffic or you do not want to continue to build your business. Your chances of selling a product or service is proportional to the level of targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site. It is not an easy task getting the right kind of web site traffic to your site. You do not get this web site traffic without expending your time, energy and sometimes hard-earned money.

There are many different ways to generate traffic to your web site. The various web site traffic generating methods and strategies need to be researched, evaluated and implemented to determine which ones will result in increasing your web site traffic and hopefully the sales of your product or service.

Unfortunately, most web site traffic generators take time to produce a measurable result. The time required depends on the method and approach you take. It is easy to give up when the method or approach you take to generating targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site does not result in success.

Testing the different methods and approaches is essential to getting the traffic to your web site. Whenever a method fails to deliver the results you want, try a different one. Keep trying different methods or approaches to generating web site traffic until you find the one that works for your web site.

Some of the more common methods of generating web site traffic include:

  • Search Engine Optimization

It is no secret that search engines are the number one traffic generating method for driving visitors to web sites. Search engines are very useful in helping people find the relevant information they seek on the Internet. The major search engines develop and maintain their own gigantic database of web sites that can be searched by a user typing in a keyword or keyword phrase in the search box.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of studying the search engines in an effort to determine how to get your web site to rank high on user searches. Depending on the statistical information reviewed, search engines account for over 80% of the visitor traffic to web sites.

  • Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is when an advertiser pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user (i.e., visitor) to the advertiser’s web page. PPC requires the advertiser to bid on key words or key word phrases chosen by the advertiser. There are many PPC advertising services available to choose from. Google AdWords and Overture are probably the two most popular in use today.

The PPC search engine allows you to buy a top position in the search engine results for the particular keyword or phrase you choose. The PPC search engines can deliver targeted and qualified visitors to your web page at an economical advertising cost if you manage the program carefully with a clear objective. PPC provides the advertiser with assurance that their ad is being delivered to the targeted audience.

  • Link Popularity

Link popularity is simply the total number of web pages that link to your web page. Link popularity is an extremely important factor that is used by most of the major search engines to rank web pages and web sites. In general, the major search engines consider link popularity a key factor in their algorithms to determine the relevancy of your web page to a particular keyword search query.

Good link popularity is important because it can increase the visitor traffic to your web page. The reputation of your web site (i.e., votes of confidence from other web sites) is a measure of the site’s link popularity. Your web page rank (i.e., the position your web page occupies in a search engine’s results page) to a particular search query can be improved by increasing the number of relevant and quality web sites that have incoming links to your web page.

  • Other

The other strategies and methods that can increase the web site traffic to your site include: directory listings, writing articles, newsletters, e-mail advertising, classified advertising and banner advertising. These methods should be considered along with the previous ones.

Which of the above methods are best for you? That's a loaded question and the answer resides in what you are willing to pay, in terms of time, energy and/or money, to get the right kind of traffic. You need to test, test and then test some more.

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

by F. Terrence Markle

It is no secret that search engines are the number one traffic generating method for driving visitors to the different web sites. Search engines are very useful in helping people find the relevant information they seek on the Internet. The major search engines develop and maintain their own gigantic database of web sites that can be searched by a user typing in a keyword or keyword phrase in the search box.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of studying the search engines in an effort to determine how to get your web site to rank high on user searches. Depending on the statistical information reviewed, search engines account for over 80% of the visitor traffic to web sites.

Within the search engine category, Google accounts for most of the search engine traffic. The other top search engines include but are not limited to: Yahoo, AOL Search, Overture, AllTheWeb, MSN Search, WiseNut, HotBot, Teoma, and Ask Jeeves. You can register your web site with the various search engines but it is a demanding process and takes time.

Visitor traffic from the search engines can be obtained through organic (natural) or pay-per-click (PPC) search results. The non-paid organic search results are the list of web sites (generally 10 per page) returned when a user searches on a specific keyword or keyword phrase. Keyword is the word or phrase that is typed into the search engine's search box. The PPC items are the paid advertisements for a specific keyword or keyword phrase and listed on the same page as the organic search results.

You are telling the search engines what your web site is about when you employ SEO tactics. Search engine optimization involves the layout of your web page so that it is very easy to navigate and read. In addition, you must skillfully place your keywords in your web page in a manner that conveys the information that is being searched for by your visitor. The keywords should be placed in the Title tag, Meta Description tag and at the beginning of the Body tag sections. Search engines look for relevant and original content in your web page that is relative to the your site’s keyword theme.

Search engines find out about your web site through your submission to the search engine or through a link to your site from another web site that has already been indexed. The search engine uses a spider (i.e., a computer program) to index (i.e., classify and include in the search engine database) your individual web site pages. The spider is often referred to as a crawler. These spiders follow links from one site to another site and create an index of information for inclusion in the search engine database on each web page they visit. The spider is more likely to index a static HTML web page higher than one generated dynamically.

You can make your web page more search engine friendly by reducing or eliminating any flash animation or graphics in your home page. Design each page of your web site so that the keyword or keyword phrase information being searched for by your visitors can be easily found. You need to convey the central message or theme of your web page to your visitors.

In addition, your web site should have a site map. A site map displays a visual model of the pages within your web site. It enables your visitors to navigate through your web site that has more than one page. Each listing in your site map should be an active link to enable your visitor to click on the link and move directly to that specific section of your web site.

It will take a lot of concentrated work to achieve a top ranking in any of the search engines. Rank is the position in the search engine results page that a web site appears when someone searches for a specific keyword or keyword phrase. The typical search engine results page has 10 positions for web sites returned as the result of the user's search.

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -


Discover how to quickly and easily create search engine optimized affiliate web sites that can make you money, even without any HTML knowledge of SEO skills.


Link Popularity

by F. Terrence Markle

Link popularity is simply the total number of web pages that link to your web page. Link popularity is an extremely important factor that is used by most of the major search engines to rank web pages and web sites. In general, the major search engines consider link popularity a key factor in their algorithms to determine the relevancy of your web page to a particular keyword search query.

Good link popularity is important because it can increase the visitor traffic to your web page. The reputation of your web site (i.e., votes of confidence from other web sites) is a measure of the site’s link popularity. Your web page rank (i.e., the position your web page occupies in a search engine’s results page) to a particular search query can be improved by increasing the number of relevant and quality web sites that have incoming links to your web page.

An incoming link is considered to be relevant if it is meaningful and relates to your web page. If you sell golf clubs online, relevant incoming links could be from: golf club manufacturers, golf apparel sites, competitors, golf-related directories and so forth. In addition, internal links (links from web pages within your web site) are considered relevant and essential because they help your web page visitor to navigate your web site.

It is not enough to just have web page links coming into your web page (link popularity). The quality of the incoming link is also critical. A search engine will put more emphasis on a high quality web page (ranked high by a particular search engine) than on a low quality web page (ranked low by a particular search engine). It will take many lower quality incoming links to approach the level of a single high quality incoming link.

The major search engines do more than match the content of your web page to the keyword search query to determine if there’s a good match for a particular search. They look at the quality of the links to your web page. The reason is because there are thousands, if not millions, of web pages that contain the search query’s particular keyword or keyword phrase in the web page content. The search engines want to deliver a list of relevant and ordered web pages to meet a user’s query search.

In addition to the link popularity, search engines also look at the anchor text contained in the incoming link to your web page. It will consider your web page more relevant to the keyword query search if the text in the incoming link to your web page contains the queried keywords.

The number and quality of incoming links to your web page can be an excellent source of targeted and consistent visitor traffic to your site. In addition, search engines are more likely to index your web pages on a more frequent basis if you have many incoming relevant and quality links. The search engine spiders have a higher probability of finding you through the external incoming links to your site as your link popularity increases.

Reciprocal linking or link exchanging involves another web page linking to your web page and you linking back to their web page. If you select targeted and relevant web pages to exchange links with then you have a higher probability of gaining increased visitor traffic to your web page. In addition, your web page ranking on a search engine keyword query is also likely to improve as mentioned earlier.

Your overall marketing plan should include a link exchange campaign to help improve your search engine rankings and the visitor traffic to your web page. Spend the necessary time and energy to locate and exchange links with link exchange partners that provide a good match with your web page. Review the potential link partner’s web site theme and content to determine if their link would be relevant to your site. Consider only those web sites as exchange partners with themes or topics that complement or relate to your web page.

It is important that you have a good link exchange strategy in place and a process to manage the reciprocal links. Don’t link to a web page if they are not linking back to your web page. Link exchange campaigns require your attention and monitoring. You can perform the link exchange management manually or you can use a computer program that will do it for you.

There are a number of good programs that perform link exchange management functions. However, there are some programs that do a poor job. For example, some management software programs will perform automated search engine queries to harvest prospects that are not relevant for linking to your web page. Do not use “link farms” in your link exchange campaign. These sites provide hundreds of non-relevant links with no meaningful content to your site that the search engines can detect and potentially use to ban or penalize your site.

The vast majority web site owners that participate in a link exchange program do not understand the issues and benefits of the exchange. As a result, they do not maximize the potential value to be gained from the link exchange. Learn and implement the proper strategies and your web page will potentially benefit from improved search engine ranking and increased targeted and qualified visitors.

Every web site that provides links to other web pages should have a links page. Your links page will be an excellent resource for the visitors to your web site. Your web site will be more helpful and credible to your visitors if you provide useful and relevant links on your links page. You can start utilizing the power of your links page when it becomes a service to your visitors rather than a tool to obtain higher search engine ranking.

You need to categorize your links if you have a lot of outgoing links. Don’t try to put all your links on one links page where it has the appearance of a link farm (i.e., no valuable content or relevance) to the search engines that want to index the page. Create a useful links page that shows only the link categories with separate links that take your visitor to an individual link page for each category. The intent is to provide a resource for your visitors that is useful and can be easily navigated. Search engines love this type of structure that they can fully index.

The incoming links to your web page and the outgoing links to other web pages should be structured in a clear manner. Provide your link exchange partners with the exact HTML code to be included in the link on their web page. This code should include your URL, your anchor link text with the appropriate keyword or keyword phrase and a concise description that incorporates your web site name and the appropriate keyword or keyword phrase.

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -


Brand new online videos for search engine optimization – high conversions…


Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

by F. Terrence Markle

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is when an advertiser pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user (i.e., visitor) to the advertiser’s web page. PPC requires the advertiser to bid on key words or key word phrases chosen by the advertiser. There are many PPC advertising services available to choose from. Google AdWords and Overture are probably the two most popular in use today.

The PPC search engine allows you to buy a top position in the search engine results for the particular keyword or phrase you choose. The PPC search engines can deliver targeted and qualified visitors to your web page at an economical advertising cost if you manage the program carefully with a clear objective. PPC provides the advertiser with assurance that their ad is being delivered to the targeted audience.

PPC advertising uses a bidding process where the highest bidder or highest activity value, depending on the search engine, for a particular keyword or phrase will receive the top placement on the search engine results page. The PPC search engine will place your ad text in a special location on the results page when a user searches on your PPC keyword or phrase search term.

As an example, Google AdWords appear on the right side of the search results page while the organic (i.e., natural) search results appear on the left side of the page. In the case of Yahoo! Search, the sponsored ads appear on both the left and right side of the search results page. The top 2-3 sponsored ads appear in the top positions on the left side above the natural search results and the next 3 sponsored ads appear at the bottom of the left side and on the right side of the search results page along with other sponsored ads.

PPC advertising is a good way to obtain web page visitors when you don’t have a top ranking web page to get you the necessary natural search engine placement. Statistics show that over 80% of search engine users prefer the natural search results as opposed to sponsored ads. Nevertheless, the search engines deliver a huge amount of visitor traffic to the sponsored advertisers especially in the competitive keyword markets.

The typical PPC advertising campaign is based on the bid per click. For example, you bid $0.10 for a particular keyword or phrase that is accepted by the search engine. Whenever a search engine user clicks on your sponsored ad then you are charged $0.10 by the search engine. This amount is deducted from your account funds. Your placement in the search engine results page depends on the search engine. For Google, the placement is determined by your bid price and the ad’s click-through activity. For Yahoo, the placement is determined by your bid relative to other bids.

PPC can be an excellent method for getting visitor traffic to your web site but it can also cost you a lot of money. You need to be extremely careful and monitor your cost of using PPC versus the revenue generated. As the old saying goes, do the math. Calculate your return on investment (ROI) on a continuous basis to determine if you are making a profit on your PPC campaign.

As an example, assume your bid for a particular keyword is $0.10 and the product you sell has a profit margin of $15 after product costs (excluding PPC costs). If your conversion rate (the number of visitors that buy your product) is 1.0%, only 1 of your visitors will buy your product out of 100 visitors. Your net profit for every 100 visitors from your PPC campaign will be $5 ($15 profit margin less $10 for PPC).

It is a good idea to experiment with the different PPC search engines to find the one that works best for you. In addition, you need to spend the necessary time and effort to select the keyword or keyword phrase that has a profitable conversion rate for your specific web page. A higher conversion rate implies more profits to you.

Try to avoid the senseless bidding war with your competitors. Seriously evaluate whether having the number one placement position is worth the PPC price you pay. What about position numbers two, three and so on. Will you get enough clicks in one of those positions to make your PPC campaign a success? Do not automatically assume that you have to be in position number one to make a lot of money using PPC. It all comes down to experimenting and testing.

There is no such thing as the perfect PPC campaign. Evaluate the performance of your PPC campaigns on a continuous basis. Are you leaving money on the table by not adjusting your PPC bid to a lower level? Should you increase the bid price to get more traffic? Is your conversion rate changing? What are your competitors doing? Should you be considering different keywords in your campaign? PPC advertising is a great way to get traffic but at a definite price. PPC requires a thorough knowledge of the PPC search engines that you use and constant monitoring and evaluation of your campaigns.

