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14:00, 24 March 2012 LesGoldenStoptheRoadKill.jpg (file) 307 KB Twice each year, in the fall and the spring, the local newspapers publish a long column by Dr. Golden reminding drivers to slow down to prevent the devastation of wildlife. 1
13:45, 24 March 2012 CAREToneProgress.gif (file) 6 KB Beginning on January 1, 2010, with $5000 seed money from Dr. Les Golden, the TONE goal of raising $50,000 for inoculation of elm trees against Dutch Elm disease has reached about $38,000 as of February 1, 2012. 1
13:42, 24 March 2012 CAREToneProgress.jpg (file) 30 KB Beginning on January 1, 2010, with $5000 seed money from Dr. Les Golden, the TONE goal of raising $50,000 for inoculation of elm trees against Dutch Elm disease has reached about $38,000 as of February 1, 2012. 1
01:16, 24 March 2012 TreeRallyinFieldPlaygroundJuly2007.jpg (file) 43 KB Over 200 attended the Save the Trees Rally. Speakers included organizer Les Golden and the Green Party candidate for Lt. Governor of the State of Illinois. Children were well-reprsented and spoke eloquently of their love of trees and the creatures who i 1
01:13, 24 March 2012 JulyTreeRallyCalledbyLesGolden.jpg (file) 34 KB Learning of the fate of thirty old growth trees in Field playground at Friday, July 6, at noon, within 48 hours Les Golden printed up flyers, had them distributed throughout Oak Park, obtained speakers, and notified the press of a Rally to Save the Trees. 1
01:09, 24 March 2012 July2007MeetingLesGoldenMannSchool.jpg (file) 42 KB Les Golden notified the State of Illinois in July, 2007, of the unannounced plan of the Oak Park Park District to destroy all thirty old growth trees in Field playground. The State cancelled their matching grant and held emergency community meetings. As 1
02:23, 8 March 2012 LesGoldenasDrArmstrong.jpg (file) 20 KB Professional actor Les Golden of Oak Park Illinois portrayed Dr. Armstrong in an extended run of Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians." Golden is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. 1
02:06, 8 February 2012 DrLeslieMGoldenBlackjackArticle.jpg (file) 231 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, playwright, textbook author, gambling writer, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The June, 2011, paper in The Mathematical Scientist, a 1
18:10, 3 February 2012 DrLeslieMGoldenBook.jpg (file) 72 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The bookseller flyer for Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy was produced by Spri 1
17:07, 3 February 2012 DrLeslieMGoldenTextbook.jpg (file) 76 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The bookseller flyer for Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy was produced by Spri 2
02:16, 30 January 2012 LesGoldenCollectedWritings.jpg (file) 15 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, playwright, textbook author, gambling writer, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The noted author and biographer Jordan Naoum has publi 1
02:08, 30 January 2012 JordanNaoumBookLesGoldenjpg.jpg (file) 15 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, playwright, textbook author, gambling writer, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The noted author and biographer Jordan Naoum has publi 1
18:08, 24 January 2012 DrLeslieMGoldenTextbookFlyer175.jpg (file) 64 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The bookseller flyer for Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy was produced by Spri 1
18:03, 24 January 2012 DrLeslieMGoldenTextbookFlyer.jpg (file) 64 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, and animal welfare advocate of Oak Park Illinois. The bookseller flyer for Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy was produced by Spri 4
13:56, 14 January 2012 LesGoldenUnitedAirlines.jpg (file) 162 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, of Oak Park Illinois. International poster-boy for United Airlines. These brochures were available at every UAL terminal in the world. An accompanyi 1
21:09, 3 January 2012 LesGoldenAsteroidDiscovery.jpg (file) 887 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, of Oak Park Illinois. His use of the internet to enlist amateur astronomers world-wide was heralded in an article in Compuserve Magazine, which also d 1
