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{{Infobox Website
| name          = Northern Stone Sales
| logo          = [[Image:NSS_LOGO.jpg|150px|top]]
| type          = Private
| language      = English
| owner          = Alan & Debbie
| author        = AiSolve
| launch date    = 2004
| url            = http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk
'''Northern Stone Sales''' is a key supplier of quality stone and materials to the trade and private customers. Based in West Yorkshire we are a family based business with a dedicated and friendly team of staff trained to deal with and manage all your requirements.
'''Northern Stone Sales''' is a key supplier of quality stone and materials to the trade and private customers. Based in West Yorkshire we are a family based business with a dedicated and friendly team of staff trained to deal with and manage all your requirements.
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Natural stone has come to symbolise style, prestige and a respect for history that is all too often missing in the modern world. It's appeal has endured for centuries and will continue long into the future.
Natural stone has come to symbolise style, prestige and a respect for history that is all too often missing in the modern world. It's appeal has endured for centuries and will continue long into the future.
[[Image:Heating_oil_tanker_truck.jpg|right|thumb|200px|A tanker truck refilling a residential heating oil customer's home]] Heating oil, also known as ''No. 2 fuel oil'', accounts for about 25% of the yield of a barrel of [[crude oil]], the second-largest "cut" after gasoline. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nymex.com/ho_pre_agree.aspx| title=NYMEX.com: Heating Oil|date=[[2006]]|accessdate=2006-12-21}}</ref>
[[Image:Stone4.jpg ]]
==Market info==
Among distillate fuels, the trend in recent years has seen the proportional demand for heating oil decreasing, as usage of [[liquified petroleum gas]] (LPG) has increased.
Suppliers to: Leeds City Council, The Chelsea Flower Show 2006, 2007, Various Local Authorities, Kirkstall Abbey, Scarborough in Bloom, Arlington Business Centre, Houses of Parliament, Pete Townsend from" THE WHO" and many others.
<ref>{{Cite book| url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetroleum-Refining-Technology-Economics-Fifth%2Fdp%2F0849370388%2Fsr%3D8-3%2Fqid%3D1166735153%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Dbooks&tag=omnimediaguid-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325| title=Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics | publisher=Marcel Dekker| pages=19/488| format=hardcover| accessdate=2006-12-21}}</ref>
==Showroom and Yards==
===Product Search===
Welcome to visit us at the showroom where a member of our team can advise you on our products, their price and availability. We have many different kinds of [http://www.northernstonesales.com/profile.html reclaimed building stone] in st0ck. This stone is sourced from demolition work, we carry out in the Yorkshire area. All our stone is hand picked, cleaned and redressed, to a modern day building standard. This will save you time and money in the construction stages. We can deliver to your site on our fleet of wagons up to 200sq Metre per day.
If you are unable to make it to our showroom to see the vast array of quality stone we stock, then telephone or e-mail your requirements and we can e-mail you images and descriptions of any item you might be searching for.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/random.html Random Walling]===
Deal direct and cut out the middle men,you have found one of the main outlets of Yorkshire building stone in the North of England.We can supply and deliver to your site or property, Yorkshire stone for walling. The Yorkshire stone can be punch faced or flat faced,pitched faced or clean cut and comes in different course heights. The reclaimed stone has been backed off to a bed size of 100mm to 150mm ready for walling to modern day building standerds.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/reclaimed_walling.html Reclaimed Walling]===
The Yorkshire stone can be punch faced or flat faced,pitched faced or clean cut and comes in different course heights. The reclaimed stone has been backed off to a bed size of 100mm to 150mm ready for walling to modern day building standards.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/yorkshire_stone.html Yorkshire Stone Paving]===
Yorkshire Stone Paving has always been associated with quality .
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/indian_paving.html Indian Paving]===
Indian stone flags suplied in crates ready for use.Uniform in thicknes for easy laying and very hard wearing.Colours may vary in each individual flag from buff,brown,blue and grey,giving each a unique look various sizes available.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/stone_slates.html Stone Slates]===
Reproduction grey slate made from precast concrete add charm and character to any development from new build to listed buildings or proporties in conservation areas. With a rustic texture and individual colouring that can be seen on natural stone slate roofs every reproduction slate is unique.
Every slate is coloured using the highest quality metal oxide pigments and set in moulds taken from casts of natural stone grey slate,to give that really authentic appearance that is colour fast and will weather naturally.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/cobbles_and_sets.html Cobbles & Sets]===