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -

The Absolute Basics of SEO by Matt Canham

Search engine optimization is the process of maximizing the ranking of your site in search engine listings. The most important factors to consider to achieve a high ranking are: the keywords you use, your title, your description, the text of your site, and the links others provide to your site.

To begin selecting keywords, consider what words and phrases the people you are trying to reach will be searching on. When placing keywords in your keyword tag, it is best to use phases rather than single words. Almost all single words are in very widespread use, thus will not tend to produce high rankings. Keyword phrases can be better tailored to your business. Also, since phrase searches produce fewer results, people are more likely to search on them. It is also a good idea to produce a list of keyword phrases for every page of your site. If you must include difficult to spell words, it is a good idea to include some common misspellings of these words as well.

The title is just as important, if not more important, than your keywords. Most search engines place the highest level of importance on the words found in the title when calculating the ranking. You should place your most important keyword phrases first in your title, as some search engines limit the number of characters you can use. Make your title a readable sentence, as this is the first text that will appear for your listing on the results page. One thing you should avoid doing is simply listing keywords. This could be regarded by the search engine as keyword spamming and may lower your search ranking, or even get your listing removed from the site. As with keywords, it is a good idea to give each page a unique title.

In your description you should once again make use of your best keyword phrases. In this case, you can use more of them, since search engines will give you typically around 1024 characters for the description, while they will give you only around 50 to 80 for the title. Again, place your keywords as close to the beginning of your description as makes sense.

In the text of your site you should make use of, yes, you've guessed it, your keyword phrases. Also include any text you have used in other tags, such as meta tags, alt tags, and headings. Having a lot of content helps as well. A minimum of 200 words per page is recommended. Having many pages of content also increases your rankings.

Having many other sites link to you is another good way to increase your search rankings. Both the links themselves and the increase in traffic which results will help. Also, having bloggers link to your site is a good idea.

Although these practices will boost your rankings, there are certain design elements that can interfere with your search rankings. These include frames, dynamic URLs, Flash, using image maps for navigation, and using javascripts for navigation. Also, there are certain practices that search engines regard as spamming, and these practices will get you permanently removed from the site. These include using keywords in your meta tags that do not relate to the content of your page, using multiple instances of the same tag, and listing keywords in the text of your site.

This is just a brief introduction to search engine optimization. One book available on this topic is Search Engine Visibility by Shari Thurow. Software packages that can assist you with SEO tasks include Bruce Clay's SEOToolSet and Web CEO's Web CEO. If you prefer to have someone else do your SEO for you, Marinerblue is ready to help you for free with your .ws domain.

Copyright 2006 Matt Canham

About The Author

Matt Canham Copywriter and Internet Marketer


This software tool creates a blueprint of how the top 10 got there so you can get to the top of the search engine rankings.


Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Biana Babinsky

Have you heard stories about legendary online entrepreneurs who hit it big after getting a #1 rank in several popular search engines? You probably wondered what it would take for you to achieve that elusive #1 spot in the search engine result pages (SERPs). Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in ensuring that your business gets the best possible search engine ranking, which can lead to increased sales for your online company.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. Meta-information includes certain HTML tags (title, heading, emphasized text, keyword and description meta-tags), as well as the internal (links between pages on the same site) and external (links between pages on different sites) link structure of a web site.

Impact of High Search Engine Rank on Sales

Internet market research estimates that between 70% and 90% of online shoppers use search engines to find a specific product or service. Let's examine factors that influence sales to see how effective search engine optimization can boost your revenues.

Three metrics are required to forecast online sales: the average ticket, the conversion rate, and the amount of web site traffic:

  • The average ticket is the amount of money spent by a customer on a typical transaction. Computer and electronics stores have high average tickets (hundreds or thousands of dollars), while bookstores have low average tickets (tens of dollars).
  • Web Site traffic is measured by the number of site visitors, typically expressed as the number of page views per month.
  • Conversion rate is the number of sales divided by the number of page views per month, expressed as a percentage.

Let's look at an example. The Ultimate Taupe Widget (UTW) store has an average ticket of $25, a conversion rate of 2%, and gets 5,000 page views per month. The estimated monthly sales are $2,500 ($25 average ticket * 0.02 conversion rate expressed as a decimal * 5,000 page views per month). Achieving a high search engine rank will increase the number of page views, and therefore increase sales. In this example, if traffic doubles to 10,000 page views a month, UTW's monthly sales should (approximately) double as well (to $5,000).

Keep in mind that a high search engine rank will produce a measurable increase in traffic only if there is significant marketplace interest in taupe widgets and your web site appears in the first thirty search engine results.

However, search engine optimization is not going to produce measurable results if there is very little demand for taupe widgets. The #1 spot in search engine result pages is not particularly impressive if only two people search for "taupe widgets" each month.

Role of Keywords in Search Engine Optimization

Keywords are words or phrases users provide to search engines to locate information. Search engines examine page content to determine whether a specific page is relevant for a particular search word or phrase. Thus, effective keyword selection is one of the cornerstones of search engine optimization.

Each keyword is characterized by supply (number of search engine result pages) and demand (number of searches). The easiest way to improve search engine rank is to select keywords that have favorable supply-demand characteristics; that is, ones with a relatively high demand and a relatively low supply. It is much more difficult to improve the search engine position of a page on a high supply, competitive keyword.

Good keywords must be relevant to your product line, as well as your line of business. A #1 rank for "navy widgets" is worthless if you sell taupe widgets exclusively. A potential customer will find your page, quickly discover that you don't sell any navy widgets, and promptly go elsewhere. In effect, the conversion rate for irrelevant search engine hits is very close to zero.

Using Keywords Effectively

Choosing a set of target keywords is the first step in search engine optimization. The second step is using them in the body, title, headings, and meta-tags of a page.

Include the target keywords in the text of the page. Don't overdo it, though --- the keywords should fit smoothly into the surrounding text. Search engines use several techniques to detect excessive keyword density, or too many keywords stuffed into very little supporting text, and will reduce the rank accordingly. A page has too many keywords if they interfere with the general flow of the text on a page and appear to be glaringly out of place

The title tag should contain information that describes the page. Unless you operate a multi-national conglomerate that is already a household name, your company's name is not a descriptive title. Most search engines use the title tag as the first line of your listing in the search engine result pages. Strive to make your title tag say "click me" to a prospective customer. "Superior taupe widgets - 50% off every day" is a good page title, while "Ultimate Taupe Widgets, Inc." is not.

Incorporate keywords into the headings on the page, as well as into emphasized sections (bold or large text). Even though search engines are de-emphasizing descriptive meta-tags, include keywords in them nevertheless. The description meta-tag should have an accurate description of your page, and the keywords meta-tag should contain a set of keywords (separated by commas) that list key concepts mentioned on the page.

Understanding the basics of search engine optimization is an important first step in creating an optimized, well-positioned web site.

About The Author

Biana Babinsky shows you how to drive thousands of targeted visitors to your web site in her Step by Step Search Engine Optimization Special Report. Learn more about the report at


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Overview of SEO by Bobbie Grennier

Search Engine Ranking - Optimization Strategy

Think of the Internet as the biggest library-like source of information in human history, with one major difference from a actual library. The Internet is not organized, nor is all the information out there credible. This is where search engines come into play and why SEO services, SEO ranking and SEO optimization strategies are so important to real businesses who provide real information, services and products.

Why You Need Good Search Engine Ranking and Optimization Strategy

We call it being in the Top 10 of a search engine. It means your web site is listed on the front page, in the first 10 results, of any given search engine listing for your keywords ... and that's referred to as a Natural Listing or Natural Results.

In reality, your web site coming up in the top 10 of any search engine is anything but natural. Appearing in the top 10 for your business's keywords will bring in potential customers to your web site just as effectively as the businesses that pay for the Google Ads and Yahoo Ads, but it's more cost effective to you because you didn't have to pay $3-$20 per click like they did ... and remember, clicks don't mean sales, it just means someone clicked onto their web site. Also, I'm not inflating those prices ... if you want to compete with the big boys at the top of the keyword list on Google, that's what it's going to cost you. Suddenly optimizing your web site has much more importance to you doesn't it?

Search engine ranking and optimization is a highly specialized field of Internet study combined with the ability to write decently. Search engine users are what we call a targeted audience because they come looking for your business and usually want to buy what you sell. You don't need to do anything, but provide them a clean web site that nicely displays your products, and close the sale (but that's another article).

Internet Users and Search Engine Search Listings

Every web business needs a web site marketing plan with a solid search engine ranking and optimization strategy. The Georgia Institute of Technology says more than 85% of all Internet users find new web sites through search engine search listings. Data shows that search engine listings are the number one way to generate traffic to a web site.

Search Engine Ranking and Optimization Services

Think about it ... when you got your very first computer, hooked it up and wanted to go out onto the world wide web ... didn't you ask yourself, How do I find web sites? Then you discovered what a search engine was and from there, you relied on the search engines to give you keyword results and that's where you played on the Internet.

That's what millions of users do everyday. These are people who are not tech savvy like you and me. They use search engines as a way of sifting through the myriad of web sites out there, narrowing their search and focusing them on the top 10 results. The goal of any SEO company is to get your web site to rank in the top 10 for your set of keywords, bringing you the people who are searching for the goods and services you provide.

Good Search Engine Ranking and Optimization Strategy

SEO services involve knowledge of SEO optimization, web site planning, SEO experience and having the right SEO tools, but most of all it requires patience because getting your web site into one of those top positions on the search engine results pages (SERP) takes an average of 1-3 months. Any SEO company will need to tweak your web site and it's content, and then wait for the search engines to make their changes. The goal is to achieve and maintain true search engine optimization and placement for your web site.

By hiring an SEO company like us, to handle your search engine optimization you will see results. A good SEO company will bring you good search engine placement, and any business that can get the targeted traffic should also get the conversion necessary to drive profits up if the web site is able to close the sale.

Your web site content should both drive SEO optimized traffic to your web site and help close the sale. A good SEO Copywriter can help with both!

Search Engine Ranking and Optimization for Good ROI

ROI is the return on investment. You need to compare your ROI for the costs of placing pay per click ads (PPC) with Google and Yahoo vs. the cost of optimizing your web site to get a natural ranking.

How competitive is your market? If it's highly competitive, like the Finance market is, then you're most likely going to need to do both to make it in that business online. This is where our SEO experience can be invaluable to you and the success of your online business.

Forrester Research reported that Over 80 percent of all Internet users reach sites through search engines. Translated, that means if your web site isn't attracting 80 percent of its visitors from search engines, you're losing out on a lot of free traffic.

A study from the NPD Group found that search engine listings are far more effective than standard banner or button advertisements when it comes to brand recall, favorable opinion rating, and conversion of traffic to sales.

In unaided recall, search listings outperformed banners and buttons by three to one. More than twice as many people gave a more favorable opinion of companies in the top three search positions than those featured in ads. The study also found that 55 percent of online purchases were made on sites found through search listings, while a mere 9 percent were on sites found through banner ads. You do the math! Search Engine Optimization is clearly linked to a better ROI for your business.

Based on our own internal calculations, the current cost of getting customers through a good SEO optimization strategy is less than half of the cost of pay-per-click services such as Yahoo's Overture or Google's AdWords.

We also know that organic or natural traffic, that comes to your web site from natural search engine ranking, converts better than traffic delivered via pay-per-click search... because the traffic is better targeted! Not all, but most people don't want to click on the Ads and prefer to click on the organic links instead.

Search Engine Ranking and Optimization

Search engine ranking and SEO optimization is cost effective and should be a high priority. While the search engine ranking and SEO optimization process is complex and time consuming, it is very do-able if you know what you're doing. That's why you may want to hire an SEO writer.

SEO optimization is not only about working your web pages to match the ever changing search engine algorithms of all the major search engines, but it's also about trying to out-rank your competitors.

If you are new to SEO optimization and want to learn more, Wild Wolf SEO Copywriters and Wild Wolf Webmasters both have a lot of tutorials and articles regarding SEO.

About The Author

Bobbie Grennier is an SEO copywriter and freelance writer at and teaches herbalism at Visit her web sites or for more SEO information and for FREE reprint articles. Visit her Webmaster Blog at


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SEO by Mary Ann Wells

As anyone in the SEO business will tell you, the number of quality links pointing to your site can improve the overall ranking of your site. This does not mean that you should submit your site to every directory you can find and, in fact, submitting your site to some directories won’t do you any good at all and could even cause your site to drop in ranking. Let’s explore the types of directories available and which ones you should consider submitting to.


While the concept of free may sound enticing, many of these “Free-For-All” directories may be considered nothing more than link farms by some search engines and might hurt your site’s rankings if you rely on a lot of these for listings. On top of that, they are not likely to bring you any significant or targeted traffic. This does not mean that all directories that accept free listing are “free-for-all” directories. You should visit the directory site and determine if the links at this directory are quality links. Are you allowed to submit your site to the proper category? Are you allowed a brief description of your site?

If the directory has a category for the services or goods that you are offering and allows you a brief description of your site, I would suggest you submit to it IF your listing will be search-engine-friendly.

What is a search-engine-friendly listing?

This is a static link that goes back to your site. For example: is a static link while CatID=456 is a dynamic link. When there is a “?” in the URL this is a redirected link and will not count as a direct link to your site by the search engines. Now, by design all directories use a database to store your listing information and rely on programming to call up that listing. This is where the redirected URL comes from: the id is the record number of your listing. The dynamic URL allows the directory owner to track the traffic you receive from this listing. However, most directories can and should also include in your listing a direct hyperlink to your site. Sometimes the direct link will be the title of your listing, sometimes it might be separate within the listing.

If the directory does not have a static link to your site, there’s no point in listing your site unless the directory is specific to the audience you wish to address. An example of a directory to have your site included in despite the lack of a static link might be an online directory supplied by a business association that you belong to or a trade magazine buyer’s guide assuming the trade magazine applies to your audience.