19:30, 31 December 2011 LesGoldenNotEasyBeingGreen.jpg (file) 395 KB Leslie M. Golden, Les Golden, Ph.D, astronomer, professor, actor, comedian, musician, environmentalist, of Oak Park Illinois. One of the leading environmentalist spokesmen and activists in Illinois, suggests ways of saving the Earth. 1
14:42, 23 December 2011 LesGoldenParksCandidacy.jpg (file) 306 KB Les "Cut the Taxes" Golden, of Oak Park Illinois, an astronomer, gambling writer, stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and environmentalist is a true polymath, a Renaissance Man. As a candidate for the Oak Park Park District in 2003, he suggested numerous 1
14:33, 23 December 2011 LesGoldenSemesteratSea.jpg (file) 46 KB Dr. Leslie M. Golden, of Oak Park Illinois, a popular UIC professor of physics and director of the Near Earth Asteroid Reconnaissance Project, an astronomer, gambling writer, stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and environmentalist is a true polymath, a R 1
14:30, 23 December 2011 LesGoldenBiologyET.jpg (file) 137 KB Dr. Les Golden, of Oak Park Illinois, a popular UIC professor of physics and director of the Near Earth Asteroid Reconnaissance Project, an astronomer, gambling writer, stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and environmentalist is a true polymath, a Renaiss 1
14:25, 23 December 2011 LesGoldenNameGame.jpg (file) 111 KB Professor Leslie M. Golden of Oak Park Illinois, an astronomer, gambling writer, stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and environmentalist is a true polymath, a Renaissanced Man. His numerous activities have provided him with numerous names. Play the Les 1
17:24, 20 December 2011 TsunamiLecture.jpg (file) 12 KB Professor Leslie M. Golden of Oak Park Illinois, an astronomer, gambling writer, stand-up comedian, actor, musician, and environmentalist, lectures in 2005 on how the East Indian Ocean tsunami-generating earthquake led to a shortening of the length of the 1
03:40, 16 December 2011 LesGoldenAlkaSeltzer.jpg (file) 95 KB Les Golden the Renaissance Man from Oak Park Illinois. Principal actor for national Alka Seltzer national campaign. This photo appeared in every National Basketball Association program for every team during its season. Musician, political activist, trum 1
03:37, 16 December 2011 LesGoldenAlkaSeltzer.gif (file) 145 KB Les Golden the Renaissance Man from Oak Park Illinois. Principal actor for national Alka Seltzer national campaign. This photo appeared in every National Basketball Association program for every team during its season. Musician, political activist, trum 1
13:55, 6 December 2011 LesGoldenJazzOaklandMuseum.jpg (file) 626 KB Members of the University of California Jazz Ensembles in a publicity photo prior to a performance at the Oakland Museum. From top, Gary Maas, drummer, now an optometrist, Les Golden, trumpet, vocalist, and announcer, of Oak Park, Illinois, and Larry Hea 1
01:48, 6 December 2011 LesGoldenKreyHotDogsActor.jpg (file) 98 KB Les Golden of Oak Park Illinois, great character face, actor, Renaissance Man, musician, trumpet player, gambling writer, poses for Krey Hot Dogs 1
01:30, 6 December 2011 DailyCalArticlebyLesGoldenUCJazz1968.jpg (file) 254 KB Les Golden of Oak Park Illinois, trumpet player, jazz vocalist, and announcer, writes article for Daily Californian in 1968 about first concert of the University of California Jazz Ensembles 1
01:26, 6 December 2011 DailyCalArticlebyLesGolden1968.gif (file) 41 KB Les Golden of Oak Park Illinois, trumpet player, jazz vocalist, and announcer, writes article for Daily Californian in 1968 about first concert of the University of California Jazz Ensembles 1
01:01, 11 November 2011 FlashGoldenatOaklandColiseum.jpg (file) 100 KB Flash Golden courtside at Cal-UCLA game 1
15:09, 8 November 2011 CountonLesLogojpg.jpg (file) 43 KB Les Golden Count on Les Column gambling.com magazine 1
19:01, 3 November 2011 WhoisLesGolden.jpg (file) 1,023 KB Les Golden Feature Article 1
19:33, 1 November 2011 Asteroidjpg.jpg (file) 15 KB asteroid collision 1
03:49, 1 November 2011 GalaxiesCollidejpg.jpg (file) 24 KB Galaxies collide 1
23:49, 30 October 2011 Gamblejpg.jpg (file) 27 KB Les Golden Counting Cards at the Kellogg Graduate School of Business of Northwestern University Casino Night 1
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