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<div class="nonumtoc">__TOC__</div>
===Outline of the Project : Inquiry Into Inquiry===
=====The Paradigmatic and Process-Analytic Phase=====
=====The Paraphrastic and Faculty-Synthetic Phase=====
=====Reprise of Methods=====
===Onus of the Project : No Way But Inquiry===
====A Modulating Prelude====
====A Fugitive Canon====
===Option of the Project : A Way Up To Inquiry===
====Initial Analysis of Inquiry : Allegro Aperto====
====Discussion of Discussion====
====Discussion of Formalization : General Topics====
=====A Formal Charge=====
=====A Formalization of Formalization?=====
=====A Formalization of Discussion?=====
=====A Concept of Formalization=====
=====A Formal Approach=====
=====A Formal Development=====
=====A Formal Persuasion=====
====Discussion of Formalization : Concrete Examples====
=====Formal Models : A Sketch=====
=====Sign Relations : A Primer=====
=====Semiotic Equivalence Relations=====
=====Graphical Representations=====
=====Taking Stock=====
=====The “Meta” Question=====
=====Iconic Signs=====
=====The Conflict of Interpretations=====
=====Indexical Signs=====
=====Sundry Problems=====
=====Review and Prospect=====
=====Objective Plans and Levels=====
=====Formalization of OF : Objective Levels=====
=====Application of OF : Generic Level=====
=====Application of OF : Motive Level=====
=====The Integration of Frameworks=====
=====Recapitulation : A Brush with Symbols=====
=====C'est Moi=====
====Discussion of Formalization : Specific Objects====
=====The Will to Form=====
=====The Forms of Reasoning=====
=====A Fork in the Road=====
=====A Forged Bond=====
=====A Formal Account=====
=====Analogs, Icons, Models, Surrogates=====
=====Steps and Tests of Formalization=====
=====A Puckish Referee=====
=====Partial Formalizations=====
=====A Formal Utility=====
=====A Formal Aesthetic=====
=====A Formal Apology=====
=====A Formal Suspicion=====
=====The Double Aspect of Concepts=====
=====A Formal Permission=====
=====A Formal Invention=====
====Recursion in Perpetuity====
====Processus, Regressus, Progressus====
====Rondeau : Tempo di Menuetto====
==1. Introduction==
==Part 2==
===1.1. Outline of the Project : Inquiry Into Inquiry===
====1.1.1. Problem====
====The Informal Context====
====1.1.2. Method====
====The Epitext====
===== The Paradigmatic and Process-Analytic Phase=====
====The Formative Tension====
===== The Paraphrastic and Faculty-Synthetic Phase=====
===Recurring Themes===
===== Reprise of Methods=====
====Preliminary Notions====
====1.1.3. Criterion====
====Intermediary Notions====
====1.1.4. Application====
====Propositions and Sentences====
===1.2. Onus of the Project : No Way But Inquiry===
====Empirical Types and Rational Types====
====1.2.1. A Modulating Prelude====
====Articulate Sentences====
====1.2.2. A Fugitive Canon====
====Stretching Principles====
===1.3. Option of the Project : A Way Up To Inquiry===
====Stretching Operations====
====1.3.1. Initial Analysis of Inquiry : Allegro Aperto====
===The Cactus Patch===
====1.3.2. Discussion of Discussion====
====The Cactus Language : Syntax====
====1.3.3. Discussion of Formalization : General Topics====
=====Grammar 1=====
===== A Formal Charge=====
=====Grammar 2=====
===== A Formalization of Formalization?=====
=====Grammar 3=====
===== A Formalization of Discussion?=====
=====Grammar 4=====
===== A Concept of Formalization=====
=====Grammar 5=====
===== A Formal Approach=====
=====Grammar 6=====
===== A Formal Development=====
====Generalities About Formal Grammars====
===== A Formal Persuasion=====
====The Cactus Language : Stylistics====
====1.3.4. Discussion of Formalization : Concrete Examples====
====The Cactus Language : Mechanics====
===== Formal Models : A Sketch=====
====The Cactus Language : Semantics====
===== Sign Relations : A Primer=====
====Stretching Exercises====
===== Semiotic Equivalence Relations=====
===Syntactic Transformations===
===== Graphical Representations=====
====Syntactic Transformation Rules====
===== Taking Stock=====
====Derived Equivalence Relations====
===== The “Meta” Question=====
====Digression on Derived Relations====
