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Module to display ranking tables and individual rankings for ranked PDC darts players.
Module Data
Rankings can be updated above and will display for all OOM instances and rankings on individual pages.
This can possibly later include WDF rankings when they have a new system in place.
Template for individual rankings
Rank & move w/date: {{Template:PDC Rankings}}
- List ranking from start ranking to end ranking:
{{#invoke:DartsRankings|list|PDC Rankings|first|last}}
Player examples | Code | Output |
PDC OOM Ranking for Michael van Gerwen | {{#invoke:DartsRankings|main |PDC Rankings|Michael van Gerwen}}
Lua error: expandTemplate: template "refn" does not exist. |
PDC OOM Ranking for Peter Wright from template | {{PDC Rankings|Peter Wright}}
Template:PDC Rankings |
WDF Ranking for Larry Butler from template | {{WDF Rankings|Larry Butler|mdy=mdy}}
Template:WDF Rankings |
WDF Ranking for Fallon Sherrock from template | {{WDF Women's Rankings|Fallon Sherrock}}
Template:WDF Women's Rankings |
PDC Ranking only for Gary Anderson from template | {{PDC Rankings|Gary Anderson|nochange=1|nodate=1}}
Template:PDC Rankings |
Flag & link for José de Sousa from template | {{PDCFlag|Jose de Sousa}}
Template:PDCFlag |
PDC Ranking & flag for Simon Whitlock from template | {{PDCFlag|Simon Whitlock}} {{PDC Rankings|Simon Whitlock|nochange=1|nodate=1|par=1}}
Template:PDCFlag Template:PDC Rankings |
PDC Rankings table (1-5) | {{#invoke:DartsRankings|list
|PDC Rankings
Lua error: expandTemplate: template "refn" does not exist. |
PDC Rankings table (16-20) | {{#invoke:DartsRankings|list
|PDC Rankings
Lua error: expandTemplate: template "refn" does not exist. |
PDC Pro Tour table (1-5) | {{#invoke:DartsRankings|list
|PDC Pro Tour Rankings
Lua error: expandTemplate: template "refn" does not exist. |
require('Module:No globals'); local p = {} local error_msg = '<span style=\"font-size:100%\" class=\"error\"><code style=\"color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;\">|_template=</code> missing or empty</span>'; -- data for various rankings held in module subpages, e.g. "Module:SportsRankings/data/FIFA World Rankings" local data = {} --[[ parameters containing data help in three tables data.source = {} -- parameters for using in cite web (title, url, website) data.updated = {} -- date of latest update (month, day, year) data.rankings = {} -- the rankings list (country code, ranking, movement) data.alias = {} -- player list (player, country code [=key], wiki link, proper display) --]] local tcats= '' local tcatsp='' local templateArgs = {} -- contains arguments from template involking module local function getArgs(frame) local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent() for k,v in pairs(parents.args) do --check content if v and v ~= "" then templateArgs[k]=v --parents.args[k] end end for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do --check content if v and v ~= "" then templateArgs[k]=v --parents.args[k] end end -- allow empty caption to blank default if parents.args['caption'] then templateArgs['caption'] = parents.args['caption'] end end local function loadData(frame) local source = frame.args[1] -- source of rankings e.g. PDC Rankings data = require('Module:DartsRankings/data/'.. source); if templateArgs['org'] then data = require('Module:DartsRankings/data/' .. templateArgs['org'] .. ' Rankings'); end end local function getDate(option) local dateTable = data.updated -- there must be date table (data.updated) -- TODO add a warning and/or category if option == "LAST" then local lastDateTable = data.previous if lastDateTable then -- there might not be a previous data table (data.previous) dateTable = lastDateTable else return "No previous date available (data.updated missing)" end end if templateArgs['mdy'] and templateArgs['mdy'] ~= "" then return dateTable['month'] .. " " .. dateTable['day'] .. ", " .. dateTable['year'] else return dateTable['day'] .. " " .. dateTable['month'] .. " " .. dateTable['year'] end end local function addCiteWeb(frame) -- use cite web template return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'cite web' , args = { url = data.source['url'], --"", title = data.source['title'], -- "The FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking", website = data.source['website'], --"FIFA", ['date'] = getDate(), ['access-date'] = getDate() }} end local function addReference(frame) local text = "" if data.source['text'] then text = data.source['text'] end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'refn' , args = { name=frame.args[1], --ranking used, e.g. "PDC Rankings", text .. addCiteWeb(frame) }} end local function noAc(str) local tableAccents = {} tableAccents["À"] = "A" tableAccents["Á"] = "A" tableAccents["Â"] = "A" tableAccents["Ã"] = "A" tableAccents["Ä"] = "A" tableAccents["Å"] = "A" tableAccents["Æ"] = "AE" tableAccents["Ç"] = "C" tableAccents["È"] = "E" tableAccents["É"] = "E" tableAccents["Ê"] = "E" tableAccents["Ë"] = "E" tableAccents["Ì"] = "I" tableAccents["Í"] = "I" tableAccents["Î"] = "I" tableAccents["Ï"] = "I" tableAccents["Ð"] = "D" tableAccents["Ñ"] = "N" tableAccents["Ò"] = "O" tableAccents["Ó"] = "O" tableAccents["Ô"] = "O" tableAccents["Õ"] = "O" tableAccents["Ö"] = "O" tableAccents["Ø"] = "O" tableAccents["Ù"] = "U" tableAccents["Ú"] = "U" tableAccents["Û"] = "U" tableAccents["Ü"] = "U" tableAccents["Ý"] = "Y" tableAccents["Þ"] = "P" tableAccents["ß"] = "s" tableAccents["à"] = "a" tableAccents["á"] = "a" tableAccents["â"] = "a" tableAccents["ã"] = "a" tableAccents["ä"] = "a" tableAccents["å"] = "a" tableAccents["æ"] = "ae" tableAccents["ç"] = "c" tableAccents["č"] = "c" tableAccents["ć"] = "c" tableAccents["è"] = "e" tableAccents["é"] = "e" tableAccents["ê"] = "e" tableAccents["ë"] = "e" tableAccents["ì"] = "i" tableAccents["í"] = "i" tableAccents["î"] = "i" tableAccents["ï"] = "i" tableAccents["ł"] = "l" tableAccents["ð"] = "eth" tableAccents["ñ"] = "n" tableAccents["ò"] = "o" tableAccents["ó"] = "o" tableAccents["ô"] = "o" tableAccents["õ"] = "o" tableAccents["ö"] = "o" tableAccents["ø"] = "o" tableAccents["ù"] = "u" tableAccents["ú"] = "u" tableAccents["û"] = "u" tableAccents["ü"] = "u" tableAccents["ý"] = "y" tableAccents["þ"] = "p" tableAccents["ÿ"] = "y" local normalisedString = '' local normalisedString = str: gsub("[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*", tableAccents) return normalisedString end local function nameEqual(str1, str2) return string.lower(noAc(str1)):gsub( "%W", "")==string.lower(noAc(str2)):gsub( "%W", "") end function p.dates(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) -- if templateArgs[1]==1 then return getDate(templateArgs[2]) -- else -- return getDate() -- end end local function flagPlayer(frame, player, side) local outputString = "" local flag, link = '', '' if player and player ~= '' then link = '[[' .. player .. ']]' tcatsp='[[Category:Pages using DartsRankings with missing player data|' .. player .. ']]' end for _,u in pairs(data.alias) do -- get country code from name if nameEqual(u[1], player) then tcatsp='' local nlink = "" if u[5] == 0 then nlink = 1 end if templateArgs['nolink'] == '1' then nlink = 1 end if templateArgs['nolink'] == '0' then nlink = "" end if u[6] and u[6]~="" then link = frame:expandTemplate{title= 'sortname', args ={ u[3], u[4] , dab = u[6] , nolink = nlink } } else link = frame:expandTemplate{title= 'sortname', args ={ u[3], u[4], nolink = nlink } } end flag= u[2] -- Flag string from libarary if templateArgs['flag'] then flag = templateArgs['flag'] end end end if side == 'right' then outputString = link .. frame:expandTemplate{title= 'flagg', args ={ 'csxr', flag}} elseif side == 'none' then outputString = link else outputString = frame:expandTemplate{title= 'flagg', args ={ 'csx', flag}} .. link end tcats = tcats .. tcatsp return outputString .. tcats end function p.playerLink(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) return flagPlayer(frame, frame.args[2], 'left') end function p.playerLinkRight(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) return flagPlayer(frame, frame.args[2], 'right') end function p.playerLinkNoFlag(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) return flagPlayer(frame, frame.args[2], 'none') end function p.main(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local outputString = "" local validCode = false local player = templateArgs[2] -- player name passed as parameter local rank, move for _,u