Some of the highest quality links require monetary input, however. Associations usually require membership to list your site, trade publications generally only list advertisers. Many popular online directories also want you to subscribe to their advertising programs and your ranking position within those directories is usually based on the amount of advertising dollars spent. While they may say you can list your site for free, the truth is that your site will probably never see the light of day in ranking position at that directory if you don’t purchase their advertising package.

While it is getting more difficult to find quality directories that provide a static link to your site without a listing fee or that require only a small listing fee, there are some available. If you offer industrial goods and services, you’ll want to list your site at For a more complete list of other search-engine-friendly directories accepting free or minimal fees, visit

About The Author

Mary Ann Wells is a partner of Web-Kare, LLP (, an Internet marketing firm that specializes in designing and promoting industrial web sites. View their website at:

SEO – Does it work? by Mark Nenadic

When someone enters the search terms into Google, Yahoo or MSN and press enter, they will have pages of results return. Pages that have been search engine optimized (SEO) and earned their page rankings. Inevitably, the end user skips the banner ads and sponsored results. SEO pages deliver not because they have paid the search engine to premier their results but because the work invested in the pages shows up in the ranking system.

In the world of SEO, individually owned businesses can compete with corporate giants. The playing field is still not completely level, because in contrast to those large corporate entities that can dominate in a local retail market – it is the individual small business that can create a stronger foothold with their niche focus.

SEO counts on the natural search function versus the sites that pay for the number of hits they get. Natural searching is organic because as stated above, the results are more real to what the visitor is looking for. The difference for the visitor is much like watching a paid advertisement on television and talking to a friend who used the product. Chances are greater that a person will be more influenced by their friend’s experiences than they will by the paid advertisement.

In the world where marketing dollars number into the billions, it is not surprising that the average consumer whether in ‘real’ or ‘virtual’ marketplaces is less swayed by the ‘advertisement’ than they are by the ‘experience.’ As the search engine visitor scans the results to their search terms, they’ll be looking at the links and descriptions as much as they will on the highlighted terms.

A person entering a search for ‘do it yourself grout’ is likely to get hits like Home Depot, Lowe’s and even Sears. There may be paid advertisements for book links on doing it yourself from the larger book chains. There may even be an advertisement for Do It Yourself television shows featuring names like Bob Vila. But if all the person is looking for is some quick instructions on how to use grout, they are highly unlikely to click those links. They will be looking for the more organically returned results that feature step-by-step instructions and more.

Upcoming changes in the Internet market may also influence the effect that SEO companies have on search engines and individual websites. Yahoo, for example, has a new SiteMatch program that will be mixing both organic and sponsored results. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is taking an interest in the process. Paid fees are not supposed to affect rankings. That is why sponsored sites are listed as such. Yet, the very nature of sponsoring puts those websites up on the top part of the page.

Internet visitors are savvy, however and with the scrutiny being put on search engines by the FTC and other marketplace outlets, education in SEO and how it affects a web page’s ranking is going to become a must know for all Internet consumers and visitors. Some search engines are removing their sponsored results altogether or separating them to allow visitors to choose what type they want to see. is one that announced it was impossible to present sponsored and organic results together in an unbiased format. The end users don’t want to see results from the company that pays the most money to get their advertising out there. They want to see the results that most closely match what they are looking for.

In a world of organic search engines, SEO is king. By using SEO web design and professional web designers, a web site can achieve higher page rankings and visitor traffic by being exactly what it is. A hardware store shouldn’t pay to be listed on the same page as a lingerie search. They certainly wouldn’t be hanging it in their own retail stores.

By the same token, search engine visitors have a right to expect that the results they get are real. That the pages they are going to follow links to will have the information or related information to their search terms. When SEO is done right, promoting the click through links and SEO copywriting supporting the information already presented, then everyone wins. In a world of organic search engines, SEO DOES work.

Copyright 2006 Mark Nenadic

About The Author

Mark Nenadic is the director and face behind FifteenDegrees-North, where you will find articles and resources to help with SEO, marketing and Web design.


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Does SEO Marketing Really Work? by Glenn Ford

SEO Marketing or Search Engine Optimization not only works but in fact is highly effective and has been responsible for transforming many unknown web sites into popular destinations on the World Wide Web today. To date no other online marketing tools or methods have proved to be anywhere near as effective as SEO marketing techniques. This is hardly surprising when a vast majority of the traffic that visits web sites is still coming from search engines. SEO marketing is centered on search engines and focuses on optimizing search engine rankings. In recent times the main search engines have been constantly changing and modifying their rules and at times, this has caused great panic amongst many web masters. In some instances changes introduced by leading search engines have caused their ranks to slip to oblivion thus wiping out their daily traffic instantly. This has been distressing more so because web masters quite often spend a lot of time and money on SEO marketing to get their web sites to climb the ranks in search engines. This is one of the reasons why one should be very careful when appointing somebody to work on their SEO marketing. There are many techniques which bring quick results but are definitely not in the long term interests of the web site and its' owner. People need to understand that the aim of the search engines is to ensure that the search results their users get are as complete and accurate as possible, in terms of the keywords used. So what are these methods? To name a few:

  • Blogs with RSS feeds * Article Writing and Distribution * Link Building Services * Press Releases * Content Page Exchange and Buyouts * Directory Submission Services All of these and more are proven SEO marketing techniques and how an SEO firm implements some of these, such as link building, can be the difference between high success and mediocre results. Therefore any SEO marketing decisions made with the end user in mind is bound to help a site enjoy long term benefits and traffic, irrespective of what changes search engines make. This is the sort of SEO marketing that will continue to work for the web site in question for a long time to come.

About The Author

Glenn Ford is a professional SEO expert and provides SEO Services thru 5 Methods For Self-SEO - If You Have The Time by Conrad Sear

So you want to Search Engine Optimize (SEO) your website.

Well, despite what you may hear it's easy & fun.

The caveat is time. In such a "fast food" "I want it now" mode, the web gives us just that. So why does SEO take TIME? The answer is the millions of others out there fighting for the top spots has created a niche industry by the search engines. They want to thwart the unethical scammers out there. So, we have to follow their requirements so that millions can see my website. Sure you can pay to be in the very first position. But that costs money. Capitalism at is finest.

The early days are long gone. Laws are in place now. Laws made by Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.

So the simple advice is, know the laws. Ignorance will not get your site seen by anyone but you.

Follow the slow steady path and you'll be richer for it.

5 sure methods:

1. You’re reading it now. ARTICLES! Write articles about your field of interest. Relate it to your website. Send these articles across the Internet. Content is KING.

2. Content. You must add some relevant content to your site. It keeps the search engines and people coming back for more.

3. Links. Links are not a dead art form. Links from other sites will always help you. They help bring people to your site and help search engines see that you are popular. However, find related industry linkage. It is highly sought by Google. When linking find high ranked sites willing to add your link. Try not to buy if you can help it. If you must, okay. But this is the only quick fix I recommend.

4. Another domain. Set up another domain with lots and lots of content and links. Keep them and info related to your main site. Add your main site links. There, you've created your own network!

5. Patience. You don't get to the top overnight unless you pay. Submit (manually) to as many search engines and directories as possible. Do this every 30 days.

So, this works. Caveat: Do you have the time? Expect 30-40 days until your is in the top 5-10 pages.

Have patience and good luck.

About The Author

Conrad Sear has been a web developer for 14 years. He now manages a startup SEO company called Their growing list of clients are all making to the top with his guidance.


Find domains with targeted traffic quickly.


What You Need To Know About SEO Web Design by Glenn Ford

SEO web design usually helps a site to maximize on traffic from search engine queries.

As the name suggests this is web design with SEO (search engine optimization) very much in mind. It is possible to get involved in numerous SEO activities without paying attention to web design and end up in a situation where your efforts are not as effective.

SEO Web Design Will Impact On The Duration Visitors Spend On The Site

The duration that a visitor will take at your site is critical and will usually have a very high impact on the revenue and success of your web site. SEO web design will usually have a high impact on this. The longer a visitor stays at your site, the higher the chances of them impacting on your revenue by either purchasing something or clicking on one of your PPC ads displayed on your site.

Once the SEO activity has gotten a prospect to your site, the quality of your web design will decide how long they spend and also whether they will ever return again. Good SEO web design means that your site will load swiftly on your visitor's browsers. Good SEO web design will also ensure that your site is easy to navigate and finding stuff will be extremely easy.

SEO Web Design Ensures Repeat Visits

A very important part of any SEO campaign is maximizing on the number of repeat visits to a site. This is very important in ensuring that one sustains the high and increased numbers of visitors that they get from SEO activities. Your SEO design should ensure that each visit is such a pleasure that your visitors are much more likely to come back. In addition your SEO web design should also include a system or method of capturing email addresses of as many of your visitors as possible so that you can send them follow-up emails later t remind them about your existence and get them to return again and again. All this should be done and executed as creatively as possible.

There is little doubt that good SEO web design is critical to the success of any site.

About The Author

Glenn Ford is a professional SEO expert and provides SEO Services thru

SEO To Become A Dinner Party Topic by Glenn Murray

Thanks to a ground-breaking agreement between Dell and Google, SEO may soon be a mainstream topic of conversation. Dell, the world's leading maker of personal computers, has announced that it is testing a pre-installed package of Google software, including a Google-powered Dell home page, Google Desktop Search, and a Google Toolbar.

While the home page and Desktop Search will be an undeniable boost to Google's share of the Search market, and maybe even a threat to Microsoft's desktop dominance, it's the pre-installation of the Google Toolbar that will be of most interest to SE marketers and optimizers around the world.

Currently a specialist 'industry tool' used predominantly by SE practitioners, the Google Toolbar may soon be automatically available to hundreds of thousands of mainstream computer users. As a result, Google PageRank and, by extension, search engine marketing and optimization look set to become part of mainstream vocabulary. (Well, maybe that's a little optimistic... Perhaps they're more likely to become part of the vocab of the computer savvy mainstream.)

So what does this all mean to SEO and SEM? In my humble opinion, the four most important implications of the Dell-Google agreement are:

1) Business decision makers will finally 'get' SEO

Although not overly helpful to SEMs and SEOs, Google PageRank is an ideal hook for busy decision makers. It's very simple (in that it's just a mark out of ten) and measurable, and it's just THERE; you don't have to go out of your way to see the PageRank of a site. It's exactly what decision makers need to get their collective heads around SEO. They don't have the time or inclination to understand the complexities of SERPs, IBLs, spiders, indexing, keyword phrases, metatags, article PR, SEO copywriting, etc. For better or worse, PageRank eliminates all shades of gray, leaving the two colors many decision makers understand best: black and white.

2) Business will become aware of the importance of PageRank

While most business decision makers are aware that a good search engine ranking is good for business, they're not yet aware that a bad PageRank is bad for business. But with the Google Toolbar at their disposal, they soon will be. Decision makers will immediately start to use PageRank as a one-shot assessment of the credibility and authority of every website they visit. And in the process, they'll become painfully aware of what their own PageRank says about their company.

3) Business will be more Search-proactive

Once decision makers realize that a bad PageRank is bad for business, they'll be more likely to be proactive about their search engine ranking.

4) More businesses will dedicate a budget to Search

PageRank will become just a part of 'doing business'. Just like TV, radio, and newspapers, it will be proactively communicating with decision makers, each and every day. While the mechanics of a high search ranking will remain a mystery to most, the Search DOMAIN will no longer be considered a black art, and SEMs and SEOs will no longer be considered witch-doctors. This will make decision makers far more comfortable dedicating a budget to Search (especially as they now have something measurable to grab a hold of - see point 1 above).


It appears that Google has once again made a very astute business decision. For better or worse, they've improved their position in Search and made significant inroads into the desktop software market. Will they threaten Microsoft's desktop dominance? We'll have to wait 'n see. Will they enrich the SEM / SEO industry? In my humble opinion, yes! Google may not be everyone's favorite search engine, but if they bring PageRank into the mainstream, the Search industry will finally attract the percentage of corporate advertising spend it deserves.

(See,7204,18080942%5E15306%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html for further details of the Dell-Google agreement.)

About The Author

Glenn Murray is a website copywriter, SEO copywriter, and article submission and article PR specialist. He owns article submission service Article PR and copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at Visit or for further details.


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The SEO Benefits Of Link Building by Peter Velikanov

If you are a Webmaster looking to break in on the benefits derived from link building then you are not alone. Thousands of webmasters just like you, each day, are attempting to establish a strong link building net for myriad reasons. Why? What is it about link building that has got webmasters scouring the Internet looking for a way to establish links with other, similar websites? The reasons and vast benefits of link building are described below:

• More Traffic to Your Website:

First, the biggest benefit from link building is, of course, an increase in your website traffic. When you agree to post a reciprocal link for another website with a similar theme, you will find that both you and the other websites benefit from the transaction. For instance, if visitors stop into the website you link with and are looking for websites with a similar theme, the reciprocal link provided by the website you are linking with can bring traffic into your website. Clearly, the more links you have with various websites the better as it gets your website out there and noticed. In fact, you will find that as long as other websites exist you can benefit from reciprocal linking and traffic will be directed to your site from the links you have established.

• A Higher Search Engine Ranking for Your Website:

Search engines determine the popularity of your site based on a number of factors, including how many links are directed to your website. The more links pointing to your website on the web, the higher your search engine ranking is. Thus, it really pays to establish a link building system in which you can create reciprocal links to other websites that share commonalities with your website as, not only do you improve your website traffic, but you also improve your search engine ranking.

• An Increase in the Informative Nature of Your Website

If you are creating a website that you want to be informative for viewers, then you will definitely want to add links to your site. Adding links to your site suggests your familiarity with the other websites on the Internet that address the same topics as you do. Plus, for those individuals that are interested in your website and don’t know where to look for similar websites, you afford them the convenience of easily finding such sites—a convenience that the visitor is sure to remember.

