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{{Infobox Person
#REDIRECT [[Lee Toong Leon]]
| name        = Lee Toong Leon
| image        =
| caption =
| birth_name =
| birth_date =
| birth_place = George Town, Penang
| death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|df=y|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date)  -->
| contact = http://zeon.com.my/
| nationality = Malaysian
| other_names = Leon Lee
| education = Bachelor's degree in computer science
| alma_mater = University of Northumbria at Newcastle
| occupation = Businessman, public speaker, entrepreneur
| known_for = Zeon Properties Group, Malaysia
'''Lee Toong Leon''', better known as '''Leon Lee''', is a Malaysian businessman, public speaker and entrepreneur based in Penang, Malaysia.<ref>{{cite news |title=Property options from big names| url=http://www.thestar.com.my/metro/community/2017/01/28/property-options-from-big-names-sevenday-fair-to-also-feature-talks-shows-and-daily-lucky-draw-priz/|publisher=The Star (Malaysia)|The Star |date=28 January 2017 |accessdate=13 September 2017}}</ref><ref>[http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2015/10/05/developers-all-smiles-at-fair-sales-worth-rm1537mil-chalked-up-during-the-fourday-event/ Sales worth RM153.7mil chalked up during the four-day event] The Star 5 October 2015. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref><ref>[http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2015/07/13/buyers-keen-on-penang-properties-projects-worth-rm40bil-being-showcased/ Buyers keen on Penang properties] The Star 13 July 2015. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref> He is the founder and current CEO of Zeon Properties Group, a Malaysian property consultancy firm with more than 500 personnel and agents in Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia.<ref name=":0" /> Leon has been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal (Orders, decorations, and medals of Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji) in 2016 and the Meritorious Service Medal (Pingat Jasa Kebaktian) in 2010 by Penang State Governor, Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas for his services to the state.<ref>[http://investor.wallstreetselect.com/wss/news/read/33641298/ Mr. Lee Toong Leon (PJK), popularly known as Leon Lee, is the Group CEO and Founder of Zeon Properties] Wall Street Select. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref><ref name=":0">[http://www.thestar.com.my/metro/community/2016/07/21/a-force-in-the-property-market-visionary-leader-has-elevated-company-to-great-heights/ A force in the property market] The Star 21 July 2016. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/metro/community/2016/08/16/penang-yang-dipertua-birthday-honours-list/|title=Penang Yang Di-Pertua Negri's 78th Birthday Honours List 2016 – Metro News {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=31 October 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.pressreader.com/malaysia/the-star-malaysia/20100710/285881614162734|title=PressReader.com – Connecting People Through News|website=pressreader.com|access-date=31 October 2017}}</ref> A King Scout since 2000,<ref name=":1">{{cite news|url=http://amazingworks.com.my/directors.html|title=The Directors' Profile|website=amazingworks.com.my|access-date=31 October 2017}}</ref> Leon also received the National King Scout's Merit Award in 2010.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://pgscout.org/ppmnpp/medal-award/medal-2010|title=List of Awards Recipients of Malaysian Scouts Federation 2010}}</ref>
== Early life ==
Leon was born in George Town, Penang, Malaysia on 29 March 1982. He attended Penang Chinese Girls Primary School and Chung Hwa Confucian High School.<ref name="LeonLee.news">{{cite news|url=http://leonlee.news/|title=LeonLee.news|website=leonlee.news|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref> Leon obtained his bachelor's degree in Computer Science from University of Northumbria at Newcastle.<ref name="DH">[http://finance.dailyherald.com/dailyherald/news/read/33641298/ Leon has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Hons), from Northumbria University, UK] Daily Herald. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref>
== Career ==
After graduating with his degree, Leon founded Zeon Computer (M) Sdn Bhd, a chain of IT stores providing IT supplies and solutions. The business spread to 5 branches all over Malaysia, employing more than 30 people and was eventually bought over by a public listed company.<ref name=":1" />
He founded Zeon Properties in Penang in 2010 and is the current CEO. It is positioned as a real estate agency that helps clients invest, sell, or lease residential and commercial properties in the market. Besides real estate and marketing, the company also specialises in real estate investment advisory, foreign direct investment, international project marketing, retail and planning consultancy. It sources for the best property and infrastructure opportunities, and works with investment partners to fund investment opportunities. It is also involved in the Malaysia My Second Home programme, property development and management, offering the best of services with the highest professionalism and efficiency to help enhance the property value over time. <ref name="LeonLee.news"/> Just a year after the founding of Zeon Properties, Leon successfully negotiated with the publisher of the largest English daily in Malaysia - Star Media Group Berhad - and became the event partner of the corporation's long-running property fair, StarProperty.my Fair.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2013/07/18/the-star/|title=Hundreds turn up for Star Property Fair 2013 in Penang – Nation {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=31 October 2017}}</ref>After teaming up with Star Media Group for four years, Leon moved on to work with Guang Ming Daily, one of the largest northern region Chinese newspaper in Malaysia, to hold the Guang Ming Property Fair in 2017. Ten property developers rode the week-long fair to promote their projects, while Zeon Properties provided a myriad of entertainment to keep the attention of the crowd, including a cheongsam fashion show and live entertainment performances.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/metro/community/2016/10/05/chinese-daily-to-hold-sevenday-property-fair-in-penang-next-year/|title=Chinese daily to hold seven-day property fair in Penang next year – Metro News {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref>
Wanting to offer a plethora of properties for buyers to choose from, Leon negotiated with property developers and as of 2017, became the marketing partner of more than 65 property projects.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://zeon.com.my/home.html#filter=.ez-developments|title=Zeon Properties Projects}}</ref>