in pairs(data.alias) do -- run through the list if nameEqual(u[1], player) then -- if code = passed parameter validCode = true break end end -- if no match of code to country name, set category for _,v in pairs(data.rankings) do if nameEqual(v[1], player) then rank = v[2] -- get rank break end end if rank then -- no ranking found for _,v in pairs(data.rankingsold) do if nameEqual(v[1], player) then move = v[2] - rank -- get move from last ranking break else move = 0 - rank end end else rank = 'NR' end local changeString = "" if rank ~= 'NR' then outputString = rank if move < 0 and math.abs( move ) == math.abs( rank ) then -- new teams in ranking: move = -ranking changeString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'new entry' } elseif move == 0 then -- if no change in ranking changeString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'steady' } elseif move < 0 then -- if ranking down changeString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'decrease' } .. ' ' .. math.abs(move) elseif move > 0 then -- if ranking up changeString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'increase' } .. ' ' .. move end if not templateArgs['nochange'] or templateArgs['nochange'] == "" then outputString = outputString .. ' ' .. changeString end else outputString = outputString .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Abbr', args = { "NR", "Not ranked"} } -- {{Abbr|NR|Not ranked}} end if not templateArgs['nodate'] or templateArgs['nodate'] == "" then outputString = outputString .. ' <small>(' .. getDate() .. ')</small>' end if templateArgs['par'] and templateArgs['par'] ~= '' then outputString = '(' .. outputString .. ')' end if not templateArgs['noref'] or templateArgs['noref'] == "" then outputString = outputString .. addReference(frame) end return outputString end --[[ outputs a table of the rankings called by list() or list2() positional parameters - |ranking|first|last the ranking to use, fist and last in table other parameters: |style= -- CSS styling |headerN= footerN= -- displays header and footer rows with additional information |caption= -- value of caption to display -- by default it generates a caption -- this can be suppressed with empty |caption= ]] local function table(frame, ranking, first,last) local styleString = "" if templateArgs['style'] and templateArgs['style'] ~= "" then styleString = templateArgs['style'] end local lastRank = 0 local selectCount = 0 local selectData = nil local selectList = nil -- column header customisation local rankHeader = templateArgs['rank_header'] or "Rank" local selectionHeader = templateArgs['selection_header'] or selectList or "Rank" local teamHeader = templateArgs['team_header'] or "Player" local pointsHeader = templateArgs['points_header'] or "Earnings" local changeHeader = templateArgs['change_header'] or "Change" local noChange = templateArgs['change_col'] or 1 --start table local outputString = '{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;' .. styleString .. '"' local tabletitle = data.labels['title'] -- add default or custom caption local caption = tabletitle .. ' as of ' .. getDate() .. '.' if templateArgs['caption'] and templateArgs['caption'] ~= "" then caption = templateArgs['caption'] caption = p.replaceKeywords(caption) end outputString = outputString .. '\n|+' .. caption .. addReference(frame) -- add header rows (logo, date of update etc) local count = 0 local header = {} local tableWidth = 4 if selectList then tableWidth = 5 end while count < 5 do count = count + 1 if templateArgs['header'..count] then header[count] = templateArgs['header'..count] header[count] = p.replaceKeywords( header[count]) outputString = outputString .. '\n|-\n| colspan="'.. tableWidth .. '" |' .. header[count] end end -- add the add part of the table local optionalColumn = "" if selectList then optionalColumn = '\n!' .. selectionHeader end outputString = outputString .. '\n|-' .. optionalColumn .. '\n!' .. rankHeader if noChange == 1 then outputString = outputString .. '\n!' .. changeHeader end outputString = outputString .. '\n!' .. teamHeader .. '\n!' .. pointsHeader local change,player,plink = '', '', '' --while i<last do for k,v in pairs(data.rankings) do --v[2] = tonumber(v[2]) if v[2] >= first and