• Linking Increases the Credibility of Your Website

If you apply and successfully place reciprocal links to other websites, the credibility of your site immediately increases. Why? Due to the fact that other, reputable websites are linking to you, your site’s credibility increases because visitors realize that other webmasters deem you a credible source on the Internet. Finally, credibility goes a long way in many Internet communities—people will begin to revere you as an expert and you will be able to reap the rewards afforded to you through your increased popularity and web traffic.

• Establish Connections within the Internet Community

By engaging in link building, you can increase the number of people you reach. Link building, in and of itself, is a form of free advertising—for every link you establish; you establish the possibility of reaching a new web audience. In essence, the more people you reach, the more traffic you are able to draw to your website. Plus, while you are meeting new people with similar interests, you can become a serious member of the Internet community. Finally, in becoming a member of the Internet community, you will also increase your credibility.

• Suggest an Affiliation with other Websites

Even if you are not affiliated with a website, if such websites decide to link to you, you have created the suggestion that you are affiliated with such sites. Visitors will find that credible websites have supplied links to your website and they will believe that you have some kind of affiliation with the site linking to you—an illusion yes, but a powerful one indeed—one that increases your credibility on the Internet, as well as your ability to be recognized.

Submitting a site to relevant directories can help you get that link building campaign underway. There is no time like the present to get your link campaign started—the sooner you start establishing links from other sites, the sooner you can reap all the benefits from link building.

About The Author

Peter Velikanov writes about Internet Web Directories SEO Tips: Link Building by Will Spencer

This article is a follow-up to an article I wrote about On-Page Optimization ( On-Page optimization enables each of your web pages to make the most out of the mojo that they have -- but you need inbound links ( to create that mojo in the first place.

I use the term "mojo" as a generic descriptor for the importance given to a web page or a web site based upon inbound links. Similar terms include page rank, site rank, trust rank, and authority. Those terms tend to carry too much linguistic baggage, so I use the term "mojo" for simplicity unless another term is specifically required.

Mojo is created by getting inbound links to your web site and to your web pages.

Getting inbound links is one of the most important, and time consuming, tasks involved in SEO.

Here are a few tips to generate inbound links. Each of these tips are appropriate for some web sites, but none are appropriate for all web sites. Select the link building strategies which are most appropriate for your specific web site.

Submit to Web Directories

Start with big slow directories like the Yahoo Directory and the DMOZ Open Directory Project, but don't stop there.

Search out the small directories which are dedicated to topics relevant to your web site.

For more suggestions on finding directories to submit to, read How can I find web directories? (

Reciprocal Linking

Write individual e-mails to specific webmasters whose web pages compliment your own and tell them that you would like to trade links with them.

Make sure to personalize each e-mail, or your e-mails will be quickly deleted as spam.

To achieve the best results from your e-mail, include the following in your initial e-mail:

  • Mention two positive items about their web site, so that they know that your e-mail is not a generic spam.
  • Include directions to the specific web page where you have added the link to their web site.
  • Mention the Page Rank ( of the page where you have added a link to their web site.

These web sites exist to help you search for reciprocal link partners in the same market niche' as your web site:

  • Find Link Partners * Link Partner Finder * Themes Reciprocal Link Finder

Write Articles for Other Web Sites

One method for getting inbound links is to write quality articles and submit them to other web sites for publication.

Each article should include a link back to your web site. These links are better than links from link pages, because there tend to be very few outbound links on the article page.

Write a brief article on some topic related to the topic of your web site. Do not write an article about your web site, but write an article that would be interesting to people who would also be interested in your web site.

Send this article to webmasters who maintain web sites on topics similar to the topic of your article. Explain to them that they can post your article for free on their web sites, in return for a link to your web site.

To find web sites to submit articles for publication, visit Where can I submit an article for publication? (

Create and Submit Press Releases

Write press releases about your web site and submit them to press release distribution services.

To find places to submit press releases for publication, visit Where can I submit my press release?

Join a Reciprocal Link Program

Reciprocal linking programs exist to help webmasters share links with similar web sites.

Some of the reciprocal link programs are:

  • Link Market * Info Wizards * LinkExchanged * Link Partners * Links-Pal * Linkateer * Webmaster Link Exchange * GoTop Link Exchange ($19.95 fee to join) * LinkLeads * Link Traders * LinkExchangeIt * SiteSell * 123ExchangeLinks * Ads4Links * Spocka * Links For You

If you have a blog, try blogLinker, the automatic link swapper for blogs.

These link networks can generate a lot of e-mail. You will probably want to create a new e-mail account just for these networks.

Join the DigitalPoint Ad Network

The DigitalPoint Coop Advertising Network enables you to automatically trade links with thousands of web sites across the Internet.

Join a Reciprocal Linking Forum

Several web forums exist for the purpose of sharing and trading reciprocal links. These linking forums include:

LinkRequests Link Trade Forum

Start a Reciprocal Linking Program on Your Web Site

You can also setup a reciprocal linking program on your own web site. For more information on setting up a reciprocal linking program on your site, read How can I add a reciprocal link manager to my web site?

Start or Join a Web Ring

You can use an existing web ring service such as WebRing, or you can create your own web ring using the PHP-Ring webring script.

Join or Create a Top Site List

Search for top site lists which are relevant to your web site.

Add yourself to the existing lists. If no relevant top site lists exist, create one.

Provide a Useful Service

Create dynamic content on your web site which other web masters can include on their web sites by linking to it.

Every webmaster who uses your content automatically adds a link to your site.

Firearm News ( is an excellent example of this. If you add a small bit of JavaScript to your web page, your users will receive up-to-date news on firearms.

Of course, you will also have to contact other webmasters to let them know about your service -- perhaps even with a press release.

Buy Links

If all else fails, you can always buy links to your web site.

About The Author

Will Spencer is the webmaster of The Internet Search Engines FAQ (, SAN Security (, and Enterprise Storage Management (


Effortlessly get dozens of highly-targeted one-way links flooding into your website and achieve sky-high popularity.


Inbound Links To Your Website For SEO by Deepak Dutta

Getting in-bound links to your site is one of the most important things you can do for generating traffic to your site:

  • It helps to get your site listed in the search engine.
  • It helps to boost your position in the search engine.
  • It helps to build small streams of traffic to your site.

Links to your site are normally given by also giving a link from your site to the other one. These are called reciprocal links or link swaps. And naturally there are a few services available to automate the link somehow.

Some of these services will automatically add the link to your site and the other site once your link request is approved (through some software to be installed on your site).

Some will simply point you to sites which do use link swaps and who are interested in hearing from you.

Some will also check that the link to your site remains in place, and email you if it disappears. It's then up to you to either contact the owner of that site to find out why the link has vanished, or to remove the reciprocal link on your site.

But there is one thing they do not do, and which you need to watch for:

How would a visitor to the other site find the link back to your site?

Because you can be sure that if a human visitor cannot find it, then it's unlikely that a search engine will.

Let me give you an example: Andrew was using the service at to get links to one of his sites. Someone had a site on a related topic, and they requested a link back to Andrew's. He checked the link back to his site, and everything looked OK. The other site had requested a link back to their homepage (rather than another specific page), so Andrew checked out that home page.

What did he find?

  • No links to the "link directory".
  • No link to a "related sites" page.
  • No link to a "resources" page.

It seemed that the link directory on that other site was not linked from the home page of that site.

The other site was requesting inbound links back to its home page, but effectively hiding the return link from the search engines and from website visitors. And that makes the link back to Andrew's site useless - it's like that link doesn't even exist.

So next time you get asked for a reciprocal link, check the route that people and search engines would use to get from that site over to yours. You might be surprised what you find.

About The Author

Dr. Deepak Dutta is the creator of - an interactive social network website based on user shared text and picture contents on any topics. Website creators, publishers, and maintainers can promote their websites at using website articles. Users can join for free, invite friends, maintain buddy lists, rate contents, comment on contents and earn points.

SEO Outbound Link Relevance by Joel Walsh

You know search engines evaluate a site based primarily on the links going to it (inbound links). The Page Rank of the sites on which the inbound links are located, and the anchor text of the links, matter a lot. But if you're like most webmasters, you don't appreciate the value of outbound links.

Outbound Link Relevance & Anchor Text

The clearest way that outbound links can affect SEO is through their anchor text. Outbound links' anchor text affects a page's search engine ranking in much the same way that inbound links' anchor text affects search engine ranking. Anchor text of inbound links is arguably the most important factor in search engine rankings for particular keywords. For instance, if "fuzzy keyword" is in the anchor text of a link to a webpage, that webpage may well appear in SERPs for "fuzzy keyword" even if neither the word "fuzzy" nor "keyword" appears anywhere on your site.

Outbound links' anchor text works the same way, though it is slightly less powerful. If you have a particular keyword in the anchor text of a link on a webpage, that webpage will likely show up in search engine results--even if it appears nowhere else on the page, and even if there are no inbound links with that anchor text.

Don't believe me? Look at your web traffic logs. Check out the search engine traffic to specific pages. You'll likely see plenty of instances of the page getting traffic for search strings that appear nowhere else on the page but in the anchor text of outbound links.

One example from a site I own is on, a project devoted to providing information about a disease. There are separate pages for symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and other aspects of the disease. Strikingly, one page I rank highly for another page's target keyword, if it links to the other page with the target keyword in its anchor text. For instance, the "diagnosis" page may outrank the "symptoms" page for the keyword "endometrial cancer symptoms," merely because the "diagnosis" page has that keyword in the anchor text of its link to the symptoms page.

How to shoot yourself in the foot with outbound link anchor text relevance:

There are four main ways to shoot yourself in the foot by mishandling outbound links' anchor text:

1. Don't include relevant outbound links on the webpage. There are many sites nearly all of whose pages have no outbound links but a standard navigation bar, and perhaps a link to the site's web designer, host, or CMS maker. What exactly is a search engine algorithm supposed to make of a webpage if the only outbound links it has have anchor text such as "about us," "contact," "privacy," "site map," "Design by TechGnome," and "This site powered by Mambo Open CMS"?

2. Don't include off-site outbound links on the webpage. Think about it for a moment: what is the one thing a truly informative webpage would have to have, besides content? Links to other sites! If a page has no outbound links to other sites, there is a good chance the page is a dead end, or worse, a billboard. At the very least, include at least one intra-site link that isn't part of the standard site navigation.

3. Include irrelevant links. I have a client site that sells computer equipment. After paying me all the money for my services largely in hopes of getting more search engine traffic, they decide to sell irrelevant links on the homepage, for a fraction of what they paid me. If you were a search engine algorithm, what would you make of a site that had "computer equipment" in the page title, headings, and inbound link anchor text--but had two outbound links with "Costa Rican beach resort" and "Low-cost mortgages" in the anchor text? If I were the algorithm, I'd get a little confused, and play it safe by ranking the site for none of those keywords. After all, there are plenty of sites that make a less ambiguous case for their relevance for any of those keywords.

4. Include relevant outbound links, but forget the anchor text. If you are linking to a relevant webpage, whether on-site or off-site, by all means, use your page's target keyword in the anchor text! Now is not the time to get lazy and use the URL as the anchor text. You are doing the right thing by linking to a relevant webpage. Make sure you get credit for your good deed!

After all, they call it the web because the links go both in and out, tying sites together like nodes of spider silk. If links were only meant to flow one way, they'd just call it the chain. Don't chain your website down. Start sharing the links.

About The Author

Joel Walsh writes prolifically on articles on SEO:


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How To Know Which SEO Software Tool Suits Your Search Engine Optimization Needs? by Andy Jones

Search engine optimization has become the most crucial element of ranking high in the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Dogpile etc. There are several websites on the Internet which boast about SEO techniques & tips and guarantee top placement in days. How do you believe and invest your hard earned money in a company who does not have a background in search engine optimization believing their claims?

The question is “are you ready to play a gamble with your site?” Honestly the answer would be a big NO.

No one would like to waste their money. So, what is the way out? How about doing your own search engine optimization? It is a very long drawn and tedious process if you do it manually. So, how to go about it?

Are there any softwares available to do the SEO?

Yes! there are several SEO softwares available in the market. But, how do you know which SEO software is reliable and meet your search engine optimization needs and most importantly, whether they would live up to their claims?

SEO software is the answer to implement the major SEO techniques. What are they?

SEO is primarily divided into two parts.

• On page optimization • Off page optimization

On page optimization

On page optimization involves:

• Title Tags • Meta Tags like meta keywords (lost its importance now due to keywords abuse) & meta description. • Alt-Image tags • H1, H2 tags • High keyword density • Quality content • Ease of navigation • Internal Linking and more…..

Off page optimization

Off page optimization involves:

• Link Building to improve Link popularity • Reciprocal Linking – Two way links • Non-reciprocal linking – In-bound links • Use of keyword rich anchor text in linking text • Improving Google page rank • PPC advertisements • Directory submissions

It is a well known fact that off page optimization has more value than on page optimization. It does not mean that on page optimization has no value and requires no optimization. On page optimization has its value and should not be ignored.

There are several SEO softwares available to implement the off page optimization by improving link popularity by building both reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. There are websites which offer monthly membership accounts to use their Link Popularity software and some other websites have their software available for one time fee. For a beginner it is always better to go with one time fee software to keep the fixed expenses low. You are here to do business so you need to think and plan every dime you spend towards business success.

So, what to expect from a SEO software selling website?

• Not a one time seller without any future upgrades • A website with good technical support • A website with a proven track record • A website with a forum with quality user feedback • Most importantly these website’s SEO software should have good product reviews.

We see many SEO software companies doing their own product reviews and it looks more like self propaganda than an honest product review. We need websites who test and verify the claims made by the SEO software companies and publish their honest feedback. This would help the newbie website owners to make an educated decision after reading the detailed unbiased analysis published on a third party website.