===== Iconic Signs=====
===== The Conflict of Interpretations=====
===== Indexical Signs=====
===== Sundry Problems=====
===== Review and Prospect=====
===== Objective Plans and Levels=====
===== Formalization of OF : Objective Levels=====
===== Application of OF : Generic Level=====
===== Application of OF : Motive Level=====
===== The Integration of Frameworks=====
===== Recapitulation : A Brush with Symbols=====
===== C'est Moi=====
===== Entr'acte=====
====1.3.5. Discussion of Formalization : Specific Objects====
===== The Will to Form=====
===== The Forms of Reasoning=====
===== A Fork in the Road=====
===== A Forged Bond=====
===== A Formal Account=====
===== Analogs, Icons, Models, Surrogates=====
===== Steps and Tests of Formalization=====
===== A Puckish Referee=====
===== Partial Formalizations=====
===== A Formal Utility=====
===== A Formal Aesthetic=====
===== A Formal Apology=====
===== A Formal Suspicion=====
===== The Double Aspect of Concepts=====
===== A Formal Permission=====
===== A Formal Invention=====
====1.3.6. Recursion in Perpetuity====
====1.3.7. Processus, Regressus, Progressus====
====1.3.8. Rondeau : Tempo di Menuetto====
==2. Part 2==
==Part 3==
===2.1. Reconnaissance===
===Outlook of the Project : All Ways Lead to Inquiry===
====2.1.1. The Informal Context====
====The Matrix of Inquiry====
====2.1.2. The Epitext====
=====Inquiry as Conduct=====
====2.1.3. The Formative Tension====
=====Types of Conduct=====
===2.2. Recurring Themes===
=====Perils of Inquiry=====
====2.2.1. Preliminary Notions====
=====Forms of Relations=====
====2.2.2. Intermediary Notions====
=====Models of Inquiry=====
====2.2.3. Propositions and Sentences====
====The Moment of Inquiry====
====2.2.4. Empirical Types and Rational Types====
====The Modes of Inquiry====
====2.2.5. Articulate Sentences====
=====Deductive Reasoning=====
====2.2.6. Stretching Principles====
=====Inductive Reasoning=====
====2.2.7. Stretching Operations====
=====Abductive Reasoning=====
===2.3. The Cactus Patch===
=====Analogical Reasoning=====
====2.3.1. The Cactus Language : Syntax====
===Obstacles to the Project : In the Way of Inquiry===
===== Grammar 1=====
====The Initial Unpleasantness====
===== Grammar 2=====
====The Justification Trap====
===== Grammar 3=====
====A Formal Apology====
===== Grammar 4=====
=====Category Double-Takes=====
===== Grammar 5=====
=====Conceptual Extensions=====
===== Grammar 6=====
=====Explosional Recombinations=====
====2.3.2. Generalities About Formal Grammars====
=====Interpretive Frameworks=====
====2.3.3. The Cactus Language : Stylistics====
====A Material Exigency====
====2.3.4. The Cactus Language : Mechanics====
====A Reconciliation of Accounts====
====2.3.5. The Cactus Language : Semantics====
====Objections to Reflective Inquiry====
====2.3.6. Stretching Exercises====
====Empirical Considerations====
===2.4. Syntactic Transformations===
====Computational Considerations====
====2.4.1. Syntactic Transformation Rules====
=====A Form of Recursion=====
====2.4.2. Derived Equivalence Relations====
=====A Power of Abstraction=====
====2.4.3. Digression on Derived Relations====
===Orientation of the Project : A Way Into Inquiry===
====Initial Description of Inquiry====
====Terms of Analysis====
=====Digression on Signs=====
=====Empirical Status of ID=====
====Expansion of Terms====
====Anchoring Terms in Phenomena====
=====A Mistaken ID=====
=====Phenomenology of Doubt=====
=====Modalities of Knowledge=====
====Sets, Systems, and Substantive Agents====
====Interpretive Systems====
=====Syntactic Systems=====
=====Semantic Systems=====
=====Pragmatic Systems=====
====Inquiry Driven Systems====
=====A Definition of Inquiry=====
=====The Faculty of Inquiry=====
=====A Definition of Determination=====
=====A Definition of Definition=====
===Organization of the Project : A Way Through Inquiry===
====The Problem : Inquiry Found as an Object of Study====
====The Method : Inquiry Found as a Means of Study====
=====Conditions for the Possibility of Inquiry into Inquiry=====
=====Conditions for the Success of Inquiry into Inquiry=====
====The Criterion : Inquiry in Search of a Sensible End====