He was one of the earliest property marketing consultants in Penang to predict and measure the impact of vital infrastructure and transport links to the state's property sector, pointing to a doubling of property prices near the second Penang bridge in 2014: "In 2007, a terrace house in Batu Maung was worth about RM700,000. But now, a similar unit is priced at RM1.4mil".<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/news/community/2014/10/27/positive-impact-of-lrt/|title=Positive impact of LRT  – Community {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=31 October 2017}}</ref>
Leon has been a keynote speaker at various international events including SP Setia's event in Singapore, ''The Star Property Fair'' and ''Guang Ming Property Fair''.<ref>[http://www.starproperty.my/index.php/articles/property-news/ceo-take-advantage-of-low-bank-interest-for-home-loan/ CEO: Take advantage of low bank interest for home loan] The Star Property 3 March 2017. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref><ref>[http://www.kentuckynewsdesk.com/story/117443/introducing-leon-lee-the-group-ceo-and-founder-of-zeon-properties-group.html A sharing speaker in various property related forums around the nation and South East Asia] Kentucky News. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref> He has been featured in multiple international publications including ''Wall Street Select'', ''Daily Herald'' and ''Digital Journal''.<ref name="DH" /><ref name="DJ">[http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3214526 Leon Lee, the Group CEO and Founder of Zeon Properties Group] Digital Journal 26 January 2017. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref>
Leon is also the founder of Auto Mall in Penang.<ref>[http://stocks.newsok.com/newsok/news/read/33641298 The Founder and Deputy Chairman of Auto Mall, Penang] NewsOK. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref>
== Social life ==
Intertwining his social life with business networking, Leon currently serves the Consul-General of the People's Republic of China in Penang as its consular protection liaison officer. He is also the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese Youth Committee member. He has also been appointed as the Committee Member and Youth Committee Deputy Chief of Sichuan Overseas Exchange Association of the People's Republic of China.
<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.acccim.org.my/press-release-20190924/|title=中总赴中国成都参加第五届四川华侨华人社团大会|website=acccim.org.my|access-date=26 September 2019}}</ref>
He is a National Council Member of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry Malaysia (ACCCIM) Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce, National Chairman of the ACCCIM Young Entrepreneurs Committee, chairman of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce (PCCC) Young Entrepreneurs Section, PCCC General committee member and was head of property management of the Property Development, Construction and Management Committee.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.pdcmc.org.my/membership|title=Membership|website=pdcmc.org.my|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.pccc.org.my/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=60|title=Young Entrepreneur Section|website=pccc.org.my|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.pccc.org.my/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=19|title=PCCC GENERAL COMMITTEE|website=pccc.org.my|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref>
He is the Deputy chairman of ASEAN Retail-Chains & Franchise Federation and Vice President of Penang's Fort Cornwallis 1786.<ref>[http://markets.financialcontent.com/mng-lang.sbsun/news/read/33641298/ Penang State Advisor of Malaysia Entrepreneurs’ Development Association] The San Bernardino Sun. Retrieved 13 September 2017</ref>
In 2018, he completed a Ministerial Workshop on "Forging Closer Partnership to implement 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda for Developing Countries", which was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, People's Republic of China. The same year also saw him being elected as the chairman of the Penang Scouts Council for the 2018–2020 term.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/metro/metro-news/2018/10/10/zeon-ceo-picked-to-chair-penang-scouts-council/|title=Zeon CEO picked to chair Penang Scouts Council – Metro News {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=22 November 2018}}</ref>
In 2017, he took part in the Youth Entrepreneurs Economy Workshop organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council at Beijing University.
He was the founder and first organising chairman of the Top 50 Enterprise Awards 2007 of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Malaysia.<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.exabytes.com/blog/golden-award-of-top-50-enterprise-awards-malaysia-2007/|title=Golden Award of Top 50 Enterprise Awards Malaysia 2007!! – Exabytes Web Hosting Blog|last=Network|first=Exabytes|date=29 January 2008|work=Exabytes Web Hosting Blog|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref> He went on to become the association's Penang chairman.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.thestar.com.my/news/community/2011/04/28/10-nominated-for-pumm-green-award/|title=10 nominated for PUMM green award – Community {{!}} The Star Online|website=The Star|location=Malaysia|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref>
He was also the president of Junior Chamber International United Penang in 2008.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.jciunitedpenang.org/directory/past-presidents.html|title=JCI United Penang – Past Presidents|last=User|first=Super|website=jciunitedpenang.org|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref> He is State Adviser of ''Malaysia Entrepreneurs Development Association'' and was its Penang chairman from 2010 to 2014.
Of note is the Zeon Charity Club, where he and his team launch social work from contributing to religious institutions to hosting birthday lunches and annual feasts in an old folks home in Penang and also distributing meals to the homeless at the gates of the Goddess of Mercy Temple in Jalan Masjid Kapitan Kling, George Town.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://zeon.com.my/charity_club.html#filter=.news|title=Zeon Properties – Charity Club News|last=Computer|first=Zeon|website=zeon.com.my|access-date=4 November 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.edgeprop.my/content/1459664/ewein-plans-launch-city-dreams-2-next-year/|title=Ewein plans to launch City of Dreams 2 next year {{!}} Edge Prop|website=EdgeProp|location=Malaysia|access-date=20 August 2019}}</ref>
==External links==
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Latest revision as of 07:47, 11 May 2020

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