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==Open Letter To Elected Officials==
==Facebook Pages==
Open Letter To Elected Officials
* Michigan Democratic Party
* Michigan Republican Party
* Michigan House Democrats
* Michigan House Republicans
* Michigan Senate Democrats
* Michigan Senate Republicans
* State Representative Vicki Barnett
* State Representative Lisa Brown
Michigan Democratic Party
Michigan Republican Party
Michigan House Democrats
* The White House
Michigan House Republicans
* Vice President Joe Biden
Michigan Senate Democrats
Michigan Senate Republicans
State Representative Vicki Barnett
* President Bill Clinton
State Representative Lisa Brown
The White House
* Democratic Governors Association
Vice President Joe Biden
* Republican Governors Association
President Bill Clinton
* Governor Jerry Brown
* Governor Mitch Daniels
* Governor John R. Kasich
* Governor Paul LePage
* Governor Rick Snyder
===United States Senate===
Democratic Governors Association
* XXXXXXX Michael Bennet
Republican Governors Association
* Senator Richard Blumenthal
* Senator Barbara Boxer
* XXXXXXX Sherrod Brown
* Senator Maria Cantwell
* Senator Chris Coons
* XXXXXXX Dick Durbin
* Senator Russ Feingold
* Senator Dianne Feinstein
* Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
* Senator Tom Harkin
* XXXXXXX Tim Kaine
* XXXXXXX Ted Kennedy
* Senator John Kerry
* Senator Amy Klobuchar
* Senator Patrick Leahy
* XXXXXXX Blanche Lincoln
* Senator Claire McCaskill
* XXXXXXX Bob Menendez
* XXXXXXX Patty Murray
* XXXXXXX Ben Nelson
* Senator Bill Nelson
* XXXXXXX Harry Reid
* Senator Bernie Sanders
* Senator Chuck Schumer
* Senator Arlen Specter
* Senator Debbie Stabenow
* Senator Tom Udall
* Senator Mark Warner
* Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Governor Jerry Brown
* Senator John Barrasso
Governor Mitch Daniels
* XXXXXXX Roy Blunt
Governor John R. Kasich
* Senator John Boozman
Governor Paul LePage
* Senator Scott Brown
Governor Rick Snyder
* XXXXXXX Richard Burr
* Senator Dan Coats
* Senator Tom Coburn
* XXXXXXX Susan Collins
* XXXXXXX Bob Corker
* Senator John Cornyn
* Senator Mike Crapo
* Senator Jim DeMint
* XXXXXXX John Ensign
* Senator Mike Enzi
* XXXXXXX Lindsey Graham
* Senator Chuck Grassley
* Senator Orrin Hatch
* ??????? Dean Heller
* Senator John Hoeven
* Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
* Senator Jim Inhofe
* XXXXXXX Johnny Isakson
* XXXXXXX Mike Johanns
* XXXXXXX Senator Ron Johnson
* XXXXXXX Mark Kirk
* XXXXXXX Mike Lee
* XXXXXXX Richard G. Lugar
* XXXXXXX John McCain
* XXXXXXX Mitch McConnell
* Senator Jerry Moran
* XXXXXXX Lisa Murkowski
* XXXXXXX Rob Portman
* XXXXXXX Jim Risch
* XXXXXXX Pat Roberts
* Senator Marco Rubio
* Senator Jeff Sessions
* Senator Richard Shelby
* XXXXXXX Olympia J. Snowe
* Senator Pat Toomey
* XXXXXXX John Thune
* XXXXXXX David Vitter
* XXXXXXX Roger Wicker
===United States House Of Representatives===
United States Senate
* Congress.org
* Congress on Facebook
XXXXXXX Michael Bennet
* House Democrats
Senator Richard Blumenthal
* House Republicans
Senator Barbara Boxer
XXXXXXX Sherrod Brown
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Chris Coons
XXXXXXX Dick Durbin
Senator Russ Feingold
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Senator Tom Harkin
XXXXXXX Ted Kennedy
Senator John Kerry
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Senator Patrick Leahy
XXXXXXX Blanche Lincoln
Senator Claire McCaskill
XXXXXXX Bob Menendez
XXXXXXX Patty Murray
XXXXXXX Ben Nelson
Senator Bill Nelson
XXXXXXX Harry Reid
Senator Bernie Sanders
Senator Chuck Schumer
Senator Arlen Specter
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Tom Udall
Senator Mark Warner
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Senator John Barrasso