=====The Irritation of Doubt, and The Scratch Test=====
=====Enabling Provision 1 : The Scenes and Context of Inquiry=====
=====Enabling Provision 2 : The Stages and Content of Inquiry=====
===Objectives of the Project : Inquiry All the Way===
====Substantial Objective====
=====Objective 1a : The Propositions as Types Analogy=====
=====Objective 1b : The Styles of Proof Development=====
=====Objective 1c : The Analysis of Interpreters, or A Problem with Authority=====
====Instrumental Objective====
====Coordination of Objectives====
====Recapitulation — Da Capo, Al Segno====
==3. Part 3==
==Discussion of Inquiry==
===3.1. Outlook of the Project : All Ways Lead to Inquiry===
===Approaches to Inquiry===
====3.1.1. The Matrix of Inquiry====
====The Classical Framework : Syllogistic Approaches====
===== Inquiry as Conduct=====
====The Pragmatic Framework : Sign-Theoretic Approaches====
===== Types of Conduct=====
====The Dynamical Framework : System-Theoretic Approaches====
===== Perils of Inquiry=====
=====Inquiry and Computation=====
===== Forms of Relations=====
=====Inquiry Driven Systems=====
===== Models of Inquiry=====
===The Context of Inquiry===
====3.1.2. The Moment of Inquiry====
====The Field of Observation====
====3.1.3. The Modes of Inquiry====
====The Problem of Reflection====
===== Deductive Reasoning=====
====The Problem of Reconstruction====
===== Inductive Reasoning=====
====The Trivializing of Integration====
===== Abductive Reasoning=====
====Tensions in the Field of Observation====
===== Analogical Reasoning=====
====Problems of Representation and Communication====
===3.2. Obstacles to the Project : In the Way of Inquiry===
===The Conduct of Inquiry===
====3.2.1. The Initial Unpleasantness====
====3.2.2. The Justification Trap====
====The Types of Reasoning====
====3.2.3. A Formal Apology====
===== Category Double-Takes=====
===== Conceptual Extensions=====
===== Explosional Recombinations=====
====Hybrid Types of Inference====
===== Interpretive Frameworks=====
====3.2.4. A Material Exigency====
====3.2.5. A Reconciliation of Accounts====
====Details of Induction====
====3.2.6. Objections to Reflective Inquiry====
====3.2.7. Empirical Considerations====
====3.2.8. Computational Considerations====
===== A Form of Recursion=====
====The Stages of Inquiry====
===== A Power of Abstraction=====
===3.3. Orientation of the Project : A Way Into Inquiry===
====3.3.1. Initial Description of Inquiry====
====3.3.2. Terms of Analysis====
===== Digression on Signs=====
===== Empirical Status of ID=====
====3.3.3. Expansion of Terms====
===== Agency=====
===== Abstraction=====
===== Analogy=====
===== Accuracy=====
===== Authenticity=====
====3.3.4. Anchoring Terms in Phenomena====
===== A Mistaken ID=====
===== Phenomenology of Doubt=====
===== Modalities of Knowledge=====
====3.3.5. Sets, Systems, and Substantive Agents====
====3.3.6. Interpretive Systems====
===== Syntactic Systems=====
===== Semantic Systems=====
===== Pragmatic Systems=====
====3.3.7. Inquiry Driven Systems====
===== A Definition of Inquiry=====
===== The Faculty of Inquiry=====
===== A Definition of Determination=====
===== A Definition of Definition=====
===3.4. Organization of the Project : A Way Through Inquiry===
====3.4.1. The Problem : Inquiry Found as an Object of Study====
====3.4.2. The Method : Inquiry Found as a Means of Study====
===== Conditions for the Possibility of Inquiry into Inquiry=====
===== Conditions for the Success of Inquiry into Inquiry=====
====3.4.3. The Criterion : Inquiry in Search of a Sensible End====
===== The Irritation of Doubt, and The Scratch Test=====
===== Enabling Provision 1 : The Scenes and Context of Inquiry=====
===== Enabling Provision 2 : The Stages and Content of Inquiry=====
===3.5. Objectives of the Project : Inquiry All the Way===
====3.5.1. Substantial Objective====
===== Objective 1a : The Propositions as Types Analogy=====
===== Objective 1b : The Styles of Proof Development=====
===== Objective 1c : The Analysis of Interpreters, or A Problem with Authority=====
====3.5.2. Instrumental Objective====
====3.5.3. Coordination of Objectives====
