Module:Bar box
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchrequire('Module:Lua class') local BarBox = class('BarBox', { _css = 'Module:Bar box/styles.css', __init = function (self, args) self.css = args[1] or args.css self.float = args[2] or args.float or 'none' self.backgroundcolor = args[3] or args.backgroundcolor or 'white' self.borderwidth = args[4] or args.borderwidth or '1' = args[5] or self.width = args[6] or args.width-- or 'auto' self.barwidth = args[7] or args.barwidth or '100px' self.lineheight = args[8] or args.lineheight-- or '1.6' self.title = args[9] or args.title self.titlebar = args[10] or args.titlebar-- or 'none' self.left1 = args[11] or args.left1 self.left2 = args[12] or args.left2 self.right1 = args[13] or args.right1 self.right2 = args[14] or args.right2 self.bars = args[15] or args.bars self.caption = args[16] or args.caption -- deprecated self.footer = args[17] or args.footer or args[16] or args.caption end, create = function (cls, args) args = mw.clone(args) args.float = args.float and args.float:lower() args.width = tonumber(args.width) and args.width .. 'px' or args.width and args.width:lower() args.barwidth = tonumber(args.barwidth) and args.barwidth .. 'px' or args.barwidth and args.barwidth:lower() return cls(args) end, _sDefaultAlign = 'lrlr', _tDefaultAlign = {false, 'r', false, 'r'}, _setAlign = function (obj, align) obj._alignClasses = {} for i, d in ipairs(obj._tDefaultAlign) do local a = align:sub(i,i) if a == 'l' then a = false elseif a == 'd' then a = d elseif a ~= 'c' and a ~= 'r' then error('unrecognized align[' .. i .. ']') end obj._alignClasses[i] = a and 'class=bb-' .. a end end, html = function (self) local output = {} local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() output[1] = frame:extensionTag('templatestyles', '', {src=self._css}) .. '\n' output[2] = self.css and frame:extensionTag('templatestyles', '', {src=self.css}) .. '\n' or '' local class = 'barbox' if self.float == 'left' or self.float == 'right' then class = class .. ' t' .. self.float end output[3] = '<div class="' .. class .. '" style="background:' .. self.backgroundcolor .. '; border:' .. self.borderwidth .. 'px solid silver' .. (self.float == 'center' and '; margin:0 auto' or '') .. (self.width and '; width:' .. self.width or '') .. ( and '; ' .. or '') .. '">\n' .. '{|' .. (self.lineheight and ' style="line-height:' .. self.lineheight .. '"' or '') .. '\n' output[4] = self.title and '|+ class=bb-default' .. (self.titlebar and ' style="background:' .. self.titlebar .. '"' or '') .. ' |\n' .. self.title .. '\n' or '' output[5] = '|- class=bb-default style="font-size:88%; min-height:4px"\n' if self._alignClasses then -- same as self.__class._alignClasses self._alignClasses = self._alignClasses self.__class._alignClasses = nil else self._setAlign(self, self._sDefaultAlign) end local attributes = not self.left2 and 'colspan=2' .. (self._alignClasses[1] and ' ' .. self._alignClasses[1] or '') or self._alignClasses[1] output[6] = '!' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (self.left1 or ' ') output[7] = self.left2 and '!!' .. (self._alignClasses[2] and self._alignClasses[2] .. '|' or '') .. self.left2 or '' output[8] = '!!style="width:' .. self.barwidth .. '"| ' attributes = not self.right2 and 'colspan=2' .. (self._alignClasses[4] and ' ' .. self._alignClasses[4] or '') or self._alignClasses[3] output[9] = '!!' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (self.right1 or self.right2 and ' ' or '') output[10] = self.right2 and '!!' .. (self._alignClasses[4] and self._alignClasses[4] .. '|' or '') .. self.right2 or '' output[11] = '\n' output[12] = self.bars and self.bars .. '\n' or '' if self.caption then output[15] = '\n[[Category:Pages using bar box with deprecated caption parameter]]' else output[15] = '' end output[13] = self.footer and '|- class=bb-default\n| colspan=5 style="padding:5px 0" | ' .. -- <p> is created if \n precedes the footer self.footer .. '\n' or '' output[14] = '|}\n</div>' return table.concat(output) end, __tostring = function (self) return self.html() end, percent = function (args) local output = {} local percentage = (args[3] or '0') .. '%' output[1] = '|-' .. ( and 'style="background:' .. .. '"' or '') .. '\n' output[2] = '|colspan=2 class=bb-min8|' .. (args[1] or ' ') output[3] = '||class=bb-b|' output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. (args[2] or 'gray') .. '; width:' .. percentage .. '">​</div>' output[5] = '||' .. (args.note and '' or 'colspan=2 class=bb-r|') .. (args[4] or percentage) output[6] = args.note and '||class=bb-r|' .. args.note or '' return table.concat(output) end, pixel = function (args) local output = {} local pixels = args[3] or '0' output[1] = '|-' .. ( and 'style="background:' .. .. '"' or '') .. '\n' output[2] = '|colspan=2|' .. (args[1] or ' ') output[3] = '||class=bb-b|' output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. (args[2] or 'gray') .. '; width:' .. pixels .. 