* Speaker of the House John Boehner
* House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senator John Boozman
Senator Scott Brown
XXXXXXX Richard Burr
Senator Dan Coats
Senator Tom Coburn
XXXXXXX Susan Collins
XXXXXXX Bob Corker
Senator John Cornyn
Senator Mike Crapo
Senator Jim DeMint
XXXXXXX John Ensign
Senator Mike Enzi
XXXXXXX Lindsey Graham
Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Orrin Hatch
??????? Dean Heller
Senator John Hoeven
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
Senator Jim Inhofe
XXXXXXX Johnny Isakson
XXXXXXX Mike Johanns
XXXXXXX Senator Ron Johnson
XXXXXXX Richard G. Lugar
XXXXXXX Mitch McConnell
Senator Jerry Moran
XXXXXXX Lisa Murkowski
XXXXXXX Rob Portman
XXXXXXX Pat Roberts
Senator Marco Rubio
Senator Jeff Sessions
Senator Richard Shelby
XXXXXXX Olympia J. Snowe
Senator Pat Toomey
XXXXXXX John Thune
XXXXXXX David Vitter
XXXXXXX Roger Wicker
United States House Of Representatives
* XXXXXXXXXXX Shelley Berkley
* Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
* Congressman John Dingell
* Congressman Trent Franks
* Congressman Paul Gosar
* XXXXXXXXXXX Luis V. Gutierrez
* XXXXXXXXXXX Dale E. Kildee
* Congressman Sandy Levin
* Congresswmn Lynn Woolsey
Congress on Facebook
House Democrats
===Political Parties===
House Republicans
Speaker of the House John Boehner
* This is Blue
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
XXXXXXXXXXX Shelley Berkley
* Democrats
Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
* Republicans
Congressman John Dingell
* Independents
Congressman Trent Franks
Congressman Paul Gosar
XXXXXXXXXXX Luis V. Gutierrez
Congressman Sandy Levin
Congresswmn Lynn Woolsey
* Arizona Democratic Party
* Arizona Republican Party
Political Parties
* California Democratic Party
* California Republican Party
This is Blue
* Florida Democratic Party
* Florida House Majority Office
* Indiana House Democrats
* Indiana House Republicans
* Iowa Democratic Party
* Republican Party of Iowa
Arizona Democratic Party
* Massachusetts Democratic Party
Arizona Republican Party
* Massachusetts Republican Party
California Democratic Party
* Michigan Democratic Party
California Republican Party
* Michigan Republican Party
Florida Democratic Party
* Democratic Party of New Mexico
Florida House Majority Office
* NM House Democrats
Indiana House Democrats
* Ohio Democratic Party
Indiana House Republicans
* Ohio Republican Party
Iowa Democratic Party
Republican Party of Iowa
Massachusetts Democratic Party
* Democratic Party of Oregon
Massachusetts Republican Party
* Oregon Republican Party
Michigan Democratic Party
* Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee
Michigan Republican Party
Democratic Party of New Mexico
* South Carolina Democratic Party
NM House Democrats
* South Carolina Republican Party
Ohio Democratic Party
* Texas Democratic Party
Ohio Republican Party
* Republican Party of Texas
Democratic Party of Oregon
* Virginia House Democrats
Oregon Republican Party
Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee
* Democratic Party of Wisconsin
* Republican Party of Wisconsin
* Wisconsin Assembly Democrats
* Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
South Carolina Democratic Party
===State Legislatures===
South Carolina Republican Party
Texas Democratic Party
* Arizona House Democrats
Republican Party of Texas
* Arizona State Senate Democratic Caucus
Virginia House Democrats
==Open Letter To Elected Officials==
Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Republican Party of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Assembly Democrats
Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee
State Legislatures
Arizona House Democrats
Arizona State Senate Democratic Caucus