====3.5.4. Recapitulation — Da Capo, Al Segno====
==4. Discussion of Inquiry==
==Interlude : The Medium and Its Message==
===4.1. Approaches to Inquiry===
===Reflective Expression===
====4.1.1. The Classical Framework : Syllogistic Approaches====
====Casual Reflection====
====4.1.2. The Pragmatic Framework : Sign-Theoretic Approaches====
=====Ostensibly Recursive Texts=====
====4.1.3. The Dynamical Framework : System-Theoretic Approaches====
=====Analogical Recursion=====
===== Inquiry and Computation=====
====Conscious Reflection====
===== Inquiry Driven Systems=====
=====The Signal Moment=====
===4.2. The Context of Inquiry===
=====The Symbolic Object=====
====4.2.1. The Field of Observation====
=====The Endeavor to Communicate=====
====4.2.2. The Problem of Reflection====
=====The Medium of Communication=====
====4.2.3. The Problem of Reconstruction====
=====The Ark of Types : The Order of Things to Come=====
====4.2.4. The Trivializing of Integration====
=====The Epitext=====
====4.2.5. Tensions in the Field of Observation====
=====The Context of Interpretation=====
====4.2.6. Problems of Representation and Communication====
=====The Formative Tension=====
===4.3. The Conduct of Inquiry===
=====The Vehicle of Communication : Reflection on the Scene, Reflection on the Self=====
====4.3.1. Introduction====
====4.3.2. The Types of Reasoning====
===== Deduction=====
=====Recursions : Possible, Actual, Necessary=====
===== Induction=====
=====Ostensibly Recursive Texts=====
===== Abduction=====
====4.3.3. Hybrid Types of Inference====
=====The Freedom of Interpretation=====
===== Analogy=====
=====The Eternal Return=====
===== Inquiry=====
====4.3.4. Details of Induction====
=====Information in Formation=====
===== Learning=====
=====Reflectively Indexical Texts=====
===== Transfer=====
===== Testing=====
====4.3.5. The Stages of Inquiry====
==5. Interlude : The Medium and Its Message==
===5.1. Reflective Expression===
=====The Discursive Universe=====
====5.1.1. Casual Reflection====
===== Ostensibly Recursive Texts=====
===== Analogical Recursion=====
====5.1.2. Conscious Reflection====
===== The Signal Moment=====
===== The Symbolic Object=====
===== The Endeavor to Communicate=====
===== The Medium of Communication=====
===Reflective Inquiry===
===== The Ark of Types : The Order of Things to Come=====
====Integrity and Unity of Inquiry====
===== The Epitext=====
====Apparitions and Allegations====
===== The Context of Interpretation=====
====A Reflective Heuristic====
===== The Formative Tension=====
====Either/Or : A Sense of Absence====
===== The Vehicle of Communication : Reflection on the Scene, Reflection on the Self=====
====Apparent, Occasional, and Practical Necessity====
===== (7)=====
====Approaches, Aspects, Exposures, Fronts====
===== (6)=====
====Synthetic A Priori Truths====
===== Recursions : Possible, Actual, Necessary=====
====Priorisms of Normative Sciences====
===== Ostensibly Recursive Texts=====
====Principle of Rational Action====
===== (3)=====
====The Pragmatic Cosmos====
===== The Freedom of Interpretation=====
====Reflective Interpretive Frameworks====
===== The Eternal Return=====
=====Principals vs. Principals=====
===== (1)=====
=====The Initial Description of Inquiry=====
===== Information in Formation=====
=====An Early Description of Interpretation=====
===== Reflectively Indexical Texts=====
=====Descriptions of the Mind=====
===== (4)=====
=====Of Signs and the Mind=====
===== (5)=====
=====Questions of Justification=====
===== (6)=====
=====The Experience of Satisfaction=====
===== (7)=====
=====An Organizational Difficulty=====
===== (8)=====
=====Pragmatic Certainties=====
===== The Discursive Universe=====
=====Problems and Methods=====
===== (7)=====
===Reflection on Reflection===
===== (6)=====
===== (5)=====
===== (4)=====
===== (3)=====
===== (2)=====
===== (1)=====
===5.2. Reflective Inquiry===
====5.2.1. Integrity and Unity of Inquiry====
====5.2.2. Apparitions and Allegations====
====5.2.3. A Reflective Heuristic====
====5.2.4. Either/Or : A Sense of Absence====
====5.2.5. Apparent, Occasional, and Practical Necessity====
====5.2.6. Approaches, Aspects, Exposures, Fronts====