Natural stone cobble is a Rectangular Stone with champhered edge used in paving streets or decoratively on walls or walkway. It is smaller than a boulder and larger than a pebble. The cobblestones are also used for building the new pedestrian in Europe and various parts of Globe.
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/tumbled_walling.html Tumbled Walling]===
Tumbled Sandstone Walling is perfect for small decorative walls, planters or steps where tumbled paving and setts have been used. A special finish for marble, limestone marble and limestone obtained by rotating pre-cut pieces in a mixer or other container. This rounds the edges and arrises
===[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/masonry.html Masonry]===
All types of masonry work undertaken, Sills, Mullions, Jambs, Quoins Etc. Our masons have many years of experience and produce excellent quality workmanship.
==Image Gallery==
Image:Reclaimed_Walling.JPG |<center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/reclaimed_walling.html Reclaimed Walling]
Image:Yorkshire_Stone.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/yorkshire_stone.html Yorkshire Stone]
Image:Indian_Paving.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/indian_paving.html Indian Paving]
Image:Stone_Slates.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/stone_slates.html Stone Slates]
Image:Cobbles_&_Sets.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/cobbles_and_sets.html Cobbles & Sets]
Image:Tumbled_Walling.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/tumbled_walling.html Tumbled Walling]
Image:Masonry.JPG | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products/masonry.html Masonry]
==Latest Projects==
Image:Blackface_delph_heads.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/latest.html Blackface Delph heads / cills]
Image:Reclaimed_masoned_heads.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/latest_stock.html Reclaimed Masoned Heads]
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Image:Quoins_delph.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/gallery.html Quoins Delph]
Heating oil futures contracts trade in units of 42,000 gallons, which is the equivalent of 1,000 barrels. Prices are based on delivery in [[Directory:New York, New York|New York City]] harbor, the principal cash market trading center. The heating oil futures contract is also used to hedge diesel fuel and jet fuel, both of which trade in the cash market at an often stable premium to heating oil futures.
Image:Old_backings.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/special_offers.html Old Backings]
Businesses operating in the heating oil sector will identify themselves by the following 5-digit [[NAICS]] codes:
Image:Dry_walled_backings.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/products.html Old Backings]
* '''[[NAICS_Code1:=45431]]''' - Heating oil dealers, direct selling
Image:Farmhouse_walling.jpg | <center> [http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/latest_stock.html Farmhouse walling]
* '''[[NAICS_Code2:=32411]]''' - Heating oils made in petroleum refineries
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==Contact Information==
[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/latest.html '''Northern Stone Sales''']
: 146 Thornton Road
: Bradford
: BD1 2JH
: '''Tel:''' (01274) 722000
: '''Fax:''' (01274) 722023
: '''Contact:''' Alan or Debbie
: '''Mob:''' 07989 586 806
: [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=146+Thornton+Road+Bradford+BD1+2JH&sll=13.020614,77.711792&sspn=0.184307,0.362549&ie=UTF8&ll=53.795759,-1.764143&spn=0.006984,0.022659&z=16 View Larger Map]
[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk/index.html '''Branch Address''']
: '''North Mill Scotchman Road'''
: Bradford
: BD9 5DD
: [mailto:info@northernstonesales.co.uk email:]
: [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Scotchman+Rd,+Bradford,+BD9,+UK&sll=53.809686,-1.788175&sspn=0.006677,0.022659&ie=UTF8&ll=53.809369,-1.788175&spn=0.006981,0.022659&z=16 North Mill Scotchman Road]
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==See also==
==See also==
*[[Heating Oil Dealers]]
*[http://northernstonesales.wikia.com/wiki/NorthernStoneSales_Wiki Northern Stone Sales]
*[http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk Northern Stone Sales]
[[Category:Chemical compounds]]   
[[Category:Building, Construction,Stones,Granite]]   
<div style="overflow:auto;height:1px;">
[[Keyword:=Reclaimed Walling]]
[[Keyword:=Heating oil]]
[[Keyword:=Yorkshire Stone]]
[[Keyword:=Indian Paving]]
[[Keyword:=Residential heating]]
[[Keyword:=Stone Slates]]
[[Keyword:=Home heating]]
[[Keyword:=Tumbled Walling]]
[[Keyword:=Distillate fuels]]
[[Keyword:=Cobbles and Sets]]
[[Keyword:=Yorkshire Stone Sales]]
[[Keyword:=Oldstone Sales in Yorkshire]]
[[Keyword:=Stone Sales]]
[[Keyword:=Oldstone Sales]]
[[Keyword:=Stone Paving]]
[[Keyword:=yorkshire stone]]
[[Keyword:=oldstone sales]]
[[Keyword:=reclaimed stone]]
[[Keyword:=stone sales]]
[[Keyword:=reclaimed walling]]
[[Keyword:=random rubble]]
[[Keyword:=blackface stone]]
[[Keyword:=stone paving]]
[[Keyword:=stone merchants]]
[[Keyword:=Stone sales]]
[[Keyword:=Old stone sales]]
[[Keyword:=Old stonesales]]