Revision as of 15:30, 7 July 2011

Facebook Pages


  • Michigan Democratic Party
  • Michigan Republican Party
  • Michigan House Democrats
  • Michigan House Republicans
  • Michigan Senate Democrats
  • Michigan Senate Republicans
  • State Representative Vicki Barnett
  • State Representative Lisa Brown


  • The White House
  • Vice President Joe Biden
  • President Bill Clinton


  • Democratic Governors Association
  • Republican Governors Association
  • Governor Jerry Brown
  • Governor Mitch Daniels
  • Governor John R. Kasich
  • Governor Paul LePage
  • Governor Rick Snyder

United States Senate

  • XXXXXXX Michael Bennet
  • Senator Richard Blumenthal
  • Senator Barbara Boxer
  • XXXXXXX Sherrod Brown
  • Senator Maria Cantwell
  • Senator Chris Coons
  • XXXXXXX Dick Durbin
  • Senator Russ Feingold
  • Senator Dianne Feinstein
  • Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
  • Senator Tom Harkin
  • XXXXXXX Tim Kaine
  • XXXXXXX Ted Kennedy
  • Senator John Kerry
  • Senator Amy Klobuchar
  • Senator Patrick Leahy
  • XXXXXXX Blanche Lincoln
  • Senator Claire McCaskill
  • XXXXXXX Bob Menendez
  • XXXXXXX Patty Murray
  • XXXXXXX Ben Nelson
  • Senator Bill Nelson
  • XXXXXXX Harry Reid
  • Senator Bernie Sanders
  • Senator Chuck Schumer
  • Senator Arlen Specter
  • Senator Debbie Stabenow
  • Senator Tom Udall
  • Senator Mark Warner
  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Senator John Barrasso
  • XXXXXXX Roy Blunt
  • Senator John Boozman
  • Senator Scott Brown
  • XXXXXXX Richard Burr
  • Senator Dan Coats
  • Senator Tom Coburn
  • XXXXXXX Susan Collins
  • XXXXXXX Bob Corker
  • Senator John Cornyn
  • Senator Mike Crapo
  • Senator Jim DeMint
  • XXXXXXX John Ensign
  • Senator Mike Enzi
  • XXXXXXX Lindsey Graham
  • Senator Chuck Grassley
  • Senator Orrin Hatch
  • ??????? Dean Heller
  • Senator John Hoeven
  • Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
  • Senator Jim Inhofe
  • XXXXXXX Johnny Isakson
  • XXXXXXX Mike Johanns
  • XXXXXXX Senator Ron Johnson
  • XXXXXXX Mark Kirk
  • XXXXXXX Jon Kyl
  • XXXXXXX Mike Lee
  • XXXXXXX Richard G. Lugar
  • XXXXXXX John McCain
  • XXXXXXX Mitch McConnell
  • Senator Jerry Moran
  • XXXXXXX Lisa Murkowski
  • XXXXXXX Rob Portman
  • XXXXXXX Jim Risch
  • XXXXXXX Pat Roberts
  • Senator Marco Rubio
  • Senator Jeff Sessions
  • Senator Richard Shelby
  • XXXXXXX Olympia J. Snowe
  • Senator Pat Toomey
  • XXXXXXX John Thune
  • XXXXXXX David Vitter
  • XXXXXXX Roger Wicker

United States House Of Representatives

  • Congress.org
  • Congress on Facebook
  • House Democrats
  • House Republicans
  • Speaker of the House John Boehner
  • House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
  • XXXXXXXXXXX Shelley Berkley
  • Congressman John Conyers, Jr.
  • Congressman John Dingell
  • Congressman Trent Franks
  • Congressman Paul Gosar
  • XXXXXXXXXXX Luis V. Gutierrez
  • XXXXXXXXXXX Dale E. Kildee
  • Congressman Sandy Levin
  • Congresswmn Lynn Woolsey

Political Parties

  • This is Blue
  • Democrats
  • Republicans
  • Independents
  • Arizona Democratic Party
  • Arizona Republican Party
  • California Democratic Party
  • California Republican Party
  • Florida Democratic Party
  • Florida House Majority Office
  • Indiana House Democrats
  • Indiana House Republicans
  • Iowa Democratic Party
  • Republican Party of Iowa
  • Massachusetts Democratic Party
  • Massachusetts Republican Party
  • Michigan Democratic Party
  • Michigan Republican Party
  • Democratic Party of New Mexico
  • NM House Democrats
  • Ohio Democratic Party
  • Ohio Republican Party
  • Democratic Party of Oregon
  • Oregon Republican Party
  • Pennsylvania House Democratic Campaign Committee
  • South Carolina Democratic Party
  • South Carolina Republican Party
  • Texas Democratic Party
  • Republican Party of Texas
  • Virginia House Democrats
  • Democratic Party of Wisconsin
  • Republican Party of Wisconsin
  • Wisconsin Assembly Democrats
  • Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee

State Legislatures

  • Arizona House Democrats
  • Arizona State Senate Democratic Caucus

Open Letter To Elected Officials


Dear Congressman,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I have the greatest confidence that a future Congress will come to find these truths self-evident.


Dear Mr. President,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I hope our National and State leaders wake up to these truths in time to prevent the final loss of our democratic government to a hostile corporate takeover.


Dear Governor,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I hope that our National and State leaders wake up to these truths in time to prevent the final loss of our democratic government to the ongoing takeover by private corporations.


Dear Senator,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I have the greatest confidence that a future Senate will come to find these truths self-evident.


Dear Senator,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I hope that our National and State leaders wake up to these truths in time to prevent the final loss of our democratic government to the ongoing corporate takeover.


Dear Once & Future Senator Feingold,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you for all you have done on the People's behalf.  I hope that you are successful in waking up the rest of our National and State leaders to these truths in time to prevent the final loss of our democratic government to the ongoing corporate takeover.


Dear Members of Congress,

If the United States of America intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I have the greatest confidence that you — or your successors in office — will come to find these truths self-evident.


[Open Letter to Political Candidates and Office-Holders]

Dear _______,

If the _______ Party intends to save itself over the next few years, the people who run for office as _______ will need to start recognizing and acting on these fundamental truths:

1. Office-holders are elected to represent the People.
2. Corporations are not people.
3. Corporations do not have natural rights.
4. Corporations are subject to laws that people make for them.
5. Office-holders are not elected to represent the Corporations.

Thank you, I have the greatest confidence that you — or your successors in office — will come to find these truths self-evident.