====5.2.7. Synthetic A Priori Truths====
====5.2.8. Priorisms of Normative Sciences====
====5.2.9. Principle of Rational Action====
====5.2.10. The Pragmatic Cosmos====
====5.2.11. Reflective Interpretive Frameworks====
===== Principals vs. Principals=====
===== The Initial Description of Inquiry=====
===== An Early Description of Interpretation=====
===== Descriptions of the Mind=====
===== Of Signs and the Mind=====
===== Questions of Justification=====
===== The Experience of Satisfaction=====
===== An Organizational Difficulty=====
===== Pragmatic Certainties=====
===== Problems and Methods=====
===5.3. Reflection on Reflection===
====Looking Back====
====Looking Back====
====The Light in the Clearing====
====The Light in the Clearing====
Line 298: Line 296:
====Points Forward====
====Points Forward====
==6. Reflective Interpretive Frameworks==
==Reflective Interpretive Frameworks==
===6.1. The Phenomenology of Reflection===
===The Phenomenology of Reflection===
===6.2. A Candid Point of View===
===A Candid Point of View===
===6.3. A Projective Point of View===
===A Projective Point of View===
===6.4. A Formal Point of View===
===A Formal Point of View===
===6.5. Three Styles of Linguistic Usage===
===Three Styles of Linguistic Usage===
===6.6. Basic Notions of Group Theory===
===Basic Notions of Group Theory===
===6.7. Basic Notions of Formal Language Theory===
===Basic Notions of Formal Language Theory===
===6.8. A Perspective on Computation===
===A Perspective on Computation===
===6.9. Higher Order Sign Relations : Introduction===
===Higher Order Sign Relations : Introduction===
===6.10. Higher Order Sign Relations : Examples===
===Higher Order Sign Relations : Examples===
===6.11. Higher Order Sign Relations : Application===
===Higher Order Sign Relations : Application===
===6.12. Issue 1. The Status of Signs===
===Issue 1. The Status of Signs===
===6.13. Issue 2. The Status of Sets===
===Issue 2. The Status of Sets===
===6.14. Issue 3. The Status of Variables===
===Issue 3. The Status of Variables===
===6.15. Propositional Calculus===
===Propositional Calculus===
===6.16. Recursive Aspects===
===Recursive Aspects===
===6.17. Patterns of Self-Reference===
===Patterns of Self-Reference===
===6.18. Practical Intuitions===
===Practical Intuitions===
===6.19. Examples of Self Reference===
===Examples of Self Reference===
===6.20. Three Views of Systems===
===Three Views of Systems===
===6.21. Building Bridges Between Representations===
===Building Bridges Between Representations===
===6.22. Extensional Representations of Sign Relations===
===Extensional Representations of Sign Relations===
===6.23. Intensional Representations of Sign Relations===
===Intensional Representations of Sign Relations===
===6.24. Literal Intensional Representations===
===Literal Intensional Representations===
===6.25. Analytic Intensional Representations===
===Analytic Intensional Representations===
===6.26. Differential Logic and Directed Graphs===
===Differential Logic and Directed Graphs===
===6.27. Differential Logic and Group Operations===
===Differential Logic and Group Operations===
===6.28. The Bridge : From Obstruction to Opportunity===
===The Bridge : From Obstruction to Opportunity===
===6.29. Projects of Representation===
===Projects of Representation===
===6.30. Connected, Integrated, Reflective Symbols===
===Connected, Integrated, Reflective Symbols===
===6.31. Relations in General===
===Relations in General===
===6.32. Partiality : Selective Operations===
===Partiality : Selective Operations===
===6.33. Sign Relational Complexes===
===Sign Relational Complexes===
===6.34. Set-Theoretic Constructions===
===Set-Theoretic Constructions===
===6.35. Reducibility of Sign Relations===
===Reducibility of Sign Relations===
===6.36. Irreducibly Triadic Relations===
===Irreducibly Triadic Relations===
===6.37. Propositional Types===
===Propositional Types===
===6.38. Considering the Source===
===Considering the Source===
===6.39. Prospective Indices : Pointers to Future Work===
===Prospective Indices : Pointers to Future Work===
===6.40. Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks===
===Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks===
===6.41. Elective and Motive Forces===
===Elective and Motive Forces===
===6.42. Sign Processes : A Start===
===Sign Processes : A Start===
===6.43. Reflective Extensions===
===Reflective Extensions===
===6.44. Reflections on Closure===
===Reflections on Closure===
===6.45. Intelligence => Critical Reflection===
===Intelligence => Critical Reflection===
===6.46. Looking Ahead===
===Looking Ahead===
===6.47. Mutually Intelligible Codes===
===Mutually Intelligible Codes===
===6.48. Discourse Analysis : Ways and Means===
===Discourse Analysis : Ways and Means===
===6.49. Combinations of Sign Relations===
===Combinations of Sign Relations===
===6.50. Revisiting the Source===
===Revisiting the Source===
==7. Part 7==
==Part 7==
===7.1. Divertimento : Eternity in Love with the Creatures of Time===
===Divertimento : Eternity in Love with the Creatures of Time===
====7.1.1. Reflections on the Presentation of Examples====
====Reflections on the Presentation of Examples====
====7.1.2. Searching for Parameters====
====Searching for Parameters====
====7.1.3. Defect Analysis====
====Defect Analysis====
====7.1.4. The Pragmatic Critique====
====The Pragmatic Critique====
====7.1.5. Pragmatic Operating Notions====
====Pragmatic Operating Notions====
====7.1.6. Defects of Presentation====
====Defects of Presentation====
====7.1.7. Dues to Process====
====Dues to Process====
====7.1.8. Duties to Purpose====
====Duties to Purpose====
===7.2. Computational Design Philosophy===
===Computational Design Philosophy===
====7.2.1. Intentional Objects and Attitudes====
====Intentional Objects and Attitudes====
====7.2.2. Imperfect Design and Persistent Error====
====Imperfect Design and Persistent Error====
====7.2.3. Propositional Reasoning About Relations====
====Propositional Reasoning About Relations====
====7.2.4. Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks====
====Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks====
====7.2.5. Discussion of Examples====
====Discussion of Examples====
====7.2.6. Information and Inquiry====
====Information and Inquiry====
==8. Overview of the Domain : Interpretive Inquiry==
==Overview of the Domain : Interpretive Inquiry==
===8.1. Interpretive Bearings : Conceptual and Descriptive Frameworks===
===Interpretive Bearings : Conceptual and Descriptive Frameworks===
====8.1.1. Catwalks : Flexible Frameworks and Peripatetic Categories====
====Catwalks : Flexible Frameworks and Peripatetic Categories====
===== Eponymous Ancestors : The Precursors of Abstraction?=====
=====Eponymous Ancestors : The Precursors of Abstraction?=====
===== Reticles : Interpretive Flexibility as a Design Issue=====
=====Reticles : Interpretive Flexibility as a Design Issue=====
====8.1.2. Heuristic Inclinations and Regulative Principles====
====Heuristic Inclinations and Regulative Principles====
===8.2. Features of Inquiry Driven Systems===
===Features of Inquiry Driven Systems===
====8.2.1. The Pragmatic Theory of Signs====
====The Pragmatic Theory of Signs====
===== Sign Relations=====
=====Sign Relations=====
===== Types of Signs=====
=====Types of Signs=====
====8.2.2. The Pragmatic Theory of Inquiry====
====The Pragmatic Theory of Inquiry====
===== Abduction=====
===== Deduction=====
===== Induction=====
===8.3. Examples of Inquiry Driven Systems===
===Examples of Inquiry Driven Systems===
====8.3.1. “Index” : A Program for Learning Formal Languages====
====“Index” : A Program for Learning Formal Languages====
====8.3.2. “Study” : A Program for Reasoning with Propositions====
====“Study” : A Program for Reasoning with Propositions====
===8.4. Discussion and Development of Objectives===
===Discussion and Development of Objectives===
====8.4.1. Objective 1a : Propositions as Types====
====Objective 1a : Propositions as Types====
====8.4.2. Objective 1b : Proof Styles and Developments====
====Objective 1b : Proof Styles and Developments====
====8.4.3. Objective 1c : Interpretation and Authority====
====Objective 1c : Interpretation and Authority====
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Latest revision as of 12:00, 15 April 2017