v[2] <= last then plink = flagPlayer(frame, v[1], 'left') local continue = true if continue ==true then local rowString = '\n|-' if selectList then local selectRank = selectCount if v[2]==lastRank then selectRank = selectCount -1 end -- only handles two at same rank rowString = rowString .. '\n|' .. selectRank selectCount = selectCount + 1 end rowString = rowString .. '\n|' .. v[2] -- rank lastRank = v[2] local move = nil for _,w in pairs(data.rankingsold) do if nameEqual(w[1], v[1]) then move = w[2] - lastRank -- get move from last ranking break else move = 0 - lastRank end end if move < 0 and math.abs( move ) == math.abs( v[2] ) then -- new teams in ranking: move = -ranking change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'new entry' } elseif move == 0 then -- if no change in ranking change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'steady' } elseif move < 0 then -- if ranking down change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'decrease' } .. ' ' .. math.abs(move) elseif move > 0 then -- if ranking up change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'increase' } .. ' ' .. move end if noChange == 1 then rowString = rowString .. '||' .. change end rowString = rowString .. '\n|style="text-align:left"|' .. plink local points = "" if v[3] then points = v[3] end rowString = rowString .. '||' .. points -- country for now, later points outputString = outputString .. rowString end end end -- add footer rows count = 0 local footer = {} while count < 5 do count = count + 1 if templateArgs['footer'..count] then footer[count] = templateArgs['footer'..count] footer[count] = p.replaceKeywords(footer[count]) outputString = outputString .. '\n|-\n| colspan="'.. tableWidth .. '" |' .. footer[count] end end outputString = outputString .. "\n|}" return outputString end function p.replaceKeywords(keyword) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_UPDATE_DATE", getDate()) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_LAST_DATE", getDate("LAST")) keyword = string.gsub( keyword, "INSERT_REFERENCE", addReference(mw.getCurrentFrame())) return keyword end --[[ create a table of rankings parameters: |ranking= -- ranking to display (e.g. FIFA World Rankings) |first= |last= -- first and last ranking to display (defaults 1-10) ]] function p.list(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local ranking = frame.args[1] local first, last = 1,10 first = tonumber(frame.args['2']) last = tonumber(frame.args['3']) return table(frame, ranking, first, last) end local function navlist(frame, ranking, first,last) local lastRank = 0 local selectCount = 0 local selectData = nil local selectList = nil --start list local outputString = '<ol start="' .. first .. '">' local change,player,plink = '', '', '' for k,v in pairs(data.rankings) do if v[2] >= first and v[2] <= last then plink = flagPlayer(frame, v[1], 'left') local rowString = '<li>' -- rank lastRank = v[2] rowString = rowString .. plink if not templateArgs['nochange'] or templateArgs['nochange'] == "" then local move = nil for _,w in pairs(data.rankingsold) do if nameEqual(w[1], v[1]) then move = w[2] - lastRank -- get move from last ranking break else move = 0 - lastRank end end if move < 0 and math.abs( move ) == math.abs( v[2] ) then -- new teams in ranking: move = -ranking change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'new entry' } elseif move == 0 then -- if no change in ranking change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'steady' } elseif move < 0 then -- if ranking down change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'decrease' } elseif move > 0 then -- if ranking up change = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'increase' } end rowString = rowString .. ' ' .. change .. '</li>' end outputString = outputString .. '\n'.. rowString end end outputString = outputString .. '</ol>' return outputString end --- --- Returns text list for players first,last for PDC top 20 navbox function p.nav(frame) getArgs(frame) -- returns args table having checked for content loadData(frame) local ranking = frame.args[1] local first, last = 1,10 first = tonumber(frame.args['2']) last = tonumber(frame.args['3']) return navlist(frame, ranking, first, last) end return p