There are very few websites that do this and should be encouraged to test and verify more of these SEO softwares and help the website owners to learn and implement the off page optimization techniques. This would save time and money of the online entrepreneurs to improve their link popularity and increase their search engine rankings. Higher search engine rankings bring more traffic to the websites and hence more sales. It is a known fact that we can drive visitors to websites but converting them into buyers totally relies on how effective is the content and ease of website’s navigation.

We should develop effective content in the form of relevant articles linking to your website. Writing an effective article is a skill which needs to be developed by reading other articles and other e-books focusing on writing best articles. Now we should know the list of quality article directories to submit to in the right category. This would be another tedious and time consuming process and this demands an SEO software whose sole aim is article submission to various article directories.

Submitting to SEO friendly directories is another tedious process but the rewards worth the effort involved. The list of SEO friendly directories and the article directories is available at

Another way of getting traffic to the website is thru PPC (i.e., Pay Per Click). There are several PPC programs available like Google Adwords, Overture PPC, FindWhat etc. Now the question is choosing the right keyword relevant to the content of your website is very important. You might choose the right keyword which is highly competitive and may have to pay a high bid price to get the higher placement in the sponsored links. We need an SEO software to optimize the adwords campaign to choose the right keyword combo to choose for the PPC. This would save money and time and helps beat the competition.

There are several other effective methods to do the off page optimization and there are several SEO softwares available in the market. So, in conclusion read the product reviews, and see the important features of the selling website as mentioned above for the final decision as which SEO software you should get your hands on.

Wishing you all success in your website’s search engine optimization.

About The Author

Andy Jones -Media Relations, SEO Softwares Ezine articles expert author Copyright ©2006 SEO Softwares, All rights reserved. Free reprint rights with proper credit to the author.


Generate high page rank one way backlinks at the click of a mouse.


SEO Tips: On-Page Optimization by Will Spencer

On-page optimization is often forgotten these days, as we focus more and more of our time in getting inbound links with targeted anchor text. On-page optimization, however, is something you can do quickly to give yourself an extra boost in the ( These tips will help you to optimize your web pages to make the most out of your inbound the (

One Page - One Target

Each page should be optimized for only one search term. If you are targeting two search terms, make pages for each term. If your search term has a synonym, make separate pages for each synonym. For example, if you are targeting "drywall" and "sheetrock", make separate pages to target each term.

One Target - Two Pages

The preceding tip only tells half of the story. You don't actually want to be #1 in the SERPS for each of your search terms -- you want to be #1 and #2. Google and some other search engines will display two listings from a web site together if both are relevant to the users search. Therefore, for each of your important keywords, you want to build two web pages which are both optimized for that search.


Search engines tend to rank pages well when the URL contains the search term. If your page is about drywall, call your page drywall.html, not page-1.html. If your content management system (CMS) uses auto generated URL's, use 301 Redirects to turn those URL's into highly optimized URL's.

Use Hyphens, not Underscores

Google and most other search engines treat hyphens as spaces, but do not treat underscores as spaces. If your URL is clint-eastwood.html, your page will rank well if someone searches for "clint eastwood". If your URL is clint_eastwood.html, your page will rank well if someone searches for "clint_eastwood". Which do you think is searched for more often, "clint eastwood" or "clint_eastwood"?

Optimize the Page Title

The page title should contain the keywords for which you are optimizing, and little or nothing else. Many sites prepend the site name to every page title, like this: Smith Drywall -- Sheetrock Delivery. A more optimized title would simply look like this: Sheetrock Delivery. Leave the company name for the title of the main page of your web site.

Optimize the Description Tag

Not many search engines utilize the description tag anymore, but it's best to set it properly just in case.

Optimize the Keywords Tag

Even fewer search engines utilize the keywords tag, but it's best to set it properly just in case.

Use Headings

Use the , , and heading tags to define your important content sections, and put your keywords at least once in each heading style. Use CSS to set the fonts and sizes of the h-tags to something pleasing to your visitors.

Add a Linked Image with ALT Text

Use an image of your page with a filename which contains your chosen keywords, such as drywall-delivery.jpg. The ALT text for this image should include the keywords for which you are optimizing. Google is sneaky, in that it only counts the ALT text on linked images. We're sneakier, so we link the image to the page upon which it is displayed.

Validate the HTML

Use the W3C HTML validator to validate the HTML of your page. Very few HTML errors will cause a web page not to rank well in the SERPS, but you don't want your page to be that page. In addition, validating the HTML will help to ensure that your page will look reasonably well in the wide variety of web browsers used on the Internet.

Keep Your Body Text Readable

Use your keywords in the body text, but keep your body text readable. Don't drywall stuff drywall your drywall keywords drywall into your drywall text until it is unreadable by humans.

Make Reasonably Sized Pages

The search engines seem to prefer pages which have at least 500 words of text. Give your visitors something to read!


If you follow these simple tips, you will get better SERPS with fewer inbound links. On-page search engine optimization is the first step towards achieving good search engine rankings.

About The Author

Will Spencer is the author of the Internet Search Engines FAQ (, Nuclear Now (, and GSM Security ( What is SEO Off-Page Optimization?

by F. Terrence Markle

SEO page optimization includes both on-page and off-page optimization. There’s a big difference between the two and you should not rely on one at the expense of the other. When you consider the type of optimization techniques to use you must consider 2 factors: give the search engines what they need and give your web site visitors the information they need.

The major search engines display 2 types of results on the SERP (search engine results page) as a result of a user search query: paid advertisements and natural non-paid listings. Web sites can utilize one or both of these methods to acquire top listing positions. The paid advertisement exists on the results page due to an agreement by the advertiser to pay the search engine when a user clicks on their ad. The natural listing depends on the optimization techniques employed on the web site. This article will focus only on the natural listing.

Each search engine has their own algorithm to determine which web sites meet their requirements and therefore obtain the higher SERP natural listing positions (or ranks) for a given keyword or keyword phrase in a user search query.

There are a large number of on-page optimization factors that are considered in the search engine evaluation process. These factors include but are not limited to: words in the web page url, title tag, meta tags, headlines, sub headlines, keyword density, words at the beginning of the page, page content, words that are bold, words in the links, site navigation, the structure of links and a number of other considerations. You want to make certain that you do not over optimize your web site and have the search engines consider your site spammy.

There are also a number of things you can do “off your web page” to improve your search engine page rank and increase targeted visitor traffic to your web site. This is the area known as off-page optimization. Off-page factors should be carefully considered and implemented to achieve a higher search engine ranking. These factors are primarily tied to the site’s linking (inbound and outbound) techniques. This is commonly known as link popularity.

How popular are the web sites that link to you and the sites you link to? Are the inbound links to you relevant to your site’s content? How popular is your web site? Each link to your web site from another web site (i.e., backlink) is considered a “vote” to your site’s popularity. These votes can increase the importance of your web site from the search engine’s prospective.

Some of the factors considered by the major search engines in evaluating the off-page optimization of your web site include:

  • Which web sites are linking to your site? It’s critical that the web sites linking to your site are relevant to the content on your site and the linking site is considered an authority in its field by the search engine.
  • How many web sites are linking to your site? The number of relevant sites that link to you is a significant plus for your site.
  • What is the Google page rank (1-10) of each web site that links to your site? This is a major factor because a high page rank relevant site linking to your site is much better than a low page rank site. A site’s voting power increases as the page rank of the site increases.
  • What is the anchor text of each link to your site? The anchor text indicates the area of relevance the linking site places on your site. This anchor text should include your primary keywords. The text in the linking anchor text should not be the same in every site linking to your site. This is not seen as natural linking by the search engines. You need to get variability in the anchor text.
  • What is the page title of the web page that is linking to your site? It is better if the title page of the linking web page is relevant to your site and contains one of your keywords in its title. If it just says “link directory” then that is not good.
  • Is the link to your site a reciprocal link or a one-way link? A reciprocal link means you have linked back to the web site that linked to you. This can be a negative to your site because you lose some of your site’s page rank to the other site. If you do resort to reciprocal links, make certain the page rank of the other site is the same or higher that the page rank of your linking page. The one-way link to your site is a much better deal because you do not lose any of your site’s page rank.
  • How many inbound and outbound links are on the web page linking to your site? The page rank of the site linking to you is influenced by the inbound and outbound links. The linking site will pass you more of its rank as it decreases the number of outbound links.
  • How important is the web site that is linking to your site in its area of relevance? You will get more bang for your buck if the site linking to you is considered an authority in its area.

In conclusion, you need to evaluate and utilize some of the factors in both on-page and off-page optimization if you want to achieve high natural page listing on the search engines.

Copyright © F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -

Article Marketing: the BETTER Offpage SEO Solution

by Dina Giolitto

Been reading up on SEO? If so, you know that there are one of two major strategies for bumping up your website on the search engines. One is onpage optimization, which involves plumping up your website's headlines, subheads, alt image tags and content with popular keywords. The other is offpage optimization, which, although not talked about nearly as much, will drastically improve your rank if done the right way.

Offpage SEO works like this:

To improve your SEO rank and increase traffic to your site, you need to get more popular websites to link to you. This is called inbound linking.

Websites are ranked 1 to 10 for Page Rank; one being the least popular and 10 being the most popular. If you're just starting out, you're probably a 1 or a 2, but you want to be at least a 6 and who knows... maybe one day a "perfect 10!"

Just like real-life office hobnobbers, your little website is going to have to do some shmoozing with those big league websites to get noticed. How can you give your site some help? Just as you feared: you must first research whose site is ranking higher than you are for your selected keywords. Then you must email them and ask if they'll place your website link on their site.

Now when you ask people with highly visible websites if they can add your URL to their list, what do you think they typically say? "Sure, for a small fee..." (But more likely a not-so-small fee). So now we're talking about money, and nobody wants to lay out cash, especially if they're just starting out.

For this reason, you may be interested to learn: there's a new wave in offpage optimization that does not involve researching other people's websites OR emailing people OR negotiating link placement fees.

It's Article Marketing.

Simply stated, Article Marketing is distributing keyword-rich articles that include your name, professional author bio and URL link to other websites that display the articles as content. Then, publishers come by and pick up that content to place on THEIR websites.

Now, let that sink in for a moment and then remember the goal of offpage optimization: to get better ranking sites to link back to your URL. Article marketing covers this easily. How so?

As an article marketer, you can distribute hundreds of keyword-loaded articles to top ranking article content sites like EACH TIME you post an article on a site like this, your article gets indexed in their content BY KEYWORD and your URL is listed along with it. That's with EVERY article you write.

It's also worth noting, that when you choose to showcase your work on a highly reputable, top ranking site like, you get the added advantage of their expertly designed and fully search engine optimized website template to help push you higher on the search engines.

A third point: is the number one choice for real live internet marketers to post their articles, pick up other authors' articles to use in their emailed ezines, and generally affilate with for all things article marketing. So if you wanted to start getting your name out there and known by all the right people, posting your expert articles on might be a pretty good way to do it.

Still not convinced that article marketing with a top ranking site is an incredible offpage optimization tool for your site? Submit four articles and then do a Google search on your name. Tell me what comes up. Then... when you're ready to take full advantage of this incredible opportunity: create a full-scale article marketing campaign that includes keywords and highly targeted copy... submit to the highest ranking article distribution sites... and watch your website rocket up the ranks!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

About the Author

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.

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Just What Is An SEO Article? by Mark Nenadic

What makes an article SEO? The use of a key phrase or keywords sprinkled liberally throughout a pile of gibberish? That does work, occasionally and if you've ever done your search and pulled up a page that had absolutely nothing to do with what you were looking for, then you were likely taken in by the duplicitous use of SEO articles.

SEO articles increase the search engine worthiness of a website. In fact the catch phrase of many web designers is content, content, content. Developing quality content is important for a web site whether it sells vitamins, candles, kids clothing or photography equipment.

Since the Internet still possesses a large number of possibilities for entrepreneurs, setting up a one man shop operation to sell any type of product to an audience that can span a continent or several is entirely possible. Setting up a website is integral to any business and not just the big boys. A part of setting up the ideal website is to make it SEO compatible, allowing search engines to not only find the website but deliver it in response to various search parameters.

Imagine opening a small storefront in a local town and providing niche items. The likelihood of finding customers is there, but you won't be doing a $100,000 plus a year in profits in the first year by limiting to a local market. Adding a website expands the market to a wider area. Funnily enough, people in the local market may very well shop the website when they might not even have driven to the store! But when a business opens their Internet doors to commerce, they need to populate their presence across the search engines and that is where SEO articles and design come into play.

SEO articles are how businesses can increase their web traffic through visibility to search engines. Niche stores can offer decorating tips, craft advice and more. By using key phrases in entertaining and informative articles, their SEO articles fulfill a two-fold purpose: increase their visibility to search engine spiders and giving customers a reason to surf in and then stay. The possibilities for content creation are as limitless as the imagination and it doesn't take a large company to deliver a good product or good content, it just takes a little wherewithal and creativity.

Copyright 2006 Mark Nenadic

About The Author

Mark Nenadic is the director and face behind FifteenDegrees-North, where you will find articles and resources to help with SEO, marketing and Web design.


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Using Articles Instead Of SEO Tactics To Get Traffic by John Martin

3 Problems with Search Engine Optimization Tactics:

Let’s start with the main problem of Search Engine Optimization-nobody really knows what the search engines are looking for except the people responsible for maintaining the algorithms. That’s right, you can pay hundreds of dollars for software, ebooks, or seminars to learn about SEO techniques, but the people selling you these products and services are only guessing at what they think the search engines will like.

The second problem with trying to optimize a site is that the search engine algorithms are constantly changing. What were good optimization tactics last year, last month, or last week, may have no bearing on what is looked for today by the search engines. In addition, all search engines, Google, Yahoo, MSN and others, use different algorithms.