Author: Jon Awbrey

ContentsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8AppendicesReferencesDocument History


I put down the cup and turn to my mind. It is up to my mind to find the truth. But how? What grave uncertainty, whenever the mind feels overtaken by itself; when it, the seeker, is also the obscure country where it must seek and where all its baggage will be nothing to it. Seek? Not only that: create. It is face to face with something that does not yet exist and that only it can accomplish, and bring into its light.

  — Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time, [Pro, 1.48]


Outline of the Project : Inquiry Into Inquiry



The Paradigmatic and Process-Analytic Phase
The Paraphrastic and Faculty-Synthetic Phase
Reprise of Methods



Onus of the Project : No Way But Inquiry

A Modulating Prelude

A Fugitive Canon

Option of the Project : A Way Up To Inquiry

Initial Analysis of Inquiry : Allegro Aperto

Discussion of Discussion

Discussion of Formalization : General Topics

A Formal Charge
A Formalization of Formalization?
A Formalization of Discussion?
A Concept of Formalization
A Formal Approach
A Formal Development
A Formal Persuasion

Discussion of Formalization : Concrete Examples

Formal Models : A Sketch
Sign Relations : A Primer
Semiotic Equivalence Relations
Graphical Representations
Taking Stock
The “Meta” Question
Iconic Signs
The Conflict of Interpretations
Indexical Signs
Sundry Problems
Review and Prospect
Objective Plans and Levels
Formalization of OF : Objective Levels
Application of OF : Generic Level
Application of OF : Motive Level
The Integration of Frameworks
Recapitulation : A Brush with Symbols
C'est Moi

Discussion of Formalization : Specific Objects

The Will to Form
The Forms of Reasoning
A Fork in the Road
A Forged Bond
A Formal Account
Analogs, Icons, Models, Surrogates
Steps and Tests of Formalization
A Puckish Referee
Partial Formalizations
A Formal Utility
A Formal Aesthetic
A Formal Apology
A Formal Suspicion
The Double Aspect of Concepts
A Formal Permission
A Formal Invention

Recursion in Perpetuity

Processus, Regressus, Progressus

Rondeau : Tempo di Menuetto

Part 2


The Informal Context

The Epitext

The Formative Tension

Recurring Themes

Preliminary Notions

Intermediary Notions

Propositions and Sentences

Empirical Types and Rational Types

Articulate Sentences

Stretching Principles

Stretching Operations

The Cactus Patch

The Cactus Language : Syntax

Grammar 1
Grammar 2
Grammar 3
Grammar 4
Grammar 5
Grammar 6

Generalities About Formal Grammars

The Cactus Language : Stylistics

The Cactus Language : Mechanics

The Cactus Language : Semantics

Stretching Exercises

Syntactic Transformations

Syntactic Transformation Rules

Derived Equivalence Relations

Digression on Derived Relations

Part 3

Outlook of the Project : All Ways Lead to Inquiry

The Matrix of Inquiry

Inquiry as Conduct
Types of Conduct
Perils of Inquiry
Forms of Relations
Models of Inquiry

The Moment of Inquiry

The Modes of Inquiry

Deductive Reasoning
Inductive Reasoning
Abductive Reasoning
Analogical Reasoning

Obstacles to the Project : In the Way of Inquiry

The Initial Unpleasantness

The Justification Trap

A Formal Apology

Category Double-Takes
Conceptual Extensions
Explosional Recombinations
Interpretive Frameworks

A Material Exigency

A Reconciliation of Accounts

Objections to Reflective Inquiry

Empirical Considerations

Computational Considerations

A Form of Recursion
A Power of Abstraction

Orientation of the Project : A Way Into Inquiry

Initial Description of Inquiry

Terms of Analysis

Digression on Signs
Empirical Status of ID

Expansion of Terms


Anchoring Terms in Phenomena

A Mistaken ID
Phenomenology of Doubt
Modalities of Knowledge

Sets, Systems, and Substantive Agents

Interpretive Systems

Syntactic Systems
Semantic Systems
Pragmatic Systems

Inquiry Driven Systems

A Definition of Inquiry
The Faculty of Inquiry
A Definition of Determination
A Definition of Definition

Organization of the Project : A Way Through Inquiry

The Problem : Inquiry Found as an Object of Study

The Method : Inquiry Found as a Means of Study

Conditions for the Possibility of Inquiry into Inquiry
Conditions for the Success of Inquiry into Inquiry

The Criterion : Inquiry in Search of a Sensible End

The Irritation of Doubt, and The Scratch Test
Enabling Provision 1 : The Scenes and Context of Inquiry
Enabling Provision 2 : The Stages and Content of Inquiry

Objectives of the Project : Inquiry All the Way

Substantial Objective

Objective 1a : The Propositions as Types Analogy
Objective 1b : The Styles of Proof Development
Objective 1c : The Analysis of Interpreters, or A Problem with Authority

