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<!-- MyWikiBiz users, note... Text that appears between these brackets are merely remarks. -->
#REDIRECT: [[Directory:Scott Bintz]]
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''<blockquote>This page represents a simple '''personal''' Directory listing that is used for MyWikiBiz's [[Help:Listing|auto-create]] feature. To create your own listing, you can either copy & paste (by clicking on the edit tab) the wikitext to your own personal Directory page, or use the [[Help:Listing|auto-create]]  feature to set up personal, commercial and other Directory listings. Note that '''''all''''' Directory listings require proper legal names - User names/pages provide anonymity if that's what is desired.</blockquote>''
| name        = [[Person_First_Name:=Scott]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Bintz]]
| other_names = <!-- Scott Bintz Racing | RealTruck CEO -->
| residence  = {{flagicon|US}} [[City:=Jamestown|[[Directory:Jamestown, North Dakota|Jamestown]]]], [[State_Name:=North Dakota|[[Directory:North Dakota|North Dakota]]]], [[Country_Name:=United States|[[Directory:United States|USA]]]]
| image      = ScottBintz.jpg
| imagesize  = 175px
| caption    = <!-- Scott Bintz Ready to Race. -->
| birth_date  = [[Birth Date:=1997-03-21|[[1997-03-21]]]]
| birth_place =
| birth_name  =
| death_date  = <!-- Hopefully, you won't be entering this info about yourself. -->
| death_place =
| death_cause =
| occupation  = <!-- MyWikiBiz encourages your use of NAICS codes to identify your work. -->
| known      = I'm known for all-night parties and my smooth style
| contact    = <!-- If you want to network, put your address, phone, and links here. --> [[Phone:=123.456.7890]]
| reference  = [[Latitude]]: [[Latitude:=40.6326|40°37′57.4″N]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude:=-74.9234|74°55′24.2″W]]<br>
'''Sanford Milson''' lived on the fifth floor of the [[Directory:Clinton, New Jersey|Clinton]] [[Directory:Holiday Inn|Holiday Inn]]. It wasn't quite the Ritz, but the sheets were clean and the showers were really good, and I am a man who appreciates a really good shower. I once was the Spiritual Party Host by Proxy for the hotel's dance club, and as such I took my responsibilities very seriously. You may have seen me in the corner on a Friday or Saturday night having a Leroux aperitif before a late supper, and enjoying the sweet dance groove.
But that is no more.  I have moved on.  I'm now focused on [[Directory:Milson Printing|my printing business]] in [[Directory:Memphis, Tennessee|Memphis]], [[Directory:Tennessee|Tennessee]].
<!-- The following gives the user an example of one way to footnote a reference citation. -->
One of my friends has recently expanded his reach into entrepreneurial ventures centering on wiki editing and optimization. <ref name="DieWelt">{{cite news|last=Peer|first=Mathias|title=Wikipedia-Artikel, die man kaufen kann|publisher=[[Directory:Die Welt|Die Welt]]|date=2006-08-24|url=http://www.welt.de/data/2006/08/24/1009086.html|accessdate=2007-01-02}}</ref>
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google_ad_format    = '468x60_as';
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<!-- If you want to really load up your MyWikiBiz Directory page with information about yourself, you can see more Infoboxes, semantic tags, and ASK queries in the listing for [[Directory:Gregory J. Kohs]]. -->
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==Photo gallery==
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==External links==
*[http://www.wannaspell.com/ wannaspell.com] Everybody's dragging (warning: addictive)
*[http://insidemr.blogspot.com/ Inside Market Research] A pretty good blog
*[http://babynamewizard.com/namevoyager/lnv0105.html Baby Name Wizard] Name Voyager
*[http://www.onethousandpaintings.com/home/ 1000 Paintings] A brilliant artist
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Latest revision as of 03:06, 21 October 2009