'px">​</div>' output[5] = '||class="bb-min3' .. (args.note and '"' or ' bb-r" colspan=2') .. '|' .. (args[5] or pixels .. (args[4] or '')) output[6] = args.note and '||class=bb-r|' .. args.note or '' return table.concat(output) end, stacked = function (cls, args) local output = {} output[1] = and '|-class="mw-collapsible' .. (args.collapsed and ' mw-collapsed' or '') .. '" id=mw-customcollapsible-' .. .. '\n' or '|-\n' if not cls._alignClasses then cls._setAlign(cls, args.align and args.align:lower() or cls._sDefaultAlign) end local attributes = not args.note1 and 'colspan=2' .. (cls._alignClasses[1] and ' ' .. cls._alignClasses[1] or '') or cls._alignClasses[1] output[2] = '|' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (args[1] or ' ') output[3] = args.note1 and '||' .. (cls._alignClasses[2] and cls._alignClasses[2] .. '|' or '') .. args.note1 or '' output[4] = '||class=bb-b|' local len = 0 -- can't use #args because of [[Module:Arguments#Known limitations]] for k in pairs(args) do local idx = tonumber(k) or 0 if idx > len then len = idx end end if args.bkgclasses then -- used when wikitext minimization is essential for i = 1, len-2 do local width, delim, title --is delim reset every cycle? width = args[i+2] or 0 width = tonumber(('%.2f'):format(width)) if width > 0 then if not delim then -- assuming title types are consistent delim = tonumber(args['title' .. i]) and '' or '"' end title = args['title' .. i] and ' title=' .. delim .. args['title' .. i] .. delim or '' output[#output+1] = '<div' .. title .. ' class=' .. args.bkgclasses[i] .. ' style=width:' .. width .. 'px>​</div>' end end else for i = 1, (len-2) / 2 do local width, title, background width = args[2*i + 2] or 0 width = tonumber(('%.2f'):format(width)) if width > 0 then title = args['title' .. i] and ' title="' .. args['title' .. i] .. '"' or '' background = args[2*i + 1] or 'gray' output[#output+1] = '<div' .. title .. ' style="background:' .. background .. '; width:' .. width .. 'px">​</div>' end end end if #output == 4 then output[5] = ' ' end attributes = not args.note2 and 'colspan=2' .. (cls._alignClasses[4] and ' ' .. cls._alignClasses[4] or '') or cls._alignClasses[3] output[#output+1] = '||' .. (attributes and attributes .. '|' or '') .. (args[2] or args.note2 and ' ' or '') output[#output+1] = args.note2 and '||' .. (cls._alignClasses[4] and cls._alignClasses[4] .. '|' or '') .. args.note2 or '' return table.concat(output) end, gap = function (args) local output = {} local height = tonumber(args.height) and args.height .. 'px' or args.height and args.height:lower() or '10px' output[1] = '|-\n' output[2] = '|colspan=5 style="height:' .. height .. '"|' .. (args[1] or '') return table.concat(output) end, __classmethods = {'create', 'stacked'}, __staticmethods = {'_setAlign', 'percent', 'pixel', 'gap'}, __slots = {'_alignClasses'} }) local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {BarBox=BarBox} function local args = getArgs(frame) local box = BarBox.create(args) return tostring(box) end function p.percent(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return BarBox.percent(args) end function p.pixel(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return BarBox.pixel(args) end function p.stacked(frame) local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local args = getArgs(frame, { valueFunc = function (key, value) if value then if key == 'collapsed' then return yesno(value) elseif key == 'bkgclasses' then return mw.text.jsonDecode(value) -- string to table end value = mw.text.trim(value) if value ~= '' then return value end end return nil end }) return BarBox.stacked(args) end function local args = getArgs(frame) return end return p