The third problem you will come across when attempting to optimize your website is securing quality links. No site will stay highly ranked with any search engine if it doesn’t have a sufficient number of good backlinks. There are several strategies commonly used to obtain backlinks, but each has its own set of problems:

Trade reciprocal links - but this can drain PR from your own site and it is very time consuming to look for relevant partners, email them, and maintain a linking relationship over time.

Purchase links - costly and not too effective unless you keep the paid for links for a long period of time.

Join linking partnership groups - the problem once again is that you will normally have to pay to join these groups. Also, the search engines have stated that they are against this type of linking strategy.

Articles, the Best Alternative to SEO Techniques:

So what can one do instead of attempting to optimize a site? The best answer is to write an article and submit it to the various article directories. Just one keyword-rich article, that is picked up and displayed on other sites, can immediately start to bring you important backlinks and improve your site's ranking.

As more and more directories and individual websites display your article, your backlinks will increase, as will your ranking. Over time, this process can take on a life of its own.

With an article you don’t have to worry about current algorithms, changing algorithms, linking strategies, or other SEO tactics. The “self-optimizing” benefits of articles happen automatically for you with time. The only thing you must remember to do is to include a link back to your site from the article itself.

For more information:

About The Author

John Martin has been involved with the computer industry since the late 1970's. He runs successful Internet businesses as well as authoring many computer/Internet related articles. Articles may be displayed if no changes are made and the following link is included: All rights reserved by John Martin.


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Article Writing - The New SEO Master Tool - Part 1 by Alan Chestnutt

Since search engines were invented, there has been a constant head to head between the search engine algorithm writers and webmasters. Every time the algorithms change the webmasters tried to outwit them. The Internet is full of conflicting SEO advice on how to achieve top rankings. This article hopes to clear up some of the confusion.

In the beginning, it was sufficient to have an adequate amount of keywords on your website in order to rank highly in the search engines. This led to keyword spamming, a practice which still continues today amongst inexperienced webmasters.

Then along came Google and the goal posts shifted. Google put more emphasis on web page linking. Their thought was simple - if one website had a link to another website, then it was as if the first website was placing a vote of confidence for the second website's content and therefore the second website must be useful and relevant to the readers of the first website. Thus the Google Page Rank was invented.

Soon the webmasters and Internet marketers got to work. This saw the emergence of link forms and reciprocal linking sites. Internet marketers declared that the more links that appeared on your site, the higher it would rank in Google. Suddenly link pages from websites started to run into multiple pages as the race was on to exchange links with whoever would agree. Some sites started to have thousands of links point to their sites and began rising in the search engine rankings.

Of course the game of cat and mouse with Google continued as the search engine giant once again changed its algorithms.

It is now widely accepted that previous linking strategies are failing because of what Google now expects from links.


Google expects links on a site to be relevant to the readers of the original site.


Google gives a much higher priority to one-way links without a reciprocal link in return.


It is better for the anchor text (the actual text that contains the link) to be keyword relevant to the content and also to vary as numerous instances of the same anchor text without variance can be interpreted as keyword spamming.

The importance placed on the above factors has all but eliminated the effectiveness of previous linking strategies. Most links on link page directories were exchanged with any site who would reciprocate. Therefore most of these sites were not relevant to the original site.

The reciprocal linking strategy also negates the one-way linking preferred by Google. Most link directories contain the same anchor text in all links, as this anchor text was advertised on the "link to us" page.

Therefore Google now looks upon these reciprocal link directories as having no value. They do not distribute page rank and therefore do not help the ranking of your website.

That is why I now describe article writing as the new SEO Master Tool - please see Part II of this article for the reasoning.

About The Author

Alan Chestnutt is webmaster of, an article submission site where webmasters and ezine publishers can pick up FREE keyword rich content for their websites.


Free publicity for your website. How to write a profit-pulling article in approximately 30 minutes.


Article Writing - The New SEO Master Tool - Part II by Alan Chestnutt

Article writing is now a major weapon in search engine optimisation. If you have read Part I of this article you will see why previous linking strategies are failing miserably. As the major search engine, Google now expects links in order to increase your site ranking to be:

1. Relevant 2. Varying Anchor Text 3. One Way Links

These rules display that more of a natural linking strategy needs to be evolved.

Writing expert articles about the content of your website helps to achieve the three objectives above.

First of all, you are able to place links within the resource box of your article pointing back to your website. Some article directories even allow you to place links within the article body itself. Therefore any link text that points back to your website is highly relevant to the article content itself, and your site.

It is possible to vary the anchor text from article to article while still keeping it keyword orientated and most importantly, relevant.

By submitting your article to article submission sites, you are not committed to place a reciprocal link back to the article site on your website. This ensures that the link to your website is one way.

By writing many quality articles, you will start to be recognised as an expert in your field.

You can see how writing articles about the subject of your website can be a master SEO tool. However, things get even better.

Ezine authors and webmasters also regularly scour these sites for fresh content for their ezines and websites. Your article is free to be distributed and republished as long as it remains intact, with the resource box and all links live.

What this means is that each article can potentially create hundreds or thousands of backlinks to your website, each of them relevant, varying in anchor text and one way. Not bad for about 30 minutes work. So the advice is simple - get writing. If you feel unable to write your own articles, get someone to write them for you!

About The Author

Alan Chestnutt is webmaster of, an article submission site where webmasters and ezine publishers can pick up FREE keyword rich content for their websites. The Heavily-Optimised SEO Article As Legitimate Search Engine Doorway Page by Bill Kruse

The doorway page, the satellite page, the channeling page, the information page, the landing page, the entry page, the bridge page..., whatever you call them they've long been considered the bete noir of SEO or search engine optimisation. Everyone's got their own definition but all of them embrace roughly the same principle, a heavily optimised keyword or keyword phrase-riddled page built solely to attract the search engines that then links back to a main web site.

Some of these will be made up of pure and absolute nonsense bar the top paragraph, that will be proper English with a link back to the main site using the keyword or key phrase as anchor text in the backlink or IBL (Inbound Back Link). The same keyword or phrase will similarly appear in the page's title tag, the meta description tag and the header or H1 tag, while the rest of the page will be utter gobbledegook, machine-generated Babel spam with the keyword or key phrase sprinkled randomly through the content just to a density which will appeal to the search engines.

Others will be made up entirely of this machine-generated keyword or phrase riddled spam and will automatically redirect through use of javascript or a meta-refresh to a completely different site. SEO techniques like this, when (not if) discovered will inevitably suffer some kind of search engine penalty if not necessarily an outright ban.

Traditionally it will characteristically also be a page that stands alone outside the main body of a site, existing on it's own as an individual entity. It will have no incoming (IBL) links from the site; any that it does have will probably be coming from series of similar pages, all created with the same aim in mind, to rank highly in all or a particular engine for a particular specific search term.

If you do a search for doorway page in Google amazingly there are still adverts for companies who openly announce their dubious expertise in this frowned upon SEO practice despite the very highly-publicised decision by Google to ban BMW for, among other things, their blatant use of this forbidden SEO technique.

Perhaps a better approach would be to note that now, though, you can legitimately use this basic optimisation technique by making each page into an article and submitting it to an article distribution site. No-one seems to have realised yet, or if they have they haven't drawn any particular attention to it, that while using doorway pages is still very much a Black Hat SEO technique, one that can and has been known to get sites banned, you can exercise good White Hat SEO by creating articles that perform exactly the same SEO function as a doorway page and no-one will complain or even adversely comment. It seems that, in the eyes of the engines, if you hang the label "article" on a certain kind of doorway page it then becomes perfectly acceptable to all.

For instance, is this article linked to from my site? No it is not. Is this article heavily optimised with keywords related to SEO and key phrases related to search engine optimisation? Indeed it is. It fulfils, then, at least some of the criteria exponents of so-called "Ethical SEO" would use to label it as search engine spam, but manifestly, in commenting on the phenomenon it is itself a part of, it isn't spam at all, more (I believe myself) an example of social commentary on the search engine optimisation or SEO industry.

So then, is this article itself a doorway page? Like so much in search engine optimisation, that really depends on your own individual point of view. My advice? Look not at what I say I do, look instead at what results from what I do - if I have a high-ranking stand-alone page for popular SEO keywords with a link back to my main site from it, one that can not be banned for being a doorway page because it is in fact an article that's about doorway pages, what will the consequences actually be?

Strange, Grasshopper, strange are the ways of the SEO!

About The Author

"Big" Bill Kruse occasionally takes time out from philosophical debate to offer SEO Services from his site at


Write a professional-quality article for fame, fortune or web traffic in one day. Fail- Safe method that anyone can use.


Contracting Out SEO Article Writing by Brian Stocker

In a recent thread at webmasterworld, when asked if members had 10 people to assist promoting their website, what would they do. This interesting question produced the surprising answer by one member that they would have 9 people writing articles and one person linking.

Articles are a great way to get theme related one-way links, linkable content and can be contracted for around $10 per 400 - 500 word article. Prices vary though, and so does the range of qualifications.

Article writing, like link building, is an excellent candidate for outsourcing, or perhaps more correctly, outtasking.

Why Outsource?

Outsourcing is great because you can purchase services you need when you need them. You don't have to worry about meeting payroll, or providing computers, desks or equipment. While a freelancer is researching and writing you can take care of other things.

Often, a freelancer represents a group, allowing you access to the more resources and expertise.


One of the biggest misconceptions is you can 'just give it to them' and it will all be good. Nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, the more time and effort you put into it, the better the chances of success.

Example Project of 10 articles.

Before talking to my partners in the Philippines, I research keywords and use the keywords to set up the titles and content of the articles. This usually gives me 6 or 8 of the article titles. Since not all articles get syndicated, I go to several articles syndication sites and research which articles in my area have the most links in Yahoo. This gives more data for article topics and titles and general tone. Next, I decide what type of article suits the titles best. Is it to be a "information about this" article or a "how to" article with a bulleted list of actions the reader can take right now?

Once all this has been written out, I send it to my partner and ask to see 4 or 5 articles right away so that I can confirm everything is on track.

Or course, I have specified in advance the articles must be original, and I make periodic checks to make sure. Once you have dealt with a freelancer a few times you can ease up, but it still pays to check all the time.

Don't use software.

There are lots of people offering software that scrapes article syndication sites and/or the web for content, re-arranges it, and spits out hundreds of articles. My experience is it would have been easier and certainly faster to write the articles myself or hire someone to do it.

Automated re-writes of scraped content seems to work on the Search Engines for now, but how long it is going to last is anyone's guess. The Achilles heel of automation is that it has to use templates and will always leave a footprint that other automated systems (i.e. bots can find).

About The Author

Brian Stocker is a former teacher with a BA in Economics and a MA in Psychology. He has worked online since 1997 and has built, promoted and successfully ranked hundreds of websites and successfully conducted online marketing campaigns for clients large and small Internationally. His boutique SEO/SEM company has offices in SEO Victoria BC Canada and SEO Manila, Philippines offering outsourcing, SEO, Search Engine marketing and more. SEO - WSSYA (Where to Successfully Submit Your Articles) For High Rankings by Decebal (Dudi) Scraba

You have an interesting, well-written, SEO-wise article and you want to enhance your web site's visibility by submitting it for publishing. If your article is ready for the web (check out also my "WAF free quality inbound links" article), you might want to consider the following in order to secure best results:

1. Keep in mind that you need targeted traffic

Prospective clients are within the visitors that are interested in your site's topics. On the other hand, search engines will value your site if the URL in the author's box is placed near relevant content related to your field of expertise or business. Therefore you should carefully choose where you submit your article.

2. Do some research work yourself

Concerning the websites / categories you intend to submit your article to, check them up at least for:

  • Google Page Rank
  • Link Popularity (how many other sites display live links to it)
  • Traffic Amount - popular sites are listed in one of the major traffic analysis services present online

Your article (and URL) on highly popular websites means high rankings on search engines as well as traffic on your site, so make the best of your shared knowledge.

3. Make sure that you don't give something for nothing

Check out the "terms and conditions" of the sites you submit your article to. Check out other articles published on these sites. Make sure they will provide a live link to your website. Serious sites will do this.

Some other sites - usually those who will take your article from other sources than directly from yourself - will only display your name, without an active link to you. You can have this (unpleasant) surprise, but "it comes with the territory". You might want to tell to your readers, in future articles, which are these "free-content-grabbers".

Whenever you are asked (in writing) to provide a copyright release for the reprint rights of an article, make sure you specifically ask (in writing) for a live link to your website, beside your name as being the author.

4. Check your status from time to time

After your article has been published, use different popular search engines to carry out some searches as follows:

  • type in the search box the article's title + your domain name (between quote marks) and examine the results. Obviously, it will be very helpful to have an original, easy-to-find title (read more in my article "WAF free quality inbound links").
  • type then the title of your article + your name. If there are listed more sites (domains) than in your first search, note the differences and visit those sites - you may find out that they only display your name and no active URL of yours. Even so, it is wise to check also the sites were your domain is present and see if the links are active.

Of course, these searches are time-consuming, but it should be part of your SEO strategy and it will help you quantify the results of your work and see if it pays writing free reprint articles for the web. Eventually you will be able to make your own list of websites that worth submitting articles to and a list of the ones that should be avoided.

5. Be aware about Newsletters.

If you are posting valuable articles, some webmasters might use it for their newsletters. This can be very good or very bad for you. Let's see why. . .

The good thing about popular newsletters is that they reach a lot of people. This means extended web exposure for you and your website as well as traffic - generated by your link placed in the author's box. If you check your site's traffic statistics when an article of yours is published in a newsletter, you will notice a significant increase. This is the "bright" side of the coin.

The "dark" side of the coin is that you may be considered a spammer without having anything to do with it. If the mailing lists of the newsletter's owner are not properly targeted and matched with your article's topic, some recipients might consider it spam and report YOUR domain as a spammer. Anyway, if this doesn't happen too often, your domain will disappear within days from the "spamming domains lists". So, being published in a newsletter from time to time is a good thing for you and your business.