Instrumental Objective

Coordination of Objectives

Recapitulation — Da Capo, Al Segno

Discussion of Inquiry

Approaches to Inquiry

The Classical Framework : Syllogistic Approaches

The Pragmatic Framework : Sign-Theoretic Approaches

The Dynamical Framework : System-Theoretic Approaches

Inquiry and Computation
Inquiry Driven Systems

The Context of Inquiry

The Field of Observation

The Problem of Reflection

The Problem of Reconstruction

The Trivializing of Integration

Tensions in the Field of Observation

Problems of Representation and Communication

The Conduct of Inquiry


The Types of Reasoning


Hybrid Types of Inference


Details of Induction


The Stages of Inquiry

Interlude : The Medium and Its Message

Reflective Expression

Casual Reflection

Ostensibly Recursive Texts
Analogical Recursion

Conscious Reflection

The Signal Moment
The Symbolic Object
The Endeavor to Communicate
The Medium of Communication
The Ark of Types : The Order of Things to Come
The Epitext
The Context of Interpretation
The Formative Tension
The Vehicle of Communication : Reflection on the Scene, Reflection on the Self
Recursions : Possible, Actual, Necessary
Ostensibly Recursive Texts
The Freedom of Interpretation
The Eternal Return
Information in Formation
Reflectively Indexical Texts
The Discursive Universe

Reflective Inquiry

Integrity and Unity of Inquiry

Apparitions and Allegations

A Reflective Heuristic

Either/Or : A Sense of Absence

Apparent, Occasional, and Practical Necessity

Approaches, Aspects, Exposures, Fronts

Synthetic A Priori Truths

Priorisms of Normative Sciences

Principle of Rational Action

The Pragmatic Cosmos

Reflective Interpretive Frameworks

Principals vs. Principals
The Initial Description of Inquiry
An Early Description of Interpretation
Descriptions of the Mind
Of Signs and the Mind
Questions of Justification
The Experience of Satisfaction
An Organizational Difficulty
Pragmatic Certainties
Problems and Methods

Reflection on Reflection

Looking Back

The Light in the Clearing

The Face in the Mirror

Points Forward

Reflective Interpretive Frameworks

The Phenomenology of Reflection

A Candid Point of View

A Projective Point of View

A Formal Point of View

Three Styles of Linguistic Usage

Basic Notions of Group Theory

Basic Notions of Formal Language Theory

A Perspective on Computation

Higher Order Sign Relations : Introduction

Higher Order Sign Relations : Examples

Higher Order Sign Relations : Application

Issue 1. The Status of Signs

Issue 2. The Status of Sets

Issue 3. The Status of Variables

Propositional Calculus

Recursive Aspects

Patterns of Self-Reference

Practical Intuitions

Examples of Self Reference

Three Views of Systems

Building Bridges Between Representations

Extensional Representations of Sign Relations

Intensional Representations of Sign Relations

Literal Intensional Representations

Analytic Intensional Representations

Differential Logic and Directed Graphs

Differential Logic and Group Operations

The Bridge : From Obstruction to Opportunity

Projects of Representation

Connected, Integrated, Reflective Symbols

Relations in General

Partiality : Selective Operations

Sign Relational Complexes

Set-Theoretic Constructions

Reducibility of Sign Relations

Irreducibly Triadic Relations

Propositional Types

Considering the Source

Prospective Indices : Pointers to Future Work

Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks

Elective and Motive Forces

Sign Processes : A Start

Reflective Extensions

Reflections on Closure

Intelligence => Critical Reflection

Looking Ahead

Mutually Intelligible Codes

Discourse Analysis : Ways and Means

Combinations of Sign Relations

Revisiting the Source

Part 7

Divertimento : Eternity in Love with the Creatures of Time

Reflections on the Presentation of Examples

Searching for Parameters

Defect Analysis

The Pragmatic Critique

Pragmatic Operating Notions

Defects of Presentation

Dues to Process

Duties to Purpose

Computational Design Philosophy

Intentional Objects and Attitudes

Imperfect Design and Persistent Error

Propositional Reasoning About Relations

Dynamic and Evaluative Frameworks

Discussion of Examples

Information and Inquiry

Overview of the Domain : Interpretive Inquiry

Interpretive Bearings : Conceptual and Descriptive Frameworks

Catwalks : Flexible Frameworks and Peripatetic Categories

Eponymous Ancestors : The Precursors of Abstraction?
Reticles : Interpretive Flexibility as a Design Issue

Heuristic Inclinations and Regulative Principles

Features of Inquiry Driven Systems

The Pragmatic Theory of Signs

Sign Relations
Types of Signs

The Pragmatic Theory of Inquiry


Examples of Inquiry Driven Systems

“Index” : A Program for Learning Formal Languages

“Study” : A Program for Reasoning with Propositions

Discussion and Development of Objectives

Objective 1a : Propositions as Types

Objective 1b : Proof Styles and Developments

Objective 1c : Interpretation and Authority


Logical Translation Rule 1

Geometric Translation Rule 1

Logical Translation Rule 2

Geometric Translation Rule 2


Document History

ContentsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8AppendicesReferencesDocument History