Latest revision as of 08:51, 1 October 2009

Northern Stone Sales
URL http://www.northernstonesales.co.uk
Type of site Private
Available language(s):English
Owner Alan & Debbie
Created by AiSolve

Northern Stone Sales is a key supplier of quality stone and materials to the trade and private customers. Based in West Yorkshire we are a family based business with a dedicated and friendly team of staff trained to deal with and manage all your requirements.

Of course no individual is alike and so each of our customers requirements are different. This is were our extensive product range can provide each individual a superb choice of materials.

Natural stone has come to symbolise style, prestige and a respect for history that is all too often missing in the modern world. It's appeal has endured for centuries and will continue long into the future.



Suppliers to: Leeds City Council, The Chelsea Flower Show 2006, 2007, Various Local Authorities, Kirkstall Abbey, Scarborough in Bloom, Arlington Business Centre, Houses of Parliament, Pete Townsend from" THE WHO" and many others.

Showroom and Yards

Product Search

Welcome to visit us at the showroom where a member of our team can advise you on our products, their price and availability. We have many different kinds of reclaimed building stone in st0ck. This stone is sourced from demolition work, we carry out in the Yorkshire area. All our stone is hand picked, cleaned and redressed, to a modern day building standard. This will save you time and money in the construction stages. We can deliver to your site on our fleet of wagons up to 200sq Metre per day.


If you are unable to make it to our showroom to see the vast array of quality stone we stock, then telephone or e-mail your requirements and we can e-mail you images and descriptions of any item you might be searching for.

Random Walling

Deal direct and cut out the middle men,you have found one of the main outlets of Yorkshire building stone in the North of England.We can supply and deliver to your site or property, Yorkshire stone for walling. The Yorkshire stone can be punch faced or flat faced,pitched faced or clean cut and comes in different course heights. The reclaimed stone has been backed off to a bed size of 100mm to 150mm ready for walling to modern day building standerds.

Reclaimed Walling

The Yorkshire stone can be punch faced or flat faced,pitched faced or clean cut and comes in different course heights. The reclaimed stone has been backed off to a bed size of 100mm to 150mm ready for walling to modern day building standards.

Yorkshire Stone Paving

Yorkshire Stone Paving has always been associated with quality .

Indian Paving

Indian stone flags suplied in crates ready for use.Uniform in thicknes for easy laying and very hard wearing.Colours may vary in each individual flag from buff,brown,blue and grey,giving each a unique look various sizes available.

Stone Slates

Reproduction grey slate made from precast concrete add charm and character to any development from new build to listed buildings or proporties in conservation areas. With a rustic texture and individual colouring that can be seen on natural stone slate roofs every reproduction slate is unique.

Every slate is coloured using the highest quality metal oxide pigments and set in moulds taken from casts of natural stone grey slate,to give that really authentic appearance that is colour fast and will weather naturally.

Cobbles & Sets

Natural stone cobble is a Rectangular Stone with champhered edge used in paving streets or decoratively on walls or walkway. It is smaller than a boulder and larger than a pebble. The cobblestones are also used for building the new pedestrian in Europe and various parts of Globe.

Tumbled Walling

Tumbled Sandstone Walling is perfect for small decorative walls, planters or steps where tumbled paving and setts have been used. A special finish for marble, limestone marble and limestone obtained by rotating pre-cut pieces in a mixer or other container. This rounds the edges and arrises


All types of masonry work undertaken, Sills, Mullions, Jambs, Quoins Etc. Our masons have many years of experience and produce excellent quality workmanship.

Image Gallery

Latest Projects

Contact Information

Northern Stone Sales

146 Thornton Road
Tel: (01274) 722000
Fax: (01274) 722023
Contact: Alan or Debbie
Mob: 07989 586 806
View Larger Map

Branch Address

North Mill Scotchman Road
North Mill Scotchman Road

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See also

Reclaimed Walling Yorkshire Stone Indian Paving Stone Slates Tumbled Walling Cobbles and Sets Masonry Yorkshire Stone Sales Oldstone Sales in Yorkshire Stone Sales Oldstone Sales Stone Paving yorkshire stone oldstone sales reclaimed stone stone sales reclaimed walling random rubble oldstone blackface stone stone paving stone merchants Stone sales Stonesales Oldstonesales Old stone sales Old stonesales