If it is to draw some conclusions, I would say that it is a good SEO, web promotion and search engine marketing practice to submit articles for being published on the web. Just choose popular, honest, reliable and topic-matching web publishers, so that you can get the most of this SEO and web promotion technique. Read more, on, to find out more and good luck to you all!

About The Author

Decebal (Dudi) Scraba - Graphic Designer, website SEO optimization specialist and owner of - a source of web resources.


Run your own article directory website and generate Adsense income by using other People’s content.


Search Engine Optimisation: Black Hat or White Hat SEO? by David Touri

If you are looking around for a search engine optimisation company to carry out some SEO work on your website, then make sure you choose the right colour hat. There are a large number of companies that adopt a fast and unethical approach to SEO, known as black hat SEO, while there are a smaller number or companies that implement ethical SEO work, known as white hat SEO. The key to choosing the right colour, which is obviously the white, is as follows…

Before you even think of taking on a search engine optimisation company, the first thing is to shop around and see what is out on the market. The same principles would apply if you were to buy a new computer. You would look at a few models, prices and what each model has to offer. If an SEO company was to offer a service that would guarantee you top ranks, there is a very good chance they are wearing a black hat. No SEO company can guarantee top ranks since they have no direct control over the search engines and their ranking algorithms. They can however mention that top ranks are highly achievable due to their previous success with other clients.

Be sure to look at a companies’ portfolio page (if they have one on their website or simply ask them) and carry out some research on their clients. This can be done by looking at the client’s website performance within the search engines for the selected keywords they have been optimised for. Another good idea would be to write a courtesy email to the client asking for a reference on the SEO company they have used to optimise their website.

The most important giveaway on a black hat SEO company is the way they would describe their services. If a company cannot go into detail on how they carry out their work (meaning they are very vague), and this involves justifying each step of their work, then it would be best to avoid their services. A proper SEO firm will be more than happy to explain their services in detail and justify their reasons for using such techniques. If you cannot understand the techniques they use then be sure to do some research on the internet and read SEO articles that explain each technique. If you find that their work fits along the lines of your research and that it is ethical, then they are a company you should put on your list.

A last point to mention, a company should stress the phrase ‘patience is the key to success with SEO’. If a company claims that they can achieve results very fast, then it is time to start running. In theory, SEO that is carried out correctly on a website will take time until the results start to show (most cases 3 to 6 months but could be longer).

Would you like to know what could happens to your website if you hire a black hat SEO company, regardless of how big or small your website is in terms of brand recognition? An example would be the story of the BMW German website. They hired a black hat SEO firm to carry out some work on their website and that resulted in their site being banned from the Google ranks. So it is best to do your research on SEO by reading articles such as this one and question a company’s approach on search engine optimisation. This will ensure that you have selected the clean white hat and that your website will not be tarnished from the black.

About The Author

David Touri works for SEO Sydney Search Engine Marketing, the SEO Consultants. He has worked on various projects and offers search engine optimisation in Australia.


There is plenty of opportunity to make money with Google AdWords. Learn to set up campaigns and how to succeed with AdWords.


What Is Black Hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? by Dana Goldberg

SEO has been very useful and famous in Internet marketing. There are many techniques that make boosting your site a success through different SEO strategies. But despite the success of SEO, there are some black practitioners who tend to see the field of search engine optimization as war, and the search engines are doing anything to beat the competition whether it is fair or foul. Those white hatters market with the other search engines as associates or partners who can help them drive links and business to their client’s sites.

Cloaking happens when a website or a web page displays different content for a certain search engine spider in opposition to a human user. Cloaking is the one that delivers a version of a page to an Internet user and a different description to a search engine. You will notice a cloaked page is filled with keywords and phrases that the site wants to make them rank high.

This is done by cloaking the programs that weigh the IP address of the other party to a database of the known IP address which comes from a definite search engine spider. If there is a match in the IP address on the list, it serves a page which is particularly written for the search engines.

Cloaking has several good reasons which include increasing advertising and promotion. If you are trying to control your rankings in the different search engines, it might result to penalize your site or it might be banned.

Spamming or the keyword stuffing is a long list of keywords placed in the content and also the code on the page which makes it unreadable. Have you seen a page that repeatedly displays an ad with certain words? It is obvious that the site is trying to rank its page. This is known as keyword spamming but it is just one tip that most SEO companies are trying to do to increase page rank.

You might not notice the page may have invisible text, title tags, meta tags and comment tags. If a page repeats a certain keyword repeatedly, Google might place a filter to lessen the ranking or much worse, ban the site. Keyword density can be quite tricky but following the general rule, 3% t0 12 % is the percentage to which a site can use the targeted keywords.

You will notice there are some hidden texts in SEO strategies. This happens when a text or link is invisible to the website visitor but can still be seen by the search engines. If this happens it is considered hidden. Before, people used small fonts to hide the text or they would even use the same color for the background.

This makes them able to put some links which are unseen, but has long been noticed by the search engines that is why they have come up with another strategy this time. Spammers are using the cascading style sheets in order to hide the text. Some are also using tags which are set to hide the text on the page. These strategies are considered hidden if they are left unseen but search engines have their own technique of spotting invisible links so better not do it at all.

The doorway pages are those that exclusively exist to rank well in the different search engines. You may notice some of the pages being ugly and some contain paragraphs which do not have any relation to the topic. Most of the time these doorway pages are not part of the regular navigation of the site which are called orphaned pages.

A black hat SEO can use very good software to filter or generate the doorway pages. This happens when they plug a few keywords and search the page.

You may notice some sites linking to other sites which have no relation at all. Some sites just link to other sites which is part of their strategy. Now, you will find this truly spamming.

If you are going to put up your own website, make sure that you will avoid these things and keep SEO marketing fair and do not think of competition. Think of how you can increase your site ranking fairly.

About The Author

Dana Goldberg is editor of Make More Money Easily. Insider tips on creating wealth online.


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Black Hat SEO - What You Should Know by Cari Haus

Like it or not, the search engine optimization (SEO) strategies implemented by your webmaster may impact more than your company’s keyword rankings. Black Hat SEO, as unethical search engine optimization practices are generally called, can have negative consequences for your company’s public image as well.

A relatively recent case in point would be the doorway pages utilized by automaker BMW. Google penalized the BMW site for using doorway pages, which trick search engines by showing them different content than what is presented to users. BMW got a lot of free publicity out of the deal, but probably not of the type they were hoping for. BMW quickly removed the doorway pages from their site, and more than likely, someone behind the scenes got their hand slapped too.

If your company is intent on building not only a brand, but a stellar public image, the last activity you’ll want to engage in is Black Hat SEO tactics. Although there are some gray areas, certain practices are widely considered unethical and could tarnish one of your firm’s most valuable assets, your company image.

Black Hat Techniques to Avoid:

Building doorway pages into your site is forbidden with just about every search engine. Doorway pages, which are really “fake” pages or “spider food” that cater to search engine algorithms but are never seen by users, have one primary goal: to trick search engines into higher rankings. They should be avoided at all costs.

Placing invisible text on your site can also get you into trouble with search engines. An example would be putting black text on a black background on your site. This practice is also unethical. Keyword packing or stuffing, which involves putting long lists of keywords on your site without anything in the way of content, can also get you banned from the search engines.

If your webmaster or SEO firm is engaging in any of these tactics, beware. Your site could be penalized by the search engines for these tactics, and any gains that result from them early on could be more than offset by the cost of being de-indexed by the search engines, not to mention the black eye that unethical practices could give to your company.

Link farms and linking schemes with the primary intent of manipulating search engine rankings, as opposed to providing valuable content on the web, can also get your site dropped or banned from Google. Google also has a very dim view of duplicate content, which involves the promotion of two or more nearly identical sites.

Black Hat SEO is simply not worth the risk. Your best choice will always be to engage an SEO firm whose ethics reflect the stellar image your company has or is striving to achieve.

Copyright 2006 Cari Haus

About The Author Cari Haus retails Amish log furniture and log beds on the Internet from her website,


This software can help you find profitable keywords and products. It can also help you expand into profitable niche markets and build multiple streams of revenue.


SEO - Web Directories in Black and White by Decebal (Dudi) Scraba

Beside website optimization, rich content and frequent site updates, link popularity is a pillar of SEO and website promotion. This is a fact and we'll not waste time on this topic.

Beside exchanging links, providing free content for links (see my "WAF for free, quality inbound links" article) and waiting for crawlers / editors to discover and index / promote your site, getting listed in topic directories is a pillar of link popularity building.

Free or paid web directories - the choice is yours

Let's focus on the directories you should choose in order to get the best results out of your site submission. I will not point here names of the best web directories, but I will make a list or two of what you should check before submitting your site to a directory. When you start a directory submission campaign, keep in mind that 20 quality "votes" (read "links pointing to your site") from value directories will weight more than 200 junk ones - speaking in terms of traffic and ranking.

Of course, depending on the budget, you will be the one to decide if you go for free or paid directories, but, whichever you choose, pay attention to directories' "White" characteristics (the ones you will benefit from) as well as to their "Black" characteristics (those that do you no good). Enough talking, let's dig in!

"White" characteristics of a web directory:

1. A decent Google Page Rank (PR). Use Google Toolbar(TM) to check the PR of the web directory's category page which best matches your site's profile. Consider as decent a PR over 3.

2. Good link popularity. Use Google to determine how many other sites (domains) link to the directory you choose. Anything over 50 is OK for the start.

3. Topic-oriented content. It is best for your site's listing to be placed on a page having topic-oriented content. Avoid placing your link, for example on the SEO category page which holds also text links to "dating", "used cars dealers", "sewing" or other non-related-to-you categories / sections of the directory.

4. SEO-friendly structure and content. There are several characteristics which make a directory SEO-friendly and I will list the most important ones, from my point of view:

  • A clean and simple design: no excessive Flash animations, fancy Java design scripts, no frames, not to many columns
  • A short loading time of the category page

  • A coherent and SEO-friendly manner of displaying the listed sites: a descriptive title (which should be also the anchor text for the link to the listed site) and a short description that makes sense for each site
  • No more than 80 - 100 links on the category page and I mean the TOTAL number: navigation + outbound links!

"Black" characteristics of a web directory:

1. Crowded categories. There is no good for you to be placed on page 10 of the chosen category.

2. Indirect links to listed sites. If you move your mouse over a listed link (without clicking) and you see in the bottom bar of your web browser anything else than a clean and simple URL, you are dealing most likely with a redirected link. This doesn't add value to your site from the search engines point of view.

3. Link to a "details" page. Sometimes, clicking on the listing takes you to another directory's page displaying "detailed" information about the listing, including the link to the listed web site. This "details" page has a zero PR and will not bring benefits to the listed site.

4. "nofollow" attribute. Right-click somewhere on the chosen category page, select "View source" from the menu that appears and search for: rel="nofollow". If you find this attribute in the hyperlinks of the listed sites, be aware! A link to your web site with "nofollow" atribute may only bring traffic to your site, but the search engines will not "read" this as a vote. The "nofollow" issue should be "Grey" on my scale, but I have listed it in the "Black" section of my article.

These would be, in my opinion, the "Black" and "White" aspects of the web directories from the SEO point of view. If you find a directory that it worths to submit to, just before clicking the "Add URL" button, read carefully it's "terms and conditions" as well as "submission guidelines" sections.

Read more ( to learn more and good luck to you all!

About The Author

Decebal (Dudi) Scraba - Graphic Designer, website SEO optimization specialist


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Google Sitemaps’ Hidden Secrets – Power SEO Tools Revealed!

by Rob Sullivan

Google has had a feature out for some time which allows webmasters to create a sitemap file to help Google’s crawlers find and index content.

It sounds like a great idea. After all, it is much easier to feed the crawler the content then hope it finds it on it’s own.

But is a Google sitemap worthwhile? Is it even necessary? Well, once you realize the incredibly powerful statistics available to you, you might change your opinion. After all, would knowing what terms might be driving searches to your competitors be helpful?

When the Google Sitemap program first started my thought was “That’s kinda cool but what’s the real benefit?”

So, I thought I’d try it out and submit sitemaps for a few sites that I own.

When Google Sitemaps first came out it was very difficult to figure out what all the entries meant as well as how to actually create the sitemap.

Sure, it was XML based, and I could plainly see what they expected but when you have a large site, how do you go about creating this?

Then Google came out with a sitemap generator which is a program intended to help you create a sitemap for your site. This does help speed up the process but unless you are a developer it is a little difficult to implement.

Also, you need access to your server to run the script required to generate the sitemap. If you are unsure you should check with your web host to see if you have terminal access to execute Python scripts.

Personally, I’ve never tried the Google Sitemapper tool but I have used others. For example, on my personal blog which uses Moveable Type, I found a blog post which shows How to build a Movable Type Google sitemap template. And I’ve used Xenu and an Excel spreadsheet which works great as well.

Now that the sitemap creation is covered, let’s get into the question at hand. Is a Google sitemap really worth the effort?

A few months ago I would have said no, but lately Google has been adding features that make me think otherwise.

For example, if you’ve gone through the verification process (which is really just placing a blank HTML file on the site and having Google find it) and ensured your 404 errors are properly configured you can get access to a wealth of additional info.

One such feature is the “Top Search Queries.” This tells you which queries were used when your pages appeared in the search results but may not have been clicked on.

In other words, these are actual searcher queries that were performed on Google where your site may have appeared but not had click-throughs.

From a keyword research point of view, this is a huge advantage to you. By monitoring your sitemap stats you can easily see some of the terms people are using and perhaps determine what you need to do to rank higher for those terms so you too can get the clicks that your competitors are receiving.

If you don’t have ready access to log analysis or other stats, the Google sitemap can also tell you what terms actually drove traffic to your site.

In other words, these were searches performed on Google that actually generated clicks for your site.

There’s also a wealth of other information. For example, “Crawl Stats” shows you how Googlebot sees your site, errors generated by it, and even a PageRank distribution chart detailing how well PageRank is distributed.

So, if you are like me and wondering if a Google sitemap is worth it I’d say yes, it is. The information provided, while mostly technical, can help you troubleshoot problems as well as provide ideas to help you improve your positioning.

About The Author

Rob Sullivan is a SEO Consultant and Writer for Textlinkbrokers is the trusted leader in building long term rankings through safe and effective link building. Please provide a link directly to Textlinkbrokers when syndicating this article. The AdSense Factor

by F. Terrence Markle

Google describes AdSense as “a fast and easy way for web site publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their web site’s content pages and earn money.” The AdSense ads displayed by Google on your site are matched to Google’s interpretation of the content theme of your site. In this manner, the AdSense ads will be of interest to your site visitors looking for the unique content your site offers to them.

AdSense is a system where Google places its AdWords ads on the content pages of non-Google web sites. It is a pay-per-click (PPC) service where webmasters are paid a portion of the revenue collected by Google from the advertisers. The advertiser pays Google a pre-determined amount each time a web site visitor clicks on an AdSense advertisement.

AdWords is the Source of AdSense Income

AdWords ads are the source of all the AdSense income you are able to generate. As a result, you need to fully understand the AdWords system in order to appreciate how the AdSense system works.

Google describes AdWords as “a quick and simple way to purchase highly targeted cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, regardless of your budget.” These paid ads (sponsored links) are displayed by Google on the search engine results page along with the non-paid (natural results) for a given keyword search.

In order to create a Google AdWords ad, it is necessary to specify what keyword or keyword phrase must be input by the visitor before your AdWords ad will be displayed. In addition, you need to set the maximum amount that you will pay to Google for each click on your AdWord.

There is a nominal activation fee but Google does not have a minimum monthly charge. Google provides an account Control Center that allows you to track the performance of your ad. The ad will be displayed within minutes to the searchers after your account billing information has been submitted to Google.

AdWords ads must adhere to specific Google requirements. The title can contain up to 25 characters, the ad text can have up to 70 characters and the display URL must be less than 36 characters.

AdWords Ranking

Google will rank an AdWords ad based on the maximum CPC, the click through rate (CTR) and the relevancy of the ad text. Google prefers relevant and well-targeted AdWords ads. Google determines ad placement using the value formula: CPC x CTR. The ad is placed higher as the valuation rises. It’s possible for an advertiser to have a high rank position with a low CPC if the CTR makes the value to Google higher than other ads with a higher CPC.

Google requires a minimum CTR in order to protect the AdWords program value for its users. The CTR of all AdWords ads are monitored by Google on a continuous basis. An under-performing AdWords ad may be disabled by Google if the CTR does not improve.

AdSense Program

You need to apply and be accepted by Google before you can display the AdSense ads on your web site. They are very particular about the sites that are eligible and accepted. Google’s name is on the ads and they cannot risk hurting the perceived value of the AdSense and AdWords programs.

Google requires you to comply with their program policies if your website is accepted into the AdSense program. Otherwise, your website may be dropped from the program.

Your site must be content-focused to be accepted. Google wants sites that offer high quality information or rich in relevant content. You should have lots of interesting and informative content for your site visitors.

As previously mentioned, AdSense is a program in which you get paid for your web site visitors clicking on targeted AdWords ads placed on your site. A click through is when a visitor clicks on one of the ads. The ads are placed in a display box that you put on your website in a location that earns you money.

You have a chance to make a significant amount of money if the AdSense box is placed in a strategic location on your site and you have sufficient targeted traffic.

The AdWords advertiser pays as little as $0.05 per click up to $100 per click depending on the unique keywords. The AdWords campaigns are usually budgeted for a specific period of time by the advertisers.

Contextual Advertising

Google uses proprietary algorithms to determine the content on each page of your web site with an AdSense box. It will identify the AdWords ads that are contextually relevant to your website visitors based on the content of your site. The identified AdWords ads are then displayed in your AdSense box. The ads on your site are the same ads that appear on the right side of a Google search results page for a specific keyword.

Contextual advertising is the process of displaying ads on a web site that are targeted to the individuals visiting the specific web site. The Google contextual advertising system scans the content text on your web site for keywords on each web page with the AdSense box. Google will display ads on each web page based on what it believes is the keyword theme for that specific page.

For example, if Google determines that the theme of a specific web site is about “fishing” then fishing-related AdWords ads will be displayed in the AdSense box. The ads about fishing are an approximate fit to the context or subject of the web page as determined by Google.

Monetize Your Content Rich Website

Every webmaster with high-quality and focused web page content can monetize their knowledge and expertise by using AdSense. You need interesting and informative content on your site in order to bring free and targeted traffic to your web site and capitalize on the AdSense model.

You can generate revenue on your AdSense website on a consistent basis if your web site has a focused theme with targeted traffic. It’s a good idea to have multiple pages with rich content on various topics that are centered around the specific theme of your website. Google can then target relevant ads to display on each web page that contains the AdSense box.

Google performs all the technological work for you to use the AdSense program. After your web site is accepted into the AdSense program, you obtain the HTML code to insert into your web pages from Google. The code will incorporate whatever specific customization you choose for the AdSense box.

It does not take very long before relevant ads appear on your web pages. If the ads are not relevant then you need to modify your content and keywords to help Google isolate the theme of your site. This will involve trial and error.

AdSense Factor

The items needed (I call it the AdSense Factor) to make substantial money using the AdSense program include:

• A website with multiple web pages with a central content theme that draws significant targeted traffic.

• Relevant ads with high click values that are relevant to the theme on each web page.

• A high click through rate by your website visitors.

Website Central Theme

Your website should be based on a specific theme. This is where brainstorming comes into play. You need to spend ample time determining what the theme of your site should be. Generate a list of all your skills, capabilities and areas of interest as you would in developing a niche market.

Select one or more of the niches and identify a keyword phrase to be the central theme of your web site. Identify the “wants and needs” of individuals in that niche that desire information to be satisfied or produce a solution to a problem. In your brainstorming session, identify all the keywords you can that relate to the central theme.

As an example, assume your central keyword theme is “fishing.” Potential supporting keywords could include (depending on the direction you take): fishing rods, lures, tackle, bait, gear, reels, boats and a long list of related items. You then need to develop a separate web page for every keyword item that you use to support the central theme.

Keyword Page Content

Each keyword page needs to have quality content that would be of interest and informative to your prospective visitors looking for information. You can develop the content yourself, use existing free information or pay someone to develop the content for you.

As a starter, you should attempt to generate the content yourself. Research each topic keyword and write articles of 200 to 600 words. The articles should be informative and rich in keywords for each web page with an AdSense box. Remember that “more” is better. The more content-related pages you have then the more AdSense ads you will be able to display and hopefully the more money you will make.

If you believe that you absolutely cannot write articles for whatever reason then look for existing free articles on your web page topic(s). You can also hire a freelance or ghostwriter at very reasonable rates to write articles for you. The choice is yours on how you proceed to get content for your web pages.

When you write your own articles, try to write your articles as if you were talking to someone. Plan on inserting the keyword or keyword phrase in as many places that make sense. The keyword density should be in the 5 to 10% range. This means that the keyword should be included about once every 10 to 20 words in the article. In order to help Google determine the theme for each of your web pages with the AdSense box: use headings and subheadings, use "h1" through "h5" tags where appropriate to add attention and make all keywords bold "b" text in your articles.


You need to consider implementing AdSense on your site if you want to make money from advertising. Google has made it relatively easy and clear to monetize your website through the use of AdSense. The steps involved in the process are:

• First – develop a central keyword theme for your website that contains informative and quality information desired by your targeted visitors.

• Second – develop multiple content rich web pages with individual keyword themes that are focused around your central keyword theme.

• Third - apply and get accepted into the Google AdSense program.

• Fourth - install the AdSense ads box on each content web page with a defined keyword theme.

• Fifth - drive targeted traffic to your website where a percentage of your visitors looking for your informative and quality information will click on the AdSense ads.

• Sixth - collect and enjoy the money paid to you by Google for the clicks on each ad you presented to your visitors.

Keep the “AdSense Factor” in mind when developing your web pages and your visitors will have a high interest in your content. This will lead to your visitors clicking on the AdSense ads and putting money into your pocket.

Copyright © 2006 - F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -


If you are interested in making money with Google Adsense, then you owe yourself a favor to check out the following…


The Niche Factor

By F. Terrence Markle

What's all the talk about niche marketing? It's all about marketing to a special area of demand for a product or service! There are plenty of opportunities available if you haven't got into niches yet. As everyone knows... the Internet market is huge. Niches are everywhere and they are here to stay. Do the research and you can find one or more profitable niches that will make you smile all the way to the bank.

Should you pursue Internet marketing products or niche marketing?

There are a lot of newcomers and more experienced marketers wanting to sell Internet marketing products. Unfortunately, it is the absolute worst choice unless you are an experienced and successful marketer! The arena is saturated with marketers that have a strong foothold and are not about to relinquish their firm grip. They are only interested in pushing their products. Can you blame them?

Forget it when the gurus say.. "I want to see you succeed and I will show you how." What they really mean is... "I want you on my prospect or customer list so I can promote my products and sell to you forever." It's a simple matter of protecting your turf.

Get smart and get the heck out of trying to sell Internet marketing products online. You are most likely setting yourself up for failure if you try to compete with the established marketers. Instead... go after niche marketing with a passion. It's a very dynamic and wide open marketing opportunity.

What is niche marketing anyway?

Niche marketing has been around a long time. However, it is getting a lot more attention in Internet marketing and will continue to grow. A niche is a tightly defined group of potential customers with a specific "want or need".

Large businesses are not interested in small niche markets. They want to sell to the large masses. The niche marketer, however, can make a very comfortable living marketing the right product or service to a niche market. It's what I call the "Niche Factor".

The trick is to find a niche you can capitalize on and has a potential customer base with unsatisfied wants or needs. Develop a product or service to satisfy that customer base and you are on your way. Don't make the classical mistake of developing your product first and then trying to find a market for it. Fight the temptation and do it the right and profitable way.

Niche marketing is all about satisfying the wants or needs of a specific group of people. As an example, assume that an individual wanted information on Louisville Slugger baseball bats. The market segment could be baseball, the niche could be baseball equipment, the sub-niche could be baseball bats and the sub-sub-niche could be Louisville Slugger baseball bats. This classification could go down to even deeper levels depending on the market category.

A focused or tightly defined niche will enable you to assess the worthiness of the potential market. You need to be unique and highly specialized in order to define a niche where you can compete on a level playing field.

The Internet has tons of information on just about any topic you can possibly imagine. People are always searching for products and services on the Internet. Most individuals want free information. If necessary, however, they are willing to spend money for the right information.

There are more niche markets than you can shake a stick at. You can put just about any keyword or keyword phrase into a major search engine and get back search results that range in a huge number of sites to just a handful. No matter what your skill, hobby or special interest... you can rest assured other people are looking for information on that specific topic.

Find out what people are searching for and develop or acquire a product or service to sell to them that satisfies their wants or needs. Just make sure it's in a profitable niche.

How do you identify your niche market?

This is the most critical area of niche marketing. You need to research and analyze the supply and demand of potential niches before you rush out and build your website. The niche has to have enough potential customers willing and able to spend their hard-earned money on a product or service they want or need.

You need to carefully look at your skills, interests, hobbies and any other factors that could influence your decision in selecting a niche market. Make a list of all the possible things you could market to a specific niche market. You need to brainstorm and let your imagination run wild. You will be surprised at the number of items you wind up putting on your list.

You can develop your own product or service after you identify a niche but it's not absolutely necessary. You do not need to be an expert in your selected niche. The ability to research your niche, analyze the profit potential and select a product or service are the key requirements.

If you are unable to develop your own product, you can always find an expert to provide you with valuable content or someone to develop a product for you at a negotiated price. Look at your likes and dislikes very carefully before deciding on a niche market to service. It will be a tough road to walk down if you hate doing whatever is required to satisfy your niche market.

Summary and Conclusion

First, select a niche based on the items previously discussed. Second, determine if a demand exists in your chosen niche by using the available research tools like Overture, Wordtracker, etc. Third, perform whatever tests are necessary to determine if there is potential for profit in your selected niche. Fourth, analyze the information you acquired and determine whether to proceed in servicing the niche. Fifth, develop or acquire a product or service to satisfy the wants or needs of your niche.

Unless you already sell a profitable Internet marketing product or service, do not waste your time trying to sell Internet marketing information to all the other marketers. It's a dead-end situation and only a very small number of newcomers or semi-experienced marketers will be successful at breaking through the barriers. The odds for success are stacked against you. The established and profitable marketers selling Internet marketing information only want to sell you their products.

Why fight it? Capitalize on the "niche factor" and look for a profitable niche market where you can satisfy the wants and needs of the potential customers in that niche. Do not try to be everything to everybody. Be unique and specialize in your niche or niches.

Sell a product or service tailored to meet the requirements of your niche market and you will earn a respectable if not a significant income. If you are really motivated, develop multiple sources of income by catering to multiple profitable niches.

Do yourself a gigantic favor and pursue niche marketing and not the marketing of Internet marketing products. Pursue niches where you can make money and not be just another starving and dissatisfied marketer!

Copyright © 2006 - F. Terrence Markle – All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Terry Markle is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides tips and information on increasing high-quality and targeted visitor traffic to your website. Get his latest free documents with 100% master resale rights:

“The SEO Report” - “The Adsense Report” - “The Niche Report” -


Discover what Google never told you about making money with AdSense. This ebook hands you the secret keys to multiplying your AdSense income.



Name: Terry Markle

Contact: Terry Markle

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